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The Parvac Emperor's Daughter (The Space Merchants Book 3)

Page 10

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Is there any place in particular where we might hang our gowns for you to see?” I asked.

  Eno cleared a space for me near the entrance. They didn’t have any customers while I was there. Kaoti was the only one to get any attention from the passersby. Simon returned with garment bags.

  “Here we are. I hope you like what we have to show you. All of our gowns are made of the highest quality Arachnean silk,” Simon said.


  “Yes, our spiders are the smartest spiders and make the most beautiful webs,” I said.

  “Click chirp,” Cass agreed.

  Thunderdrop nuzzled my neck. “You’re such a good boy,” I whispered to him. I helped Simon with the gowns and selected a pale blue one with spaghetti straps and a matching robe for Falla. “To thank you for your time, please accept this as a small gift. If you would care to try it on, you may see for yourself the quality of our fabric and construction.”

  “It’s lovely,” Falla said with a small smile as she took my gift to the dressing room.

  Yukihyo entered the store with a little princess who appeared to be growing cranky with hunger. “Are you tired of daddy and ready for mommy?”

  “Is all well with you, lady wife?” Yukihyo asked as he kissed my cheek.

  “Yes, husband.”

  “Kaoti has her stroller and bag outside.” He spoke to Neema in his native language, kissed her forehead, nodded to Eno and Simon, and left. I looked around and spotted a chair near the dressing room. I sat and fed my princess.

  “Eno, come here, please.”

  He went past us to the dressing room. Even though Eno was a stranger, Simon and I felt the interest his wife inspired in him while wearing the gown. Soon afterwards, Simon and Eno made a deal for the gowns and robes. I tried to figure out a way to get shoppers to enter their store. Sending ladies out wearing them would be inappropriate. However, I was still busy with Neema. Falla had changed and returned. She began rearranging the displays and put Simon’s silk gowns near the entrance. After we left, a lady entered the shop.

  “In years past, father and Ethan sought out the more prominent businesses. It was a good idea to do business with the struggling shop owners. These people need to revive their stores and are eager to try anything.”

  I blushed at Simon’s praise. “I’m glad I could contribute in some small way. You’ll tell Ethan?”

  “Yes, he will be proud of you,” Simon said as he looked down at me with his pale blue eyes.

  “There you are. Have you had any success?” Hiroshi asked.

  “Yes, far more than I had hoped. With luck, the two stores with whom we have made deals will be selling our silks exclusively in the future.”

  Yukihyo and Nico walked toward our little group. Privately, I took a moment to appreciate how very handsome the two of them were. Knowing my thoughts, Yukihyo winked at me.

  “It’s time for lunch,” Yukihyo told us.

  Quaid and everyone else had planned to meet at a restaurant. While sitting at the table, I enjoyed listening to them as they talked. The events of the day had done a great deal to make me feel like myself again. At the table, Neema fell asleep in Nico’s arms. I tried to hide a yawn behind my napkin.

  “Our princesses have grown weary,” Nico said.

  “Sorry, Cupcake. I know you’re having fun, but you need your rest. I’ll drive you back to Kane’s ship,” Phillip said. The thought of saying goodbye again to Simon and Hiroshi caused me to become emotional. My thoughts returned to the weeks I had feared for their lives while they had been on this very planet. I scrunched up my forehead and tried to prevent the involuntary tears.

  “Oh, Hiroshi. Can’t I go home to Tora? It’s been so long.” I didn’t want to be separated from them. Then, to my horror, I began to sob uncontrollably. “I’m sorry. It’s the baby. I’m not crying on purpose.” I was surrounded.

  “Please, don’t cry Teagan. I hate it when you cry,” Eric said as he blotted at my face.

  “I just miss being home. I miss our quarters and my kitchen.” I hiccupped.

  “Of course, you may come home. I miss my family, and everything is as you left it,” Hiroshi said.

  I had ended up in Yukihyo’s lap. He stroked my hair, and I rested my head on his shoulder. “Don’t be alarmed. She is alright. Consul Dano, if you will excuse us, our lady needs a few days of rest and a familiar routine,” Yukihyo said.


  Consul Dano’s face was ashen. “By all means, I will do whatever I can to be of assistance,” he said.

