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Still Falling

Page 13

by Costa, Bella

  Fuck. Again. Two accidents in one day. Better not let anyone know about this or I’ll end up with a twenty four hour body guard.

  She climbed out the Land Rover to inspect the damage and the cold seeped through her wet clothes robbing her body of warmth. The vehicle looked okay but be she knew she wasn’t skilful enough to drive it out of the knee deep snow and back over the thick branch that was firmly wedge underneath the vehicle.

  Shivering again she scrambled back inside the warm Land Rover to think the problem through. The simple thing would be to phone Nico and tell him what happened. Nico would know what to do, but then they would all know that she had been irresponsible.

  Like hell. There must be another way.

  She looked at the vehicles clock. Just after one o’clock. In a couple of hours the mountain shadows would engulf the village in an early sunset and when it started the darkness would be swift. She tried to picture just how far she would have to walk if she kept going on foot. She estimated she was about halfway there.

  Even if I walk back down, I’ll freeze before I get anywhere.

  The adrenaline that had coursed through her body as the vehicle had slid off the road, was wearing off now and Serena was starting to feel stiff and tired. And very, very sorry for herself.

  Why do I always have to be so needy?

  She wailed inwardly as the tears started to flow. Outside the snow had started fall in large sloppy wet flakes, each the size of a golf ball. Serena hadn’t seen the sky cloud over through the cover of the trees. Gradually the flakes shrunk and fell faster. Serena’s mobile buzzed in her pocket.

  “Hello?” She sniffed.

  “Hi baby. Are you at the Chalet still?” It was Jo.

  “Hi Jo. Yes I’m nearly there” she sort of lied.

  “Okay listen Babe, we’ve just been told there is a blizzard coming in and if we leave now we won’t make it back in time. We’re going to stay at one of the Hotels in town. Will you be okay up there by yourself?”

  “Um, yes sure. Of course. I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine. I’m tired anyway. I’ll probably just go to sleep.”

  “Alright. You call if you need to!”

  “I will. Ciao.”

  “Ciao babe.”

  Serena put the phone down.

  Now what?

  Truth was, she didn’t have a clue and her problems had just doubled to include a blizzard. The snow had already covered the windows and she doubted she would have the fuel to leave the engine running right through till morning to keep the heating on. It was now or never. She had to make a go of it.

  Packing her mobile into her pockets, and turning off the engine she climbed out of the Land Rover and ploughed through the thick snow until she was back on the road. Checking she was going the right direction she trudged up the road toward the chalets. Serena walked as fast as she could, trying to raise her own body temperature to combat the cold seeping back into her wet clothes. As she walked with her head down she tried to remember everything she had read or heard about survival in the cold and snow.

  The blizzard hadn’t hit yet, as she could still see quite well through the heavy shower of snowflakes. It was easy to pick her way along the smooth surface of the snow covered road and the thick brush and trees marked the roads edges clearly. She also knew that could change in an instant. The light quality had slipped to a muted grey gloom and the wind was picking up in the tops of the trees above her. The predicted storm was getting closer. In the mountains weather didn’t give any warnings. It just arrived. But the time you saw it slipping over the crest of the nearest mountain it was already too late.

  She had been walking a full fifteen minutes before she heard the sound of a car further down the mountain. She stopped and listened as is crawled up in low gear, taking it slow. She stood there stamping her feet and hugging her arms around her to keep warm. Soon she could see the faint glow of its headlights flashing through the trees and brush. Finally a Land Rover pulled up next to her. Smaller that her own and Bright yellow. Serena waved hopefully at the passenger window, unable to seen inside. After a pause the window slid down. A small athletic looking woman in her early thirties with short cropped black hair sat behind the wheel, illuminated by the soft glow of the dash board lights.

  “Nice place for a walk!” she smiled.

  “I guess it could be but my timing requires reconsideration.”

  “Hop in. I guess that was your Landie on the side of the road?”

  “Yup.” Admitted Serena, flushed with embarrassed.

  The woman laughed. It was an easy comfortable sound.

  “You’re not the first and won’t be the last to come short on that bend.”

  “Well that is good to hear. I have been feeling like such a fool. Serena.” She said holding out her hand.

  “Aida.” She said gripping Serena’s and shaking it firmly. “This road only services the three Chalets at the end, so I’m guessing that’s where you’re heading?”

  Serena nodded.

  Warmth and Safety at last.

  The drive only took another five minutes and by the time they reached the shared parking lot, the visibility was down to just a few metres. Stressing her thanks for the ride and promising to pop over for a drink sometime, Serena headed for the nearest chalet while Aida trudged off in the direction of the other chalets, disappearing into the thick white.

  Stomping her feet on the wooden step, Serena felt through her pockets.

  Shit I am so stupid. The keys.

  She looked up and down the length of the porch, covered in a light powdering of snow, blown in by the wind. She checked the doors and windows. The wind was getting stronger now and the parked cars and surrounding forest had completely disappeared.

  Looks like I’m coming for that drink sooner than we thought.

