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Passion, Vows & Babies: Perfect Strangers (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Madison Street

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Rochelle Paige Popovic and Elle Christensen. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Passion, Vows & Babies remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Rochelle Paige Popovic and Elle Christensen, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Perfect Strangers

  a Yeah, Baby & Perfect Strangers Crossover

  Madison Street



  1. 12:30AM

  2. Relax Sunshine

  3. Alfredo & Snowballs

  Six Years Later

  4. Lucky Charm

  5. Luce del Sole

  6. Birthday

  7. Swan Lake

  8. Relapse

  9. Truth

  10. First Sight

  11. Lost & Found


  The End

  Passion, Vows & Babies

  About the Author

  Also by Madison Street


  Dear Readers,

  Welcome to the Passion, Vows & Babies Kindle World! In this combination of my Sex & Vows and Yeah, Baby series, we’ll bring you new books by some truly amazing authors. From sexy stories of married couples fighting against outside forces to keep their happily ever after, to unexpected pregnancies that lead to forever afters… the Passion, Vows & Babies world is full of over the top alphas, sassy heroines, insta-love, wedding bells, and growing families. Although the wide cast of characters in both series have managed to find love, there’s plenty more out there who could use Passion, Vows & Babies in their lives—like the couple in this story!

  If you’re familiar with the Yeah, Baby and Sex & Vows series, you’ll see a familiar face (or more) in this story. I am so excited this author agreed to bring their storytelling talent to the Passion, Vows & Babies Kindle World! However, please keep in mind that this book is entirely the work of the author, and I didn’t have any part in the process of writing this book.

  For more about the world, stop by the Passion, Vows & Babies website:

  Happy reading!

  Fiona Davenport

  (Elle Christensen & Rochelle Paige)

  for all the strangers who fall in love



  The cab pulls up to the curb just as the driver looks back toward me. “That’ll be twelve dollars.” Rummaging through my pockets I grab a ten-dollar bill and tremble slightly. Shit. I’m short two bucks. I take a peek at my bill and back to the driver.

  With a soft voice, I beg to the driver. “Look, I’m short two dollars. I’m – ”

  His hand immediately thrusts into the air full of anger. “No! You owe me the money now. If not, I call the police. What is it gonna be?”

  Tears threaten to spill. My eyes wander toward the dashboard glancing at the clock on the screen. The numbers reflect the time of 12:30.

  Eager and desperate not to miss my train, I toss the ten-dollar bill at him and jump out of the cab. The cold, midnight sky shines from above as I dash toward the entrance of the station.

  “Hey! Lady you get back here!”

  I yell back toward the cab just as I’m to enter the train station. “I’m sorry! I can’t miss my train.”

  My body pushes through the doors and my legs take off toward the platforms. The halls are practically empty with an eerie silence lingering behind. The sound of my heels pounding on the tiles echo off the walls and ceilings as I race toward the train.

  The sound of the announcer vibrates from the speakers throughout the empty halls as I rush past a couple of pedestrians wandering the space. “Last call for Train 847 from New York to Connecticut. Now boarding at platform four.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  A sleeping homeless man bundled up against the corner catches my view as I turn down the hall. Newspapers cover his body keeping him warm during these cold winter months. My eyes tear away from him and back toward my destination.

  The signs for platform four come into view as I turn another corner. A smile spreads across my face just as my body slams right into a hard back and bounces off as I crash onto the floor.

  My messenger bag spills over, displaying all its content onto the slippery tile as I cry out with shock. “Dammit!”

  I glance over toward my left to find a tall and rugged man standing above me. His eyes meet mine as he lays out his hand for me. “You alright?”

  His dark eyes send chills down my spine as I place my hand in his, allowing him to pull me off the floor.

  I stand there, staring at him. His eyes send chills down my back as he squeezes my hand in his. My breath catches and stills as I get lost in the wonder of sudden acquaintances.

  We stand there, in silence, staring at one another. A look of confusion spreads across his face as his eyes get even darker. The echoing sound of the train announcer startles me out of my trance.

  I slip my hand out of his shaking away the strange feeling. Blinking away embarrassment, I bend down quickly to gather my things. I take a step toward the platform, not realizing that one of my heels broke. “Ahhh shit.”

  I feel my cheeks heat with blush as I slip my shoes off my feet and toss them into my bag. I could sense the handsome stranger, watching me from behind. The intense stare from him melts into my back. I know he’s looking at me. I just know it.

  Without even looking back at him, I take off toward the platform, just as he calls out. His deep voice sends shutters through my body as he yells. “Wait! Hold on a minute!”

  Ignoring his request, I force my body to keep moving. Racing toward the platform, I finally reach the hall and rush down the steps toward the train. I cringe with disgust as my bare feet touch the dirty pavement of the steps. And at the moment, a loud chime from below vibrates throughout the platform.

  “No, no, no!”

