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Assassin Affairs

Page 8

by R. S. Smith

  “You've had a traumatic week, Jessie. Hopefully your time here is helping,” said Laura.

  “Is age difference important in relationships?” Jessie asked as Renée handed her the joint.

  “Not really,” she answered.

  “You guys want to do sex stuff with me, don't you?”

  Her question went unanswered as the joint continued to make its way around the room, each silently pondering the possibilities.

  “Why do you all dance around it like I'm some delicate flower? Is it cuz I'm so much younger than you? Is it because of my mom? Is it because you want to be sure you still get paid in the end?”

  “You've been through a very traumatic experience, Jessie. We just don't want to make it any more traumatic for you,” said Renée.

  Another five minutes passed as they smoked and stared at the flickering flames.

  “You guys saved my life. Lionel kept talking about the bad things he had planned for me and my mom when she delivered the ransom. It would have ended badly for me if you hadn't come along. You need to know how grateful I am.”

  The conversation droned on awhile longer, another joint was rolled, a few more logs were put on the fire.

  “It's okay with me, you guys.”

  “What is, honey?”

  “You can do sex stuff to me if you want. I don't mind. I won't tell.”

  “That's a nice offer, Jessie,” Danny said. “I'm not sure it's the right thing to do.”

  “I want to get in tighter with you guys. I'm willing do use sex to do that. I want to use sex to do that!”

  “Keep talking kid,” Laura said. “We're listening.”

  “I've come to feel a connection with each one of you the past few days together. I'll cooperate if you want me to do things.”

  “What do you have in mind, kid?” one asked. “Exactly what are you suggesting?”

  “I saw you guys from the bedroom that first night. I only pretended to fall asleep. You had Danny be your sex slave all night long. It was all so awesome!”

  “You weren't supposed to see that.”

  “Tell me what you want, guys. I've gotten a pretty good idea of the things you enjoy. I'll do anything that any of you asks me to do, seriously, anything, everything, each of you.”

  “I don't know about you guys, but she's gotten my interest,” said Laura.

  “There's just one thing though,” Jessie added.

  “What's that?”

  “It's got to work both ways, otherwise it would be too much like being with Lionel. Each of you has to first agree to do whatever I ask of you, too, and you all have to participate. I warn you that I'm told I can be kind of kinky. I want to get a closer look at you all interacting with one another. It was a real intense turn-on the other night.”

  “I'm not sure this feels right for me,” Danny repeated. “You're still in high school.”

  “I'm eighteen.”

  “Oh, well that makes a difference,” he said with the hint of a cackle. “You look more like sixteen to me.”

  “Danny, I know I don't have the big breasts like you prefer, but what I lack in tits, I'll more than make up for with youthful enthusiasm and intent-to-please. I bet none of you has even been with a high school kid in this century. It's the in-thing these days,” she said with a chuckle.

  “It's been never for me,” admitted Laura.

  “Well, that can all change tonight, Laura, if you let it.” Jessie said. “You'll be first if everyone agrees.”

  “Just listening to you talk is getting me all wet,” she confessed. She was barely able to contain herself at the prospect.

  “Okay then, if any one of you objects, say so now, otherwise I'm going to make the first move and get this party started.”

  There were no objections.

  The next morning, everyone decided to go to a nearby town for a big breakfast. Each one of them showed an expression of jubilant fulfillment as they left the cabin.

  While they sat at the breakfast table, Danny said, “Thanks for being so persuasive last night, Jessie. I was wrong to have been so reluctant.” He went on to tell about things they had previously done for a living and how the three of them had each met. “Do you think you could ever kill someone, Jessie?”

  “Oh, yes! For me, it's not if something is proper or improper. I think I've proven that. It's having an intense experience that does it for me, and killing somebody would be the ultimate one!”

  “Once we've returned you to your mother and collected her payment, you should consider returning and one day joining us,” suggested Danny.

  The two women enthusiastically agreed.

  Jessica smiled at being so wanted.

  He went on to say, “Your youthful appearance could serve us well in our business. No one would ever suspect you. You could easily get close to a target.”

  “You could easily make a lot of your own money, too,” Laura added.

  “When do you want to take me home?” Jessie asked, a bit apprehensively.

  “Not soon,” Laura chimed in. “Last night was surreal.”

  “Will you please stay with us a while longer?” added Renée.

  “Maybe a few more days,” Danny said.

  “Really? You guys 'want' me to stay?” Her smile continued growing at such an acceptance and soon the morning sunlight sparkled off her mouthful of braces.

  “Yes, we do. You've proven yourself to be a worthy companion to each of us,” said Danny. “I suspect Laura will even stay on a while longer, too.”

  “I won't be leaving anytime before Jessie does,” she responded. “Jessie, how about a redo after breakfast? This time a private session, just the two of us, all morning.”

  “Sure, Laura. Like I said last night, I'll do anything that any of you asks of me, anything, everything, each of you, anytime! I'm already looking forward to it.”

  “Jessie, when you guys are done, I want to take you out to lunch and then shopping,” said Renée. “We need to get you something cute to wear for your trip home. There's a nice shop up the street. After that, I'll teach you some basic self-defense moves and we'll spend some time doing target practice. When that's done, we'll have a few private hours napping together.”

