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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

Page 9

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Yes, eagerly.”

  Quaid gave me the lustful grin that used to make me want to blast him. I laughed. His attention went to the women in the kitchen. One stood with a shocked expression. The other leaned against the counter holding its edge with both hands.

  “My apologies,” he said. After a few tense moments, the kitchen noise resumed.

  “Daddy!” Neema reached toward Yukihyo.

  “It might be best if the two of you refrained. Teagan already has two Laconian husbands.”

  “Sorry. It was my fault. I can’t stand seeing the suffering in his eyes.” I shrugged. Quaid winked at me as the ladies began placing fruits and breads on the table. Yukihyo took Neema and sat with her on his lap. I spread a napkin across my lap and took a muffin. “Any word from Hiroshi?”

  “They will dock early tomorrow.”

  “What are we doing today?”

  “Consul Dano has offered to take us on a tour of the city,” Quaid supplied.

  I ate. Quaid stood and opened the door for Thunderdrop who was rather pleased with himself. He had been teased by a couple of monkeys and had left them with their tails stuck together with silk. We had a good laugh about it. I told Yukihyo and Quaid how long it had taken Gina to remove my spider braids with the use of a solvent.

  On our way to join the others, I asked, “Where are Pierce and Lorca?”

  “I gave them permission to enjoy Aurilius. I haven’t had my daughter in my arms for over a week. I do not wish for any assistance at the moment.”

  I slipped my arms around Yukihyo’s waist and smiled up at him. “I love you even more today than I did yesterday, husband.” He grinned at me.

  “So, you have decided to join us after all, tiny cousin. Emperor Probus has called several times this morning. I had to sneak into your room and show him that his princesses were sleeping.”


  “It was less problematic than having father arrive with one of our fleets.”

  Sighing, I asked, “Is everyone okay back home?” Kane’s green and gold eyes met mine. “Everyone is well. Unfortunately, after speaking to your mother-in-law, Grandmother sent me a shopping list.” Kane gave Yukihyo a disgruntled look.

  “Please, send the Lady Valen’s list to me. I’m sure my mother and sisters have sent me for many of the same items,” Yukihyo said with a wink. Kane tapped at his vid-screen. When Yukihyo received the list, he nodded.

  Consul Dano insisted that Quaid, Eric, Yukihyo, Nico, the baby, and I ride with him. Thunderdrop sat on my shoulder safely away from Neema who rode in her seat. In another attempt to please me, Consul Dano drove to a shopping area enclosed by a wall of flowering bushes. Kane, Phillip, and the guard parked behind us. Yukihyo held Neema while Nico prepared her stroller. We walked along paving stones through an arched entrance in the hedge. Shops and cafes were arranged in tidy rows. Smooth wide sidewalks connected the stores. No transports were allowed inside the gigantic square. Men and women walked this way and that making purchases. A woman with a wheeled cart followed an elderly woman. As I watched, the woman took a package from the elderly woman, placed it in the cart, and pulled the cart behind her as she followed the woman around a corner. Consul Dano approached a young man who waited near the entrance with a brightly painted cart of yellow, blue, and green. He hired the young man to cart our purchases.

  Thinking of Ethan’s desire to establish trade, I purchased several of the long-sleeved, knee-length dress and pants sets, a few of the long dresses, and some gowns. The fashions on Aurilius were as dull and drab as the sky. I thought the women on this planet could use some bright red silk. “Yukihyo, will you please call Simon and ask him to put together some things in our brightest colors?”

  Yukihyo smiled, kissed my nose, and tapped away at his vid-screen. Meanwhile, Thunderdrop found his xylophone in a music store. I suggested he pick out a few additional ones for Cass, ZeeZee, and the baby spiders on our land. Outside of the music store, I said, “Thank you for hiring the cart, Consul Dano.”

  He bowed to me and said, “I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Please, extend my sincere thanks to Emperor Probus for allowing me the pleasure of your company.”

  I inclined my head to him. Yukihyo hired his own cart and took Neema with him to fill all of our families’ orders. Quaid, Nico, and the guard remained with me. Phillip and both of my cousins had scattered to flirt with women. “Aunt Seyla and Grandmother would be thrilled if Kane came home with a wife.”

