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Jingle My Balls

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  Really, I stopped listening when I discovered she didn’t have a friend show up at the park in her place. I stopped listening when I realized that I have absolutely no idea who Holly is or how to find her .

  She’s lost to me forever …

  Chapter 11


  Two weeks later

  I should just leave, but because this is a work function, and basically mandatory or I get the “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” looks from my superiors, I am trapped. It’s like a damn prison, a fancy, champagne flowing, rare caviar serving, expensive dress and tuxedo wearing prison. Hell, I don’t even know ninety-nine percent of the people in this damn ballroom, but I smile and act like I’m best friends with all of them. Because this is work, and even though I loathe being here, I have to play nice .

  I finish off the champagne in my flute but don’t wait until a server walks by with a tray filled with more. I head over to the bar and lean against the smooth, glossy wood counter. My mind drifts to Nick, and to the fact that even though it’s been two weeks, I still want him. I still think about him, about the possibility of just running into him and things falling right into place. I have a better chance of resurrecting the Lost City of Atlantis than running into Nick in New York City .

  Instead of letting my mind be consumed with all things Nick, I focus on the fact that my feet are killing me in these stilettos, and that this dress is a size too small .

  “Champagne, please,” I say to the bartender and turn to survey the ballroom. This place drips of money, and every year around the holidays they throw this ridiculous party, trying to schmooze with all the big-shot businesses around the city. It is really everyone getting drunk and bragging how they have more money than the next .

  It is always a suffocating night, with the stench of overpriced cologne filling my head, and drunken old men trying to get me to go back to a hotel room with them .

  There is only one man I want to go to a hotel room with .

  Nick .

  What I need to do is get the thought of Nick out of my head. Because at this point I’m starting to not only feel ridiculous, but also pathetic .

  I take the champagne glass and push my way through the people, heading toward the balcony. The doors are closed because it’s cold as hell outside, but I’m sweating, and need the fresh air .

  When I get on the balcony I look out at the skyscrapers and the lights that fill the city. It’s bright, and I can’t see the sky clearly, or make out any stars. But I love this city, even with the thick population, and everything else that comes with being crammed into an asphalt and steel world .

  I lean against the railing and look out at the scene, hearing the blare of car horns honking, seeing the spots of red and yellow from the lights below. I take a sip from my champagne, not able to help letting my mind wander to Nick again. Where is he right now? Has he been thinking about me , too ?

  Thinking about me? Am I that desperate ?

  I close my eyes and shake my head. I need to just find another guy. That will help me forget about Santa and the massive candy cane he’s sporting .

  * * *

  I pull at the bowtie, this fucking suit strangling my entire body. I toss back the whiskey, needing another one. As if my prayers are answered, a waiter comes by with a tray filled with the little fuckers. I grab one and start walking away from the group I’ve been speaking with. This corporate parry is not my scene, not in the least, but it is good to mingle with big shots and let them know I am not someone to fuck with. It is good to let other assholes know that I am a bigger one if need be .

  I finish off the whiskey in a matter of minutes and start making my way toward the bar. I am already feeling pretty buzzed, and although I should stop, I can’t. Over the last two weeks I’ve tried finding out where Holly is. I haven’t found shit though. She’s disappeared, or hell, maybe Holly isn’t even her real name. I know I should put all of this behind me, chalk it up to a one-night stand, but I just can’t .

  All I can think about is Holly, and I know until I find her I can’t walk away. I won’t .

  Just as I reach the bar I glance toward the balcony. The outside lights make it easy to see the few people mingling around, but it’s the flash of red hair that makes my heart freeze right in my fucking chest. I know that it’s most likely not Holly, but God, that shade is not something I’ll ever forget. The color of Holly’s hair is engrained in my brain, and the woman who is leaning against the balcony railing has the exact same shade as the woman I am desperate for .

  As if on instinct I find myself moving toward her. I’m not sure what I plan on saying when I get there, but I’m also not about to fucking stop myself .

