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Still Falling

Page 12

by Costa, Bella

  Sounds like heaven.

  Tony piped up first. “Only if I can bring a date!”

  “But Tony, how would you decide which of your many girl friends to bring?” Jo asked with theatrical candour.

  “Very good question. Yes that would be difficult.” Tony replied forlornly.

  Everyone laughed. Nico the loudest, which set little Micky off on a torrent of giggles.

  Chapter thirty seven

  Serena flew into her work with renewed enthusiasm. Everyone at Revel had settled back into their normal routine. Several trips had been made with Jo to look for a suitable premises for the new studios. The Autumn/Winter collections were coming along nicely and looked set to be ready for February fashion week. Frankly, time had sped by.

  Serena climbed off her stool and switched the spot light off which highlighted her drawing board, where she did most of her sketches. She looked around her large studio office, wondering if she would miss it when she moved back to Napoli in the New Year. Idly she put her hand on the very small bump that had filled the hollow between her navel and her hips.

  At least the nausea had stopped and she wasn’t even taking the medication the doctor had prescribed. In fact she felt wonderful. Her appetite was back and she was full of energy.

  “Well little person, I guess it’s time we went home to pack and get ready for your first ski trip tomorrow. Besides your grandmother is at home and will probably cook up enough to feed the whole street if we don’t stop her.” She picked up her bag and went in search of Marie as they had agreed to go home together.

  Marie talked non-stop all the way home. Apparently Green Eyes had asked her to move to London. They were very much in love. Marie just wasn’t sure how to tell Jo.

  Serena felt her mood slip at the mention of Green Eyes. She remembered the night she had met the man like it was only few hours ago. It hurt. Thankfully they were home and Serena could excuse herself and focus her attentions on her mother and packing for a much needed trip. Only when the lights went out and silence cloaked the flat did Serena cry herself to sleep, dreaming about Mr. Chest and his soft, white denim clad thighs.

  He stood at the end of the bed looking down at her with disdain clearly written on his face. He seemed so far away, unreachable. She felt so small, exposed and discarded as she lay there curled up in a ball. Finally he turned his back on her. He opened his arms and two beautiful, naked women appeared on either side of him. One of the women was holding a baby in her arms. Her baby. He took the baby in his arms, holding it to his bare chest.

  Then together Marco, her baby and the two women, strolled off, forgetting her.

  Serena tried to uncurl herself. To climb off the bed. To run after him. To call out to him. To beg him to stay. She was frozen in place. Mute..Only able to watch as he disappeared with her child. Her heart broke again and again, dying inside her.

  Serena woke from the familiar dream feeling empty and lost. She looked at the glowing dial of the alarm clock next her bed. It was nearly time to rise. Rolling onto her back she cradled her little person in one hand.

  “He can’t take you if he doesn’t know who you are little one. I won’t let that happen.” She wondered how long it would be before she would feel her little parasite move for the first time. When she heard her mother stirring in the in the guest room, Serena rose and dressed.

  She dressed in Jeans over thermals and pulled a thick knitted turquoise V-neck over a dark blue fitted body suit. She would skip make up today. She brushed her hair vigorously and left it loose to tumble down her back.

  Wow it’s grown so long. I like it.

  After a quick breakfast, Serena and her mother climbed into a hired Land Rover, their bags piled in the back of the enormous space behind the back seats and set off through the city and then north. Leaving the sprawling city they drove past Lake Como, reputed to be one of the best lakes in Italy.

  Sadly much of the lake was hidden in mist and fog as they skirted the long shoreline but as they left the lake and entered the long valley that would take them to their destination, sun burned through, showing dazzling blue skies above stark white peaks that rose sharply out of the ground on either side of them.

  Chapter thirty eight

  Serena’s mother had never been this far north and was fascinated by the sheer number of tunnels that bored through the steep topography. Serena herself had only made this trip once before and was still awed by the scenery and the engineering. One of the tunnels stretched through for fifteen minutes allowing at least four songs to play on the cars sound system.

