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Vengeance (SSU Trilogy Book 1)

Page 32

by Kier, Vanessa

  Alvarez glared at the dead body on the autopsy table, impervious to the stench of voided bowels and blood. The man had been tortured for hours, but never once changed his story. This man named Juan Duarte was not Eduard Percone. He knew nothing about the microchip or Dr. Nevsky.

  His rage was so great, Alvarez forced himself to turn around before he completely desecrated what was left of the body. Nevsky’s mistress had lied to him. After all he’d done for her, providing her with money, with a fancy house, she’d betrayed him. She’d given Kai Paterson this man’s name and location, when in two years she had revealed no such knowledge to Alvarez.

  Yet Doña Serafina’s secrets were forever out of his reach. The whore had been weak. She hadn’t survived her interrogation last night.

  Much like this man.

  Alvarez nodded to his companion, exerting all his control to keep his fury from showing. He exited the room, knowing that the doctor who’d assisted him would clean up the mess. Otherwise, Alvarez would expose the truth to his very conservative, very religious wife. She would be horrified to learn her husband enjoyed torturing people.

  Alvarez left the small adobe building and climbed into his bullet-proof limo. He closed the privacy screen and placed a call to his lieutenant in Acapulco.

  “Find out which hospital in the United States is treating Kai Paterson.”

  Alvarez closed his phone and stared out the window, his fists clenched on his lap. After all this time, he was no closer to finding Nevsky’s microchip. Paterson had lied to him about the location of the chip. He might not have it, but he knew where it was.

  His men would torture the location of the chip out of Paterson, but it might be too late. Niko might even now be on his way to retrieve it.

  If that was the case, Alvarez would still come out victorious. Because he held Niko’s aunt. And Niko would do anything to free her, including giving up the precious chip.


  Saturday, Afternoon

  Somewhere over Mexico

  He was losing his edge.

  Niko tapped his forehead against the window of the small plane. Fifteen minutes ago, after the plane had completed its ascent, Jenna had crawled out from behind the last row of seats.


  Her damn brother must have spilled the beans. And Niko had stupidly trusted the SSU pilot when he’d said the plane was clear.

  She’d probably bribed the man.

  So much for sneaking away without her. With him having some peace of mind, knowing Jenna was safely in the States and well-guarded. Out of Alvarez’s reach.

  Knowing Jenna was someplace else, so Niko didn’t have to talk to her. Or look at her. Because he didn’t want to think what a fool he’d been. How she’d used him.

  How she’d planned to fucking kill herself.

  Dammit, he couldn’t make up his mind if he wanted to throttle her, or kiss her and hold her so close she could never get into trouble again.

  Niko ground his molars. Yeah, right. Keep her out of trouble. She wanted trouble.

  So why the hell did he care if she had a death wish? Let her be useful and distract Alvarez while he went in for his aunt.

  Let Jenna sacrifice her life if that was what she wanted.

  Across the aisle, Jenna laughed at something Rafe said. Niko gripped the armrests of his seat, fighting the urge to go over and pull her away from his brother.

  Ah, shit. Who was he fooling? She was tearing him up inside. The thought of losing her scared him to death.

  Tamping down the rise of jealousy, Niko closed his eyes. Of course Jenna was friendly with Rafe. His brother had laughed his head off when Jenna revealed herself as a stowaway. Just like that, Rafe’s iciness had melted.

  But even though Niko didn’t know if he’d ever be able to forgive her, he wanted the focus of those sexy amber eyes on him and no one else. Christ. He was so fucked. Because as soon as they landed, he was going to make certain Rafe understood that Jenna was off-limits. Niko might not be able to see his way forward, but he damn well knew he wasn’t ready to give her over to another man.

  Even his brother.

  Chapter 31

  Saturday, Evening

  Cozumel, Mexico

  Jenna followed Niko into the small adobe hacienda they’d rented on the outskirts of town, swamped with guilt as she watched Niko’s slight limp. She hadn’t known he’d been shot when she kicked him into the ravine.

