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Rock Hard

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  He circled her clit before sliding down and plunging inside her. Her pussy was so damn sweet, and he loved the taste of her. There was no nasty-tasting lube or weird cream. She was pure, sexy, and musky. He loved the taste, and he held her open to the pleasure of his tongue.


  Bella couldn’t contain her moan as he began to lick and stroke her pussy, moving from her clit down to her entrance then back up again. She’d always loved oral sex, and Kirk was a master.

  She didn’t know if she should be aroused or not, but right this second she couldn’t contain her pleasure as he plunged three fingers inside her. Closing her eyes, she flung her head back, moaning as he drew her closer toward that peak.

  His fingers pulled out of her pussy, drawing back toward her asshole. She didn’t even flinch as he stroked her.

  Her orgasm neared, and she whimpered as he bit down, stopping her from finding release.

  He kissed up her body, and when she opened her eyes, he was over her with a wicked smile on his lips.

  “I don’t want you coming too soon and leaving me behind.”

  “You know that will never happen.”

  He stood up and once again presented her with his cock. “Why don’t you show me a little love?”

  Instinctively she reached out, moving her hand up and down his cock, playing with his dick as the tip leaked more pre-cum. When it looked like his cream was about to spill, she flicked her tongue across the tip, tasting him.

  Putting her lips around the head of his dick, she sucked him in hard and deep until he hit the back of her throat. Pulling out, she swirled her tongue across the head, then went back down again, sucking him harder.

  She heard him moan at the same time his fingers twined in her hair, guiding her to take more of his cock.

  Over and over he hit the back of her throat, and they kept this up for several minutes. For a split second she believed he was going to spill his orgasm down her throat, but he stopped at the last second, pulling out of her mouth. His hand still in her hair, he slammed his lips down on hers, and she wrapped her arms around him, desperate for his kiss.

  Kirk moved between her thighs, and his cock ran up and down between her slit, stroking her. She whimpered as he bumped her sensitive clit. She’d still not found her release, and as he plunged those first two inches inside her, she was shocked by how big and wide he actually was.

  His hands moved to her hips, and then he plunged in deep, and she cried out as he hit right at the top. It was at the point of pain but also pleasure, and she didn’t want him to stop, not for a second.

  “Fuck, baby, so tight, so hot, and all mine.” Over and over he fucked her hard. “Watch us, baby. Watch my dick.”

  Staring down between them, she watched his cock, which was slick with her own arousal as he pistoned inside her.

  It felt so fucking incredible, and she found herself thrusting up to meet him, not wanting him to stop.

  He slammed to the hilt, fucking her hard into the sofa, and it wasn’t enough. Kirk suddenly pulled out and spun her around so that she was on her knees, facing away from him. He found her entrance once again and pounded away inside her, going deeper than ever before. He gave her ass a couple of little slaps, making her yelp as he seemed to drive his point home.

  She’d never been so aroused.

  Reaching between her thighs, she teased her clit just as he started to caress her asshole. He used the arousal from her pussy to stroke across her asshole, and she whimpered as he began to work his fingers into her ass.

  “I’m going to fuck this, baby. I fucking need to have this.” He groaned, taking her harder than before, driving all the way home.

  He pulled out of her only to change positions again, this time with her on the floor, her mouth on his cock. Tasting herself on him turned her on even more, and he wrapped his fingers around her hair, fucking her throat as he did.

  Stroking her pussy, she felt an overwhelming need to come, but as she got close he stopped her again, moving her so that she was once again open on the sofa. He slid between her thighs. They were both covered in a layer of sweat from their exertions, but his cock was still ready to go.

  He thrust in deep, and she cried out.

  “Touch yourself, baby. I want you to come all over my cock, and I want to hear you. Scream from the fucking rooftops.”

  Kirk held onto her hips as he began to fuck her repeatedly, thrusting in deep. She couldn’t look away, mesmerized by his cock as it filled her over and over again. She’d never been with a man so big, and as she felt her orgasm begin, he didn’t stop her nor did he change position.

  She came hard. Her pussy squeezed his dick as he filled her, thrusting in deep, and she heard his moan as well as felt his cock pulse. Wave upon wave of his cum flooded her pussy, and she was shocked when he immediately pulled out and watched.

  His cum spilled from the lips of her pussy, and like a cold shower, she recalled everything was for show as they got that final shot. The first scene in her movie was complete, and the moment it went “cut,” she had to get out of there.

  Grabbing a robe that was left on a nearby table, Bella thanked the woman that was there, and wrapped herself up. She left the set and quickly moved to get some air.

  The set they were on was an exclusive porn one, and she saw many men and women dressed in different sexy outfits. Leaning her head against the brick wall, she took several deep breaths.

  She’d just experienced some of the best sex of her life, and it had all been on camera, which she’d completely forgotten about. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  Chapter Three

  The next scene was being set up, and Kirk found Bella leaning against a wall, still dressed in a robe, looking really well fucked. He’d pulled on a pair of a sweatpants and nothing else. Moving toward her, he saw her cheeks heat when she looked at him.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey.” Her voice still had that croakiness that signaled really good sex.

