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Rock Hard

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

He had an overwhelming need to mark her as his own.

  Pressing his lips to her skin, he bit down, and she cried out, molding against him. “Feels so good.”

  “It’s going to seem so much better.” Biting her earlobe, he pushed the blankets off her body, and ran his hand up to cup her tit. Pinching the nipple, he leaned forward and sucked on her bud, hearing her cry out once again. The sounds she made went straight to his cock.

  He was already raring to go, but he wasn’t ready to cut this short. Exploring her body excited and thrilled him.

  Her soft curves called to him to stroke, to touch, to love.

  Bella’s body was made for being fucked, and his cock was more than ready for the challenge. Moving between her spread thighs, he kissed her tits, sucking on each bud, marking her skin with his touch. He wanted her to ache for him, just as he did for her. There was no one else that got him this hard.

  She was so responsive, and she drove him wild with need.

  Sliding open the bare lips of her pussy, he stroked her clit. Gripping his cock, he placed it at her cunt and watched, entranced, as he filled her body. They were meant to be together, and he didn’t care what anyone else said.

  This woman belonged to him.

  He didn’t understand that overwhelming need to make her his, but it was there. The moment she entered the set, he’d wanted her.

  His body was burning with a desire that shook him to the core. Filling her cunt, he fucked her hard, the bed hitting the wall as he took her.

  Her pleasure echoed around the room as she cried out. They were all heady, and drew him closer to the peak.

  Still, it wasn’t enough.

  He didn’t know what Bella had done to him, but it was like she had cast a spell on him, and there was no way for him to break it.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he flipped her over, drawing her knees up. Sliding his fingers through her cream-soaked pussy, he teased her, drawing her cream back toward her ass. Soaking her tiny asshole, he began to push inside her. At first, she tensed up, and he waited for her to get accustomed to the feel of his fingers within her ass. Once she relaxed, he pushed his fingers in deeper, and she cried out his screen name as he did, sliding them within her.

  She took his first finger, and he stretched her with a second.

  With his other hand, he worked his length, watching her ass as she began to thrust against his fingers.

  “You want my dick in your ass, baby?”


  He removed his fingers and put his dick at her entrance. Pleasure filled every single part of him. He wanted this.

  Kirk didn’t understand how he could want so much with this woman. He barely knew her, and yet, there was no denying how much she affected him. He felt the need to protect, to possess, and to make her his.

  When he’d been watching that video with her ex, he’d felt jealousy. He’d wanted to beat the shit out of the fucker who had tried to ruin her life. That’s what her loser of an ex had tried to do. Kirk wanted to make sure she came out on top, that her ex knew that she was stronger and better off without him.

  “You remember what I need?” he asked. “If it gets too much for you.”

  “I know.”

  He didn’t want to hurt her. All Kirk wished was to enjoy her, to relish these moments together.

  Fuck, she’d gotten under his skin, and it had been one day. One day of filming, which he’d done a thousand times, and yet none of those times did it feel like this with her. She completely consumed him, and he didn’t want this to end.

  Her ass tightened up, but he pressed forward, sliding his cock inch by inch inside her.

  She whimpered as she took the whole of his length, and as he was balls deep inside her, he paused, giving her the chance to get accustomed to him.

  “You feel so good, baby,” he said.

  Running his hands up and down her back, he stroked her, wanting her to enjoy him, but also to forget that Gus was filming them, that she was there because her ex was an asshole, and for her to focus on Kirk, and him alone.

  He’d not had selfish thoughts like this, ever.

  Bella brought them out in him, and he felt completely taken over.

  When she began to wriggle on his cock, he pulled out of her until only the tip remained. She gasped as he then held her hips, and slowly filled her once again. He wasn’t about to fuck her.

  He wanted her to get used to the feel of him before he did that.


  Kirk took his time, allowing her to grow accustomed to the length of his cock. Bella moaned as he took her. Each thrust branded her as his, shocking her to the core at how she was feeling.

  She’d sworn off men.

  Of course, this didn’t count, and yet, she couldn’t believe her luck to have found a man so sweet and kind like Kirk.

  He slapped her ass before reaching between them. He found her clit and stroked her pussy, drawing her closer to orgasm. At the same time, he continued to drive his cock in deep, fucking her.

  She moaned as he surrounded her, making her forget everything and everyone, his touch igniting a fire inside her body.

  Over and over, he fucked her, going deeper, and when she got accustomed to the pleasure of his cock, he took her hard.

  He pulled out, turning her onto her back and making her hold her legs. He used a pillow beneath her hips, and he filled her ass once more. This time, she could look into his eyes, and she liked that.

  She liked looking at him.

  Kirk kissed her, plunging his tongue into her mouth just as his cock did to her ass.

  Suddenly he gripped her legs, holding her open as he rocked into her.

  “Touch your pussy, baby. Come for me.”

  Reaching between them, she stroked her clit as he continued to fuck her ass. It felt so hot and dirty, and with a few strokes against her clit, she came hard.

  He groaned, and after a few pumps, he filled her ass, erupting inside her.

