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Jingle My Balls

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by Jenika Snow

  I’m so aroused right now that all I want to do is tell him to rip off my clothes and fuck me raw. I want to be sore in the morning. I want to have trouble walking because he pounded into me like a madman .

  Oh God. I’m such a dirty fucking woman. I cannot believe I’m thinking this raunchy shit about him .

  I guess this is what happens when you’re celibate for too damn long .

  He doesn’t say anything as he walks over to a leather chair and sits down. He spreads his legs, the motion causing his belly to clench and show off his perfect six-pack. His biceps are huge, and all I can imagine is that tattooed flesh above me .

  He pats his leg and I feel my eyes widen .

  God, please do not even go there .

  “Come sit on Santa’s lap and tell me what you want for Christmas .”

  I should find this whole situation funny, but it’s having the opposite effect on me. Am I that much of a lunatic that Santa roleplaying is turning me on this much? But when I look at his crotch, see the massive bulge good ol’ Saint Nick is sporting, I know that what I want for Christmas is what he’s sporting under those red velvet pants .

  “Don’t make Santa ask again. You want to stay on the nice list, right?” He lifts a dark eyebrow and my mouth dries. That shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does. He pats his thigh again, and like a good girl, I find myself walking over to him. “Wait,” he says and I freeze. “Take off the heels and panty hose .”

  I swallow the lump that suddenly lodges in my throat. I do as he asks and feel my flesh tighten as the chilled air moves over it .

  “Now come here and sit on my lap.” His voice has gotten deeper, more demanding .

  When I’m right in front of him he could have pulled me onto his lap, but instead he waits for me to sit down. When I’m in the position he wants me in, both of my legs draped over one of his, I have to force myself to breathe normally. I can feel the outline of his monstrous cock under my ass, and I try not to squirm .

  I try and fail .

  “You feel what I have for you, that big fucking gift I’m sporting between my thighs?” He smirks at me again and lifts his hips slightly, digging his dick against my ass. I gasp softly. “You must have been a very good girl this year to get this present from Santa. Weren’t you, Holly ?”

  I find myself nodding, getting swept away in this role-playing fantasy that I never knew I could actually enjoy. And before I know what is happening he has his hands on my waist and turns me around so I’m facing him. The new position has my legs now spread, hanging over his muscular thighs, and his big shaft pressed right between my thighs. My skirt has risen up, and I know if he looks down he’ll be able to see my panties .

  He leans in so our mouths are only inches apart. “I can smell how ready you are for me, how much you want this.” His words have this growl laced with them. “Ask me to fuck you, Holly .”

  And as much as I should have said “fuck you,” I actually find myself licking my lips and saying, “ Fuck me .”

  Chapter 4


  I need my head examined. These are the nightmare stories you hear that can topple businesses. It’s sad to admit, but at this point I’m not thinking with my head. I’m thinking more with my dick and my balls, which are so fucking tight and heavy right now it’s a wonder I’m holding back. I have the urge to throw her on the floor and sink deep inside of her. I’m resisting that—barely. At least I made her ask me to go further. I mean, it’s not much, but for some reason my conscience feels better with that small admission .

  She’s looking at me, her green eyes cloudy with desire and need. It’s an expression that a man could get drunk on. Hell, I’m already there. I reach up and begin taking the clips out of her hair, not wanting to go one step further until I’ve released the auburn locks from their prison. It should be against the law to keep hair like this up. I let my fingers drift through the strands once they are free, loving the feel of it against my skin .

  “Hurry,” she whispers, urging me on, and I can’t help but grin. She thinks she has some control here. Time for me to show her the truth… She has none .

  “Get on your knees, Holly .”

  “But…” she says, her face showing confusion. She’s beginning to second-guess herself, which is probably wise. I find myself doing the same, but I’m hoping she doesn’t stop .

  “On your knees. Now, Holly,” I repeat, my voice leaving no room for argument .