  Chapter 12


  “ H olly ?”

  I gasp. My body goes solid, my heart lodges in my chest. I know that voice .

  I’ve been dreaming of that voice .

  Still, it can’t be Nick. There’s just no way. To prolong my own agony, I take my time turning around. If I don’t look, I can pretend it’s him .

  “Fuck. It is you,” he growls and my knees go weak. I literally have to lean on the railing of the balcony. If I don’t, I’m afraid I might fall .

  “Nick?” I ask, and I have to blink several times to make sure it is him and not just some figment of my desire-laden, wishful thinking brain. He looks so different wearing a very expensive tuxedo rather than his Santa outfit. But he looks good, so damn good. Even though he’s covered from neck to toe, I can still see the tattoos that cover his hands, and even the ones he has on his throat. They turn me on like nothing else can .

  He turns me on like no one else ever has or ever will .

  “Motherfucker!” he growls and then takes three large strides to me, eating up the space between us .

  He grabs me by my upper arms, his fingers biting painfully into me—but nothing has ever felt so good .

  “Is it really you?” I ask, still not quite believing .

  “I’ve been looking for you everywhere, Holly. You have a lot of explaining to do .”

  “You have? Wait. What do you mean I have explaining to do ?”

  “You walked out on me,” he growls .

  “But, well, it was over. I mean… Well, we were done and …”

  “I wasn’t done with you, Holly, not at all .”

  “You weren’t ?”

  “Santa had some more packages for you .”

  “Nick… Is that even your name ?”

  “It is, and is your name really Holly ?”

  “Yes… How… Why are you here ?”

  “You should know, Holly, Santa is everywhere,” he says with a smirk .

  Any other time I would have found that sexy, but not right now. Right now I feel like the earth under my feet is literally trying to disappear. Heck, I’m even dizzy .

  “No. Not this time. This time no more games,” I argue, and maybe he can hear the panic in my voice. I know I can. I’m scared I’m going insane. That’s the only explanation for the fact that the man I’ve been dreaming about for weeks suddenly appears at a business holiday party .

  Before I can question him further, Michael is standing beside us. I should have known he would have followed me outside and, as always, his timing is impeccable .

  “Holly? Is this man bothering you?” he asks, eyeing Nick up and down like he can really take him if it comes down to it. I snort at that thought .

  Michael does his best to make his voice sound threatening. I hold my head down, because Michael is the last person I want here. I need to be alone with Nick—I need answers. Besides, it’s kind of ridiculous. Michael is a good foot shorter than Nick and looks downright skinny next to Nick’s muscular form. I clench my fingers involuntarily against the firm, hard muscles of Nick’s biceps .

  God, I’ve missed him .

  “Who are you?” Nick asks, bringing my attention back to the moment at hand. His voice is hard, slightly pissed off .

  “I’m Hol
ly’s boyfriend,” Michael answers, and my body goes stiff as shock flows through me. I snap my head in Michael’s direction, knowing my eyes have got to be as big as the fucking moon. Oh my God! I always knew Michael was insane, and now I have proof. Before I can speak up, I look up at Nick’s face and discover I may have bigger problems. He looks like a volcano about to blow .

  Oh shit .

  Chapter 13


  I still can’t believe it. I fucking found her. Elation fills me, because honestly, I had given up hope. Now that I have Holly in my grasp, I’m not about to let her slip through again. Maybe it was stupid to remind her of our little holiday “game,” but I couldn’t help myself—probably because I can’t wait to resume playing with her .

  Fuck, there’s so much more I plan on doing to Holly .

  I’m about to tell her exactly that when some asshole comes up and puts his hand protectively on Holly’s shoulder. I’ve never been territorial in my life, but right now I am about half a step away from ripping that fucker’s arm out of its socket for daring to touch what’s mine. This might have started off as a game, but Holly is definitely mine .