  Kirk didn’t pull out straight away. He collapsed on her, his arms wrapping around her.

  She stroked his back, and Gus finally came into focus. He looked surprised as he watched them. Bella didn’t know what to do. Kirk kissed her neck. “I don’t want them to see.”


  “To see you, to see us, to have this.”

  “Kirk, buddy, I need to get the cum shot.”

  “No. You had one earlier.”

  “This is not what was agreed,” Gus said.

  Kirk pulled out of her and grabbed the robe from the floor. “I don’t care. Take it out of my paycheck. Call it ‘lovers in love’ or something, but you’re not getting that shot.”

  Before she knew what was happening, Kirk had pulled her along until they were near the dressing rooms. He grabbed her stuff from her own, and quickly rushed her into his.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked. She didn’t care that Gus hadn’t got his shot, but right now she couldn’t afford a lawsuit because she didn’t do what was asked.

  She knew what she was getting herself into.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “I barely know you,” she said.

  “Yeah, but do you trust me?”

  Even though they were complete strangers, he’d done nothing but prove that he was a nice guy. She nodded her head.

  “Then sometimes leaving a little excitement to the imagination is worth a thousand cum shots like that.” He was pulling on his clothes, and she realized she just stood staring at him. With shaking hands, she quickly tugged on her clothes, and he took her bag from her, sliding it over his shoulder.

  He still held her hand, and she noticed they were getting a lot of weird looks.

  “How did you get here this morning?” he asked.

  “I took a cab.”

  Once again Kirk cursed, but he moved toward a car. It looked fancy. She didn’t know what make or what made it stand out.

  He opened the door, waiting for her to slide in.

being the perfect gentleman,” she said.

  Kirk closed the door before rounding the car and climbing behind the wheel. “I’ve just fucked your pussy, mouth, and ass today, and you think I’m being the perfect gentleman.”

  “I’m sorry.” She suddenly felt embarrassed.

  “No, don’t be sorry. I’m fucked. I don’t know what came over me. I just know that I need to get you out of there.” He started the car and pulled out of the lot.

  He waved at several people as they left the set and were out in the sunny streets.

  “I need to freshen up. Are you okay with coming to my place? I promise not to hurt you.”

  She giggled. “I think you need to work on your pickup lines. Men don’t usually promise to not hurt a woman. Don’t worry, I trust you.” And she did. “Are you okay? You seem a little … tense.”

  “I don’t know right now. I can’t believe I just pulled that shit on set. I’ve never done that before, and I’ve never felt this way.”

  She licked her lips, not sure what to say or do next. “What way is that?”

  “I didn’t want anyone else to see you, Bella. They’ve seen enough. I don’t know. They shouldn’t have seen you in that first damn tape, and all I want to do is beat the shit out of your loser ex.”

  This made her smile. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be laughing.”

  “Yeah, you should. I hate assholes like that.” He slammed his hand against the steering wheel. “I didn’t want Gus to get that shot of you, of us together.”

  Did he feel it too, this pull that was between them?

  She felt it like a spark.

  It was powerful, and she didn’t want to lose it.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For caring. It means a lot to me that you did what you did.”

  “You’re worried, aren’t you? That they’re going to demand more from you?”

  “I signed on the dotted line, Kirk.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll handle everything. I promise.” He took her hand, kissing her knuckles.

  It was so sweet that she found herself melting at his touch. She really needed to get her shit together.

  Chapter Five

  “This is home,” Kirk said, stepping into his penthouse apartment. He’d bought this the first time he made a killing in stocks and shares. Everyone had doubted him, but he had a keen eye for what to invest in.

  He always made sure that he didn’t push all of his money or profit into one place, and that he wasn’t greedy.

  “Wow, this is awesome,” Bella said.

  Putting his keys in the small dish on the hallway table, he kept hold of her hand. “I don’t know about you, but I need to change.”

  He took her straight toward his bathroom.

  “You don’t think this is a little much?”

  “You want to shower alone?” he asked, brow raised. “We’ve seen each other completely naked. Don’t go all shy on me now.”

  “I won’t.”

  Removing their clothes, he turned the shower on, testing to make sure it was warm before helping her inside.

  He couldn’t keep his eyes off her beauty. Even now, after spending all day fucking her, he wanted her again. His dick was already hard again to be inside her.

  She turned toward him, and her gaze went to his cock.

  “Oh,” she said.

  “This is what you do to me.” He reached for the soap and began to work it into his hands before covering her body.

  “You’re supposed to use a sponge.”

  “My hands are the sponge.” He moved down to her ass, making sure that he cleaned her up.

  Letting the soap rinse off her body, he redid his hands, and then worked on her front, paying careful attention to her breasts, stomach, and between her thighs.

  She moaned as he slid a finger between her pussy and teased her clit. He made sure the suds were washed from his hands before he played with her.

  “This is nice; strange, but nice,” she said.

  “No cameras this time.” He kissed her neck. “And believe me, I don’t need cameras for what I want to do to you.”