  Taking care not to fall over anything that might be buried in several inches of snow, Serena cautiously made her way around to the back of the chalet and using that as a reference struck out across the courtyard toward the next chalet. Just as hers disappeared from view behind her, the second appeared slightly to her left. With relief she followed the building around to find the porch. She hoped this was the one Aida was living in or she would have to repeat the whole process to find the other chalet in the white out.

  Stomping the snow off her boots and the bottom of her legs she knocked on the door.

  Her breath froze in her chest and started a coughing fit. The door had opened and just inside stood Marco and Michelle. One looking surprised the other looking ready to kill.

  “Umm...sorry wrong house...” she stammered turning to go. She could feel her face and ears glowing and was sure her ears alone would melt the snow for a mile in each direction. She was mortified. A fact she didn’t relish advertising to the couple in the door way.

  “Hey Serena?” called Aida pushing Marco and Michelle aside. “I didn’t expect you so soon. Come on in. Guys this is the woman I told you about.”

  In the pit of her stomach, Serena knew there would be no one in the other Chalet and this was the only safe place for her. If it weren’t for the baby she would probably go and attempt to build an igloo before accepting Aida’s offer to come inside.

  It’s time to stop being selfish. There is a little person to consider.

  Muttering thanks and mumbling something about being locked out of her Chalet she scrabbled inside. Quietly Marco helped her with her thick coat and offered her the chair closest to the log fire. The warmth of the flames did little to dissolve the ice hanging in the space between the cabins occupants.

  Aida, oblivious to the tension in the room, offered Serena a drink and Serena accepted a hot chocolate. Marco muttered something under his breath and followed Aida to the kitchen leaving Michelle and Serena alone in the room.

  “What are you doing here Serena?” Asked Michelle. She did nothing to hide the contempt from her voice.

  Serena pulled on her brave face and looked the Actress square in the eyes. “Trust me this
is the last place on the planet I would wish to be.”

  “How did you know we would be here?” Grilled Michelle a little too harshly.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t play coy with me Serena. We told no one where we were going. How did you know we were going to be here?”

  “Michelle, I am staying next door with my family and friends. I had no idea anyone was here until Aida gave me a lift. I probably still wouldn’t if I hadn’t left my keys in my car. So stop with the interrogation. I am grateful that you have let me in, to sit out the blizzard, but where I spend my holidays is no business of yours as yours is no business of mine!”

  Damn that felt good. And I kept my cool. Keep it up girl.

  Serena mentally polished her knuckles on her chest with pride.

  Michelle, gazed at her intently for a minute, not bothered by Serena’s show of strength.

  “Fine. I believe you.” She retorted. “But a word of warning. Stay the hell away from Marco. He has been hurt enough.”

  With that Michelle stalked up the stairs.

  Serena, left alone for a few minutes, slumped into the deep armchair letting the soft cushions engulf her. She was starting to get some feeling in her feet by the time Aida brought her hot chocolate through. Marco had disappeared.

  “Okay fess up.” Said Aida crawling into a matching sofa next to Serena.

  “Fess up about what?”

  “Well let’s start with why Marco has suddenly started sulking more than usual and is outside in a blizzard trying to murder the fire wood. And then you can tell me why my girl friend has been throwing daggers at you.”

  Serena studied Aida’s face tentatively over the rim of her hot chocolate, wondering if she had just heard the woman correctly and if she should take the information literally or figuratively. She wasn’t sure how you asked for clarification to a statement like that without being offensive.

  Aida just sat there, her friendly face openly quizzical.

  “Umm, I er....dunno.” was all she managed.

  Aida laughed. When she did her whole body laughed with her.

  “Oh Serena. Don’t look so worried. Yes, Michelle and I are a thing. Yes I am a lesbian. It’s supposed to be a secret but seen as we are marrying in the states next week and the whole world is going to find out anyway.....what the hell right?”

  Serena’s eyes widened.. “But what about Michelle and Marco?”

  “Ah now that is a funny story!. You see Marco and my brother were in school together and they bumped into each other a few years ago and the party got a little wild. Anyway boys will be boys and Marco lost a bet. I had a quick word with my brother and as payment, Marco ended up promising to convince the public that he was dating Michelle so no one would know that Michelle and I were an item. I must say he has done a fab job. Don’t you?”

  “But I thought I saw them at Tramonto, twice actually......” Serena broke off realising she might be about to break some terrible news to this lovely woman.

  “Mmm Tramonto, let me think. There was that one time after the party in the flower beds at dawn. Terrible that was. It was cold! And then the weekend when Marco was away and he let us use the house. The view from the balconies upstairs is amazing!”

  The view of the balconies, are amazing!

  “Then there was later that same day in the Garden shed on the drive on lawn mower.”

  “Okay I think I’ve heard enough.” Laughed Serena, blushing a little. “So you’re getting married. Congratulations!”

  “Ahh that information wasn’t an invitation for you to ignore my original question and change the subject.” Aida stated and took a long sip of her own hot drink.

  “Well, I’m not really sure, at first I thought Michelle suspected there was something between Marco and myself but now.....” she gestured at Aida clumsily. “Well I guess Michelle thinks somehow I’m going to hurt Marco. She must care about him. And Marco, well he has hated me for years now. I never have figured out why.” She spoke this last part quietly staring down into the swirling liquid of her cup.

