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Assassin Affairs

Page 9

by R. S. Smith

  “Laura! I've been waiting for your call! Where have you been? Where are you? Is Jessie with you?” asked an excited Joanna.

  “It's all good, Joanna. We have your daughter. She's safe. Don't repeat what I'm about to say.”

  “Okay. What?”

  “We're a hundred yards behind you. We prefer to avoid FBI contact. Ditch them when you can, then call me back. We'll take you to her.”

  A short time later, Joanna found a way to hook up with them at a convenience store, in their SUV.

  “We've determined that you may have an FBI tracking device on you and not even know it, Joanna. We don't have the gear with us to check for it, so we'll keep this brief and bring Jessie to you tonight,” Laura said. “These are my two partners who shall remain nameless for now. I just wanted you to meet them.”

  “Hello, thank you for saving my little girl!”

  Both smiled at her and said, “Hi, Joanna.”

  “They will be getting an equal share of all payments and bonuses, Joanna.”

  “Oh, okay. That part is up to you. I'll have your money ready as soon as I get back to L.A., with a million dollar bonus for what you did to that wicked man at the end. It was gruesome, but nice.”

  “I thought you'd approve. I saved it for you.”

  “Oh, that's okay, just throw that nasty thing away. I don't need to see it now that I've seen him.”

  “One more thing, Jo. I told my friends about our fun time together during my visit to your bedroom and about the promised redo upon Jessie's return.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, and they consider that to be the same as a bonus payment.”

  “What are you saying, Laura?”

  “I'm saying that I've agreed they will share in 'everything',” said Laura, as she slid her fingers suggestively along Joanna's inner thigh. “We'll be in touch later with the details for the ten million and for the two bonus payments. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time, so that you can be all psyched-up for the proper enthusiasm. Remember how I stressed enthusiasm last time? It's very important to each of us. Now give me a thank you kiss to show this is all right with you, one that shows you really mean it, and then we'll bring Jessie to you tonight.”

  Recalling the warning she had gotten from the Commissioner, Joanna turned and looked into the back seat at Renée and Danny, wondering what she had gotten herself into. She was clearly flustered and showed a look of nervous apprehension.

  “Try looking at this as good news, Joanna,” said Renée. “We'll be nice and gentle with you. When the time comes, we'll take things as slow as you need us to.”

  Then Danny chimed in,”Speaking of good news, I have some for you, Joanna. I went to the scene of the explosion and used my old detective badge to get some information. Your sister is still alive!”

  “She is? Oh Jesus! I was certain she'd been killed! Are you sure?”

  “Very sure. I visited her in the Denver trauma center and told her I was a detective working on the case. She has amnesia. Go visit with her this afternoon. Tonight we'll bring Jessie to meet you at the United Departure Terminal at the Denver Airport at midnight. We like busy places for such things, just to ensure the FBI is kept at bay. From there, you can either go home or stay with your sister. It's up to you.”

  “Oh, thank you, sir, whatever your name is!”

  She then looked Laura in the eye, inched closer and gave her the requested confirmation kiss of passion.

  “Hey, we'll need a token gesture, too,” Danny wryly added. “Give us your panties.”

  “What?! I'm wearing pantyhose, sir.”

  “That will do.”

  “Oh, good grief!” Joanna wriggled about awkwardly in the front seat as she removed them. She found him to be exceedingly handsome and blushed as she reached into the back seat and handed him her underwear. When their fingers touched, each sensed a special chemistry. They exchanged a look of intensity, both envisioning their next encounter, then she got out of the SUV and walked away.

  “Did you see the way she looked at you, Danny? That was so hot I could feel the heat all the way over here. I so want to see her face planted between my thighs, Danny! I want to own her!” exclaimed Renée.

  “Me, too, sweetie. Be patient, we'll have her. If she looks back at us, she wants this as badly as we do. She'll belong to us permanently!”