  He pressed her up against the tile wall, teasing her pussy. Kicking her legs open, he angled her just right so that he could push his cock inside her.

  She moaned as he filled her, sliding in deep as he continued to play with her clit. “You have the best fucking pussy in the world, and I should know.”

  Pulling out of her, he slammed in deep. Closing his eyes, he counted to ten to try to gain control. He’d already come twice today, and yet he was ready to go again.

  This was new for him even after all this time.

  When he finally had control, he brought Bella to orgasm before finding his own, coming deep within her. Afterward, they finished washing themselves, and he turned the shower off.

  Wrapping a towel around his waist, he worked on drying Bella.

  “You know I can dry myself.” She chuckled.

  “I like doing this though. It’s a lot of fun.”

  “I don’t have any spare clothes.”

  “That’s okay. You can wear some of my old sweats.” He took her hand again and led her into his room. Finding a pair of sweats and a shirt, he handed them to her, which she thanked him for.

  He quickly pulled on a pair of sweatpants and some trainers. There was no need to bother with a shirt.

  “You hungry?”


  Kirk led the way to his kitchen. “I was going to take you out to dinner, but I’d rather like to impress you with my stir-fry skills.”

  “You can cook?”

  “Hell, yeah.” He picked up the remote for his television. “I even have the cooking channel ready. Love that shit. Honestly, I love being in the kitchen. I’m kind of weird like that.”

  “It’s surreal to see a man in the kitchen.”

  “Well, you take a seat. I’ll get us some juice going. I don’t do wine. I try not to drink after I’ve been working or during. Actually, I don’t drink a lot of alcohol. I use it for cooking.” He opened his fridge and held up little bottles. “See, for a cup of wine, half a cup. I’m showing my girly side right now.” He wanted to impress her.

  “It’s so cute.” She chuckled.

  Pouring a glass of orange juice, he handed it to her.

  “Do you bring a lot of girls here?” she asked.

  He grabbed the vegetables and chicken and started to work on marinating the meat. “No, no one comes here.”

  “Have you ever had a steady girlfriend?”

  “I’ve had girlfriends. They’ve all been women in the business. They had to be. Not a lot of women would love a man who has been balls deep inside another woman all day.”

  “That’s true,” she said.

  “Did you know today was my official last day?” he said

  “It is?”

  “Well, I was undecided. I’ve been doing fewer and fewer scenes lately. There’s always young stars, and I’m getting kind of old.”

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m forty years old.”

  “Oh, I’m thirty.”

  He stared at her. “You are?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I … you look quite young for your age.”

  “Thanks, I guess. As you can see though, it’s why I’m struggling on what to do next. I mean, going back to your point of celebrities with sex tapes and stuff. I’m not a celebrity. I don’t want to live on the streets. I don’t really know what to do.”

  He didn’t like the thought of her having to do another scene with another man. He’d been with a lot of women, and they’d dated. Not once had any of those women made him jealous at the thought of another man touching them.

  “I think we should talk to my guy. See what he has to say, and until then, how about you work for me or something.”

  “What do you need doing? I was a secretary before in a law firm.”

  He winced. “I can figure
something out.”

  “You’re a really sweet guy, Kirk. Thank you so much for today. It means the world to me.”


  The food Kirk cooked was spectacular, as was his company. Bella sat back on the lounge chair, staring at the pool. Kirk had already jumped in to cool off, and she just watched him. He really was a beautiful man. Sexy, hot, and he commanded attention.

  She’d known him for a full day and would soon have to leave, but she didn’t want to. These feelings he inspired scared the living crap out of her.

  He moved toward the edge of the pool, resting his thick arms on the edge.

  “Come on,” he said.

  She shook her head. “I don’t have a bathing suit.”

  He crooked his finger at her, and she rolled her eyes. Leaving the chair, she moved toward the side of the pool.

  When he tapped the side of the pool, she sat down and he pulled her into the water, wetting her clothes.

  “I’m all wet now.”

  “That’s the way I like it.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he moved her away from the edge of the pool.

  When he lifted the shirt over her head and helped her kick off the sweatpants, he placed them on the side of the pool.

  “Anyone can come in.”

  “You’re under the water, and you just stay with me. No one will know.” He placed his hands on her back. For several seconds neither of them spoke, and she just basked in being close to him.

  “Is this what you always do after a scene? Eat, chill, go to the pool?” she asked, when she could no longer stand the silence.

  “I do a lot of things. Most of the time I work out. Sometimes I sit in on other people’s films and watch. There’s always something to be learned, and what I realized young was that I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to learn something.”

  “Tell me how you got in the porn business,” she said.

  He told her about the woman he’d been with then. How she was so impressed by the length of his cock, she offered him a job. For over an hour, he held Bella in the pool as they moved around, and she didn’t want to let him go.

  The sun was going down though, and she knew the night was coming to an end.

  “Will you take me home?” she asked. He’d already called his lawyer friend earlier, and they all agreed to meet each other tomorrow to discuss everything. His friend had several details that he intended to look into before that meeting.


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