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Jingle My Balls

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  I bite down a moan as I feel the flutter of her muscles caress my shaft. She lifts until I’m almost outside of her, and then she slides back down. I let her do that a couple of times mostly because it’s pure torture, but the kind I fucking like. Eventually, though, I can’t take it anymore. I grab her hips and as she begins her downward slide, I slam her down on me so hard my balls bounce against her ass. She screams out as my cock touches her fucking cervix. She curls her hips forward, my dick scraping the sides of the walls of her pussy. I can feel the cum pushing through my cock. I’m close to the end. I need to make sure she’s with me. I slide my fingers down, finding her clit as she grinds down on me .

  She shatters into a million pieces, her pussy clenching my cock as she screams out her pleasure, pulling me into the orgasm with her. I can feel my cum jet out into the condom, and for a minute I curse the latex blocking me from filling her up. I close my eyes and imagine my seed painting the walls of her cunt and pooling against her cervix as I empty every last drop I can .

  God, what the hell is going on with me? This woman is already turning my fucking world upside down .

  Chapter 7


  “R ide me. Milk the cum from me with that tight cunt of yours.” Nick’s words are harsh, guttural. He wraps his hands around my waist, digging his fingertips into my hips. “Use me to get off,” he groans out. “Let me feel you come. Let me feel your pussy walls clench around my dick .”

  I lean forward, my breasts pressed to his hairy chest, the feeling incredible. I moan, my pussy contracting along his cock on its own .

  “God, do that again, Holly .”

  I brace my knees on the chair and rise up, the pleasure making me feel drunk. Placing my hands on his pectoral muscles, I do what he wants, clenching my pussy on him over and over again. The sound of his teeth clashing together is strong. With his hands still on my waist, I feel him dig his blunt nails into me. The sting is there and it mixes with my pleasure .

  Nick is breathing hard, his wide chest moving up and down, his restraint clearly slipping .

  “I’ll never get enough,” he says, and although this is the first time we’ve been together—most likely the only time we will ever be together—I can’t help but believe him. “I want you to ride me until you’re bouncing on my cock, until we’re both sore tomorrow .”

  “Oh. God,” I whisper and start rocking back and forth on him. I push fully up and rest my hands on his pecs, bracing myself. Then I start bouncing on him, up and down, harder and faster .

  “Christ. That’s it .”

  His voice is rough, full of need .

  “Now, you watch as we fuck.” His voice is so commanding that I can’t deny him. I won’t because I want to see as well .

  “Look down, Holly. Watch as you fuck yourself on Santa, as you bring that sweet, primed cunt of yours down on my cock .”

  There has never been a time in my life when I felt this kind of arousal. I know when this is all said and done Nick will have ruined other men for me .

  I rise up but keep my focus on where we are connected. When his cock becomes visible, I see how glossy it is from my pussy cream. Everything in me tightens at the sight. He’s stretched me so good, and the burn of the pleasure is still there. I don’t want this to end .

  “So hot, Holly .”

  My breath leaves me and my arms are shaking from holding myself up, but still I ride him .

  My pussy sucks at his cock, and his big dick stretches me wide, making me feel like I am going over the edge .

  I move up and down, the breath leaving me in uneven gasps, and my tits bouncing. My orgasm rushes forward once more and I feel him get harder inside of me .

  I don’t want to stop it .

  And then I see the change in him. His body becomes tighter, harder. Sweat covers his chest and forehead, and his jaw clenches tightly. I know he’s going to come. The question is how long will he restrain himself ?

  “You see what you do to me?” he says, but it sounds like he’s speaking to himself. He’s fucking me still, or really, I’m the one doing the fucking. But I can see that he’s right at the edge. I don’t know how much longer I can last, so I know I have to get him off so we can both find oblivion together .

  I clench my pussy muscles around his dick and he groans, tossing his head back and closing his eyes. His fingers are digging deep into my skin, and I know there will be bruises tomorrow. Good, I want that mark, that reminder that I actually did this .