  “I’m Holly’s boyfriend,” he announces. The urge to break his neck so he stops breathing is there. It’s raw and dark, but Holly reduces my thoughts to caveman-like processes. She’s mine. What’s mine stays mine. I manage to beat it down, but it’s not fucking easy .

  “You’re her what?” I growl, and I can feel Holly’s body tremble beside me. Her hand cups the side of my neck, trying to draw my attention. Any other time I would look at her, but right now, all I want to do is —

  “Holly and I are dating,” he announces .

  “No fucking way,” I growl .

  There’s no way in the world this pipsqueak has touched my girl .

  “You are not,” Holly answers, her voice hard. “We’re not dating, Michael .”

  “You’re here at the party with me,” he answers, his tone filled with annoyance and his face flushed .

  “Is that true?” I ask Holly. I don’t really give a fuck. I’ll deal with this jerk and she will be coming home with me .

  “Not the way he’s making it sound,” she mutters. “I met up with some coworkers and we arrived together. Michael and I work at the same place. That’s it .”

  “That sounds a lot different than the story you’re painting , man .”

  “Do you know this guy, Holly?” Michael asks, ignoring me .

  “Nick? Yeah. I know him,” she whispers, and this time I look down at her, because I have to. Her voice is sweet and she’s blushing. Her gaze centers on mine and I can tell her head is as full of memories of our time together as mine is .

  “Damn straight you do.” I grin. “Trust me, buddy. She knows me and I know her in ways you’ll only ever dream about,” I add, goading the little asshole .

  “I don’t believe that,” he responds .

  “I don’t really give a fuck what you believe. But you will be going home alone with your hand, and I’ll be going home with Holly’s legs wrapped around me all night and her tight little pussy wrapped around my cock,” I answer with a shrug, like I don’t have a care in the world .

  Holly gasps and I know that will probably piss her off, but I don’t like that this idiot is trying to lay claim on her. The easiest way I know to shut a man down who is talking out of his ass is to go for blood early .

  “You’re disgusting !”

  “Maybe so, but Holly likes everything I do to her. Now, move your hand away from my woman.” I look at her. “Let’s go, Holly. You and I have some things to talk about.” I turn my attention back to my woman, wanting nothing more than to take her back home and have her again… and again .

  Hell, I may never get my fill of this woman. After weeks of being without her, I’m pretty sure I won’t .

  “Holly, you can’t really have anything to do with this guy !”

  “Let’s go,” she whispers, ignoring this Michael asshole, but the jerk isn’t going to let it go .

  “Holly, do you know who he is ?”

  I ignore him. She’s agreed to go home with me and that’s all I need. I take her hand in mine and pull her close .

  “Holly! His firm is one of our clients. He gets paid to have sex, for God’s sake .”

  Holly freezes, her body going rigid. She looks up at me and, understandably, her expression is full of questions. They are questions I don’t like, even if I do understand them. I have, however, had enough of this fuck-wad. I pull away from Holly and slam my fist into his face, instantly breaking his nose. He goes back holding said body part, blood spouting down his face. That gives me some small satisfaction .

  “Nick?” Holly asks. People are starting to gather around us. There’s even a couple seeing to the idiot, but I ignore them .

  “What’s going on here?” Cedric Moak comes out of the doors. “Andrews, what are you doing on the ground?” he asks, helping the guy get up .

  “He hit me !”

  “Michael was—” Holly starts, but she doesn’t get to finish. I won’t let her. I want this shit handled and I want out of here .

  “He work for you, Cedric ?”

  “He and Ms. Kline here are attorneys on our corporate floor .”

  Holly Kline. She’ll never get away from me now .

  “Ms. Kline is not an issue. I’m talking about him.” I have a hard stare on my face, letting them all know I’m fucking serious .

  “Michael Andrews, yes, he’s been with our company for the last year,” Cedric answers, frowning .

  “He just slandered my name, accusing me of sleeping with clients. If Moak and Sons wishes to continue having my company and my personal business on retainer, I want him gone.” I make sure to hit them where it hurts .

