Linda Goodman's Sun Signs
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Her Leo boss helped her father find a new job, paid her mother’s hospital bill, and generously gave in to her requests to hire her cousin in the mail room. Besides, she’s proud of his reputation in his profession. He won two awards last year; he’s dictating a book to her about his life; he’s listed at the top of the best dressed men in Esquire; he’s deeply in love with his wife, adores his children, and has caused the firm’s profits to go sky high, in spite of those wild chances he took a couple of times. He seldom notices if she takes extra time at lunch. Last week, he found her a larger apartment with lower rent and scolded her fiancé because he wasn’t treating her right. Quit? Hester wouldn’t think twice about it.
If you’re a man who works for a Leo executive, you have some special problems. Be original, daring, creative, and hard working. But remember that she will always be more original, daring, creative and hard working than you—in her eyes. Say “Yes” to most of her brainstorms (and she’ll have quite a pack of them in the course of a week). If you must say “No,” precede it with a huge compliment and close it with another one. Sandwiched in between that kind of appreciation, she might accept it. But be tactful and proceed carefully.
Even the gentler, less showy Leo executives normally like to spread sunshine, and have oodles of delightful charm. When your leonine boss gets every last ounce of credit she deserves, plus an extra helping of respect for good measure, she’ll make you glow with her praise of a job well done. She’ll never be stingy with compliments. She won’t hold back her disapproval either. The lion is apt to point out your mistakes with very little discretion. Employees with ultra sensitive natures would be happier working elsewhere. So would those with large egos of their own. There’s more than a trace of arrogance in your Leo employer, but it’s probably tempered with good-natured optimism. A lion will keep things humming and running smoothly. Leos were born to command, with an enviable talent for assigning the right jobs to the right people and seeing that they’re finished on time.
Office intrigues will anger her. She simply can’t stand people keeping secrets from her. She must know everything that’s going on. Don’t be annoyed if your Leo boss is a bit nosey about your private affairs or gives you lectures on how to run your personal life. It’s really a stamp of royal approval. It means she likes you enough to want to protect you by giving you the advantage of her superior wisdom.
Leo bosses can be very funny. They can have fearful rages, and then pout behind closed doors for hours when they think they’ve been insulted. They melt under flattery despite themselves. They dress well, eat well and sleep well. They’re warm and generous to a fault, and if they get the respect they demand, they can turn failure into victory overnight with an awesome strength of character. The lion gets tremendous inner satisfaction from giving orders, and delivering lectures is something she’s especially fond of doing.
You may have the kind of Leo employer who hides her hunger for the spotlight under a quiet demeanor. But the typical dignity, pride and vanity of the Sun sign is just as much a part of her basic nature as it is with the dramatic types. Any doubts? Try to puncture her ego in the smallest way; then stand back out of range.
One Leo boss I had, who fell into the quiet pussycat category, used to call a special meeting of the entire staff in his office every Tuesday morning. The ostensible reason was to improve working relationships, but the real motive behind those weekly sessions was that they were the shy Leo’s big chance to deliver his thoughts to a captive audience. Bless his heart, it was his moment on stage.
When treated right, there’s no one on earth who can be as lovable as the lion. What if the Leo does seek admiration in huge doses to feed his insatiable vanity? Most of the time, she honestly deserves to be admired. A Leo boss may plagiarize your ideas and rob you of credit now and then. You may weary of listening to condescending advice and of the need to remind her how super she is. But no other boss would have let you keep the baby carriage right next to your desk that time you lost your sitter. Of course, you would have preferred the time off to care for the infant at home. But the boss needed you at the office. And after all, she’s the baby’s Godmother.
The LEO Employee
The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright—
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.
If your employee is a typical Leo, it will be almost impossible to ignore him. If he’s a quiet Leo, it wouldn’t be wise to ignore him. The more aggressive lion will force you to appreciate his talents and recognize his value by simply telling you how wonderful he is. The shy pussycat type will pout until you give him the same treatment. It adds up to the same thing. Don’t ignore your Leo employees.
Whether the lion roars from center stage or bides his time in the wings, he is proud. He is dignified. He knows his superiority and he doesn’t want anyone to overlook it. Leos are not the kind to hide their light under a bushel. If tribute isn’t paid to their vanity, both types of lions will find another savannah to honor with their presence. They can’t bear to be underestimated.
All Leos love titles. The bigger and fancier, the better. Offer the lion a substantial raise, but give the fellow at the next desk the title of “Chief of Office Coordination,” and the lion won’t thank you for the extra cash in his pay envelope. He’ll be too busy brooding over the increased status of his coworker, who couldn’t possibly deserve such a promotion as much as he does, of course.
It’s not perversity that causes him to insist on his rights. He was born to be the master of all he surveys. Leadership is an inherent part of his nature and impossible to root out completely. Leo is fully equipped to take charge. He feels useless and helpless, as well as unwanted, when he’s not assuming some kind of obligation. If there’s nothing else available to build his sense of importance, he’ll get it by handing out free advice to his friends and family. Strangers won’t be neglected, either. Leo scatters his pearls of wisdom impartially. He’ll tell you how much you should pay for having an extra room built over your garage, counsel your administrative assistant about her alimony problems, inform the cleaning woman what kind of ointment to use on her sore toe, and explain to the mailman how he could make his deliveries more efficiently. The less important he is on the job, the more seriously he’ll practice his counseling service.