  And then he starts lifting me up and slamming me back down on his cock. The wet, sloppy sounds of our sex fill my head, making me drunk from it all. I don’t think about anything else but this moment. I don’t care that this man is essentially a stranger, that after this one-night stand I’ll have to do the walk of shame. But I don’t care. This moment is everything I’ve needed. I’ve been sex free for far too long, and Nick is definitely putting the holiday spirit back in me…literally .

  He slams me down hard on him once more, stilling, his fingers biting so deep into my flesh that I hiss from the pain. He groans, his necks muscles standing in stark relief, his body seeming bigger than life in this moment. I swear I can feel him coming, and I mourn the fact that the condom is keeping it from me. I want his cum. I want all of him—no matter how crazy that is .

  The feeling of him coming, and the sight of him lost in passion has me climaxing again .

  I collapse on his chest, both of us panting, our skin sweaty. I can hear the thunderous beat of his heart. It matches mine. I want to ask where we go from here, but I’m too embarrassed…too afraid of what he’ll say. Instead I detangle myself from him, both of us making a sound as his cock slips free from my pussy. I can’t help but glance down at his dick, the tip of the condom filled with so much cum. The sight has me aroused all over again .

  I can’t look him in the face, not after what we just did, not when I’m afraid of the disinterest he’ll cast my way. Instead of making a fool of myself, I gather my clothes, hastily put them on, and get the hell out of there .

  But I swear I hear him call out my name just as the door shuts behind me .

  Chapter 8


  I ’m a fucking fool. There’s no other word for it. I just let Holly walk away. I didn’t even try to stop her. I warred with myself. I mean, this was just a fast afternoon quickie. It’s not like we really know each other .

  It’s just sex .

  That’s it .

  Except I can still feel her riding my dick. I still hear her breathy sighs in my ears and I can still smell her in the room… I miss her .

  Isn’t that a fucking bitch. I don’t think I’ve ever missed a woman in my damned life .

  I get up and jump in the shower. Yet, even as I’m doing it, I hate the fact that I am washing Holly off of me. Then again, her name isn’t Holly. Nothing about what we did here was real. I need to remember that .

  But everything felt real .

  It sure as hell felt real when her tight little cunt was squeezing my cock and milking it dry. I move my hand to my dick, letting the lather of the soap slide around my shaft and jack it a couple of times, but it feels nothing like the real thing. It feels nothing like Holly .

  Holly was unique… She was special .

  She is special .

  Nothing has ever felt like she did …

  Fuck. I sound like some kind of lovesick fool about a girl who didn’t even give me her real name and rode my cock after hiring me for a fantasy. I need to snap out of it. I finish up my shower and throw the clothes on I was smart enough to bring with me, instead of that fucking damn Santa suit. I glance over at the red velvet glob on the floor .

  An image of Holly undoing my pants flashes in my mind and my cock stretches against my jeans. I want more of her. I don’t care if her name is Keni or Holly. I don’t care if it was just meant for one stolen afternoon. I want more of her and I have her information. She had to give it to sign up for a fantasy. If she thought she could hide f
rom Santa, she’s sadly mistaken .

  Ho, ho, son-of-a-bitching-ho… Santa is fucking everywhere and she’ll learn that soon enough .

  It’s time little Holly—or whatever the hell name she wants to use—finds out that Santa is coming to town. And, when I get there, I’m definitely coming… in her .

  Chapter 9


  The next day

  I shift on my chair, a soft hiss leaving me. I’m sore, my pussy clenching on its own, the memory of exactly what was shoved inside of me vivid. Although I’m sore and full of partial regret, I can’t deny I wish I was with Nick right now. I didn’t want to leave yesterday, didn’t want to pretend I could just walk away. But I will be damned if I am going to make a fool of myself and want something more with him when he probably just wanted some easy sex, and he sure as hell got that tenfold .