  She slides to the floor, hesitantly. She’s biting at the inside of her lip nervously and there’s a question in her eyes .

  Is she about to call this whole thing off ?

  “I didn’t plan on doing this,” she whispers. Is she about to blow the fantasy? For some reason that disappoints me. I’m enjoying this role-play more than I thought I would. “I don’t even know your name,” she adds. She does, however, stay on her knees, those big, beautiful green eyes looking up at me as her gaze locks on mine .

  “Undo my pants,” I growl, my dick throbbing for her touch .

  Her hand quivers slightly as she reaches to untie the drawstring on these damn pants .

  Once she has the ties undone I see her eyes widen. I grin. “You’re not wearing underwear,” she says in surprise .

  “Santa likes to have his balls free so they can jingle all the way home…inside of you .”

  “Jesus,” she murmurs. “I can’t believe I’m about to do this with a man who is probably convinced he’s Santa .”

  “Do what? Suck my candy cane?” I smirk—definitely pushing my luck .

  She wraps her hand around my cock, pulling it out. The bulbous head is painted with my pre-cum. Large, rigid veins throb in my shaft. If she doesn’t wrap her lips around me soon, I might just come all over her face. She holds me tightly, her sweet little hand stroking upward. I groan in pleasure .

  “You like that?” she asks, and suddenly she doesn’t seem timid at all. It’s like she’s almost challenging me .

  “Very much,” I tell her, reaching out and stroking my finger along her jaw. She’s beautiful. Her lips and the delicate features of her face call to me like nothing and no one ever has before. She’s gorgeous, but she’ll look even better when those lips are stretched open around my cock and her face is pressed right up against the root .

  “Tell me your name… Give me at least that,” she says, squeezing my cock tight with her hand, causing me to growl out in ecstasy .

  Suddenly roleplaying doesn’t seem as important as hearing her scream out my real name as I’m ramming home inside of her .

  “Nick. Call me Nick,” I tell her, pulling on her hair to try and angle her head down, tired of talking .

  “As in St. Nick?” she asks, but she flattens her tongue out and licks along the underside of my cock .

  “I’m no saint, Holly, and I’m about to prove that to you,” I growl, wrapping her hair around my fist and deciding it’s time for me to take over .

  I need that mouth on my cock … now .

  Chapter 5


  H is cock is hard and long, thick and a little intimidating. I’m sure as hell not a virgin, but just the thought of having Nick’s big shaft deep inside of me makes me feel like this is my first time .

  I still have my hand wrapped around his cock, my fingertips not even able to touch because of his girth. I tip my head slightly back and stare at his face. He’s leaning completely back on the chair, his forearms resting beside him, his eyes at half-mast. He looks a little bit drunk, and I know it’s because of the pleasure coursing through him .

  I feel intoxicated myself .

  “Go on, Holly. Suck on Santa’s big candy cane .”

  The roleplaying is really turning me on, and I don’t know if that means I’m twisted in the head, or if I’m so in need of some deep dicking that I’m willing to play along .

  Either way, I don’t plan on stopping this .

  “Go on. Do it.” Nick’s voice gets harder, more demanding. Shivers race alo
ng my body at the tone .

  I look back down at his dick, the slit at the tip already dotted with pre-cum. I find my mouth watering for a taste of him. And then without waiting anymore, I lower my head, part my lips, and suck the crown into my mouth .

  Male saltiness explodes on my tongue, and I moan in pleasure. He tastes so good, woodsy and clean, potent and all male. I close my eyes and moan around him as I start bobbing my head up and down. I take as much as I can into my mouth, and when the head hits the back of my throat and I gag slightly, I hear him groan .

  “That’s it,” he says in a raspy voice .

