Book Read Free

Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set

Page 33

by Martha Sweeney

  “Mmm,” I concur.

  “Emma,” he continues.

  “Hmm . . . .”

  “Goodnight, beautiful.”

  “Nigh’ . . . ” my voice trails into slumber.

  Twenty Five

  Waking up to a cool morning Spring breeze with the sweet scent of salt water is one of my favorite things. Rolling over, I notice that I’m completely alone in the room. Sounds coming from the patio draw my attention; I see Joe talking on the phone. I’ve seen Joe engage in this behavior quite a few times over the past three months, so I know it’s a business call. He’s had them on Saturdays and Sundays on occasion. Joe is casually pacing in the grass, stopping to pick up the ball and toss it for Sadie when she brings it over. I glance at the clock and notice it’s just after six our time, which makes it nine in California and twelve on the East Coast. There are all types of possibilities to whom he’s speaking with.

  Joe and Sadie pop in on me in the kitchenette just as I finish preparing Sadie’s breakfast and two glasses of clay. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning,” I reply, drying my hands and then petting Sadie.

  Finishing his drink first, Joe picks up Sadie’s empty bowl and places it in the sink with his glass. Before I finish swallowing the last gulp, Joe sandwiches my body between his and the counter. He takes the glass from my hand, places it in the sink, and delivers a tender kiss that mirrors one we shared last night. I indulge him and reciprocate before removing my lips.

  My phone chirps, interrupting Joe’s attempt for a third smooch. Checking the screen, I see that Jared texted.

  He wrote, “We’re up . . . sort of. What time do we need to head out?”

  “Within the next hour and a half. Let me know when you are ready to eat,” I reply.

  “Sure thing, Kitten,” he answers, followed by a winking emoticon face and a heart.

  Once in the shower, I realize that locking my bedroom door was pointless since both sliding glass doors are wide open. Good thing I at least locked the bathroom door since I decide to indulge myself with masturbation.

  Joe and I meet up with Jared and Nathan by six forty-five for breakfast. By seven-twenty, we get in our designated car from the valet and head to the Northwestern shores of Maui for zip-lining. With bathing suits on and extra clothes packed, we embark on a four and a half hour long nine-line tour. We marvel at the beauty of the valleys and sugar cane fields that lead to the first line as our guides offer insight on the stunning Hawaiian landscape and culture. We travel along the double lines, racing each other as we zoom past the Pacific Ocean, follow the trail to the natural pool for a zip-line splash and swim, and get to see the spectacular West Maui Mountains.

  In the afternoon, Jimmy and Allen join Joe and me on a helicopter tour over the entire island. Being back in the air strangely didn’t bother me when we took off. Soaring above the land, I realize that there’s so much more to see and do in Maui. We only have all day tomorrow and Monday before we leave Tuesday morning, which is not enough time. I definitely need to come back again just to see the rest of this island and the rest of the land masses that make up all of Hawaii.

  Getting back to the hotel, we find out that it’s just the four of us for dinner. Henry scheduled a romantic dinner for him and Maggie, and Jared scheduled a couples massage and a meal for two in the suite. Since we don’t need to rush and get ready, the four of us decide to take a short nap. Somehow Joe ends up in my bed with Sadie and me. He tries to kiss me again, but I skillfully avoid him. It’s not that I don’t want to kiss him. It’s the very fact that I want to that concerns me, especially after last night and this morning.

  I’ve kissed a lot of men, far many more than I’ve had sex with. None of the men I’ve only kissed held my interest long enough for me to want to take it any further with them. After the first kiss or two, a girl knows more about a guy than he realizes. The way he treats your mouth is a key indicator of his ability in bed. All of those whom I have had sex with were never able to satisfy me with an orgasm on their own — even the good kissers. I’d either have to rub myself with him inside of me, which many get offended by, or I’d just take care of myself at home. If Maggie was around, we’d take care of each other. I would say that there is a distinct home court advantage for women with other women.