  “You can’t do that,” Michael yells .

  But I can and I definitely will .

  “He’s gone,” Cedric answers without a second thought. I didn’t imagine there would be. I’m one of his biggest clients and his son’s biggest contributor when he ran a successful campaign for U.S. Senator. Losing my business and my personal interest would be one of the stupidest moves they ever made .

  “Good. Then we have no issues. I believe I’m done here for the night. I think Mr. Andrews has pretty much ruined mine and Holly’s evening .”

  “I’ll have him escorted from the building. I wasn’t aware that you knew Ms. Kline, or were in a relationship with her,” Cedric replies. He’s fishing now, but I let it go. Instead I look at Holly. Her face is a mixture of shock and confusion. It looks damn good on her .

  “I don’t divulge information about my private life, Cedric. But, if you must know, Holly lives with me,” I announce. Holly’s mouth falls open in shock. Before she can start arguing with me, I take her hand. “Let’s go, Holly. Cedric, I’ll be in touch.” I give him a slight nod of goodbye. Holly follows me, even though I’m sure she would rather ask me a million questions. I’m thankful. I’d rather handle her questions in private .

  “You can’t do this to me. I’ll sue all of you. This is wrongful termination and I’ll sue for assault! I’ll own your business before I’m done,” Andrews screams. I look at him with a cold smile. Before morning I’ll know everything there is to know about Michael Andrews and there won’t be a rock big enough for him to crawl back under. He fucked with the wrong guy tonight .

  “If you’re brave enough, try me, asshole,” I warn him, and that’s the only one he will get .

  With that, I take Holly and head out of there. I can’t wait to have her alone and under me .

  Chapter 14


  “W ill you slow down?” I gasp .

  Nick is so much taller than me and he’s taking these long strides across the room that are impossible for me to keep up with. He has a tight hold on my hand, which essentially means if he doesn’t slow down, he will be dragging me soon .

  He stops abruptly with a growl and then he leans his body in and down. His hand
moves against the bottom of my ass and before I realize what he’s doing, he’s pulled me up his body so that my torso is hanging over his back .

  I panic, trying to make sure my dress doesn’t rise up and flash the world. Luckily, it’s pretty tight and that’s not a huge issue .

  “Nick. What are you doing? Put me down!” I mumble, feeling a little lightheaded—probably from being carted around and hanging upside down like I was a sack of potatoes .

  “Holly, I just watched another man say he had a claim on you. I saw his hand on your shoulder. If I put you down, then I will be fucking you against the wall and everyone in this damn party will get to see the show .”

  “I… Maybe we should talk before there’s any… fucking .”

  “You better talk fast then,” he growls and even in my confusion, a shiver runs through me and centers between my legs .

  “What did Michael mean when he said you get paid to have sex?” I ask, almost tripping over the words. I don’t exactly trust Michael, but considering how Nick and I met, I need Michael’s accusation explained .

  Nick doesn’t answer, however. Instead he slides me down his body so that I’m standing in front of him. I figure we’re finally going to talk and as much as I enjoyed the thought of him carrying me out of here and fucking me—we do need to talk. Yet Nick surprises me. He all but spins me around. I have to brace my hands on the sides of the brick wall by the entrance of the ballroom to keep from falling when he moves me so fast. Then, before I can question him, his hand comes down hard on my ass .

  I gasp at the shock of it and the sting of the sharp pain. I can barely form a thought before his hand comes down again. I’d like to say I’m horrified that Nick is spanking me in front of my co-workers and my boss. Not all of them are here, I’m sure, but quite a few are. I don’t turn and look though. I concentrate on remaining standing. My knees are literally weak. A visible shudder runs through me and I lick my lips as I feel my panties getting wet as he spanks me again. Heat spreads through my body. I push my ass out against his hand, unable to stop myself. The simple truth is, I want more .


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