  I exhale and lean back, not sure exactly what to do next. I don’t even know his last name to try and contact him, if I was going to go that route. And even if I did know where to find him what would I say ?

  “Hey, remember me? We had some kinky Santa roleplaying sex.” Yeah, not going to happen .

  “Hey .”

  I glance over and see Michael standing in my office doorway, his smile wide, and the “fuck me” look he’s giving me pretty intense. I know Michael wants me, and he makes no secret about it, but with his greasy slicked-back hair and reputation of trying to bang every female in the office, I’ve never been more put off by a man .

  Well, and given the fact I’ve just experienced a real man in Nick, roleplaying or not, Michael is more of a turnoff than anything else .

  “Hi, Michael,” I say with absolutely zero interest in my voice. I know him well enough to understand even a slight smile in his direction makes him think you want him in your bed .

  “A bunch of us are hitting up O’Hare’s after work. Wanna join in ?”

  I should say no right away, but he’s making it sound like it’s an office affair, which I wouldn’t mind, especially since it will help keep my mind off Nick. “Who is all going ?”

  “Kelly and Mitch, Randall, Shellie, and I think Donald. I’m sure we’ll get a few others to go, but after the Anderson account has been wrapped up we all need to let loose a little.” He wags his eyebrows at me and I don’t even try to hide my distaste .

  “Maybe. I have to see if I have anything going on.” That’s a lie. I have nothing going on, but it’s sounding a little more appealing to just go home and finish off a bottle of wine while I soak in a bubble bath…and of course think about Nick and all the things I want him to do to me still .

  Michael doesn’t leave right away, and I close my eyes, knowing I am totally screwed either way. I want to see Nick again, but I have no clue where to even start, where to even look .

  Then it looks like I’m shit out of luck. Looks like I just need to move on, and hopefully if I ever find another man he won’t be so disappointing that all I keep thinking about is a damn one-night stand .

  “Yeah, okay. Getting out with everyone will be nice.” I don’t bother looking at Michael, but I can practically feel his excitement fill the room .

  When he finally leaves I look back out the window. I can’t see much but skyscrapers and a murky sky from the winter weather swiftly approaching, but I need something else to focus on besides a certain Kris Kringle-playing hottie who happened to be covered in tattoos and made me sore the next day .

  Yeah, Nick definitely ruined me for all other men .

  * * *

  I sit around with a handful of co-workers, the martini in front of me only half drank. The pub is packed, with bodies almost shoulder-to-shoulder, and the scent of sweat and alcohol filling the air. I swear I can even scent sex lingering, as if all these people are waiting for the liquor to kick in before they take a random stranger home and fuck them .

  Kind of like the scenario I keep daydreaming about .

  I lift my drink and down half of it, feeling the burn travel down my throat and settle in my belly. “I’ll be right back.” I grab my coat and excuse myself, heading out the front, pushing my way through the thick throng of people crowded in the pub. Once outside, I wrap my jacket around myself a little tighter and lean against the side of the building .

  The air is crisp, the winter already here and biting me in the ass. I stare at the crowds of people, shopping bags in their hands, the late night not stopping them from getting their shit done. This is New York, the city that never sleeps, my home, and a place that has over eight million people residing here. There’s no way in hell I’ll ever see Nick again .

  The odds are definitely not in my favor .

  Chapter 10


  H ow the mighty have fallen .

  I’m fucking standing outside a brownstone at nine in the morning, on a Saturday, banging on the door because no one answered the damn doorbell. This is not just any brownstone, however. I look down at the file I’m holding, pausing my knocking—just in case the neighbors in the adjacent townhouses are tempted to call the law .

  This brownstone belongs to Keni Preston. That’s why I’m a fucking freak. I’m chasing a client down—a client I had an ill-advised one-night stand with. A one-night stand that could get me sued and destroy my business because I’m being a stalker. And a memory that I’ve jacked off to for the last three days .

  A one-night stand I’m starting to think I’ll never be able to forget .