  The challenge I’m having with Joe is that I want to kiss him, which is odd because I’ve never wanted to keep kissing a man. Every time he kisses me, or I think about kissing him, my body wants more. I’ve tried going out to pick up a guy on my own since going to Ayana’s with my friends, but none of the men are appealing to me. It’s like my body doesn’t want any other man until I test-drive Joe.

  I’m not sure what I should do. I’ve tried to avoid him in the past and it just made it more difficult. Maybe if I give in, let him kiss me, I’ll eventually get bored and my desire will go away. Fingers crossed.

  The first awake from our nap out of the three bodies on the bed, and seeing the sunset on the horizon, I check the time on the clock. It’s almost six. I’d get up, but my body is encased by Joe’s. Rotating into him, I watch him rest for a few minutes before trailing my fingers through his hair.

  “Hey, beautiful,” his husky voice delivers.


  “Did we oversleep?”

  “I think so,” I confess. “It’s almost six.”

  “Wow. Really?”

  “Yeah,” I confirm. “I need to feed Sadie. You should see if Jimmy and Allen are up.”

  “Five more minutes?” he charmingly requests and kisses me. His right hand pulls me in closer before it dips down to my ass and scoops my leg over his.

  “What are you doing?” I slide my leg back, but he holds it in place.

  “Getting more comfortable.” He subdues my mouth with his. I can feel his groin against mine as my lady parts dampen.

  As I draw my head away, he immediately cups my face and lures me back. I can’t help but to comply with his demand. Keeping our mouths locked, he rolls on top of me placing my legs on either side of his hips. I shift, accidentally causing my crotch to grind into his. He enthusiastically moans and slides his tongue deeper into my mouth. I gasp when his hand slips under the edge of my shirt getting a hold on my waist.

  “No.” I demand, panting and pushing him away.

  My heart jumps when I hear a knock on the door. Joe quickly and quietly exits through the sliding glass door.

  “Just a second,” I return, trying to sound like I just woke up.

  Unlocking the door, I open it to find Jimmy. “Hey sweetie. I just woke up and didn’t know if you and Joe were still sleeping. I knocked on his door, but there wasn’t a response.”

  “Did you try using the patio door?”

  “No. I didn’t want to catch him naked or anything, if you know what I mean,” he jokingly explains.

  My dirty mind flashes to a variety of images of the things Joe could be doing in there, naked or not, which gets a giggle out of me.

  “Well, we can send Sadie in there, you can try or call his phone,” I suggest. A lump forms in my throat as I remember that Joe’s phone might be next to mine on the nightstand.

  The sound of a door opening scares me for a second until I see Joe standing behind Jimmy. “Hey,” Joe says. “What’s up?”

  “I was checking to see who’s up. Why don’t you guys start getting ready and I’ll wake Allen,” Jimmy suggests.

  “Sure,” Joe and I say at the same time.

  Jimmy nods and heads back to his room. I wipe my hands over my face in shock of almost being caught. Turning, I see Joe’s phone next to mine. I’m glad that Jimmy didn’t call it.

  Handing his phone back to him, I declare, “I think it’s best that you stay in your room for the rest of the trip.”

  With a wicked grin, Joe asks, “Will you join me?”

  “No. Now get out, I need to get ready,” I command calmly.

  “Think about it?” he playfully pleas.

  “No. Now go,”
I insist, taking an assertive step towards him.

  Not moving, Joe admits in a tantalizing tone, “You’re just as sexy when you’re mad.”

  I glower my response as best as I can.

  Chuckling, he adds, “Okay, I’m going.”

  Waiting to hear his door close, I lead Sadie to the kitchenette for food. After she’s fed, I make sure that the one sliding door is open enough for her to get in and out. I lock both the bedroom door and the bathroom door before hopping into the shower. I rinse quickly to have enough time to masturbate. Letting my hair air dry a bit, I throw on a robe and toss the ball around for Sadie outside. She seems to have her regular energy back, so I’ll need to take her for a walk on the beach tonight before bed.

  With my hair almost dry from the wind, I head back to my room to finish getting ready. I put on nude lace bra and panties, style my hair up into a cute, loose bun, and put on a little bit of makeup before getting dressed. Tonight, I choose a white chiffon, dress that stops at the middle of my calf with several sheer layers that has spaghetti straps and a provocative neckline. I embellish my ears with dangling diamond and pearl earrings and my wrist with a diamond and pearl bracelet.

