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Passion, Vows & Babies: Perfect Strangers (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 2

by Madison Street

  He twists his face toward me. “You cold?”

  I catch him staring at me as I try to warm myself up. I nod, “Just a little. I didn’t expect to be out here so late when it got really cold.”

  He stops walking so I stop with him, turning toward him. He slips a pair of black gloves from his pea coat pocket and hands them to me. “Here, put these on.”

  I take them from him asking, “Are you sure?’

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I don’t want you getting sick.”

  His admission sends a smile across my face as I put on his gloves. They’re a little big, but my hands are already ten times warmer than before. Just when I think he’s ready to keep moving, I see him detangling his scarf. He pulls it off his neck and wraps it around mine, even forming a little knot.

  I giggle as he works the scarf. “This is your girlfriend’s scarf, isn’t it?”

  His eyes look into mine. “Would it bother you if it was?”

  I lie with ease. “No, I just don’t think she’d want her scarf around another girl’s neck.”

  He huffs and finishes up, before taking a step back. “First of all, she’s not my girlfriend. Second, this is my scarf.”

  “I thought you said you dropped your girl off at the platform?”

  He nods. “Yes, a girl; not my girlfriend. Big difference.”

  I glance at him, trying to decipher what his agenda is at this point. What does he want from me? What does he expect to happen tonight? Am I some conquest of his? Or maybe he’s just bored?

  I find it hard to believe so I ask, “And you just happen to own a pink scarf?”

  He huffs. “I saw the scarf in the store and liked the way it felt. It’s soft and warm. They didn’t have any other color left in stock besides this one, so I bought it. Just because it’s pink doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a color. Just like, the girl is just a girl. There’s nothing more to it. Simple as that.

  “So, where does that leave me?”

  His eyes grow wide. “You?” He pauses for a brief moment. “Well, you’re in need of some help so here I am. You okay with that, Sunshine?”

  I chuckle at his nickname for me and nod. “Yeah, it’s fine.”

  He nods and grabs hold of my hand as we walk in unison down the street. As we cross, he glances toward me and calls out. “Now, let’s retrace your steps and find your wallet.”

  “I’m pretty sure I left it at the bar.”

  He turns his head toward me. “Which bar?”

  “It’s a little whole in the wall, on 7th and 42nd.”

  “Whoa, that’s a hike. You want to grab the subway?”

  I shake my head as we cross the street. “No, we can walk. We got all night.”

  He glances at me with a smile as he squeezes my hand. “Yes. Yes, we do.”


  Relax Sunshine

  The cold winter air breezes past us as we make our way downtown toward the bar. Hopefully, we find my lost wallet and I’m praying that all my cards and cash are still in there. I know this is New York City and people can be downright awful, but I need to stay positive. I’d hate to have to cancel all my credit cards and deal with the DMV in getting a replaced driver’s license.

  I mentally cross my fingers as they wrap around his strong hand. Even though I’m wearing gloves, I can still feel the intensity between us as he holds my hand. We walk in a fast stride down the street as we cross between oncoming traffic. Even though it’s one-fifteen in the morning, the night is still young.

  People fill the city streets, laughing and conversing with one another. Some run, some walk. Others hail for cabs while a few race toward the subway. I have always wanted to live in the city; it’s been a dream of mine.

  To get a fantastic job working as a journalist and buying a nice condo overlooking the city. Glancing up at the high rises, I imagine my condo on the top floor. A cool modern and contemporary space with an open floor plan, a spacious and updated kitchen, and a killer bathtub that I could melt into. But, who am I kidding? I have to finish college first. Laughing at myself, I push away the crazy notions of my inner child.

  I feel him peeking at me as my heart skips a beat. I don’t know how I ended up here, but here I am. Walking the streets with a beautiful stranger. And as crazy as it is, I don’t even know his name.

  Should I just flat out and ask him? Would that be weird? But he doesn’t know my name neither. Maybe we should just keep this simple? No names.

