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Passion, Vows & Babies: Perfect Strangers (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 3

by Madison Street

  I wipe my mouth with a napkin and offer him a smile. “That was delicious. Thank you.”

  He stands up to grab my empty plate. “I’m glad you liked it.”

  Feeling like I need to do something, I follow him into the kitchen to help clean up. He pauses, motioning me to return but I resist. “No, please. It’s the least I can do. I don’t mind washing a few dishes.”

  Fifteen minutes later, the kitchen looks immaculate, as if it’s never been used before. I’m so amazed by all he’s accomplished and he’s still so young. He’s got his head on straight and I admire that about him.

  I head into the hall to grab my jacket just as his hands slip behind me, helping me into it. I spin to face him as I pull my hair from inside the jacket, so it flows over my shoulders and down my back. He sends me a smile as he glances at the time.

  “Listen, it’s almost 3:15 and I know you don’t want to miss the train. I’m not sure if you’re up for this but my apartment is just a block away. I’m sure you’d like to rest a little before the trip back.”

  I send him a smirk. “Yeah, of course. I’m fine with that.”

  He smiles bright as we put on our coats and head out into the cold. I walk outside waiting as he locks up and step into a blanket of snow. Apparently it’s been snowing the whole time we were in the restaurant, and the streets are beautifully decorated white.

  Being playful, I bend down quickly to roll up a ball of snow. Just as Major turns, I throw it at him, hitting him square in the chest. I bust out laughing as he wipes away the snow from his body. I laugh even louder as I see the look on his face.

  His voice deepens. “Oh, you think this is funny?”

  And with that, he bends toward the ground, grabbing a handful of snow. And I take off. Squealing like a little girl, I round the corner as Major chases me throwing snowballs in my direction. Snow falling from the sky sprinkles the top of my head, turning my hair into a wet mess. My feet begin to freeze as snow melts inside of my flats. But I don’t care; I’m having way too much fun.

  Major and I continue our snowball fight for a few more rounds before my body begins to shiver tremendously. Even with gloves on, my hands turn to ice and I can’t feel my toes. He notices my unease and drops a snowball.

  Rushing toward me, his hands grab mine. “Are you alright?”

  My teeth shatter as my body trembles. “I’m just really cold.”

  “Shit, come on. Let’s get you inside.”

  Major hoists me off the ground and cradles me against him, keeping me warm with his body heat. He rushes toward an apartment building as the cold air seeps into my lungs, causing me to shiver.

  His voice rocks next to my ear. “Almost there, just crossing the street now.”

  I hold onto him tight as I close my eyes, allowing him to rescue me from the cruel winter air. In that moment, he twists his body, slamming his back against the front door of the building, and steps inside. Immediately the warm air heats my body, sending my limbs to burn as the blood in my body rushes back to its normal flow.

  He plants my feet on the ground, steadying my stance. I breathe, shaking away the cold as I give him a smile. I mouth the words ‘thank you’ as he takes hold of my hand and leads me to his apartment door. My wet hair begins to harden into ice as I watch him unlock the door and switch on the light.

  I follow Major inside the apartment and he immediately takes off my coat. “Come on, you need to warm up. Take off your shoes. Follow me.”

  Following his orders, I kick off my flats and follow him down the hall and into the bathroom. He turns on the shower, turning the knob to scorching hot as the hot water begins to steam up the space. “You’ll warm up in the shower. I’ll try to find some dry clothes for you to wear.”

  Major rushes out of the bathroom, leaving me alone to change out of my wet clothes. I let out a sigh and pull off my pants and blouse. My arms reach around my back to unhook my bra and just as I’m about to slip out of my panties, Major knocks and comes barging in.

  “Hey, I brought a tow—“

  I screech as my hands go flying toward my chest, covering my breasts. Completely embarrassed with what just happened, I feel heat rushing toward my cheeks, knowing full well my face is beet red now.

  Major catches my bare body and immediately turns around, facing the door. “Shit, I came to bring you a towel. I didn’t think you’d be naked already.”