I know one Leo man (the quiet type) who worked for a large company. For years, his family had the vague impression that he was the district sales manager. In reality, he was an ordinary salesman and a route supervisor, as well as one of the most indispensable men in the company. Since he couldn’t be sales manager until the well-qualified man who held the title had retired, the Leo swallowed his injured pride, and satisfied his leonine vanity by allowing his family to assume he had the position.
His enormous sense of responsibility was evident in his consistent loyalty and devotion over the years. He spent a quarter of a century supplying creative advertising ideas to the firm, that paid off in steadily rising profits. At the same time, he competently supervised the company’s truck routes at all hours, in all kinds of weather, and waited for the recognition he deserved, but his promotion to the top position was always just around the corner. When the sales manager finally retired, a younger man was brought in from New York to take over. That was the day the Leo quit. There was a heavy Capricorn influence in his chart, so the situation was easier for him to bear than it would have been for the typical Leo, but he’ll carry the scars of the deep wound to his pride all his life. There’s nothing in this world as sad as the sight of the dignified lion, robbed of the respect he desperately seeks and has honestly earned.
You had better make a note that the leonine sense of responsibility, which can be so impressive, usually doesn’t show itself until maturity. In his youth, the lion is the classical playboy, prancing joyously through days and nights of wine, women and
song, wearing the flashiest clothes in the group, making everyone laugh at his clown-like antics and roaring when someone steps on his magnificent tail.
It’s usually wise to use young Leo employees in promotion and sales. They’re natural showmen, and they’ll keep your customers happy with their warm, sunny dispositions. Later, as they mature, the big cats can gradually be eased into the top positions, where they’ll usually live up to every bit of responsibility you give them. It’s a smart boss who knows at what point the lion has graduated from the role of playboy prince to the just, dignified king.
It’s a strange thing about Leos, of both sexes. Underneath their brave fronts, they secretly fear they have no real courage. They can behave with the most exasperating pride and outrageous vanity, display insufferable ego, exhibit periods of pure laziness. Then along comes a crisis or emergency, either on the job or in their personal lives. Suddenly, to everyone’s surprise, the lion and lioness show themselves to be the steady ones. Only under great pressure, weighed down by the heaviest burdens life has to offer, does the inner strength born in this Sun sign come forth in all its glory.
Jacqueline Kennedy’s childhood of ease and comfort left people totally unprepared for her incredible courage in the face of unspeakable tragedy. The Leo with the reputation of a playboy will surprise his friends when he bravely and cheerfully supports an invalid wife and two elderly aunts after a thoughtless, carefree, irresponsible youth. Those born under the sign of the Lion and ruled by the Sun never guess what awesome power they possess until the test comes. Until that time, always remember, they are only pretending to be strong. The lion’s fierce roar hides an inferiority complex which is totally unnecessary.
If Leo can’t be the boss, then he must have a position where he can display his talents and abilities to the world in some way. After changing jobs a dozen times because he hasn’t advanced to at least a vice presidency, the typical Leo will usually head for a profession where he can be his own boss. If the role of executive or leader is denied them, they’re happier as teachers, salesmen, doctors, lawyers, managers, counselors, speakers, announcers, actors, actresses, writers or even plumbers and tourist guides. The lion seeks an occupation which allows him to give his superior knowledge to others in some manner, or to stand in the bright spotlight of publicity. They shine the brightest in the fields of politics and public relations.
Keep in mind that the Leo employee will either become an executive on your own level in a reasonable length of time, or he’ll leave. He can never be content to work behind the scenes. The applause he needs is out front. Still, you’re lucky to have the lion for whatever period he remains with you. He’ll work harder than almost anyone else to show you what a wonderful person he is, and a steady supply of compliments will inspire him to a point where he’ll show an unbelievable vitality far beyond the limits of normal endurance. Withholding flattery from your Leo employee will rob you of at least fifty percent of his potential value.
See that your lioness gets her vanity plumped up regularly too. Occasionally bring her a yellow rose to tuck in her hair, and never mind the whispers of the gossips. You can’t afford to lose her. The gossips don’t have her virtues and abilities. Tell her frequently how lovely she looks, how smart she is, and occasionally hand her complimentary tickets to a concert or a gala affair. Always two tickets, please, because the Leo girl will invariably be married, be in love or have a special boy friend in all seasons.
As for the lion, take him to lunch often, in an expensive restaurant, where important people can see him with the big man. Let both your male and female Leo employees be the ones to train new workers when you can. They won’t mind the extra work, they’ll be proud of the responsibility and they’ll love telling others what to do and how to do it.
A little astrological psychology, cleverly applied, can make your proud, touchy Leos a real credit to the company. They’ll decorate the office with their grace and enthusiasm. Surround them with bright lights, vivid yellow or orange draperies and carpets, and the most expensive desks and typewriters you can afford. Nothing depresses a Leo’s spirit more than having to work with shabby, obsolete equipment, unless it’s working with pessimistic, unimaginative people.