  Aida was quiet looking thoughtfully into the flames, and chewing her lip.

  “Are you sure it’s hate?” she asked eventually. “Because I think you’re mistaken.”

  Serena squirmed uncomfortably in her damp clothes.

  I wish I was.

  Before Serena could formulate an answer, the sound of splintering wood, from the kitchen was followed by a loud curse, a door slamming open and a heavy meaty thump.

  Both women unfolded themselves from their deep sofas and with Aida in the lead they ran through to the kitchen.

  Serena’s mouth went dry. Marco lay deathly still, sprawled face down on the wooden floor on a pile of scattered firewood. His legs were still outside the open doorway and snow was billowing in on strong gusts of icy wind.

  “Quick grab his other arm, let’s get him inside.” Ordered Aida, taking control of the situation.

  They pulled him further into the room and Aide quickly closed the door shutting out the snow and cold. They rolled him over. A small lump was forming on his forehead and a thin line of blood leaked from a small cut above his eye.

  “The cold is the best thing for that. It doesn’t look too serious.”

  “What do you think happed?” asked Serena breathless with worry.

  “Ummmm probably my fault. Over the years with Michelle I have got into the habit of leaving obstacles in front of windows and doors. Because of the paparazzi.” Aida was turning a lovely shade of red as she spoke. “Well I think I left the broom stick lying in front of the kitchen door. He probably couldn’t see it with an arm full of logs. Maybe this will knock some sense into him.” Aida had just finished checking him over, when she noticed the tension and concern in Serena’s face.

  “I’m a registered nurse by the way. He’ll come round in a bit and might have a concussion and possibly a head ache but he’ll be fine. Nothing is broken.”

  Serena looked down at his face, not convinced. The evening had just been too much for her and she didn’t think she could take much more. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears.

  “Oh dear. You have it serious.” Said Aida quietly. “I tell you what, we won’t be able to move him much further. Would you be able to help me make him comfortable?”

  Quietly and thankful for the distraction, Serena followed Aida’s instructions.

  Chapter forty

  Between them they cleared up the spilled logs, removed his boots, covered him with a blanket, put a pillow under his head and rigged a cold compress for his forehead.

  When they had finished, Aida drew Serena aside.

  “Sweetheart I know this is a bit much to ask but if I don’t go upstairs and attend to my own little drama queen, we could all be buried under and avalanche in the morning. There is a spare room upstairs at the end of the hall. The bed is made up. Could you please just stay with him until he wakes?” She looked at Serena, her big green eyes begging, like a puppy for a snack.

  “Okay.” Serena sighed.

  “Oh thank you. Please call me if you need me.” With that Aida strode up the stairs, two at a time.

  Serena collected a huge cushion and small blanket from the lounge and sat on the Kitchen floor. She propped herself up against a cupboard and pulled the blanket around her shoulders, hugging her knees to her chest. Her clothes were almost dry and she was feeling a little more comfortable.

  Marco was breathing slowly and steadily, the blanket covering his chest rising and falling gently. His hair had fallen forward onto his forehead and was damp from melted snow. She noted with pleasure that he had grown it a little longer. She longed to reach forward and brush it back for him.

  Oh God he’s been unconscious for a whole fifteen minutes. Please let him be okay!

  Sandalwood. I love that smell. Mmmmmm. Then Marco was standing there glaring at her and she curled into a little ball again. Those naked women and the baby. Her baby. Then they were going. She was helpless.r />
  Serena jerked awake

  “Keep still or I’ll fall down the stairs!”

  In an instant Serena assessed her situation. Marco was carrying her up the stairs of his chalet.

  Shit I must have dozed off!

  “Marco you can put me down. I appreciate the chivalry but you don’t have to go through the motions.”

  “We’re nearly there.”

  He pushed a door open and with a click, soft lighting filled the room. He had brought her to the bathroom. Quietly he sat her down on the closed toilet lid and knelt down in front of her to remove her boots.

  “How long have you been in these damp clothes?”

  “Um.... since I fell on the slopes this morning. But they are not that wet anymore. I’m fine.”

  Pulling the last boot off he pulled up and turned her briskly to face the mirror above the washbasin.

  “Show me what part of that reflection is fine!” he growled.

  Serena took in her face it was very pale and her lips stood out in stark contrast, bruised and blue from cold. She had been cold for so long, she had just stopped feeling it. Leaving her to study her face he turned and ran hot water into the bath.

  “Strip.” He ordered rummaging through the bathroom cabinet.

  He took out a bottle and studied the label before shaking it and uncorking it. Hi sniffed and nodded in approval. Looking up he realised that she hadn’t moved.

  “Serena, get those wet clothes off you now before I do it for you!”

  God why don’t men say that when you want them to?

  She watched him the bathroom reflections as he poured nearly half the bottle into the bath. The Bath filled with steam and bubbles and the head clearing scent of Eucalyptus.

  Finally satisfied that the water was ready he turned his attention back to her. She stood hugging herself, pale and uncertain, leaning against the basin. She had kept her underwear on.

  Marco looked at her slender figure appreciatively. She had filled out. At least she had been eating.


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