  I calm down from the awkwardness and smile at him. His eyes are pinched shut as his body turns, facing the wall. I can’t help but laugh at this whole situation. “It’s fine Major. I was just startled, that’s all. You can open your eyes and hand me the towel. It’s okay.”

  He listens to my advice and slowly opens his eyes. With one arm covering my bare chest, I reach the other hand out to him as I grab the towel from him. “Thank you.”

  Our fingers touch ever so slightly as I take the towel in my hands. My breath hitches as chills soar all over my body. It shudders, not from the cold, but from the electrifying heat that signals between us. Glancing up at him, I know he feels it too.

  His deep voice whispers across the small space between us. “You keep catching me off guard.”

  His statement sends a confused look to spread across my face. And as I glance up at him, his smile grows wide. In an instant, he pulls my body against his and wraps his arms around me. I drop the towel on the floor, leaving my exposed breasts to press against his body.

  His dark eyes stare deep into mine as he whispers to me. “You’re driving me crazy, do you know that? I can’t hear myself think when you’re around. It’s been this way all night.”

  I stammer against him. “But…we hardly know each other.”

  He growls deep. “Are you so sure about that?”

  My breathing surges and my heart pounds in my chest. His eyes blacken with desire as our faces are mere inches away from one another. My eyes travel to his lips, longing to feel them on mine. I fit into his arms perfectly.

  His lips curve as he keeps hold of me. “I know you’re leaving in a few hours, but I’m not ready to say good-bye. Not. Just. Yet.”

  At that moment, his lips crash onto mine as our bodies tangle with one another, in the limited space of the bathroom. The steamy shower heats up as our lips dance with one another, unwavering a new memory that’s dying to be unleashed. His hands travel all over my body; up and down my smooth back as his mouth pushes further.

  I taste his lips with a ferocious passion, eager to try more and more of what he has to offer. He steps back to lift up his shirt and my hands race toward his pants, unbuttoning as he pulls his shirt off. His lips kiss mine just as he kicks off his jeans. The bulge from his boxer briefs meets my stomach as Major presses his body into mine.

  My back is pressed along the shower curtain and I almost fall in, just as he catches me. We both laugh at our clumsiness, enjoying each other’s company. He helps me stand up straight so I can slip off my panties, and step into the hot shower.

  He follows me in and immediately presses his lips on mine. Our bodies mold into one another as the heated water cascades down our bodies. I can’t believe this is happening right now.

  Major’s voice chimes into my ear. “God, you’re still so beautiful.”

  His hands run up and down my body. “You’re exactly what I need at this moment.”

  I whisper back to him. “I need you too, Major.”

  He pauses to stare deep into my eyes, whispering my name as he inches closer. “Dylan.”

  I pull his lips toward mine as heat ignites between us. His fingers brush all over my wet skin and I dig my nails into his back. His fingers trail south, teasing my inner thighs, rubbing my sweet spot. A spark of lust erupts inside me as Major continues to twirl his fingers and rub my spot. I lift a leg and he holds it with one arm, pressing me against the wall.

  He inserts a finger inside of me and I let out a gasp, full of pleasure as Major sends me on a blissful rollercoaster ride.

  “Oh god, that feels good.”<
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  His deep voice echoes inches away from my face as he continues to work his fingers. “I’m gonna make you cum.”

  Intense heat builds inside of me as my body is sent to the edge. “Shit…”

  He pushes his fingers further inside of me, while his thumb rubs my clit. “Let go baby.”

  And following his request, I erupt around him, crying out with intense pleasure as he thrusts his fingers inside of me. His lips press against mine as I calm down from my high, removing his fingers.

  I stare at him with such immense emotion, I can’t contain myself. I laugh with such happiness and glee; I need him to know how good he makes me feel. He senses my pleasure and smiles as I giggle against him.

  We share our moment for a while longer until the shower begins to turn cold. Major winces as the cold water hits him. “Yeah, time to get out.”