  Nestled in the valley, on either side of the road, quaint little Italian villages with magnificent, ancient stone chapels and bell towers distracted from the towering ragged peaks, blanketed in glistening white snow.

  Three hours later they pulled into the resort town of Bormio. It was stunning.

  They negotiated the maze of narrow one way streets. Three story buildings leaning over the tight cobbled roads imposingly. Reaching the opposite edge of town, Serena slowed, looking for the narrow lane that was apparently hidden between two stone, double storey houses.

  The whole town is full of stone, double storey houses. Jo needs to give better directions.

  Finally her mother spotted it and they turned in. The drive had been cleared of snow and wound up through a forest of snow clad trees, their branches drooping from the weight.

  For a while the mountains were hidden from view. Even the sky disappeared from time to time as the tops of the trees formed a canopy above the road. After fifteen minutes they pulled into a level clearing. Pulling up next to two other cars on the edge of the clearing, Serena and her mother climbed out of the Land Rover, both eager to stretch their legs.

  The clearing had been cut into the forest on a ledge, about a quarter of the way up a mountainside. Down in the valley below, huddled Bormio, looking small and deserted. Stretched out around them the mountains spread in every direction, offering staggering views. The air was crisp and cold and their breath condensed in small clouds in the still air.

  Serena was the first to turn away from the view to study the layout of buildings. The ever familiar urge to pee caused by the weight of the little person lying on her bladder, was distracting. Three large double story bungalows were laid out around a large central courtyard, the steep forested side of the mountain closing off the fourth side. The bungalows faced outward from the courtyard, each maximising a different view of the grand display nature offered. She imagined the view to be spectacular no matter what the season, especially from the upstairs balconies.

  The bungalows had been constructed with local stone and timber and had been topped off with a steep tiled roof allowing the snow to slide off easily when it got too thick and heavy. The bulk of the sloping roof had been angled away from doorways, so when the snow piled up on the ground it wouldn’t block the entrances.

  The familiar squeals of a young child from the nearest chalet, told Serena they were in the right place. The other chalets looked empty.

  “Come on Mama, let’s go in. I’m frozen!”

  Between them they grabbed all their bags, locked up the Land Rover and stomped up the stairs of the chalet to clear their boots of snow. Tony was the first to the door to welcome them in. Jo and Nico were knotted up and stretched out in seemingly impossible postures on a Twister mat in front of a roaring log fire. Little Micky was standing on the side of the mat looking at them through his legs as if this was the only way the game made any sense to him.

  “Hey! Just in time! Guess what you’re next on the mat!” Tony grinned with glee.

  “Um, I think I’ll leave that to you and Serena, thank you.” Said Serena’s mother, rubbing her back in imaginary pain.

  At that point a red faced Nico, collapsed and conceded defeat allowing hugs and kisses all round.

  “How was the drive?” asked Jo.

  “Beautiful” replied Mama.

  “Does your ex own all three chalets?” asked Serena looking at the
simple but elegant decor.

  “Um, no actually. I think he did make an offer on the other two, but lost out. So it’s just this one. I don’t know who owns the other two. Whenever I’ve been out here, the owners of the other two have been away.”

  “Cool. Hey it must be nearly lunch time. I’m starving.”

  “Funny thing.” Said Jo. “But those words still bring me tears of happiness when I hear them coming from my best friend’s mouth! And it just so happens that we have one of the Bistro’s famous seafood Risottos cooked up by none other than the master himself.” She smiled waving both hands at Nico like a sales demonstrator. Nico smiled and bowed graciously before scurrying off to a small, well equipped kitchen to bring the food to the ready set table.

  Lunch was a din of laughter and conversation and Serena was glad she had agreed to come on this trip. She felt warm, relaxed and at ease with herself for a change. So relaxed in fact that after lunch and unpacking her bags, she retired for an afternoon nap on one of the two ample beds in the room her and her mother would be sharing for the week. She fell into a deep dreamless sleep, the first in a long time and woke feeling fresh and rested.