  “Thrilled is an understatement,” Nico said. I saw a few enforcers moving discreetly along the sidewalks, which did much to comfort me. I began laughing so hard that I had to wipe my eyes. Quaid and Consul Dano began laughing because I did. “What is it wife?”

  “Neema, she’s hungry and just sent me the feeling of warm milk in her tummy. Let’s go find her.” Yukihyo winked at me when I found them in a spice shop. I picked Neema up from her stroller and carried her out to a bench near the flowering hedge that surrounded the entire market. Thunderdrop jumped to safety on top of my head. Kane’s guard stood in front of us. Nico sat beside me. Quaid and Consul Dano moved away a little and spoke quietly. “Mommy’s girl is so smart! Yes, she is! Wait until I tell your grandmother what you did. We will call her tonight.” Kane sauntered over to Yukihyo. Several sets of female eyes watched him. He contacted his ship and ordered crewmen to collect our purchases. Consul Dano appeared to be attempting to ingratiate himself with Quaid.

  “Nico, wouldn’t it be nice to have pears, figs, and walnuts in the Empire?”

  “It would.”

  I finished up with Neema and changed her diaper in the restroom. She made a grab for Thunderdrop who chirped at her and crawled down my back to cling to my skirt. Kane and Yukihyo met us as we came out. Neema reached for Kane. “Husband, can you arrange to have some of Aurilius’ produce delivered to the Empire? Maybe you could trade pineapples for pears and figs.”

  Kissing my forehead, Yukihyo said, “Mr. Gregory was right about you.”

  I blushed. We saw a few of Kane and Eric’s newly married crewmembers shopping, and a few small groups of crewmen from both ships wandering in and out of stores. Yukihyo, Neema, Thunderdrop, and I visited stores and examined goods and merchandise. A few of the dress shops didn’t seem to be doing very well. Those were the ones I intended to visit with Simon.

  Consul Dano took us to lunch a few blocks from the market. Slabs of bread drizzled with olives and oil were scattered across the table on square plates. We were served chilled plum juice. A large bowl of pasta in a thick cheese sauce with tomatoes and olives was placed before me, so I gave it my attention. Neema had moved on to Phillip. During lunch, Yukihyo and Consul Dano formed a trade agreement with Hiroshi for produce. Once we had returned to Consul Dano’s home, they worked out the particulars in his office.

  Thunderdrop convinced Quaid to let him outside. Neema was cranky from being still all day. I got a blanket from the lady who had given me coffee that morning and convinced Nico and Quaid to spread the blanket out over the grass on the lawn behind the house. We sat around the edges and watched Neema crawl, roll, and sit up. Thinking about what had inadvertently happened to the two ladies who had served me coffee and breakfast that morning, I said, “Quaid, Yukihyo didn’t mean what he said this morning about Dano. Did he?” I had no interest in a contractual marriage to Dano.

  Grinning, Quaid said, “You have nothing about which to worry. Cleto Dano will not risk offending me. Without my father’s support, the rule would have been taken from his family line. Knowing that I am Emperor Probus’ son-in-law, he dares not insult me.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. He gave me a smug satisfied smile. I did feel relieved, though. Eric and Kane found us. “Tiny cousin, do you mind if your cousins go out to explore?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Eric has been to this planet several times. I think I know what my cousins want to explore. Wave bye-bye to Eric and Kane, Neema.” She smiled up at them and gurgled. “Hey! What happened to Phi

  Eric grinned. “He told us where to pick him up later.”

  “I see. He does that to us, too.”

  Waking early the next morning, I wore an aquamarine maternity dress and my bright orange coral jewelry. I braided my hair. I put Neema in a pale green frilly long dress. I carried her down to the first floor and looked out of the windows.

  “You are up early,” Consul Dano said with a small bow as he rose from the table where he ate with Nico and Yukihyo.

  “We’re excited. Uncle Hiroshi, Simon, and Kaoti will be here today.” Neema shrieked which had Thunderdrop hiding at the back of my skirt.

  “Lady wife, you have time for coffee and breakfast before their arrival.”

  “Really? It’s going to take that long?” Yukihyo chuckled and took Neema. “Where is Quaid?”