  Major shuts off the water and hands me the towel that I dropped earlier. I quickly dab myself dry and hand it to him so he can dry off. He kisses my lips just as he steps out of the shower, wrapping the towel around his waist.

  “I’m going to get you some dry clothes.”

  I stop him just before he leaves. “I don’t need any.” I step out of the shower, hair still dripping wet, completely naked just for him. Without a second glance, he scoops me up in his arms, and races toward the bedroom.

  Major slams my body onto his bed and climbs on top of me, not even wasting a single second. It’s as if our time together is limited, racing against the clock. He leaves kisses all over my chest and neck as his hands run up and down my legs.

  His strong grip sends butterflies to flutter in my belly as my breathing becomes staggered. I feel my body getting ready to welcome him. His fingers return to their spot from before as he lets out a deep breath. “Shit, you’re soaking wet.

  He inches closer positioning himself over me and slowly fills me. My head arches back as my body takes him, opening up, allowing him to ease inside. He seethes through his teeth as he sinks deeper. “Fuck.”

  Our bodies become one as he moves inside of me, thrusting back and forth in a smooth motion, sending pleasure all over my body. Beads of sweat roll down my body as Major kisses me with an intense passion. Pleasure builds inside, sending me closer and closer toward the edge.

  He bends closer wrapping his arms around me and twists our bodies, rolling me on the topside. His voice echoes throughout the room. “I want to see you, feel you on top.”

  I smile at his eagerness and ride him, moving in a fluid motion. The pleasure between us sky-rockets as I quicken my pace, reaching toward that end goal. And just as my body releases into an immense bliss, he gasps and calls out.

  My body rocks on top of him as I cry out with pleasure. “Major, oh god!”

  He groans. “Shit, baby.”

  My chest crashes onto his as my breathing goes back to normal. He wraps his arms around me and pulls the covers over us, sliding me next to him. I glance at his face just as he fingers brush my cheek.

  “What time is it?”

  He turns toward his clock. “It’s 4:15.”

  A hint of sadness pings through me as realization hits that I have to leave soon. I don’t want to, but I have to. I can’t just quit school and stay here. I need to finish; I have a commitment. Besides, I’m sure Major will understand what it means to be chasing a dream.

  I whisper, “I don’t want to say goodbye.”

  He responds, “So then don’t.”

  My lips flatten. “I’m serious Major, I don’t want to leave.”

  His hand cups my cheek, reassuring me of my unease. “Relax, I’m not going anywhere. Let’s rest for a bit. It’ll be morning soon and I’m exhausted.”

  I rest my head on his chest as he kisses my forehead. “Goodnight Dylan. I’m glad you crashed into me today.”

  I chuckle against his chest holding, soaking in every scent of him, memorizing every inch of his body. “Goodnight Major. I’m glad you broke my shoe.”

  I feel him chuckle underneath me and close my eyes. Sleep takes over as my mind fights what my heart is telling me to do. Ignoring them, I let it all go, and let myself fall to sleep.

  Major’s snore startles me awake, jolting me against his body. I glance at the clock to see it’s 8:45. Well, missed the train. Again.

  I inch up, watching Major sleep and suddenly I don’t feel terrible about missing the train. I know where I want to be, and that’s right here.

  Inching out of the bed, I quietly tip toe toward the bathroom, to wash up and grab my things. Getting dressed, I wrap my hair in a messy bun and slip on my shoes. They’re still wet from the melted snow, but there’s nothing I can do at this point.

  Grabbing my bag, I dig for my wallet, making sure I have it this time. Desperately in the need for some hot coffee, I tip toe out of the room and head outside for a cup to warm me up.

  Walking out in the streets, I scour for a corner deli and smile as soon as I see one. My legs carry me across the street and I order two cups of coffee to go, thinking Major may want some coffee as well. The vendor hands me the drinks just as I give him my card. I take a sip, allowing for the bitter coffee taste to fill my taste buds. Damn, it’s so good.

  The vendor hands me my card as I nod. “Thank you.”