  So she watched him carefully, wondering where else he hurt and how much of it was her fault. Of course, Niko would never admit to being in pain. He hadn’t even been the one who told her about the bullet wound. She’d learned that back at the hospital from a gossiping nurse who’d stomped out of Niko’s room after he refused to use crutches or a cane.

  Jenna was pretty sure Rafe was the only uninjured person in their party. They’d decided to split up for safety reasons, so Rafe had taken an even smaller bungalow down the road, leaving her and Niko alone. Not necessarily a good idea, given Niko’s anger.

  Luckily, she and Niko hadn’t had more than a few minutes of alone time since their arrival this afternoon. They’d done little more than stow their bags and check their maps earlier before heading into town trying to find Percone. After several hours, Jenna had finally learned that after a nasty fight in front of one of the bars, Percone’s girlfriend had left the island in a huff that morning. Percone had driven off toward his bungalow at the opposite end of the island.

  The woman who’d told the story gave Jenna directions to Percone’s home, but warned that he had a vicious temper when he was drunk. He hadn’t been home when Jenna and Niko had stopped by after dinner, so Rafe was taking first watch on the house. Niko would relieve him in four hours.

  Niko crossed to an end table and turned on the lamp. The light bouncing off the terra cotta tile floor and soft peach walls made the sitting room glow with inviting warmth. Hand-woven Mexican rugs in bright blues and peach tones covered the floor, matched by ceramic pots lined up in an arched niche next to the kitchen. It was a cheerful house, completely out of kilter with their grim mission.

  Jenna closed the thick wooden door behind her and glared at Niko’s back. She was sick and tired of him giving her the cold shoulder.

  “Niko,” she began.

  “You want something to drink?” Niko avoided her eyes and headed for the brightly painted drinks tray.

  “No. Niko, dammit, look at me!”

  But he ignored her, calmly pouring himself a drink. He ambled over to the sofa and sat down.

  Finally, he raised his eyes to hers.

  Not good. They were cool, distant, and guarded.

  He sank back further into the sofa cushions and crossed his legs, looking like he hadn’t a care in the world. But a muscle at the corner of his eye pulsed to an angry samba.

  Too bad. He’d done enough sulking. “What the hell is wrong with you? Why won’t you talk to me?”

  Niko surged to his feet so quickly, she took an alarmed step backward.

  “Gee, let me see. What could possibly have ticked me off?” He took a menacing step forward. “How about you kicking me down that ravine?”

  “I did that to protect you, idiot!”

  “Then there’s the little matter of you trying to kill your brother.”

  She felt her jaw drop. How had he figured it out?

  “See? You don’t deny it.” He took a swig of his drink. “I was right.” He nailed her with a look heavy with loathing. “You used me. Used me to turn you into a fucking assassin. Only something must have gotten in your way, because your brother’s still alive. What happened? You learn that he was innocent?”


  He held up his hand. “Never mind. I don’t fucking care. What really pisses me off is the fucking cyanide pills I found in your toiletry case.” He drained his glass and threw it across the room. It shattered against the adobe wall like a heart breaking. “Rafe and I busted our asses putting together a rescue, but you never
intended to come out of there alive, did you?”

  She backed up a step and shook her head. Oh, my God. She’d never seen Niko this angry. “I’m sorry—”

  His nostrils flared and a vein pulsed in his jaw. “You’re sorry? That’s supposed to make it all better?” He gave a short, bitter bark of laughter. “Christ. You just don’t get it.” Niko spun around and stalked over to the picture windows.

  The roil of emotion coming off him stunned her. And she had the oddest feeling that whatever was said in the next few minutes was going to change her life.

  “Niko, what’s going on?”


  You were going to leave me! Niko closed his eyes and clamped his lips together until the urge to shout those words went away. He took a long, shaky breath. “Forget it. It doesn’t matter now.”

  He heard the soft sole of her shoe scuff against the tile as she moved closer.

  “Don’t push me on this, Jenna.” His voice was harsh, but he didn’t care. He needed her to back off. Anything she said right now would push him over the edge.