  Just as I reach the bottom of the steps, I catch sight of my train, venturing off into the distance and towards Connecticut. My eyes fill with tears as my chest heaves with stress. Letting out a deep sigh, I can’t help but feel pissed off at myself. How could I miss the damn train?! Fuck. Now, I’m stuck in the city until the morning.

  Rummaging through my bag, I scour its contents, looking for my damn cellphone. Where the hell is it? And then, it dawns on me. It must have fallen out of my bag when I fell.


  I strap my bag around my shoulder, and haul ass back up the stairs. Winded and out of breath, I reach the top and turn the corner, praying that my phone is still laying on the floor somewhere.

  “Looking for this?”

  I stop dead in my tracks, at the sound of his voice and spin toward him. I find him, leaning against the wall as though he was waiting for me. He’s just chilling there, nonchalant standing on one foot while his other is pressed against the wall.

  His dark blue jeans hug his hips accentuating his athletic shape. An unbuttoned black pea coat covers his chest, keeping him warm and I can’t help but giggle when I see a pastel pink scarf hanging around his neck. It seems so out of place with his dark clothing and dark eyes but somehow he makes the pink look good.

  He waves my phone toward me as I take a couple steps closer. My hand reaches out for the phone. “I thought it might still be on the floor somewhere. Thank you.”

st as I’m about to grab it, he pulls the phone away from me. “Not so fast missy.”

  I give him a what-the-hell-are-you-doing look and he laughs. “What’s so funny?”

  His rugged voice responds back. “You! You just left without even saying anything.”

  I scoff, “Well, what the hell was I supposed to say? Sorry, I bumped into you, but I didn’t want to miss my train.”

  He shrugs his shoulders, still holding my phone hostage. “I don’t know, maybe a simple thank you for helping me off the floor. Or you could have just waited and I would’ve given you back your phone then.”

  His smug attitude annoys the crap out of me as I roll my eyes. “Look, I don’t have time to play games. I need my phone. So, thank you for helping me up and thanks for keeping hold of my phone.”

  He gives me a studying look, hesitating for a moment, but then hands me my phone. I sigh with relief as I take it from him, about to press the home button to make a call.

  “Don’t bother, it’s dead anyways.”

  “Ugh! Seriously! This has been the night from hell. First, I lose my wallet, then I have to ditch a cab driver his money owed, next I miss the last train leaving the city, and now my phone’s dead. Yup, night from hell. All because I had to attend a party in the city.”

  He smirks, “Don’t forget, your heel broke.”

  I glance at him with anger as he holds back a laugh. I keep hold of my death stare but can’t help but watch as he struggles to keep his composure. At that moment, we both burst into laughter. Our loud burst echoes throughout the halls as we garner a few glances from some of the other pedestrians. My belly muscles ache as they clench with each laugh, bellowing from deep within. Tears fill my eyes as we remain laughing uncontrollably. It’s so stupid yet depressing all at the same time. I’m just a hot ass mess right now.

  The laughter dies down as I walk away, making my way toward a nearby bench and take a seat. The handsome stranger follows and takes a seat next to me.

  I glance at him from the corner of my eye, trying to figure out his motive. And then, realization hits me.

  “You knew I was going to miss the train! That’s why you were waiting for me!”

  He nods his head. “Yup, I knew. I was just coming from the platform when you slammed into me.”

  My mouth drops. “So, you just let me run all the way down there with no shoes?!”

  He shrugs his shoulders again. “Hey, I tried to stop you.”

  I look away, holding my frustration and bottle it up instead. “Why were you down there? You obviously weren’t planning on taking that train right?”

  His head shakes as he glances away. “Nope, I was just dropping off this girl. She goes to school up north.”

  “Really? So do I.”

  He turns toward me and smiles with a surprised look and opens his mouth, but immediately pauses. His dark eyes deepen with curiosity as he stares at me. Uncomfortable yet intrigued by his stare, I can’t help but blush and look away. A couple strands of my dark messy blonde hair falls toward the front, blocking my view of him out the corner of my eye.

  The nerves start to kick in and I can’t help but stammer as I mess with my loose hair. “Well…uhhh, I’m sure you have things to do so feel free to leave. I have to wait here for the next train.”

  He glances at his phone. “You know the next train isn’t until six in the morning right?”

  I nod slightly. “Yeah, I know.”

  He chuckles, “So, you’re just gonna spend the whole night here, by yourself? You know it’s only 12:45?” That’s almost five hours.”

  “Well, I don’t have any money, a phone, nor do I have anywhere to stay for the night. So, the answer to your question is yes. Yes, I’m staying here.”

  I turn away and rummage through my bag, trying to find anything to read, maybe even figure out a way to concoct a blanket of some sorts. Then, I catch eye of my broken heel.

  I spin to face him, holding up my broken shoe. “Plus, I don’t even have shoes to walk in!”

  He yanks the shoe out of my hand and inspects it. I watch as he studies the shoe before nodding toward my bag. “Give me your other shoe.”

  “What? Why?”