  Serena went down stairs to find Jo and Tony, quietly talking in the living room. The conversation looked serious and Serena wondered if this wasn’t one of Jo’s ‘birds and bees’ lectures to her baby brother. They both looked up when Serena came down the stairs and Tony excused himself to bring more firewood in.

  “You look ready to face the world.” Noted Jo, approvingly.

  “I feel it.” Grinned Serena “Where’s everyone?”.

  “Nico and your mother have taken Micky into town to get some ice cream. If you feel up to it we can meet up with them and maybe check out some of the bars and restaurants?”

  Serena considered the plan a moment and nodded enthusiastically. “I’ll get changed.”

  They walked through the busy slush filled streets, mingling with the tourists and locals alike. Americans, British and a multitude of European tourists flocked to the Italian Alps for Ski holidays. While the Mountains offered the same excellent skiing as that on offer in neighbouring Switzerland, the Italian Alps were far more affordable.

  Nico stopped at a street vendor to order a full round of steaming hot drinks. Micky who had settled down over the last hour was now balanced on Jo’s hip, yawning and snuggling his little face into her shoulder.

  “Serena, why don’t you and your friends go and enjoy yourselves to night and I’ll take the little one back to the Chalet and tuck him into bed.” Suggested Serena’s mother.

  “Jo looked at Serena hopefully.”

  “But what about you Mama?”

  “Serena,” laughed her mother. “I am too old to keep up with you and your friends. Besides I have a mountain of books I would love to get my nose into.”

  “That would be great if you could take Micky.” Said Nico, balancing the hot drinks and passing them out. “It’s been a while since I’ve had an evening without him.”

  “It’s no problem at all. You kids enjoy yourselves and make sure my daughter behaves.” She took the keys that Jo was dangling from her fingers and peeled little Mick off of his aunt.

  They said their goodbyes and the four went off in search of a bit of fun.

  Chapter thirty nine

  Marco sat at the bar nursing a small bourbon. He didn’t usually drink. At least not much and very seldom spirits. The smooth liquid tempered the jagged edges of his frazzled disposition. The music was loud and pounding, drowning out the conversations of the crowds around him. It was early evening and the tourists were coming out in their droves. The early European winter nights driving them off the powdered slopes and to the bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Marco didn’t usually bother with noisy clubs and bars, preferring the quiet of a good restaurant or the comfort of his own home. Tonight however, Michelle had insisted they spend their first night in town, literally on the town. To be honest, perhaps it was better than the large empty and far too quiet chalet.

  A young American squeezed up to the bar next to him and issued a piercing whistle to get the attention of the Bar Man. Marco leaned sideways on the bar to give the young man more room. He surveyed the mill of ski suited bodies in the packed space. Mostly young, mostly foreign. Momentarily he caught a glimpse of an Italian face that looked familiar before it got lost in the crowds only to appear again closer to the bar. He studied the angles of the kids face.

  The young Italian boy had stopped to talk to a small blonde girl in a pony tail, roughly the same age as him. Their body language spoke volumes. The young man was probably feeding her charming chat up lines with practiced ease and the young blonde was shy but amused at his attention.

  Admiring the kid’s gumption, Marco watched in amusement as the captivating lad, brought the first physical contact into play. Spurred on by her inability to brush him off, the boy reached over and pretended to brush something imaginary off her hair above her ear. He then smoothly used the action to bring his fingers down the line of her attractive jaw before dropping his hand to rest on her shoulders. The whole time he never stopped talking to keep her distracted.

  This kid was really, really, good.

  Before long the two were on the dance floor. Marco watched silently. He recognised the kid now. Serena’s boyfriend.

  Actually he had no idea if the two were still and item, but his amused male respect for the boy had dissolved completely. Downing his drink he went in search of Michelle. He needed to get out of here.