  He has his hand on the back of my head, keeping me right where he wants me. I keep sucking on him, running my tongue along the underside of his shaft, working my mouth over his throbbing dick. My eyes are watering, and my mouth is salivating. He feels like he’s gotten harder while I’ve been sucking on him, and the continuous taste of his pre-cum on my tongue has me wanting to reach between my legs and rub myself until I get off .

  I start to do just that when he says, “Don’t you fucking touch yourself, Holly. You haven’t shown Santa that you’ve been a good girl and deserve a gift .”

  I want to tell him that I do deserve a gift, a big the monster he’s sporting between his legs. But I continue to give him head, humming around his cock and wanting him to shoot his load deep down my throat and really give me the holiday spirit .

  And just when I feel his body tighten, knowing he’s about to come, he pushes me away. His dick slips from my mouth with a resounding pop, and I look up at him, my chest rising and falling as I breathe heavily. My lips feel swollen, slightly numb. I wonder how red they are .

  “How much do you want me to fuck you? How much do you want me to shove my big dick right up your tight little snatch ?”

  His words are so vulgar…so damn arousing. I can’t speak, I can’t even move. I’m on my hands and knees, my skirt pushed obscenely up my thighs, my panty-covered pussy on display. I can see Nick is staring right between my legs .

  “Go on, tell me.” He’s looking at my face now. “I want you to tell me how much you want my big fucking shaft deep in your tight little cunt .”

  I can hear my heart racing in my ears, and my palms are starting to sweat. The arousal I feel is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before .

  “I want that.” He doesn’t respond, but I can see he expects me to say more. I lick my lips and glance down at his erection. “I want your big, hard cock shoved deep in my pussy.” I look up at his face again. “I want you to stretch me until it hurts, until the pain and pleasure mix into one. I want to forget the fact that I don’t even know you, but that I’m so aroused right now that I don’t even care.” My throat tightens and I know I won’t be able to say anything else that will make sense. Hell, I’m surprised I got that out .

  He doesn’t say anything for long seconds, and as the silence stretches on I wonder what he’s thinking about .

  “Stand up and get undressed.” His words, tone, broker no argument. “Show Santa what a good little girl you can be .”

  And just like that I do exactly what he says. I’m that desperate for a good old- fashioned fuck .

  Chapter 6


  I watch Holly get undressed, my hand wrapped around my cock as I slowly jack myself off to the image. If I’m not careful I’m going to come before I get inside of that pretty little pussy. When she’s completely naked, she stands there looking at me, her face flushed with a mixture of need and embarrassment. Considering what we’re doing here, and what brought us to that point, her shyness seems out of place, but that’s clearly what it is and I like it. It appeals to me as nothing else could right now. Still, I’m a big enough bastard that I’m going to exploit that shyness until it disappears. I want her so mindless to passion she’s a slave to whatever I desire .

  “Touch your tits for me, Holly .”

  “ I — ”

  “Do it and make Santa happy .”

  She lets out a long, shuddery breath and then she moves her hands under her breasts, cupping them. I watch as she squeezes the globes, her teeth biting into her lower lip as she tries to control her excitement .

  “Tease your nipples,” I instruct .

  Her tongue comes out, wetting her lips, and I watch her throat work as she swallows down her nerves—but she does it. She’s got perfect tits and her nipples are the size of a dime…nice and round and so hard at the moment they’re begging for my attention .

  “Slide your hand down your body, Holly,” I command softly and then I watch as she does just that, slowly dragging her fingers across her chest and then lower to her stomach. She pauses there, as if she isn’t sure what I want .

  We both know what I need .

  “Don’t stop, Holly. You know what I want,” I urge her, and in this minute there’s no role-play. There’s nothing but me and her and what I need her to give me. I think she may actually stop our play, that maybe I’ve pushed her too far, but then she slides her fingers between the lips of her pussy and begins playing with her clit .

  Her gaze stays focused on me, and I let my focus move from watching her fuck herself to looking in her eyes. My balls tighten with the need to come. I want to bend her over and take her from behind. I promise myself I will do that before the night is over. Right now, there’s no way I can hold off that long. Plus I want to see her face when I fuck her for the first time .