They’ll need generous expense accounts and a little extra time for lunch. Meals are social occasions for Leos, and they use such opportunities to practice their art of promoting. Just give them the barest idea to start with, and they’ll explode it into a dramatic campaign which may bring in lots of new customers. You can’t expect them to operate at full speed when they have to watch the clock and worry about money. Leos can be fast with figures, but somehow they seldom learn the knack of counting pennies. As for the clock, it cramps their style. The lion is easy to tame, when you know how. Relax the rules slightly and let down the bars a little. These employees can’t be fenced in, or they’ll sulk away the hours and lose their bright incentive.
It’s smart to hire a Leo. He’ll add a dash of excitement and he can carry some gigantic loads on his back without complaining. He needs a rich diet of compliments, authority, raises, titles and freedom, but it’s not too high a price to pay for his intelligence, loyalty, faith, ideas and sense of responsibility. After all, how many bosses have royalty on the payroll? Feed both your big cats and shy pussycats plenty of catnip, and they’ll justify it by being your biggest boosters, as proud of your company as if they owned it themselves. The lion’s heart is as big as his ego.
VIRGO the Virgin
August 24th through September 23rd
“If seven maids with seven mops
Swept it for half a year,
Do you suppose,” the Walrus said,
“That they could get it clear?”
“I doubt it,” said the Carpenter,
And shed a bitter tear.
How to Recognize VIRGO
“Only mustard isn’t a bird,” Alice remarked.
“Right as usual,” said the Duchess;
“What a clear way you have of putting things!”
Virgo is the sign of the virgin, but you can’t take the symbolism too literally. I can assure you that a September birthday is no guarantee of virginity. Although lots of Virgos remain bachelors and spinsters, there are also plenty who finally settle into connubial bliss. They may not do so with any sudden burst of fire and passion, because marriage is not a natural state for the Virginian nature; yet it’s surprising how many of them master its teamwork, and they’re almost always devoted to their families.
Married or single, it’s fairly simple to spot the Virgo in public. For one thing, he won’t be making much noise. He’s not exactly garrulous, and he’ll stand out as a loner. See that gentle, attractive man over there in the corner, with the thesaurus under his arm? The one with the tick tock mind, clicking away the hours neatly and methodically noticing the smallest details? If you look closely, you can almost see him measuring each minute for what it’s worth. He’s a Virgo. See that quiet young lady with the beautiful, soft eyes, waiting for the bus? Notice how she’s perfectly accessorized, her cool manner. She’ll have the exact coins for the fare ready in her hand. She wouldn’t dream of asking the bus driver to change a five dollar bill. She’s a Virgo.
Social gatherings are not the best hunting grounds when you’re searching for these perfectionists. You’re more likely to find them working late at the office than being gregarious at a cocktail party. It’s not easy for Virgos to relax sufficiently to enjoy the carefree social swim, because they’re basically uncomfortable in crowds. They sometimes make attempts to follow the party routine, through pure frustration, but duty whistles too insistently to allow for much frivolity. Sometimes, Virgo can make Capricorn look like a good-time Harry, and that’s really going some. You’ll seldom see them blowing bubbles in the air or building castles in the sand. Virgos are too busy to daydream, and they’re usually too tired at night to wish on stars.
The first thing you’ll notice about the typical Virgo is the definite impression he gives
that there’s a serious problem on his mind he’s struggling to solve—or a vague feeling that he’s secretly worried about something. He probably is. Worry comes naturally to him. One might even say he’s affectionately attached to the habit. It’s an intangible thing, and elusive, but his delightful smile will always seem to be hiding some great trouble.
Although the ascendant and other natal positions can modify the typical Jack Spratt spare figure, you can generally look for a rather wiry build, and unusually lovely, quiet eyes. Virgo eyes are often so astonishingly clear, you can almost see your reflection in them. They sparkle with intelligence and clarity of thought. There’s a purity and tranquility of expression on Virgo features that seems to deny those secret worries. Most of them are extremely attractive, with delicate noses, ears and lips. There’s certainly no lack of grace and charm, and there may be a bit of vanity which pops up at odd moments. Virgos are very critical of their own photographs and fussy in the extreme about how they look, both on film and in person. If you’re observant, you’ll catch them primping in front of a mirror when they think no one is looking. They’re always well turned out, and usually meticulous, if conservative, dressers. Virgo Warren Buffet would rather be caught without an investment strategy than without a tie and coat..
The Virgo is normally a small person, certainly no giant, but he’s muscular, and he has far more strength than his fragile appearance suggests. These people can stand more intense work over a longer period of time than the tougher, more brawny signs—if they can avoid a nervous breakdown in the process. Although they’re externally capable and cool, inner anxieties gnaw away at them, upsetting their digestion and their emotional balance. Tackling more work than they can safely manage, and then straining themselves to the breaking point to fulfill the obligations is behind many a Virgo’s ragged nerves. They were meant to be calm and soothing when their intricate and delicate mechanisms are running smoothly and the wheels aren’t clogged with brain fatigue.