  Snow had been falling heavily when the four arrived back at the chalet last night and the skies had cleared in the early morning allowing the temperatures to plummet. Now as they finished their breakfast the slopes glittered in the harsh sunlight. Perfect ski conditions!

  Bundling into two cars the group headed off to Bormio’s two thousand meter Gondola.

  Serena’s mother hadn’t skied in years and wasn’t keen to start again so she stayed with Micky on the junior slopes, messing with a sledge. Nico and Jo were seasoned on the slopes and opted to head over to the three thousand meter Gondola that would take them and extra thousand metres up the slopes. The same slopes that has played host to the World Cup Ski Championships a few seasons before.

  Laughing as Tony regaled his adventures with a little pigtailed blonde the night before, Tony and Serena took the Gondola up the intermediate slopes above the medieval village. The temperature at that height was well below Serena’s comfort zone. Two things promised warmth at this point.

  The exercise that comes with a good downhill race, and reaching warmer lower altitude as quickly as possible where the promise of a steaming cup of hot chocolate called to her enticingly.

  All in a day’s work.

  “Last one to the bottom stays home and babysits tonight!” she cried, catching unprepared Tony by surprise.

  She took off down the slopes. The cold wind soon turned her face and hands numb. She zigzagged in short smooth sweeps from one side of the slope to the other. She didn’t dare look back to see where Tony was. That would be asking for an accident. Instead she relaxed into ride. Easily skirting around a slower skier she was about halfway down and she was flying. Her skis digging into the fresh virgin powder nearly two inches.

  If it wasn’t so cold I could do this all the time. Bring it on!

  She didn’t see any change to the snow below her but felt the resistance on her skis immediately.

  Oh shit this is going to hurt.

  The top half of her body overtook her feet and in seconds she was cart wheeling through the air. One of her skis dug deeply into the snow and she dropped in a pile of arms, legs and skis crisscrossing each other in a tangle. She had lost her hat and her hair had flown over to cover her face followed by a handful of snow.

  She lay still mentally feeling for pain.

  Head? Feels fine.

  Shoulders? Um okay some snow has gone down my neck. Its cold.

  Arms? Fine.

  Back? Getting cold and we
t lying here.

  Baby? All warm and snug. So jealous.

  Backside? Attached to body. Will be stiff tomorrow.

  Legs? Will probably be stiff tomorrow along with backside.

  Note to self – you are pregnant. Be more careful.

  She’d had a lucky escape. Blowing the hair and snow from her mouth she freed her wrists from the ski poles and disentangled her arms. She wiped the hair from her face and attempted to pull her left ski out of the snow to free her leg.

  Damn it’s gone in too deep.

  Reaching out with her fingers she was trying to reach the clip to free her boot from the ski when the snow crunched just above her and a skier slid to a halt. The skiers shadow covered her. She pushed her goggles off her face and back over her hair.

  “Hi. Fine I promise! Just a little tumble. I’ll be okay!” She was a little embarrassed now. Her would be rescuer, knelt down and unclasped both her boots from her skis before helping her sit up. Just at that moment Tony slid to a stop beside her.

  “OMG, Serena. Are you okay? You were flying! I mean literally flying! What about the baby? Do you want me to call for help?”

  Serena laughed. “Jeez Tony you are such a mother hen. I’m fine thank you.” The stranger stood up and gestured farewell and left Tony and Serena on the slope. He was fuming.

  Pregnant again! Did neither of them know anything about anything?

  One of these days he was going to have to finish the beating he had starting giving that kid on the beach.

  She did look happy though.

  Shit. I can’t deal with this!

  Serena was soaked through and cold. The day was still young though and everyone was enjoying themselves. Leaving Tony and her Mother to watch Micky until Jo and Nico returned, she climbed into the Land Rover and drove back to the chalet to change. It took a while for the Land Rovers heating to come on and when it did it was heaven. She didn’t realise how much she had been shivering. Eager to get back to the chalet as fast as she could she took one of corners of the narrow forest road a little too fast and slid off the road over a fallen branch and into thick snow.


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