  The three of them had their eyes glued on her as she moved away, and then Joanna looked back at them, stumbling in the process.

  It didn't take long for them to get back to their cabin and Jessie.

  “Your mom is safe, kid.”

  “Thank you, thank you!” She gave each one a hug.

  “We're going to return you to her tonight at the Denver airport, so we'll need to leave now.”

  They chatted as they all rode there together.

  “You guys, these past few days have been the best of my life. It's weird that something so fantastic could come from something so terrible. I'm done with high school in June. I've always planned to go off on my own then and have been saving up my money for it. Will you let me come back to your cabin then?”

  “You'll be welcome anytime,” said Renée. “Call me tomorrow night. We've all written down our cell phone numbers and email addresses for you. Here's the list.”

  “I live in L.A.,” said Laura. “My place isn't too far from yours. I put my address on the sheet by my cell number. My husband still lives there, but that should be changing soon.”

  “I'll call you both tomorrow night!” Jessie said.

  As they entered the airport drop-off and pick-up loop, Danny said “We'll drop you off on the arrivals level. You'll find your mom at the United Departures at midnight.”

  That said, each gave her a farewell hug and kiss, and she was on her way to reunite with her mom.

  Chapter 3



  As she wore her and cap and gown and prepared to go to the stage and receive her high school diploma, Jessica was relieved to finally be graduating. It was a date she had been looking forward to for the past several years because she had been planning to venture out on her own right afterward. She'd been saving her money for the special occasion. It's not as if money was an issue in her family. Her mom was an internationally famous movie star worth many millions. In fact, she was just about to pay out ten million dollars to a trio of rogue mercenaries who had freed her daughter from a frightening abduction.

  Young Jessie had no brothers or sisters, felt that her never-married mom considered her an accident, and resented being dumped on boring friends and neighbors every time she left town for a film-shoot.

  The prior few months of Jessie's life had been harrowing to say the least. A retarded, sexually-deviant mental case had abducted her, and the threesome that saved her from an agonizing death had proved to be a bit deviant themselves.

  After being returned to her mother, the FBI had interviewed her and the psychiatrist had counseled her. She now felt ready to move on with her life. Having felt indebted to the trio for saving her, she'd gone out of her way to please them during her brief stay in their mountain cabin to unwind. She bonded quickly with the group and planned to return and spend more time with two of them, Renée and Danny, in Colorado. The third was a woman named Laura who lived nearby in L.A. and was expected to soon pay them a visit to collect the group's fee.

  “Miss Jessica Jennings,” called out the man on stage. She walked up to the front, shook his hand, took the degree, and returned to join her classmates. When she and her mom returned home, Laura was waiting. Ever since the abduction, the estate's security had been tightened, and two of the new security guards stood by her side.

  “I'm here for our money and a private chat, Joanna,” she said.

  Normally someone like Laura would never have been able to come into their lives, but the circumstances had been extreme, and now both mother and daughter had to deal with certain new realities. Laura was bisexual, known as a top assa
ssin in the state by the criminal element, and had maneuvered Jessie's mom Joanna into not only having some brief relations with her, but also promising more of the same to her and her two associates upon the kid's safe return. Jessie as yet was unaware of it, but had already been Laura's willing and active sex partner, as well as Renée's and Danny’s, while up at the remote mountain cabin. All three were about twice Jessie's age. Laura and Joanna disappeared inside, followed at a distance by the two security guards.

  “You'll need the two guards to carry these cases of cash out to your car, Laura. They can accompany you to wherever you're going next if you like. Thank you very much for returning Jessica to me. Please thank those two friends of yours for me, too.”

  “I won't be needing the guards, but thanks. I just wanted to remind you of the special bonus you agreed to, Joanna. I'm not sure when I'll be collecting, but my two friends who you met in Colorado will be contacting you soon. You will accommodate them; be very agreeable and cooperative.”