  He huffs, “Just give it to me. I’m going to fix this.”

  I pull my shoe out of my bag and hand it to him. He places the broken one on the bench next to the heel. With a hand on the base and the other on the heel, his pulls on the shoe I just gave him.

  “Wait! What are you --?”

  And with that, he snaps the heel off, forcibly breaking it.

  A shriek of anguish escapes my lungs. “No! What the hell? That’s a hundred and fifty-dollar pair of shoes!”

  He hands me both shoes which are now flats. “There, now you have shoes you can actually walk in.”

  I stare at my broken shoes as sadness and anger seep through me. “Do you know what you just did?”

  He shrugs, “Yup, I just saved your ass again.”

  He bends closer to me inches away as his deep voice whispers into my ear. “You’re welcome.”

  The deep sound of his voice vibrates through me, sending chills all over my body as I shudder next to him. A tingly feeling of excitement surges through us as his lips linger close to my ear. I breathe deep and swallow away the feelings as I soak in the loss of my beautiful shoes.

  I slip each shoe onto its matching foot and inspect his new work of fashion sense. It’s actually not that bad. In a way, you can’t even tell these were high heels.

  “Just admit, you like them and we’ll be on our way.”

  I sigh, “Fine, I like them. Wait, what do you mean on our way? Where are we headed?”

  He stands up, glancing at his phone, before returning his gaze to me. “You don’t expect me to stay here all night. Come on, we need to go find your wallet. Retrace your steps, maybe grab something to eat.”

  I huff, not moving from my spot. “Listen, I don’t even know you, so there’s no way in hell, I’m leaving with you. I should just stay here and wait.”

  His brow arches as he stares at me. “You really think you can last here all night. What are you gonna do sleep on this bench like the homeless? Stop being a girl and let’s go.”

  “Excuse me! I am not being a girl. I am being cautious. What if you’re a serial killer or something?”

  He huffs a deep breath. “Look, I would have killed you already if I was. We are all alone in this space. Do you really think I would hurt you? After all that with your phone and your shoes? Come on, do I look like a killer?”

  He gives me a bashful look, knowing full well what he’s doing to me. He knows he’s gorgeous and he’s practically flaunting it. I cross my arms like a two-year old because well, that’s how I react, I guess.

  Yes, I know I shouldn’t be acting so immature especially since I’m twenty-two. Last year of college and look at me, fighting with a hot stranger who wants to take me out into the city. I’m sure any other girl would have jumped his bones already. And maybe if I had a couple rounds of tequila in me, I would have done the same.

  “I’m only asking you one more time. Are you gonna leave with me or not?”

  I glance away from him, holding my ground, with my arms folded. My ass is firmly planted on the bench. There’s no way I’m getting up and leaving out of here.

  He sighs with annoyance at my reaction. “Alright, you asked for it.”

  At that instant, he bends down toward me, grabbing hold of my body, and haul me over his shoulders.

  I cry out with embarrassment, yelling at him as I punch his back. “Put me down!”

  “Well aren’t you just a ray of sunshine? You want to act like a child, you get treated like a child.”

  My arms continue to hit his back as I hang over his shoulders, clutching onto my bag with dear life, praying the contents don’t fall out again.

  “I am not taking “no” for an answer. So if this what I gotta do to get you out of here? Fine. So be it.”

  He walks toward the
exit of the station as I yell at him, hitting his back. We pass a few pedestrians and I ask them for help, but they just stare at us with confusion.

  As we pass, he calls out to our audience. “Don’t worry folks, I’m just teaching her a lesson. She’s in good hands.”

  I feel his hand spank my ass. The slight sting of pain surges as annoyance builds to anger. Kicking my legs, I aim for his face but he holds them down as he continues to walk.

  I growl with frustration and decide to just hang there, swaying against his back as he walks down the halls and toward the exit. Just as we make our way toward the door, he pauses. My head pounds in the back of my mind, as the blood rushes toward my brain. I could feel a nasty headache brewing in the background.

  “Are you all done with your little temper tantrum?”

  I roll my eyes at his question and resist the urge to hit him. “Yes.”

  He pauses. “You sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  He lets out a deep growl as he hoists me over his shoulders, toward his front, and slides me down toward the ground. He steadies my balance, holding me as my feet get acquainted with the floor. His dark eyes look into mine. “You good?”

  I’m pissed off and embarrassed. But as he looks at me with those eyes of his, I can’t help but lick my lips. He’s freaking gorgeous. I’m attracted to this man, but let’s face it, who wouldn’t be? He’s got it all, the whole damn package.

  A little dazed, I respond, “Yeah, I’m good.”

  His lips curve into a wide smile causing a warm feeling to flow through me. He ushers toward the door and holds it open for me as I step outside into the cold winter night. A gust of wind blows through us as we step side by side onto the city streets. I shudder as the chilled air causes me to shiver. Huddling my jacket tighter, I slip my hands into the coat pocket, yelling at myself for not bringing gloves to wear.


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