  “We’ll be starting again in a minute.”

  “I’ll be there soon. I just needed a minute, you know.”

  “Yeah, I get it.” He sat down beside her and waited. This industry wasn’t for everyone, and while he’d been waiting for her, he’d asked Gus about the viral video that had brought Bella to them. He’d watched it, and he’d been so aroused by her.

  She wasn’t acting in the film, nor was the man that was with her. They were both into it, both driven, and he saw they both cared very deeply for each other, at least at the time of filming, which had clearly changed before the fucker posted it and ruined her life.

  The tape should never have made it online, and he felt sorry for her that it had, but angry at her boyfriend for doing this.

  “Do you mind me asking a question?” he asked.


  “Why did you and your boyfriend break up?”

  “Why do you want to know about that?” She stared at him for several seconds and chuckled. “You saw the film.”

  “I was curious about you.”

  “Well, it’s not like a lot of people haven’t seen the film. He cheated on me,” she said.


  “Yeah, he cheated on me with his secretary. I walked in and saw them both together. He said it was a mistake, and he didn’t want to lose me. I didn’t want anything to do with him. Kicked his lying, cheating ass out, and was completely heartbroken, and then bam, this happened. I didn’t think he’d release it.”

  “What happened to him? I mean, this kind of thing has to hit both ways, doesn’t it?”

  She shrugged. “I think he got a couple weeks’ suspension and that was about it.”

  “Can I ask you something else?”


  “Why aren’t you getting paid?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This is being distributed on payable sites.” He pulled out his cell phone and showed her. “You need to take this asshole to court. I bet
you’re owed a fortune, and he’s the one that is getting it.”

  “But it’s free. You can view it online.”

  “Yeah, but some sites have pay per view as well, and the ones that it’s free at, you only have like a five-minute preview, and that’s fine for some. Tight-ass bastards, but for others, they want to see the entire thing. You should totally, like, make him pay up.”

  She nibbled her lip. “You think it would be worth doing that?”

  “Yes, absolutely. You’ve got nothing to lose.”

  “Just the money for a good lawyer.”

  “I can put you in contact with a guy I know. He hates it when women get scammed like this, and he’d be more than happy to help you, and he’d do it for a smaller rate fee, for me.”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “Honey, I’ve just been balls deep inside you, and I don’t think you deserve being thrown aside like this asshole has done.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Did you love him?” he asked.

  He didn’t like how his chest seemed to tighten, and the frown on her face as if she was thinking really hard about it.

  “I thought I did. I mean, he was my boyfriend for a long time. I couldn’t have made a sex tape like that. It opened up a part of me, and I wanted us to have something special. I can’t believe how totally wrong it went.” She rolled her eyes, and he couldn’t believe how fucking cute she was.

  “Hey, Kirk,” two blondes said as they passed.

  He nodded at them, not really interested in them, and more taken with the woman at his side.

  “Have you done them?” Bella asked.

  “Probably. There aren’t many women I’ve not done in this industry.” He shrugged. “In fact, this is one of my final scenes.”

  “It is?”

  “Yeah. I figured I’d go out doing something that I love.”

  “What are you going to do next?”

  “Well instead of living off the money as I made it, I put some aside, and I’ve been investing it in stocks and shares. I’ve got myself a nice little nest egg, and I’ve also been dealing in real estate. I know it’s a rocky market, but I always keep my feet on the ground and that is exactly what I’m doing.”

  “Wow, you sound so sensible. I was a secretary in a law firm before this scandal broke out. I was a pretty good one too, if I do say so myself.”

  He chuckled. “I can imagine. Did you wear those office clothes? The ones that men are desperate to tear off your body?”

  She burst out laughing. “I don’t think they were desperate to tear them off my body, but it was really intense a lot of the time. I enjoyed it. I liked the challenge.” She tucked some hair behind her ear and sighed. “And now I’m set to become a porn star. How lives really do turn out.”

  “It’s not about what you do, Bella. It’s about who you are.”

  “That sounds really deep.”

  “Yeah, well, for a lot of the time I’ve been mocked for my choices. People won’t take me seriously because I’m ‘the porn star.’ Then of course you have men who think I have the best job in the world.”

  “You don’t think you do?”

  “Fucking is hard work, and I take pride in what I do. It doesn’t mean for a second it’s easy.”


  Bella didn’t want her moment with him to end. Glancing at the time, she saw they still had a few minutes yet before they needed to get back on set.

  “What makes it hard work?”

  “You really want to know?”

  “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to know, and you can be completely candid as well.”

  “Okay, erm, some women are not as aroused on set. They have to lube up to make it look like they’re wet, and then if I have to lick them, it’s not exactly the best taste in the world. Also, if they’re not really into it, I have to try and stay hard. They can use creams and stuff to show they’re wet. Not us men. We have to do everything proper. Hard dick all the way.”