  “He is seeing to matters on the Hadrian. He will meet us for lunch,” Nico said.

  Grudgingly, I sat, had coffee, and ate fig muffins. I kept turning to look out of the windows. I saw Phillip’s transport. “They’re here!”

  “Careful,” Nico said with a motion of his hand. He stood and helped me to rise.

  “No running,” Yukihyo added.

  “Oh, come on then,” I said as I tugged on Nico’s arm. They were getting out of the transport by the time we made it outside. “Hiroshi!” I spread my arms wide and threw them around his neck. I gave him kisses all over his face just like the ones Grandmother gave. Neema screamed from Yukihyo’s arms and reached for Simon. Hiroshi grunted at me, but his eyes sparkled.

  “I have missed you, too, baby sister. I hear you have already made a deal that will earn us considerable profits and have established trade between Aurilius and Thalassa.”

  I looked up at him. “I just wanted pears and figs on Parvac. Yukihyo did everything. You know that.” Hiroshi smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

  “Give my niece to me, Simon.”

  “I will trade her for my sweet cousin.”

  I let Hiroshi go so that he could hold Neema. I wrapped my arms around Simon, rested my chin on his chest, and met his pale blue eyes with mine. “I have missed you so very much.”

  “I am quite certain that I have missed you much more than you have missed me. Life is a dreadful bore without you.”

  “Well, I have a plan for today. When do we leave?”

  Yukihyo had gone and then come back out with Neema’s bag of supplies which he placed inside of the transport.

  “Neema’s seat is in the transport along with a new stroller curtesy of her Gram. I have an assortment of clothing ready as well,” Simon told me.

  “Where is Phillip?” Hiroshi asked while I hugged Kaoti and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

  “Snoring. He had a late night. He, Eric, and Kane returned a few hours ago,” Yukihyo smirked.

  “Phillip has been lonely in the Empire,” I said.

  Yukihyo introduced Hiroshi, Simon, and Kaoti to Consul Dano who invited them inside for refreshments. I took the opportunity to visit the waste unit. Hiroshi still held Neema. With our family reunited, I didn’t think she would need her stroller.

  Finally, we were in the transport and on our way to the shops. Thunderdrop and Cass chirped, chittered, and clacked at each other non-stop all of the way there. Simon made them move to the back of the transport. Once we had parked, I led Simon into one of the dreary shops.

  “Good morning, my lady. How may I help you?” An older woman with dark hair and eyes asked.

  “Hello, my name is Teagan, and this is Simon. I purchased a few things from you yesterday. You have a lovely store.”

  “Thank you, my lady.”

  “It’s unfortunate that you aren’t pulling in as many customers as the stores on the other side of the market.”

  “Yes, they have been attracting a younger clientele with lower prices and quality. My name is Mara.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” We shook hands. Simon kissed her hand causing her to smile. “I hoped you might be interested in a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Simon and I have a few dresses we would like to show you. If you like them, maybe we can make a deal. May we show them to you?”

  Appearing interested, Mara said, “I’ll look at them.”

  “I will return in a moment,” Simon said. Kaoti stood guard outside. Thunderdrop perched on my shoulder.

  “What types of dresses did you bring?”

  “All of our dresses are made of the finest Arachnean silk.” I stroked Thunderdrop.

  “Chirp.” Mara’s eyes rested on him.

  “Each dress has a hem no higher than mid-calf. However, sleeves and necklines vary considerably. We have designs popular in both the Galaxic Expanse and the Parvac Empire. Yesterday, while I shopped, I didn’t see a single Arachnean Silk dress. Also, it seemed like all of the clothing was dyed in the same colors.”

  Mara nodded and said, “We import cloth from Nephele. They make it from sheep’s wool.”

  Simon returned with dress bags over his arm. “Do you have a section on a rack where I can hang our dresses?” he asked.

  Mara moved to a circular rack in front of her counter. She moved several long-sleeved dresses aside. Simon and I began removing the dresses from the bags and onto the rack. He had already placed them on white silk covered hangers. I winked at the extravagant touch. I selected a stunning red silk dress with sleeves to the elbows that along with the curved neckline were adorned with a soft fluttery ruffle.