  Joanna felt most uncomfortable with the arrangement. Although she played a loose woman in the movies, in her real life things were just the opposite. She hadn't been with a man in several years. Her only recent encounter had been the one with Laura the night she hired her. It had been her first experience with another woman. She knew Laura's reputation and feared reneging on any arrangement.

  Jessie watched as Laura and the guards loaded her SUV, and then they got together for a chat.

  “Hello, Jessica. I've missed you.”

  “Why not simply do an electronic transfer for your money? It seems a lot simpler and safer.”

  “Paper trail, kid. The FBI may check your mom's account, and then they might find my offshore account and when I'd pay our friends, they'd get onto their radar, too. We prefer anonymity.”

  “I hope you won't be upset with me, Laura, but I've decided not continue our sexual relationship. My new shrink says my sexual behavior was due to my earlier sexual trauma with Lionel.”

  “That's okay, kid. You're a little young for me anyway. You were just starved for some adult-attention and we gave it to you in spades. You were great. I've never had a time like that before. Thank you. You've paid your dues. Renée told me she gave you some self-defense and shooting lessons. You left your pistol behind that she gave you. She and Danny are expecting to be in town soon, and she's bringing it to you.”

  “Oh great! I've really missed them.”

  “I've got a contract coming up soon. It looks like an easy one. I'd like to take you with me. Are you still interested?”

  “Yes! Thank you, Laura!”

  Jessie had felt a particular rapport with Renée, the other woman in the threesome, and was awed by her history as a former New York mob assassin. She missed her, and was eager to learn the trade in hopes of impressing this special friend, and in hopes of the new thrills such work could bring. That night Renée came to Jessie's house.

  “Renée, I missed you so much!” The two hugged.

  “Here, I brought you your gun.” It was an illegal semi-automatic pistol.

  “Thanks, I may need it soon. Laura's taking me with her on a hit.”

  “Be careful with Laura. She's a wild card; one never knows what to expect. I told you what she had me do the night she came to kill me. She said it was because her husband didn't like to do it for her. She and I both like to toy with our victims. It's what makes the job fun. I guess she and I are a lot alike that way. That first night I met Danny, I had him at gunpoint in his apartment. I knew for a fact he had evidence that could incriminate me, so I had him toss his whole place to reveal it. I made him do it naked!” They both giggled about it.

  “Why are you telling me this? Are you thinking about taking me on a job with you? Have you missed me as much as I've missed you? I keep looking at the video of us enjoying our special picnic that day. Do you want to be with me in that way again?”

  “Yes, yes and yes, Jess, but that's not why I brought it up. You know what Laura's sexual appetite is like. When she negotiated your rescue with your mom, she added an extra bonus requirement.”

  “Are you talking about the extra million dollars?”

  “I'm talking about an extra bonus beyond that.”

  “Oh, you mean like what she had you do for her?”

  “Yes, like that.”

  “That's kinky. I can't see my mom agreeing to anything like that, no way!”

  “She did, Jessie. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want you knowing about it.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “You and I have a very special relationship, kid. Out of respect for that, I don't want to keep any secrets from you.”

  “Okay, that's good, go on,” said Jessie.

  “Just as with the million dollars, the extra bonus is for all three of us. We all plan on collecting. I'm hoping you'll understand. If you tell me 'hands-off', Danny and I will forget about it, but we both really want to follow through with it. Laura we have no control over.”

  “Thanks for telling me, Renée. I'd like some time to think about this. I've told you about all the issues she and I have had over the years. We've really grown apart lately. Right now all I can think about is how glad I am to see you. A minute ago you said you want to be with me again.”

  “Danny and I both do. We want you to come stay with us at the cabin for the summer, share our bed with us, get some more training.”

  “I told Laura today that I no longer want to be with her like that, just you and Danny, mostly you. She said I was starved for adult-attention. I watch that video of us together all the time.”

  “Me too,” said Renée.