  “Renée, thank you, thank you!” Jessie beamed.

  “What's with you guys and all this private time stuff?” Danny asked.

  “There's a deeper intimacy when two people are alone, Danny,” answered Renée. “You know that, honey. You can be alone with her tonight if you want.”

  “We'll see. I'm planning on going fishing all day,” he said.

  Jessica appeared a bit flushed as she and Renée headed off later that afternoon for their luncheon.

  “Is everything okay, kid?”

  “Yes, I'm fine, just a bit worn out. That Laura is insatiable.”

  “I know, I've discovered that, too,” she said as they both giggled about it. “After lunch, I want to take you to this great shop. There's a green purse there that I've been looking for an excuse to treat myself to. While I look for an outfit to go with it, I want you to find something for yourself.”

  They shared a lot of girl-talk over their meal, then were off shopping.

  “Can I get anything I want?”

  “Sure, kid. Like I said earlier, this is your time for you. Get anything you want.”

  “I want to see what kind of outfits you like first. Will you model a few for me?”

  “Nobody's ever asked me to do that before. Sure, tell me which one you like. It needs to go with the green purse.”

  Nearly an hour later they found one they both agreed on, and Jessie chose to get one that matched. Each went with a short skirt to show off their legs. They stood admiring themselves in the shop's mirror.

  “We look good together, don't we, Renée?”

  “I think so. We even both have reddish hair. We almost look like sisters.”

  “I like that,” said Jessie.

  “Okay, let's go back up the mountain and start your
self-defense training. I brought along some guns in the SUV for target practice, too.”

  A short time later they stopped in an isolated area and Renée reached under the seat, pulling out two illegal, automatic pistols.

  “Here, Jessie, this one is for you to keep, my gift for you.”


  They spent time discussing gun safety, proper use, cleaning and an assortment of other related topics. As Jessie began shooting at some bottles, Renée pulled out a camera.

  “I brought along Danny's little digital pocket camera. I want to get some shots of you with your new gun. It can even do videos.” She took a lot photos of her, then got a few shots of them together, playfully crossing her eyes for the picture.

  “This is fun,” said Jessica. “Can we take the camera with us to our nap?”

  “Sure, if you want to, I just don't want anything inappropriate ending up on the internet.”

  “It won't, I promise. Besides, you'll be the one who has the memory chip. It's your camera!”

  “I'll email you all the photos from today, ones of our matching outfits, you shooting and ones from nap time, plus a few others.”

  “I didn't know you had a computer.”

  “We have a WiFi laptop stashed away. Sometimes we use it in town where we can get a signal at some of the fast food places.”

  They proceeded to do some self-defense practice, then went back to some more shooting.

  “Did you really kill all those people?” asked Jessie.

  “Yes, I did, hon. Does that bother you?”

  “When I look you guys up on the internet, what am I going to find?”

  “Danny told you most of it at breakfast. Normally, I never talk about it, but considering our special relationship, I'll let you know. Things got really intense at the end, too intense, that's why I chose to leave the business and move here. Your mom's ten million dollars lured me back into it all.”

  “Go on, please.”

  “You'll find I was linked to New York City's most notorious criminal, Charles Cicero, the man who makes made-men. Find a photo of him and odds are you'll spot me in the background. I knew organized crime family leaders in all five boroughs. I still do. I was Mr. Cicero's enforcer, his hit-woman.”

  “This is so fascinating,” said an awed Jessie.

  “Danny served overseas in Special Forces. He killed a lot of people, but never anyone for money. After that, he was a detective in a small town in Arizona. When I killed a man there, our paths crossed and we were promptly smitten with one another.”

  “He seems really nice. What about Laura?”

  “Laura is the top-ranked assassin in your home state. I've made a lot of enemies in my line of work, Jessie. She got a lucrative contract to take me out, and Danny and I were nearly killed. Instead of killing us, she became our lover and together we took out the people who hired her.”

  “That's amazing. How does one go from killer to lover like that?”

  “That was when I discovered how insatiable she can be. I was fighting for our lives the only way I could at the time, and at gunpoint, too. That, plus a bunch of cash, brought her over to our side. Jessie, you lasted longer with her than I did, that's really incredible!”

  “I'll do even better for you. How do you know my mom?”

  “I don't, yet,” she said with the hint of a wry grin. “Jessie, we're people-of-interest to the FBI, but they have nothing solid on us. We'd like to keep it that way, so keep your mouth shut if you enjoy living.”

  Jessie, couldn't take her eyes off her beloved mentor. She sat ogling how her beautiful legs curved up into her new short skirt as she fired off some practice rounds.


  “What, Jessie?”

  “I can't wait.”

  “You gotta pee, kid?”

  “No, the other thing.”


  “I saw that you have a blanket in the back of the SUV. I could go get it. There's no one else up here, we have a great lake view with tons of privacy. It beats being in a stuffy bedroom. You can make a video of our special picnic together if you want.”

  “Jessie, I haven't enjoyed this much special attention in a long time. What are we waiting for? You get the blanket; I'll set up the camera.”