  Comfortable with my decision we continue our walk down 7th Avenue as we head toward the bar. Turning the corner on 42nd, I see the bar in my sights and pray a sigh of relief that it’s still open.

  My handsome stranger lets go of my hand and holds the door open for me as I thank him, heading inside. He nods with a smile and follows me in. Immediately I set my sights for the bartender and rush to him.

  The bartender recognizes me from before. “Ahh, you’re back for more beer!”

  I laugh at his statement. “Uh, no. Listen, I lost my wallet and I’m hoping it’s here. Did anyone turn it in?”

  “As a matter of fact, someone did turn in a wallet. Hold on, let me get it.”

  I watch as he heads toward the back to grab the wallet. “Oh, thank god! I hope it’s mine.”

  I take off my jacket and grab a seat on a bar stool and watch as my shoe stylist takes a seat next to me. I slip off the gloves and hand them back to him, but he denies them. “No, those are yours for the evening, okay?”

  I nod with a smile. “Ok, thank you.”

  He smiles. “No problem Sunshine.”

  I unwrap the scarf around my neck as I laugh at that stupid nickname. “I’m not always grumpy ya know. It’s just tonight was kind of a little piss for me, that’s all.”

  “Well, then we need to do something to rectify that, don’t we?”

  I inch closer to him. “And what do you have in mind?”

  Just as he’s about to answer, the bartender returns with a wallet. “Is this the one?”

  I glance at it and practically cry out with joy. “Yes!! Oh my god, thank you! Where was it?”

  The two men laugh at my jubilation and the bartender says, “It was by the pool tables. Someone brought it up here. I’m assuming it was after you stormed out after your little riff with that guy.”

  I open my wallet, inspecting for any stolen cash or cards. Luckily my cards are still there but the cash is gone. At least I don’t have to replace anything.

  A deep voice echoes besides me. “Guy, what guy?”

  A hint of jealousy sounds from my stranger’s voice and I peek up at him, only to find him staring at me intensely. His dark eyes border on the edge of envy and possession. His hand lands on mine, grabbing hold.

  “Uh, actually it’s nobody now. I was here for a party and was set up to meet someone. And well, he ended up leaving me. Let’s just say, we didn’t match.”

  The memories of the prior hours before flash before my eyes, forcing me to shy away from my stranger, retreating from his firm grip. Sadness fills my heart as I fight away the tears and push down the void in my chest.

  Stupid girl.

  Always chasing after the wrong guy. The guy that lies, steals, and cheats. And then, leaves you stranded in the city with nowhere to go.

  “Whatever the reason for him leaving you, he’s a damn idiot, for not realizing what he lost.”

  My cheeks heat with blush as I swipe my blonde hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear. “I know you’re being nice, so thank you.”

  His fingers grab hold of my chin and twists my face toward his. His eyes darken with a heated passion as he whispers deep. “No, I’m serious. Obviously, he doesn’t see you the way that I do.”

  My breath catches at his honesty and I can’t help but ask, “And…what do you see?”

  His lips curves. “What do I see? I see pure, natural beauty. A beauty so rare, it needs to be cherished; kept safe.”

  I freeze at his sudden exposure of emotion and watch as his eyes drift
south toward my lips. The feel of his fingers along my chin sends shooting electricity throughout my body as I sit there completely still.

  I watch as he moves, inching closer toward me and I close my eyes, desperately waiting to feel his lips touch mine. And at that moment, I feel his lips touch my cheek instead, steadily holding their place for a couple seconds, before he lifts his head away from me.

  I open my eyes to find him smiling at me in a teasingly way. Just before I can say anything the bartender interrupts me.

  “Hey guys, it’s last call. We’re closing up shop soon.”

  Shocked at his announcement, I glance around for a clock. “What time is it?”

  “It’s almost two. So, if you’re not getting a last drink, then I’m sorry but you guys gotta clear out of here.”

  I nod and thank him as I stand up, grabbing my coat. Before I slip it on, I glance over at the handsome stranger. “I need to use the bathroom first. I’ll be right back.”