  Yukihyo refused to let me walk out of the restaurant, which made me even more embarrassed. Nico followed with Neema. Hiroshi opened the transport doors. As soon as I was seated, Phillip began scanning me. I scowled at him.

  “Nothing twists a ruler of a galaxy up like a crying female,” Phillip chuckled.

  “It’s not funny,” I said and cried harder.

  “Are you sure she will be alright?” Consul Dano asked.

  “You know as well as I what caused this. Each of us can hear the terrified echoes in her mind. She made an effort to come here to demonstrate the Empire’s endorsement of your right to rule and to make a show of reconciliation. However, the personal cost to the Princess for the suffering she was caused may take years to heal. She went so far as to sleep in your home with her infant daughter,” Quaid said.

  “I deeply regret my father’s actions. The Princess’ visit and trust both honor and humble me. I am forever at her service.” Quaid and Consul Dano bowed to each other.

  “We are taking them to Tora. Teagan wants for you to remember to check for her things in the drawers,” Yukihyo told Eric. Eric had agreed to pack up our belongings with help from Kane and his guard.

  “I’ll help them,” Nico said.

  “Tell her not to worry. Two captains and a general can manage packing,” Eric said.

  When Hiroshi drove up into the transport bay, I teared up again upon seeing the transport Yukihyo had bought for me. As soon as Simon opened his door, our spiders jumped out. Hiroshi picked up our sleeping princess, and Yukihyo held my hand. We followed Phillip into the lift and then into the kitchen where he made me a cup of coffee and placed it on the table in my usual spot. Hiroshi sat across from me with Neema.

  “Yukihyo, can we stay?”

  “Yes, we can stay. I would like nothing more.”

  “Do you mean it? Everything can be normal again?” Yukihyo sat down beside me on the bench.

  “I don’t see why not. You and I have nothing to fear from the Parvac Empire. Quaid will ensure that we have nothing to fear from the Laconian Sector.”

  “My sweet cousin has Montgomerys, Alarics, Lees, and Lings in the Galaxic Expanse,” Simon said.

  Looking around at their faces, I said, “There’s nothing that I want more than to be back here at home. I miss our life together.”

  “I miss you here. It has been lonely with you all on Parvac. I trust you will resume your duties as domestic assistant?” Hiroshi said.

  “Yes, Captain. I can begin right away.”

  “No, you will not. You will take a nap. Also, I will allow you to complete only one chore a day,” Yukihyo firmly stated. His use of the word “allow” annoyed me, but I sipped at my coffee. He knew my feelings. In what I assumed to be an attempt to mollify me, he said, “Will you be okay here with Neema, Thunderdrop, and Kaoti until Nico returns? We have a few more deals we hope to make.”

  “I am perfect here.”

  “I will check once more on Mara, Eno, and Falla. May I take your transport so that I can have additional dresses and gowns available should they inquire?” Simon asked.

  “What? Let me guess. Are you making about two hundred available to each shop?”

  “Indeed, I am. I will offer dresses to Mara for fifty credits each. I will sell her a few or all two hundred. I am certain our new business associates had more profits today than in the past few weeks. Come, Cass.”

  Yukihyo gave me a passionat
e kiss. His eyes sparkled with pink and gold. Hiroshi gently transferred Neema into Kaoti’s arms. A smile made Kaoti look like a stranger. The move woke her, and she shook her bracelets for Kaoti and gurgled at him.

  “Lady wife, behave.”

  “Kaoti, she’s not allowed to lift anything,” Phillip said.

  After they left, I went to the laundry room and put Thunderdrop’s bowls on the counter.


  “Yes, it feels good to be home.” We had been followed. “Do you want to sit on the couch and watch my forest with me?”

  “May I sit on the floor and play with the baby while watching your forest?” Kaoti asked.

  I nodded. I cried again when we entered my quarters. Kaoti patted my back. I ran my hands over Neema’s bed, my chairs, vanity, and bed. I used my waste unit and hoped Junior would move off of my bladder. I went into Yukihyo’s former room which now served as our sitting room. I looked at all of our family pictures on my table. Sitting on my couch, I hugged a fuchsia pillow to my chest. Kaoti sat on the ice bear rug with Neema. He placed her on her back, and she stretched out. Kaoti pulled off my shoes, lifted my feet to the couch, put a pillow under my knees, and covered me with a blanket. Neema laughed, rolled over, and crawled to Kaoti. Thunderdrop went to his toys in the corner by Yukihyo’s desk. Tearing up again, I said, “I can’t believe I’m home.”