  I’m about to turn around and say forget it when the door opens. I’m practically holding my breath—I’m that anxious to see Holly again. Disappointment fills me when a woman with red hair opens the door. She’s definitely not Holly. Her red hair isn’t a vibrant crown on her head. It’s pretty, but it doesn’t have the depth of color Holly’s does. She’s pretty, but she’s not my Holly .

  Fuck .

  My Holly .

  My dick is sewn up over a woman I don’t even know. A woman who probably doesn’t believe my name is actually Nick. A woman who fucked me because of a Santa roleplaying scenario. Shit. I’ve had women fuck me for a lot of reasons. Admittedly, most of them have either fucked me for the size of my dick or the size of my wallet—but absolutely none have fucked me because I was wearing a red velvet coat .

  And I can blame my lack of control where Holly is concerned over the fact I haven’t been with a woman in far too damn long. With my business being successful, and the workload keeping me busy, I have no time—or interest—in taking anyone to my bed. But then I saw Holly and everything changed. She made me break a cardinal rule about not getting involved with a client .

  “Can I help you?” the woman asks and I notice her eyes are a pale blue. Maybe they would have been pretty before the heated look in Holly’s branded me .

  Fuck .

  “I’m looking for Holly…uh…Keni Preston ?”

  “I’m Keni,” she answers, and the look on my face must have frightened her because she steps back behind the safety of the door .

  “No. I’m talking about the Keni who hired Dreamers for a Christmas…” I see the way her eyes widen in surprise. She’s silent for a second and I wonder exactly what the fuck is going on .

  “Stop!” she cries, looking around. “That was me,” she hisses. “But I’d rather not have my neighbors know. How did you find out? Who are you ? ”

  What the fuck is going on here? I’m starting to get a sick feeling in my stomach and for once it has nothing to do with the fact that Holly isn’t underneath me—at least not entirely .

  “I’m… I’m sorry, you’re the one who hired — ”

  “Who are you?” she repeats again and I definitely see panic in her face, but she’s not lying. I’d bet everything I own on it .

  “I’m Nick Jones. I own the company .”

  Her throat works as she swallows. “You own Dreamers?” she asks, looking confused. Hell, she’s not the only one .

  “Yes, and we were following up on the Christmas order placed by Keni…uh, you. Was the
fantasy for you or for a friend?” I ask, praying she tells me it was for a friend and gives me the name. That’s the only explanation for the fucked-up situation I am now in .

  I start to relax, thinking I have it all figured out. Holly—and just maybe that’s her real name—might think she can run away from me, but I’ve got her now. Maybe when I finally get her in my grasp again, Santa will have to spank her for being a naughty little girl. Fuck. Maybe I can make her naughtier? A quick image of Holly tied to my bed, my cum painted across her face, her tongue licking it off her lips while I’m still getting off across her tits, slams to my mind. I swear my cock swells rock hard. If I don’t find Holly soon, my fucking balls are going to explode. I’ve heard the term bust a nut my whole life, but not until this woman have I realized what the fuck it means—and the agony that comes with it .

  “No… I mean, it was for me, but I just changed my mind. I chickened out, okay? I shouldn’t have ever booked it. It’s just this was my first Christmas as a single woman. My son is spending Christmas with his father and new stepmother and I just…panicked. I couldn’t go through with it, though. I didn’t think anything else about it. I mean, you had my deposit and… Shit. I should have canceled.” She’s rambling now, clearly nervous. “Am I responsible for the whole fee? That hardly seems fair, considering I didn’t show. I mean, maybe I should have called when I decided not to show up, but I didn’t actually decide not to—at least not until it was time to go there. I figured by then it was just too late. You know?” She’s breathing hard and fast .

  I want to assure her things are fine, at least where she’s concerned, but she won’t let me get a word in .

  “Is that why you’re here? To collect the outstanding amount? Is that standard practice? I mean, this is my home. If you had billed me—or even called, I would have come in,” she huffs, blathering on so much that I lose track .


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