  He was scared of what he’d do to her if he lost control. He’d never raised his hand to a woman in anger, but he was damn tempted to put his hands around Jenna’s neck right now.

  Shit. Even the idea of touching her in anger made him feel queasy.

  He gave a strangled laugh and let his forehead rest against the cool window glass. At least the nausea calmed his temper.

  Who was he kidding? He could never hurt Jenna. If he lost his temper tonight it would probably end up with her beneath him on the carpet, screaming her way through a mind-blowing orgasm.

  That was so not the way to start letting go of her.

  Despite the sharp pain in his heart, that was precisely what he was going to do. She’d been ready to fucking kill herself, that’s how little he meant to her. That’s how much she’d been using him. At the end of the day, her little deception would have ended up with two dead bodies—Jenna and her brother.

  Two deaths that would have haunted Niko forever.

  So he was damn well going to send her away and never see her again. Because her presence here meant she hadn’t given up. She intended to bring down Alvarez.

  He was not going to stand by and watch her take that walk toward death. He couldn’t bear losing her that way. Better to cut the ties now.

  Jenna stepped up behind him. Close enough that he could feel her body heat and catch a faint whiff of coconut from the suntan lotion she’d applied earlier in the day. His body tensed. He dreaded her touch, yet at the same time he craved it like an addict needing one last hit before entering rehab. In the window’s reflection he saw her lift her hand and he braced himself.

  But then her hand lowered and she turned away.

  He breathed a sigh of relief and felt his muscles relax.

  “I’m…sorry,” she said, her voice pitched so low he almost couldn’t hear her. “I knew I was going to kill Kai. And that someone would eventually figure out it was me who’d killed him. I had no intention of going to prison. And…” Jenna moved toward the sofa and he strained to catch her next words.

  “Killing myself was my reward. It was the only way I was going to find peace. Because I couldn’t continue living alone, struggling with the memories of the attack. I thought, if I was dead, I’d be happy. Reunited with my family.” She picked up one of the cushions from the sofa and clutched it to her chest. “Honestly, I never meant to hurt you. Why would I think you’d care what happened to me?”

  Because I love you! He bit his tongue to stop the words from coming out.

  Shit. It was true. He loved her. She was strong and courageous and still had elements of the generous, compassionate woman she’d once been, even if she refused to acknowledge it.

  “I…” He shook his head. “Never mind.”

  “No. Tell me.”

  “It’s nothing.” He crossed the room and poured another glass of tequila. Maybe if he got drunk, this hollow ache in his chest would go away.

  “Nothing, huh?” Jenna’s voice rose. His head snapped up to regard her warily. “You’re a liar, Niko Andros.”

  She slammed her hands onto her hips. “You’re too angry with me for it to be nothing. You know what I think?”

  He shook his head.

  “I think you care a lot more about me than you like. I think I scared you.” She stalked toward him and Niko realized he’d never seen this side of Jenna before. Man, was she pissed.

  It totally turned him on.

  She stopped in front of him and slammed her palms against his chest. “I think you’re so scared, you’re running away.” She inhaled deeply, then ran her tongue around her lips as she exhaled.

  She was close enough that each breath warmed his shirt and turned his body hard.

  Jenna’s voice dropped an octave. “Guess what? I’m scared, too. I stopped feeling emotions after the attack. Nothing but anger was allowed. Until you. Now I have so many emotions racing through me I don’t know how to handle them. Handle you.” She glared at him. “But I’m not a coward. I’m running toward you. Not away.”

  Niko had only a moment to wonder what the hell she meant, before she grabbed his head and pulled him down for a merciless kiss.

  The world shuddered to a halt. All his good intentions went out the window. He crushed her against him, sweeping his tongue deep into her mouth.

  With a low whimper, Jenna forced him closer. Her lips met his with equal ferocity, teeth and tongues dueling, advancing and retreating, until the kiss became a struggle for dominance.