  Kaoti found a controller and located my land in the menu. I looked from the green leaves down through the branches and trunks to the soil. A handful of that soil rested inside of a blue silk square in front of Yukihyo and my wedding picture. “Tora is what I need to grow just as the trees need the soil.”

  I heard unfamiliar male laughter and looked down to the floor in shock. Kaoti was laying on the rug. Neema crawled over his arms and yanked at his short brown hair with her tiny hands. He picked her up and sat her on his chest. “Princess, may I remove her socks? I miss seeing her little feet.”

  “You may. I find it enjoyable to kiss them.”

  Kaoti laid her on her back and pulled her socks off. “You are adorable. I have missed Princess Neema.”

  I laughed. I heard the door slide open. I leaned my head back on the arm of the couch and watched as Nico and Quaid entered with luggage. “Did I hear laughter?” Nico asked.

  “Yes, my fierce body guard has turned into sugary pudding. I have found his weakness. We can control him with Neema’s feet.” She laughed and crawled to his arm. Then, she sat making a crinkle of sound with her diaper and put her foot in her mouth. Kaoti laughed at her again. “Did you hear that? Kaoti can laugh. Who knew? I can’t help but comply with his directives knowing how much he adores my baby. We are so mushy in this room that Phillip won’t be able to handle it when he gets back.”

  “Princess, in my defense, I may turn to sugary pudding with Neema, but Phillip turns to syrup.”

  I made the mistake of yawning. Nico went into the bedroom. When he returned, he folded my blanket and held out his hand to me. I took it and carefully stood. He had a skimpy Thalassan gown on the bed for me. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep you warm.”

  Nico pulled the covers back while I changed. I scooted into the middle of the bed. Nico removed everything but his shorts and spooned my back. He placed a protective hand over Junior. I slept almost until dinner. When I woke, I sensed Neema sleeping in her bed. Nico kissed my shoulder. Then, he kissed my neck sending chills across my skin. He spent the next hour showing me how much he missed being alone with me. Smiling, we headed into the shower. I washed my hair with my favorite shampoo. Nico dried us both off and wrapped my hair in a towel. On the way to my storage unit, Thunderdrop blinked at me from his tree sculpture. I sighed in contentment. I found a soft pair of pants and a shirt large enough to fit me. Nico dressed. Then, he dried my hair with the towel and brushed through it for me.

  “May I get you anything, my love?”

  “Actually, some of that pineapple fizzy water would be great.”

  I made the bed and placed our laundry in the basket. I went to the sitting room and was surprised when I found Quaid sitting on the couch with a small vid-screen. Nico walked in with my water. Quaid stood, fluffed a pillow, winked at me, and indicated I should sit. Once I did, he sat and pulled my feet into his lap. He began kneading the bottoms of my feet with his knuckles. I groaned. Nico put the glass of water in my hand.

  “Thank you both very much.” I felt completely spoiled. I drank my water and wished Quaid would rub my ankles. When his strong fingers moved to the aching spots right behind my heels, I almost wept with relief. “That’s perfect. Yes, right there. Are you reading my mind?” Quaid winked at me. I wondered what he could do for a backache.

  “It will take us four days to arrive on Epopeus. My family is eager to meet you.” I was terrified to meet them. They thought I was a princess, but I had more experience as a reclamation worker than as Parvac royalty. I worried Bosh’s family had always been well-mannered and rich like my cousins. Unlike my cousins, the Bosh family didn’t really need to try to like me. “Would you like to see some family pictures?”


  Quaid pulled my vid-controller wand out from between the couch cushions. I looked at him in surprise wondering how he knew that I kept it there. He linked his vid-screen to mine and to pictures in his menu. The picture of Quaid and me on Parvac was the first one. I blushed remembering that day. Looking over at my pictures on my long table, I frowned when I noticed it wasn’t there. I hadn’t been on Tora since I had agreed to our marriage. I worried I had hurt Quaid’s feelings. He lifted my ankle and kissed the top of my foot. His lips tickled. I thought of the first night with him on the Hadrian in his quarters when he had kissed every inch of me. He was a sweet man, and I had begun to feel a tenderness toward him. Quaid met my eyes. I blushed and smoothed my shirt over Nico junior. Quaid showed Nico and me a picture of his father, Consul Quinn Bosh, standing behind two seated women.