  “I think this would be beautiful on you Mara. Please, accept it as a humble gift.” Mara’s eyes caressed the dress. It was one of my favorites. It was too bad it wouldn’t fit over junior. “Please try it on while we ready our dresses for you.” I laid the dress over her arm.

  “Thank you. You are very kind. It is so soft.”

  “Wait until you feel it against your skin.” She carried it into one of her dressing rooms. I helped Simon hang the remaining dresses. “Oh, Simon. They’re beautiful.”

  He had brought red, blue, purple, yellow, and green dresses in the brightest and liveliest shades. “They are happy and cheerful, and at direct odds with Aurilius’ environment, sweet cousin. Just as you asked.” He winked at me. Mara came out of her dressing room in the red silk. It looked stunning with her dark hair, eyes, and pale skin.

  “Perfect! You look beautiful. Do you like the fit and feel?”

  Mara smoothed her hands down the skirt. “I love it. The material is so soft and luxurious. This must be a costly dress.”

  Simon smiled at her. “Thank you. I produced all of the silk, and my designers created the dresses. Would you care to see more?”

  Mara walked over to her rack, felt the dresses, and exclaimed over the colors. Then, her business sense took over. “None of the other shops have anything like this.”

  “No, they don’t. Pardon me, but I found many of the dresses I saw to be rather depressing.” I shrugged. “It is our hope that we can do business.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Mara asked.

  “We hope that when we visit Aurilius, we can sell our dresses to you for a modest profit. If the arrangement is agreeable to you, and you decide to order large quantities to meet your demand, I will deliver them to you,” Simon said with his charming smile.

  “For how much are you willing to sell these dresses?” Mara asked.

  “I am willing to go as low as fifty credits each as an introductory price. Of course, you may sell them for whatever you wish. I must ask seventy-five credits per dress in the future.”

  “It would be grand indeed to have my shop full of these dresses.”

  Quietly, I folded the garment bags. Two ladies entered the store and went for the dresses. Simon and I moved aside. “Oh, Mara! Where did you get that dress? It’s gorgeous.”

  Mara smiled and said, “Would you like to try one on?” The ladies took dresses into the fitting rooms. They returned in silk.

  “How much is this?�
�� one of the ladies asked.

  “For you, I will make a special offer of one hundred credits if you wear it out of the store and tell anyone who asks where you got it.”

  “Thank you, Mara.” Each of the ladies bought dresses. Mara placed the clothes they had been wearing in bags. The smiling ladies each left with a few bags.

  “Simon and Teagan, we have a deal.”

  Simon and Mara worked out a contract. As they finished their deal, more customers entered. I stood with Kaoti as Simon took the garment bags to the transport.

  Kaoti said, “Those ladies are getting a lot of attention.”

  Simon returned and offered me his arm. “Mara will be sold out by the end of the day. It is fortunate that I brought additional dresses to sell to her.”

  “How many did you bring?”

  “Over a thousand.” I laughed. “You have already accomplished what Ethan had hoped. We have been unsuccessful establishing trade in the past.”


  “Mainly, disinterest I think.”

  “You brought the gowns, right? The long ones?” Simon nodded. “Good.”

  I led him a few rows over and into a dismal store that didn’t appear to be doing well. When I had visited the store the day before, it had appeared to be owned by a husband and wife. I had spent a few credits on their gowns and robes hoping they would be attentive when I returned. My strategy had worked.

  “Good morning, my lady and lord. May I help you?”

  “Yes, thank you. I visited your charming shop yesterday. My name is Teagan, and this is Simon. Recently, we have begun making gowns inspired by our travels throughout the universes. I hope you will allow us to show you some of our designs. If you like any of them, your shop seems like the perfect place to introduce something new. Might you be interested in seeing what we have to offer?”

  They exchanged glances. “What could it hurt?” the husband said.

  “Wonderful. May I entrust my cousin to your care while I get our samples for you?” Simon asked.

  The man nodded and extended his hand to Simon. “I’m Eno, and this is my wife Falla.” They shook hands, and Simon hurried off to the transport. Eno and Falla had the same dark hair and eyes as Mara and Consul Dano.


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