  Just as I step back outside, my eyes catch a glimpse of a shadow, from across the way. Panic begins to soar as I squint, praying it’s not the who I think it is. The grizzly of a man, steps out from the shadows, and on instant, my body freezes. The two cups of coffee slip from my grasp, crashing onto the pavement, spilling hot liquid all over the white snow. My eyes study the burly man as he walks toward me pointing directly at me.

  A flash of hidden memories spark before me.

  A casino slots machine, ringing in the distance, faces of men surrounding me, demanding for their money, the faint sound of a gunshot and cries from afar.

  I shake away the memory as cabs honk and fill the streets. My first instinct is to race back to Major’s apartment, but I can’t. I won’t involve him in my mess. I can’t risk him getting hurt because of me and my mistakes. In a matter of seconds, I manage to hail a cab and hop inside.

  The driver looks into the rearview mirror. “Where to?”

  Tears fill my eyes. “Grand Central.”

  And just like that, the cab pulls away from the curb and away from then henchman chasing me. Tears spill down my face as I resist the urge to instruct the driver to stop and bring me to Major. I can’t. I won’t do it.

  This is my choice and it’s the right choice.

  Six Years Later


  Lucky Charm

  The buzzing sound of the alarm blasts throughout the room, forcing me awake from my dream. A low groan escapes my lips as I stretch my arms. The shining rays from the autumn sun begs to shine through the curtains.

  My legs maneuver out from underneath the bed sheets and move toward the floor. My toes touch the cool, hardwood floors, fully awaking the rest of me.

  A yawn bellows from the deep as I slouch toward the bathroom. I wash up and brush my teeth, readying for the busy day ahead. I grab my robe and head toward the kitchen of the small two-bedroom apartment.

  Immediately starting a pot of coffee, I turn toward the living room, and hit the remote, bringing the television to life. The morning talk show discusses the new release from Oscar winning actors. In an instant, the hit of coffee grinds brewing through hot water, send soothing chills through my nose. I breathe deep, soaking in the dark roast smell of my morning coffee.

  I glance at the time, making sure we have enough time to be ready. I head down the hall, opening his door slowly, checking if he’s still sleeping. My face instantly turns into a smile as I see my little man, disheveled in the bed sheets as he snores too loud to be normal.

  I tiptoe towards the bed and sit at the edge. My hand rubs his head, moving the jet-black hair flattened across his face. “Honey, it’s time to get up.”

  His soft voice grumbles. “No mommy-I don
’t want to.”

  I laugh, continuing to mess with his hair. “You have to. Time for school.”

  I bend down to kiss his forehead and pat his butt. “Come, time to get up.” I remove the covers as he instantly lashes out in a tantrum.

  I give him ‘that look’ and he stops instantly. “Yes, mommy.”

  “Good, now I already set out your clothes. Go brush your teeth and I’ll make some pancakes. Sound good?”

  He nods with a smile. “I love pancakes.”

  “Okay, don’t take too long. I have a job interview today that I can’t be late for.”

  He slides off the bed and heads toward the bathroom. I fix his bed sheets and head back to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast.

  As I pour the coffee into my mug, my mind goes instantly back to the past. A past I’ve kept hidden for so long. I find myself standing in that same corner deli, the day I met Major. Tears threaten to spill as the memories of a lost love, force themselves to the surface.

  It’s been six years since our night together. And even though it ended as fast as it began, it gave me the greatest joy of my life. A small tear escapes out the corner of my eye as I watch my beautiful boy enter the kitchen.

  “You okay mommy? Why are you crying?”

  I wipe the tear away, forcing the memories back where they belong. “Nothing sweetie. Ready for some pancakes?”


  I watch him devour the pancakes and think how similar he looks like his father. A hint of sadness and regret fill me as I watch him eat. I turn to pour out the leftover coffee into the sink. Taking a deep breath, I think about how different my life would have been if I had stayed in the city.

  Perhaps Major and I would be together, raising our son as a family. Or, what if something bad happened; just like before. What if Major was hurt? What if the thugs found out I had a son? Would they have threatened him too?


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