  “The photo of us in the matching outfits is on the wall in my bedroom. Come and see,” she said, taking her by the hand.

  “Is this the 'come see my etchings' ploy?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “Yes, it is. Up for giving me some adult-attention?”

  “Of course. I'll teach you how to properly show respect for your elders.”

  After some time getting reacquainted in her bedroom, Jessica said, “Okay, you can do that with my mom, but you have to make her take the initiative. Her stardom has given her a sheltered, lonely life, empty of a man's love. With everyone always chasing after her for her attention, she's never learned how to take the initiative. She does need to get laid, and Danny is a good man. Tell her she has to seduce you guys. Make her come right out and ask for it. She's always been on the receiving end of any seduction and is too spoiled to search for real romance. Renée, I told you earlier I can be kinky, and I want to watch. Let me hide in the closet. I'll be able to see everything through the slats. She's such a goody two-shoes, always criticizing me for being too loose. If you can actually make her beg for it, you might hear sounds of me having an orgasm coming from the closet.” Again, they both laughed. “She's intimidated by you guys, almost as much as by Laura, so you'll have some leverage. Get some wine in her, that always loosens her up.”

  “Thanks, Jessie. I'll see what we can do. Some people have 'twins' fantasies. Danny and I both have 'mother-daughter' ones. Something for you to think about. I'll call and have a chat with her soon. I'll have her invite us over for dinner. Tell her you'll be away for the night at a friend's.”

  A few days later, Renée and Danny arrived in response to the special dinner invitation. Danny brought a large bottle of wine, Renée brought a wrapped gift.

  “Thank you for inviting us, Ms. Jennings,” said Renée.

  “I think under the circumstances, it's best if you call me Jo. Please come in.”

  As they settled in for some before-dinner drinks, Renée outlined the rules.

  “Joanna, we can sense you're uncomfortable with the situation. We don't want you doing anything you don't want to do.”

  “You don't?”

  “Laura told us you want to do this. I'm sure she'll be asking about the evening.”

  Earlier, Joanna had suggested to Laura that she wouldn't pay the ten million dollars unless th
e requirement of the sexual bonus got removed. Laura had responded that she wasn't concerned about the money, because if necessary she would simply collect it from Joanna's heir in a few months. Fearing for her life, she paid the fee and reaffirmed her agreement.

  “Oh, well then, yes I do want this, Renée.”

  “I believe you, Jo, and as I told you earlier we'll take things at your pace, but just to be sure that you're a willing participant, as our evening goes along, you'll have to be the one who takes the initiative. In effect, you'll be seducing us. You'll need to convince us this is what you really want. Think of us as here to accommodate you, not the other way around. All right?”

  “Yes, I'll cooperate, Renée, being agreeable and taking the initiative. I so appreciate your accepting my dinner invitation. Thank you for bringing the wine.” She sensed it was important to patronize them.

  “Oh, that reminds me, here. Danny and I were shopping at the mall this afternoon. We got you a gift. Go ahead and unwrap it.”

  “You're too nice. Oh my, it's a nightie, and a see-through one at that.”

  “Yes, we were at a Victoria's Secret, and we agreed this is something you might like and that it would look good on you.”

  “Thank you again. I can honestly say that I don't have one,” said Joanna.

  Renée could tell that their new friend was too uptight to proceed, so she followed Jessica's advice and kept refilling her wine glass. They sat in the living room for a half-hour of wine sipping and small talk.”

  To fill the time and help set the mood for the evening, Danny told her about Laura's earlier visit. “Last time Laura was at our mountain cabin, the three of us ran a race through the woods, a stripping race. The last one to cross the finish line naked had to be sex-slave to the other two for the night. There was a pathway cluttered with shed clothing.”

  “Oh my, you three lead such a different lifestyle,” Jo said. She was clearly getting mental images in her mind as she sipped her wine and Renée again refilled her glass. “May I inquire as to who lost this interesting race?”


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