  Just as I’m putting on my Jimmy Choo’s, there is knocks on the door. “It’s open,” I announce.

  “Allen’s almost . . . damn, Emma, you look hot,” Jimmy advertises. “Hey, Joe. Come check out Emma.”

  “He’s going to see me in a . . .” my voice wanes as Joe enters the room and my eyes soak up the utterly sensual sight of him.

  Did he know what I was going to wear? He couldn’t have. I just put it on. He’s wearing an all white suit with a white button down dress shirt and white slip-on dress shoes. His tanned skin glows underneath the elegant fabric and I have the sudden desire to lick him everywhere.

  “Wow,” Joe breathes.

  “I know! Right?!” Jimmy agrees.

  I blush at their statements and at the dirty thoughts running through my mind.

  Once Allen is ready, which only takes five more minutes, we venture out to one of the restaurants at the hotel. Jimmy and Allen pick Spago. Yes. There is a Spago in Hawaii, at our hotel. Memories of my date with Joe tempt my already heightened thirst from seeing him in his suit.

  Dining under the stars is breathtaking and seductive, especially with Joe sitting right next to me. Looks like my masturbation session in the shower was only foreplay given my current state of arousal. Along with the moisture that is gathering between my legs, I can feel several muscles beginning to tense in my shoulders. No drinking allowed tonight — rules would definitely be broken if I do.

  I intently focus my attention on the light conversation my dining companions are having. Joe is a distraction, but it’s much more tolerable than discussing Maggie, Henry, their engagement and potential wedding happening in the next few months.

  “So what should we do tomorrow?” Jimmy asks. I know he’s eager to spend more time with Joe.

  “You boys do what you want, I’ve scheduled spa time,” I mention.

  As much as I want to explore more of this vibrant island, I need to get the kinks out of my body. Joe helped a little last night when he rubbed my shoulders and back, but the tension returned two-fold after almost getting caught by Jimmy.

  “We’ll join you,” Allen insists.

  “Sure, if you want. I just figured you two would want more guy time,” I explain.

  Looking at Joe, Jimmy questions, “What do you think?”

  “I’m good with whatever,” Joe replies. “Didn’t you want to check out more local art for the gallery?”

  “When are you going to the spa,” Allen queries.

  “The majority of the morning.”

  “Who are you getting all sexed up for?” Jimmy teases.

  “Me,” I say with half truth.

  “We can easily do both,” Allen suggests.

  “Then, that settles it,” Jimmy states. “We’ll join Emma for a spa morning and then enjoy the rest of the day with other local visual delicacies.”

  After agreeing on our plans, I shift the conversation and start asking Jimmy and Allen how they got into the art scene and owning their own gallery. Apparently, Jimmy has been fascinated by art since a young age and was always drawing or painting. Every trip he and his family took, Jimmy would seek out the local museums and galleries. Recently, due to Allen’s influence, Jimmy has been experimenting with clay sculptures. He shows me a variety of pictures on his phone of some of his original work. They’re pretty impressive despite the fact that I know nothing about art.

  Jimmy and Allen met in college during Jimmy’s sophomore year and Allen’s junior year. They were both art majors, but Allen included a minor in the theatrical arts. Interestingly, they attend Dartmouth just like Joe and Henry. Apparently Jimmy started off at Brown, but didn’t like the curriculum.

  I ask Jimmy if he’s had a chance to visit any of the museums or galleries in the Los Angeles area. Coming to California with Joe after Easter was Jimmy’s first time in LA, so I recommend a few key locations for him to visit next time he comes back. Joe mentions our recent trip to the Norton Simon and his desire to visit the Getty and the Griffith Observatory.

  Finishing dinner, Jimmy and Allen choose to take another stroll throughout the hotel to look at the impressive art collection for a second time. Joe and I head back to the suite.