  He gestures. “I’ll be right here, waiting for you. Don’t be too long.”

  I smile. “I won’t.”

  I grab my things and head toward the restroom. Entering the space, I glance around to find it completely empty and let out a loud squeal.

  Holy shit, he’s hot! Oh my god!

  Turning toward the mirror, I glance at my reflection and wince. Yikes! I look terrible. I fumble through my bag, hoping to find any makeup I may have buried deep inside. After a couple seconds, I find some lip gloss and mascara. Running the water, I wash away any grime with a power towel, dabbing my face dry. Then, I apply a quick coat of mascara to accentuate my brown eyes and matte my lips with a pinkish hue. My fingers run through my long locks, detangling any knots that may have formed, wishing I had a hairbrush with me.

  I glance at the retouched reflection and shrug. Well, this’ll have to do for now. I head toward the bar and see the bartender talking to my mysterious stranger. I need to find out his name. I chuckle to myself as I make my way towards them. The two of them finish up their conversation, shaking hands, as the bartender leaves us to go finish cleaning.

  Dark eyes meet mine. “All set?”

  I smile toward him. “Yup, I’m ready. Where are we headed?”

  He takes the scarf and wraps it around my neck again. “Are you hungry?”

  “Umm…yeah but aren’t all the restaurants closed?”

  He shakes his head as he knots my scarf. “Nah, I know a place. It’s actually a couple blocks away. I know you’ll like the food.”

  Excited for a new adventure I smile. “Oh, okay. Sure.”

  We finish bundling up for the cold and head outside. His hand grabs hold of mine and we walk toward the restaurant, crossing the street.

  “So, what do you study in school?”

  “Oh, well right now, my major is English with a minor in Journalism. I hope to be a journalist working at a top news station someday.”

  He glances at me with a smile as we walk together. “Like the evenings news?”

  “Yeah, exactly. This is my last year, so I’ve been on the hunt for a job, an internship, pretty much anything at the moment. I know I won’t be able to land my dream job immediately, but I’m hoping to splash my feet in the right waters, ya know?”

  “That’s awesome. And what school do you go to?”

  “Oh, I’m from Stamford, so I go to the school up there.”

  “Stamford? That’s in Connecticut, right?”

  I smile with a nod as we walk side by side. “Yeah, Connecticut. Are you from the city?”

  He lets out a low chuckle. “New Yorker all my life and I wouldn’t trade this city for any other.”

  My eyes glance up toward the city skyline and I can’t help but smile as I listen to him speak. “It really is a beautiful city.”

  His hand grabs hold of mine as we turn the corner. “Yes, it is. Well, we’re here.”

  He leads me toward a restaurant but it’s closed. I look at him with confusion. Clearly he’s misunderstood about the whole closing time thing.

  He laughs at my confused look, and nods his head toward the adjacent alley. “Come on, this way.”

  Just as we descend upon a back door, snow begins to fall from the sky. A small snowflake lands on the back of his pea coat and instantly melts into the fabric. I could feel small flakes landing on my hair as I watch him open the door with a key and punch in the security code.

  He leads me into the back of the restaurant, locking the door behind us. Immediate darkness surrounds me as I step into a corridor, not knowing where I am or where I’m going. A sudden hint of fear and nerves hits me as I turn toward him, hoping I didn’t make a huge mistake.

  He senses my fear and chuckles, “Relax Sunshine. Here, is this better?”

  He switches on the lights and my eyes blink, getting used to the bright fluorescents from above. I open them slowly and spin toward the front of the restaurant.

  Exquisite décor covers the walls, accenting a beautiful theme of elegance and class. Comfy booths and tables hug the glossy hardwood floors as it shines under the beaming lights.

  My breath escapes me as I take in the beautiful restaurant. “Oh my god, it’s beautiful! Do you work here?”

  His deep cool voice chimes from behind me. “Uh, yeah you could say that. I own this place.”

  My jaw drops as my breathing stills as I look at him. “You…own this…restaurant?”