  I shift around so I can access the pocket hidden in these ridiculous Santa pants. I have no idea where tonight is going, but I always stay prepared. I find my billfold and it only takes me a minute to fish out one of the condoms I keep stashed. I take it out and show her .

  “Put it on me,” I growl, hoping I can handle her wrapping my cock up. I’m not a fucking horny teen that can’t control himself. I’ve had my fair share of women, but I can’t remember any of them right now, and I sure as hell can’t remember ever being this worked up over one .

  “Thank God,” she mutters and I find myself smiling. I have no idea what it is about this woman that I connect with so much, but I like it .

  She takes the condom out of my hand and goes to her knees in front of me, looking at me as she wraps her hand around the shaft of my cock .

  “What are you doing?” I ask, which might be the stupidest question I’ve ever asked in my life. The answer is crystal clear when she flattens her tongue out against the root of my cock and proceeds to lick up the length until she gets to the tip .

  “Making sure you’re nice and slick for the condom,” she whispers against my dick and I can feel the vibration of her words all the way to my fucking balls .

  I wrap my hand in her hair, twisting the strands around my fingers and hauling her up so her lips are right against mine .

  “If you don’t hurry there won’t be a need for lube or the fucking condom because my cum will be all over your face and tits,” I growl .

  “I like that,” she whispers and the look on her face confirms her words. It’s tempting, but not as much as the idea of getting inside of her .

  “Later,” I promise, thinking if I do everything I want to do to her tonight, my balls will be sore as hell tomorrow. “Slide the condom on, Holly. Santa wants to take you for a ride .”

  She moves her hand over my cock, her motions telling me she’s nervous. But then she’s ripping open the condom. You can tell by the way she unrolls the latex that she’s not real skilled at doing it—it’s almost as if it is new to her. Which, considering what we are doing, is endearing .

  She rolls the rubber down my cock with gentle care, and again her sweet side surprises me. I reach out, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close. I capture her lips with mine and slide my tongue deep into her mouth, claiming it with a groan. Her tongue wars with mine, our kiss hungry, savage, and full of need .

  “You really know how to kiss,” she gasps when we break apart .

  “Climb up on my lap, Holly .”

  “So you
can take me to the North Pole?” she laughs, giggling at our game .

  “Fuck the North Pole, baby. Santa has a different kind of pole for you,” I respond. “One that’s real hard .”

  I hold my shaft still for her to slide down onto it. She lets her hand go over mine, as if to help. There’s something so fucking satisfying about the feel of her fingers wrapped over mine. It’s like it’s a sign that whatever this is, whatever we’re doing, we are doing it together .

  “My, Santa, what a big candy cane you have,” she whispers, her voice breaking as the tip of my cock pushes inside of her .

  “Go slow, Holly. I want to see my dick disappear inside of you inch by fucking inch,” I order, unable to follow her game. The feel of her pussy squeezing the head of my cock is just too fucking good. I shift her so she’s leaning back, my hand on her ass holding her in place. Then I train my gaze on where my dick is lodged deep inside of her .

  “Oh God…” she whimpers. “You’re so big. You’re stretching me .”

  Fuck. I’m right there with her. Nothing has ever felt so fucking good. Finally, my cock is all the way inside of her and her ass has settled against my lap. I lift one of my hands and cup her tit, squeezing the mound tightly. I try to stop myself from doing what I really want to do—which is fuck her hard until we both explode. I want to make this last. I need to. I hold one of her breasts out, letting my tongue tease the large nipple, making it glisten, while I knead the other with my hand .

  “Fuck yourself, Holly. Use my cock to bring us both to the edge,” I tell her, wanting to watch her ride me, needing it more than I need air right now .

  “I’m so full I can’t breathe,” she cries, but she rises off my cock .


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