  As we make our way back through the hotel, Joe keeps his hands to himself the whole time. He’s a perfect gentleman. While walking, I vow to adhere to my earlier decision to take Sadie out for a run on the beach. I want to avoid being alone with Joe.

  After getting changed, I tie my hair up and grab Sadie’s ball. Just as I’m about to leave my room, Joe knocks on the door. He’s changed too, and not into pajamas. Looks like he’s planning on joining us on the beach. Damn it. There goes my plan of reprieve from his sexiness.

  I am rather impressed at how well we run together. It feels like we complement each other each time we do. Sometimes I will push a little for a faster pace and sometimes he does. Neither one of us seem unable to keep up. I’ve never been able to run with Jared, Nathan or Maggie like this. Usually, my friends drop off after the second mile.

  Back from our four-mile jog, I take a shower before grabbing a book and heading out to the fire pit with Sadie. To avoid temptation for when Joe comes out, because I know he’ll be outside soon, I purposefully put on a pair of workout capris over my boy-shorts underwear. I don’t bother with a bra, but I do grab a cardigan for additional coverage.

  About ten or fifteen minutes later, like clockwork, Joe is sitting down on the same couch as me. Two seconds later, Jimmy and Allen come out as well. The three of them start chit-chatting as I read. My attention gets drawn to Joe who is suddenly massaging my left foot. I don’t look up, but I’m not able to read any longer because of his touch.

  “What are you reading?” Allen explores.

  “Some romance novel,” I whine.

  “If you don’t like it, then why are you reading it?” Jimmy questions.

  “Maggie joined a book club at the beginning of the year and signed me up for it too,” I explain. “Now, I’m stuck reading stupid, erotic, romance novels each month.”

  Joe chuckles under his breath.

  “What’s wrong with romance novels?” Jimmy contends as if he’s slightly offended by my statement.

  “The books that the group keeps picking are about a bunch of stupid virgins who end up having sex with brooding billionaires, who are dominant men in business and in sex,” I say with mild agitation. “There’s not much story and the only decent parts are the sex scenes, even though they’re far fetched in how a man can please a woman. The naivety of the women is nauseating. Plus, the depictions of BDSM are weak. Not everyone who is into BDSM has a dark past.”

  “Wow! Either you’re a virgin or you just really need to get laid,” Allen announces.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I am not a virgin,” I clarify.

>   “Someone needs to get laid then. All that angst, she must be really horny,” Jimmy comments with a smile.

  I don’t say anything, but mentally I do agree with him. I am horny. I’m always horny. So horny that I’m masturbating practically two times a day, every day, except during the few days of my period.

  “Had a boyfriend into BDSM?” Allen searches.

  “I’ve never had a boyfriend. Remember. I don’t date,” I disclose.

  “So you’re the one into BDSM?” Jimmy presses.

  “Everyone is curious and experiments in BDSM at some level. Those who deny it to themselves and their partners are either in the closest or are prudes,” I point out.

  Joe’s hand immediately stops massaging my foot.

  “Please, tell us how you really feel,” Allen teases.

  I blush a little at my rant and book bashing, but I think it’s hidden behind the light of the fire.

  “Sounds like she’s never had a man properly satisfy her,” Jimmy adds.

  “When needed, I’ve always been able to satisfy myself,” I openly share to my surprise.

  At least I didn’t slip about Maggie and me. No need for more people to know about how Maggie and I interact.

  Joe’s hand clamps down on my foot after my statement. I completely forgot that he was sitting here. He’s been so quiet the whole time. Crap. I offered too much to all of them.

  “So how often do you to take care of yourself?” Jimmy prods with a grin.

  Did he just really go there?

  “Jimmy!” Joe scolds.

  This is the second time I’ve heard him be stern with his brother.

  “How often do you?” I throw back at him.

  “I don’t need to with my awesome man right here,” Jimmy kisses up to Allen. They exchange a few pecks and snuggle more into each other.

  “Please . . . I may have never been in a relationship with a man, but I’ve seen and heard about enough relationships to know that everyone masturbates, at some point or another, and I’m not talking about phone sex with your partner.”

  The three of them stare at me blankly in complete shock to my openness.


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