  A deep snicker escapes his lips as he steps into the center of the restaurant. He raises his arms up and spreads them wide. “Welcome to Major’s.”

  My breath escapes as I whisper in awe. “Wow.”

  He reaches out to me, “Let me grab your jacket.”

  I smile, unraveling out of my jacket and his pink scarf. I hand them to him and he puts them on a coat hook.

  “So, that’s your name? Major?”

  He laughs. “Yeah, I know it’s a weird name. My parents were both in the military so it kinda suited me, in a sense.”

  I reach my hand out to him with a genuine smile. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dylan.”

  His brow arches as he shakes my hand. “Dylan, huh? Interesting name for a girl.”

  A low chuckle escapes my lips. “My parents’ doing. Everyone thought I was going to be a boy and when I popped out, they decided to keep the name.”

  He nods with a smile. “Hmm…well, I like it.”

  I smile and follow him towards the kitchen and grab a seat by the counter. “So, I’m guessing they wanted you to follow in their footsteps.”

  “Ha! Yeah! I can still remember their faces when I said I wasn’t going to join the Army and instead, wanted to be a chef. That didn’t go well at all.”

  “But, I’m sure they must be very proud of now. I mean, you own your own restaurant! That’s definitely something to be proud of.”

  His eyes darken for a split second before he turns on the stove. “I wouldn’t know. They haven’t been here to see it.”

  My eyes grow wide with shock. “What?”

  Major shrugs. “It is what it is. Now, sit back and let the master work.”


  Alfredo & Snowballs

  I watch Major in silence as he conquers the kitchen, glamorously making a delicious meal for me. His body is tight and hard. I knew it from the first moment I crashed into him at the train station. Even underneath his pea coat, I knew he was a strong build. I could just sense that about him. And now, his sleeves are rolled up as he handles the hot stove, sweating over it as he stirs the pot.

  Sex appeal oozes from him as he cooks before me, exposing another side of him I never knew existed. Watching him, I imagine what it would be like to feel his body against mine. Heat builds inside as I fantasize about the man before me. Light stubble covers his face and dark wavy hair styled just right matches his eyes. I find myself starting and force myself to look away.

  My eyes peer at him again as he tastes the sauce. He licks his lips and god, I practically melt. All of a sudden, my cheeks fill with heat. Heated
to the point, I just want to rip off all my clothes and jump on top of him. The heat in this kitchen has risen exponentially and it’s not because of the cooking. It’s all Major.

  He peeks up at me, catching my stare and winks. “Come, try this.”

  I step around the counter and inch over to him, watching as he slowly moves the spoon over to my lips. I glance at him just as I lower my head toward the spoon and take a sip, soaking in the delicious taste of Alfredo sauce.

  I lick my lips and wipe away the excess sauce with my finger. “Mmmm, that’s good.”

  His eyes beam with excitement. “Yeah? You like?”

  I nod with pleasure. “How did you learn how to cook?”

  He sighs as he returns to cooking. “Well, I actually have my folks to thank for that. They shipped me off to military school because well, frankly, I was turning into a little shit. I rebelled a lot and wanted to be a famous rock star. Ya know, travel the world. Anyways, they shipped me off and I had to learn to fend for myself.”

  My brow arches toward him. “But, don’t they have cooks at the school?”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, they did. But I got in trouble all the time, so I had kitchen duty almost every night. Eventually I learned how to make a few things and I discovered a hidden passion. By the time I was sixteen, I knew I wanted to be a chef. So, after I graduated, I got my own apartment and got a job as an apprentice and learned the trade.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. And now, you own a restaurant.”

  Major glances around his place and smiles with adoration. “Yup, the restaurant opened a year ago and has been thriving since.”

  He grabs two plates and serves me my dish. “Time to eat.”

  We eat in a comfortable silence, peeking at one another throughout the course of the meal. His food is to die for and I find myself wanting seconds, but I can’t. It’s bad enough he’s already done so much for me tonight, I’m not about to ask for more free food. That will just be a little too much for my taste.


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