  Meanwhile, the FBI, still unaware of Jessie's rescue and Lionel's unusual death, continued planning its own operation. They had just received a ransom request that Lionel had mailed the day of his demise. It was for a million dollars in small bills to be delivered to an abandoned building near Denver.

  Joanna had become concerned over not hearing from Laura. Each time she had tried to contact her, the call had gone to phone mail. She realized cell phone reception was iffy in the mountainous areas. The burner cell phone was kept with her at all times.

  When her sister Jennifer had learned of the abduction on TV, she had insisted on helping out. She'd been having problems of her own, just going through a divorce and having financial issues because of it.

  Unknown to everyone, Lionel had recruited a partner, one of his buddies from the mental institution. Melvin's history included bouts with arson, fire bombs and other explosives. His mental level was similar to Lionel's and that's how they had become friends. In the event of Lionel's delay, Melvin was to accept the money and bring Joanna to Lionel's cabin for some special entertainment.

  The FBI felt confident they had control of the payoff situation, and assured Joanna all would go well. The sisters maneuvered them into agreeing to Jennifer going along as back-up, and soon their entire group was moving into position outside Denver. Both women wore a wire, two snipers were strategically placed nearby, and several agents hid in an adjoining area.

  “Here, Jen” said her sister Joanna, handing her an envelope.

  “What's this?”

  “It's an overdue thank you for being such a good sister over the years. I'm sorry I've never been there for you. There's some cash inside to help you out. There will be more later.”

  “That's not necessary, sis.”

  The two sisters stood nervously in the center of the empty building as Melvin entered.

  “Why are there two of you?” he asked, most agitated.

  “I brought my associate along to help me carry all the money,” said Joanna.

  Melvin walked right up to them, shouting in their faces, “No, no, this is not the arrangement!” He took the case of cash from Jennifer and knocked her out cold with the butt of his automatic pistol. “We go now!” he said, dragging Joanna and her case full of cash behind him.

  The FBI agents hurried in from the adjoining area. “Halt, or we'll shoot!” they hollered. The snipers couldn't get a clear shot.

  “I've wired this place to blow! It's set to go off in sixty seconds!” Melvin shouted. He fired off several rounds at the agents. They ricocheted off the walls and the cement floor. Everyone ran for the exit nearest to them, Melvin and Joanna went one way, the two agents the other. Moments later came the promised explosion, injuring both snipers.

  “You shouldn't have done that!” Melvin yelled at Joanna. “You must be punished! Come with me now. We go see your girl.”

  “My sister, you killed my sister! Where's my little girl?”

  “I take you to her. Shut-up now, or I shut you up!”

  That night, when everyone met back at the cabin, they heard a news item on the radio about the ransom payoff and Joanna's abduction by Lionel's partner Melvin.

  “Oh my God, he's got my mom!” shouted Jessica. “You guys have to save her!”

  “Damn right we do! Or else we're out ten million dollars and a few bonuses!” exclaimed Laura.

  “How do we find them?” asked Renée.

  “We let them come to us,” said Danny. “I bet he's bringing her to Lionel's cabin. He thinks he's still alive. We can probably intercept them there.”

  “I'm not going back to that horrible place,” said Jessie.

  “You don't have to. Besides, you'd only get in the way.
Let us do our thing, kid. We'll have your mom free in no time,” said Danny. “My guess is that Melvin will spend the night with your mom, and then make his way to the cabin in the morning. We'll be up there waiting.”

  “That cabin must reek of the smell-of-death by now,” said Laura.

  “That's why we'll wait outside! I'm sure the FBI placed a tracking device in with the ransom. The cabin will be the safest place for them to intercept the pair. They'll be right behind them.”

  It was dawn as the threesome approached the infamous cabin. They were on foot about a quarter of a mile away as they checked out the place with binoculars.

  “It looks like the FBI put the pieces together and are already there waiting, too,” said Danny. “They're coming out of the cabin with masks over their noses, so I bet it is stinky inside. I don't see their vehicle anywhere, so they must be expecting to surprise them soon.”

  “It's a good thing I wiped away any fingerprints we may have left. Even though we're not guilty of anything, I prefer to avoid any FBI contact,” said Renée.

  “Look!” shouted Laura. “There's a car coming up the road. Maybe it's them.”

  They watched as the agents disappeared inside and the car soon turned and headed toward the remote cabin. Moments later, Melvin was in custody and Jessie's mom Joanna was free. They watched as she went inside to see the gruesome scene, then came out and threw up.

  “That makes this the easiest rescue-op I've ever been on,” joked Danny.

  “I wish you guys got cell phone reception up here,” said Laura.


  “I bet she still has that burner phone I gave her.”

  “Cell phones will work closer to town. Let's follow them down the mountain when they leave. Try calling her once we're closer to civilization.”

  They were soon following them down the winding mountain road.

  “Are you sure we shouldn't just pull them over?” asked Laura.

  “I'm sure. Things would get complicated, they'd ask too many questions, they'd come to our cabin; let's just use your cell phone.”

  “I'm getting a signal!” said Laura, dialing the number.


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