  “You have spoken to my father. Those are my mothers. Elspeth has blonde hair, and Julia has black hair.” It was easy to tell that Elspeth had born Quaid. He showed another picture. “Here I am with my brothers. The eldest is Quintin and the youngest is Quincy.” Quintin looked about thirty-five, and Quincy appeared to be my age. They both had Julia’s black hair. Next, he showed us a picture of four girls. They all wore bright dresses, had flowers in their hair, and had huge smiles on their faces.

  “They’re so pretty!”

  “Thank you. These are my sisters. The oldest is Jin-an at fifteen. Erykah is fourteen. Jamila is thirteen, and Eri is eleven.” Erykah and Eri had blonde hair and features like Quaid’s.

  “Oh, Elspeth’s daughters’ names begin with E’s, and Julia’s begin with J’s,” I said.

  “You were each named after your father as were my brothers and I,” Nico said from Yukihyo’s desk chair.

  “What are we naming junior? Are we naming him after you or your father?” Nico grew still, his eyes became moist, and he clenched his jaw. I didn’t know what to think.

  “Princess, when you agreed to become my wife, it was an honor for me like no other. Now, you carry my child. To name him after my father would honor me and my entire family.” Nico wiped at his eyes. I had never seen him emotional. I wondered if I was contagious. I hoped his father hadn’t had a weird name. “My father’s name was Niklos Cassian.”

  I let go of the breath I had been holding. “Niklos will be Neema’s little brother.” I spoke to my stomach. “That is an adorable name for you. Do you like Niklos better than junior, my baby?”

  Nico said, “Woman, I love you more than you will ever know.”

  “That would be true if I relied on your words, but I have learned to feel your love through your eyes. So, forgive me for disagreeing with you about it in front of Quaid. Nico, can we name him Niklos Tavere Cassian?”

  “Yes, I think that is an excellent name.” I beamed at him.

  Quaid smiled at us and showed us another picture. His older brother Quintin stood behi
nd his three wives. “They are Tilda, Margrete, and Edwina.” Tilda and Edwina had black hair, and Margrete’s was brown. They had the beautiful look of women who had had spa treatments two times a week since they were born. I could only look frumpy next to them. The next picture was of their children.

  “Oh, my goodness! They are so cute!”

  They ranged in age from five to one. The boy was one and was named Quinn after his grandfather. The girls were Talia, Merette, Ellery, and Milena. Each of them had dark hair and eyes.

  “Well, that sure is a whole bunch of cuteness,” Phillip said as he walked in.

  “You have eighteen people in your family,” I said in shock. How was I going to remember them all?

  “Actually, you and Neema bring the number up to twenty,” Quaid said.

  Puzzled, I said, “We count?”

  Quaid grinned at me. “Please do not be offended when people on Epopeus address you as Lady Bosh.” I shook my head.

  “Lee, Alaric, Montgomery, Probus, Ponidi, and Bosh are all my names. Don’t worry. I won’t be offended.” Quaid began rubbing where my toes joined my feet. I closed my eyes.

  “It’s time to eat. Hiroshi, Yukihyo, and Simon are setting the table. Kaoti is supervising,” Phillip said.

  Shocked, I said, “They are?” I regretted moving my feet out of Quaid’s hands. He winked at me. I checked on Neema. She was sleeping on the side of her face on her stomach. Her lips were squished, and she drooled. I felt so proud. She slept just like I did. Thunderdrop and Cass were babysitting. We tip-toed out into the corridor with Phillip leading the way.

  The kitchen table had an Uncle Lee feast spread across it. “Oh, Hiroshi! This looks and smells amazing!”

  “My brother has told me about your cravings. Our uncle heard the news with a great deal of satisfaction.”

  I sat, dipped a spring roll in some sweet chili sauce, and took a large bite. Smelling something wonderful, I opened my eyes. Hiroshi slid some fried wantons in front of me. I picked one up with my left hand and took a bite. “Um, shrimp.”


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