  “You can’t just think sexy thoughts?”

  “Sometimes I have to, but even that can be hard. You’ve got a woman who’s completely bone-dry, and is making all the right sounds and moves, and yet you stare into her eyes and bam, you can see the grocery list that’s being made.”

  Bella couldn’t stop laughing, especially as Kirk started it. “Even with you?”

  “Even with me. This life can make a lot of people cynical. It’s not a pretty sight.”

  “I’m sorry.” She ran her hand down his arm. “I was aroused. I wasn’t faking it.”

  “I could tell.”

  He gave her a wink, and she rolled her eyes.

  “You’re very easy to talk to.”

  “I try to be. Life can be too complicated, and way too many people make it so. I like things to be smooth and calm.”

  “You’ve certainly given me hope, especially with the whole tape thing. I figured it was free.”

  “Some celebrities earn a fortune off tapes. Some sites have teasers to lure you, but others make you pay. I’m not saying you’re going to earn a whole lot, but you could be in for a tidy sum. It’ll give you something to tide you over or to help you.”

  “Either way it works for me, right? Thank you.” He was the first one to not see the tape as a complete and total mess. Taking a deep breath, she glanced around the set and saw so many people. They all seemed to be close in some way, laughing, joking, and it looked fun.

  “Are you ready to go back inside?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  Kirk took her hand, and together they made their way back into the set. Gus was going over some of the footage, and she pulled away, making her way toward the small stand that was waiting. Grabbing a brush, she started to run it through her hair.

  “Would you like me to?” Kirk asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  She handed him the brush and stared in the mirror as he started to work it through her hair. She closed her eyes as his touch soothed her. He wasn’t in a rush, and he didn’t pull on her hair either.

  “You have beautiful hair.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You don’t dye it?”

  “Nope. I’m naturally blonde.” Once her hair no longer looked like bed hair, she spun around to face him. “Do you think I need makeup?”

  “No. It’s not part of this scene, as it’s in bed, and you don’t need to do that. It’s not what these scenes are about.” Kirk held his hand out again. “Shall we get into position?”


  In the few hours that she’d known him, she felt completely comfortable in his company. Kirk was a nice man. He seemed a natural at putting every single person at ease, and she loved that.

  He climbed on the bed, getting beneath the sheets.

  “With the robe or without?”

  “Do you sleep in a robe?”


  “Then take it off.”

  She removed the robe and climbed into the bed, getting comfortable on her spot.

  Kirk moved over, his hand going down her hip and pulling her close. She really liked his touch. Even though they’d not long since had sex, her pussy was already soaking wet, and she wanted him again.

  Licking her dry lips, she closed her eyes as his mouth nuzzled her neck.

  It felt so right to let him do that.

  “What are you doing after?” Kirk asked.

  “After what?”

  “After you’ve finished here?”

  “I was going to head home to my small apartment, pay my landlady, and then have some food. Maybe see if that lawyer will have a look and see what he can do.” Her landlady was a dream. Cathy hated all men, and when she realized what had happened, she’d allowed Bella an apartment without any “special services.”

  After being kicked out of her the apartment she’d shared with Eric, Bella had found places, but the men who owned the building wanted a firsthand experience. She wasn’t doing that.

; “Would you like to go to dinner with me? We can have a bite to eat, and I can take you to my friend’s, and we can talk about options and stuff, if you’d like.”

  “I really appreciate everything you’re doing. I don’t want to impose—”

  “You’re not, baby. Not all of us are jerks like your ex. I want to do this. I don’t like that you’re the one having to deal with the consequences of his actions.”

  “I’m still at fault for making the tape in the first place.”

  “Yeah, and you did that with the understanding that it was a private tape. Others may take the asshole’s side. Not me. He shouldn’t have released that tape, and I don’t care what anyone says, it’s fucking wrong. I’m happy to help you. It looks like you’ve been without a lot of help for some time, and before you start doubting, I don’t expect anything for it either.”

  “Thank you, Kirk. I really do appreciate it, more than you know.” Tears filled her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away.

  “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “They’re happy tears.” She’d felt alone for so long that she couldn’t for a second believe that there was someone willing to help her. She would take it; she had to.

  Chapter Four

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, Kirk smiled down at her. Running his hand down her thigh, he curved around and moved between her legs. She gasped, and he couldn’t resist taking possession of her mouth.

  She didn’t pull away, and he slid his tongue across her lips before plunging inside. She kissed him back, and this time he moaned. She softened against him, and he found her heat. Sliding a finger inside her cunt, he teased her, drawing his finger up to stroke her clit.

  He hadn’t enjoyed filming a scene this much in such a long time. Bella turned him on, and he didn’t even need to imagine she was anyone else. He wanted her, but he also knew she couldn’t do this again so he had to stay focused.

  Pinching her clit, he slid down, fucking her with his fingers, alternating between the two.

  She wriggled her hips, trying to make him speed up, but he wouldn’t do it. Breaking from the kiss, he trailed his lips down her neck, sucking on her pulse.


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