  Niko forced himself to raise his head. He was at the edge of his control. Still so angry he didn’t trust himself with her body. He tried to step away, but Jenna had other plans.

  She growled low in her throat and lifted her right leg to wrap it around his waist. Then she tilted his head back so that she could use her teeth on his throat.

  “Jenna!” The ragged cry was torn out of him as she bit down on the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. His back arched as intense pleasure tore through him.

  She responded by trying to climb up his body, while her mouth placed little bites along the bare skin at his collar.

  “Bed,” he gasped.


  Her teeth pinched the skin at the front of his throat, startling a groan from him.

  “Here,” she demanded. She pulled him down to the floor and pushed him onto his back. Her clever hands had his shirt off in seconds. She trailed her fingers over his skin, across his shoulders, down over his pecs, along his abs. With each touch he grew harder and more desperate to feel her satiny skin beneath his fingers.

  Her lips and tongue followed her fingers, maddeningly avoiding the places he most needed her touch. And when he reached for her, she punished him with little bites. “Jenna…I want to touch you.”

  “No.” She pushed his hands under his butt. His back bowed, bringing his chest closer to her mouth. Christ, he felt like a damn sacrifice.

  Jenna’s teeth closed over his nipple and his control snapped.

  He wasn’t some fucking toy she got to play with whenever she felt aggressive. He yanked his hands free, put his arms around Jenna, and rolled until she was underneath him. He pinned her wrists above her head.

  “Niko?” Jenna shifted until her hips were cradling him.

  “Shut up.” God, she was so beautiful. It killed him to see her smooth skin marred by Alvarez’s knife. As if his lips could somehow heal her, he covered her face with desperate kisses.

  Her head turned, her mouth seeking his. He kept out of reach, tormenting her like she’d done to him.

  But it wasn’t enough. He couldn’t stand the barrier of clothes between them.

  He released her wrists and jerked her shirt over her head. He popped open the front clasp of her bra, and tossed the pretty lace away. Shoved her shorts and panties down her legs until there was nothing before him but Jenna.

  Ah, God. Her breasts were so dainty. Soft. The hard points
of her nipples just begged for his mouth. He wanted to pounce on her and feast.

  Make her understand she was his.

  Instead, he let his fingers play over her skin, watching her breathing grow more rapid and her eyelids flutter closed. Loving the beads of sweat his touch raised on her skin.

  He bent his head and took one of her breasts into his mouth. Man, he was addicted to the salty sweet taste of her. He could suckle her all night.

  Her hands plucked at his hair, trying to get him to raise his head.

  He ignored her and licked his way down her body until he reached the sweet spot between her legs. Then he tasted her intimately, working her with lips and tongue until she writhed on the verge of orgasm.

  Oh yeah. This was what he wanted. Her mindless. No thoughts of killing herself. Only pleasure.

  Pleasure he’d given her. He scraped his teeth lightly across her clit and she bucked.

  He did it again, this time also sliding a finger inside her. She screamed as her orgasm ripped her over the edge.

  His breathing was fast, in time with hers. Damn, he loved that he’d made her lose control. But if he didn’t get inside her soon, he was going to disgrace himself.

  He pulled a condom out of his pocket, jerked down his zipper, and covered himself just as Jenna opened her eyes.

  He loved the warm, satiated look she gave him. She reached for him, and he moved up her body until his face was buried in her hair and her arms held him close.

  God, he loved her. And he was terrified that when this was over, she’d leave and he’d be lost.

  “Don’t ever leave me.”

  He didn’t realize he’d said the words aloud until Jenna shoved him away. “What?”

  He levered himself above her and positioned his hips at her entrance, so that just the tip of him penetrated her.

  Her hands clutched at his back and she sucked in a breath. She raised her hips, trying to take more of him. But he held back.

  “Promise you’ll never leave me,” he growled. He pulled his hips back, then pressed into her a bit farther.

  Her eyes flared with some emotion he couldn’t decipher. Then her hands dropped to her sides, her eyelids lowered and she turned her head to the side.


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