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Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Do I need to fetch my slipper already?” he lightly scolded, interrupting her. “You are special, and the sooner you come to realize that, the less power that doubting imp will have over you.”

  Reminded that he’d read her soliloquy she felt a warm blush, but she wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment that he knew her secrets, or pleasure that he’d not just read her story but had understood what she’d been trying to convey.

  “I’ll do my best,” she murmured.

  “Good girl,” he smiled, taking her hand as he kissed her lightly on the lips. “I have something for you. Please sit down, gently of course,” he added, “and close your eyes.”

  “Duncan, you’re spoiling me,” she sighed.

  “Do as I say,” he declared firmly. “and don’t worry, you know very well that if you start to act spoiled there’s an easy fix.”

  His words sent her butterflies to life, and moving to the table she settled into her chair, immediately feeling the reminder of her spanking. Closing her eyes she waited patiently, and though she didn’t hear him walk way, she did hear him return just a minute later.

  “You may look,” he said, stepping back.

  Blinking her eyes open she saw the stunning flowers in the art glass vase.

  “What is all this?” she breathed.

  “It’s not so much, not really,” he reassured her, “and it was something that gave me pleasure. The white and yellow roses represent purity and friendship,” he replied. “What you experienced today was pure. You submitted to my discipline, you surrendered to me, and that is a truly precious thing, Brittany, truly precious. We are now bound in that, and in the friendship that has, rather, that is, blossoming between us.”

  “I’m just…so…honestly, I don’t know what to say,” she breathed, feeling a large, hot lump in the back of her throat. “We just met, I mean, I know we went through a lot today, or at least it was a lot for me, but this is so much,” she exclaimed. “I don’t mean to, uh…sorry. It’s just…I can’t help thinking that this will all be over in just a few days.”

  He stared down at her and smiled.

  Wary, concerned, excellent.

  “You are absolutely correct,” he agreed, taking his seat across from her. “I have the same troubling concern. If it’s too overwhelming for you…if you think you want to stop things now, and-”

  “No,” she interrupted, “I don’t, not for a minute.”

  “Then let’s enjoy tonight and the few days we have. I’ll call for our meal to be served. I’ve ordered Cajun Chicken and Pepper Salmon, both spicy dishes, but I can have them made mild if you wish. Which would you prefer?”

  “The salmon, thank you, and I love spicy food,” she grinned.

  As he stood up and expertly popped the cork on the champagne, Brittany felt her safe life in her small home town was a million miles away, and that the young woman she’d been when she’d boarded the ship was changing.

  One dose of discipline can do that? Or is it all him? Mr. British Debonaire Duncan. I don’t know and I don’t care, I just never want this to end.

  He poured the sparkling wine into their glasses, then sitting back down handed her the flute.

  “What’s our toast?” she asked, as they clinked.

  “To living in the moment, with an eye on tomorrow,” he replied.


  The dinner had been everything she could have dreamed of. Duncan was charming and romantic, funny, then serious, and engaged her in a way that made her believe that he truly cared about her opinion, and more importantly, about her feelings.

  He’d put on CD that was a collection of sentimental songs, and taking her hand he’d pulled her into his arms and began to glide her across the floor.

  As they danced to the lilting melody and haunting voice of Michael Buble singing, The Way You Look Tonight, he slowly slid down the zipper at the back of her dress. The air was filled with romance, and the soothing music underscored the sensuous flow of their bodies. The champagne had lulled her fears, but surrendering to his artful seduction had been a conscious decision, and while she had no intention of changing her mind, she couldn’t help but ponder the wisdom of it.

  “Am I crazy?” she whispered, as the dress fell off and puddled around her feet.

  “Crazy like me,” he breathed, his lips at her ear.

  “You’re going to break my heart,” she mumbled, “and yet, right now I don’t care.”

  “Perhaps it will be you who does the heartbreaking,” he murmured. “There are two in this dance.”

  Bending down he lifted her up, and carrying her through to his bedroom he lowered her on to the bed, pulled off his jacket and stretched out alongside her.

  “If you’re having second thoughts,” he murmured as he nuzzled her neck, “I’ll understand if you want to leave.”

  “Leave? Are you crazy?” she breathed.

  “I think we just had that conversation,” he smiled, moving his lips to her bra-covered breasts.

  “Ooh, Duncan,” she moaned, “I’m loving every second of this. I couldn’t leave now, not if the ship began to sink, not if…”

  “Sshh,” he interrupted, “no more talking, not unless it’s to tell me how deliciously marvelous you feel.”

  Rolling her on to her side he deftly unsnapped her bra, then sliding it down her arms he tossed it aside.

  “How gorgeous,” he sighed, rolling her back and moving his mouth to nibble at her pointy, puckered nipples.

  Brittany closed her eyes and raised her chest, moaning softly as he devoured her breasts, one, then the other, then back to the first.

  “Keep your eyes closed and raise your arms above your head,” he purred, returning his mouth to her neck.

  As she closed her eyes she could feel him move up her body, and moments later she felt ties being wrapped around her wrists, causing her to catch her breath.

  “There, lovely and helpless,” he murmured, sliding back down her body. “Spread your legs for me. I’ll be tying your ankles now.”

  Sparks traveled down her spine. For so long she had fantasized about being spread-eagled, bound and completely vulnerable, but not just by a lover, a Dominant lover, a man who would know exactly what to do and how to do it.

  “Duncan,” she whispered, “I’ve wanted this for such a long time.”

  “I know,” he crooned, securing her ankles to the posts at the foot of the bed.

  Stepping away he stripped quickly, laying his clothes neatly on a nearby chair, then taking a pair of scissors he laid them on the edge of the bed.

  “Your knickers, what are we going to do about them?” he teased, tickling her sex through the thin gusset. “I can’t make love to you with your knickers on, and I have no intention of untying you.”

  “Please,” she begged, “please…”

  “Hmmm, let’s see just how much you want me. Maybe I can be convinced.”

  Slipping his finger inside the satin crotch he touched her thick wetness, eliciting a long, soulful groan, then pressing his thumb against her clit he began to agitate the outside of the flimsy fabric.

  “Ooh, Duncan, please take them off, please,” she begged, “it’s driving me crazy.”

  Ignoring her he continued the tormenting play, teasing her mercilessly, until her groans had transformed into whines of aching need, then grabbing the scissors he cut both sides of her panties and yanked them off.

  She gasped in surprise, then sighed in happiness as his tongue circled and pressed her sensitive button, bringing her enticingly close to her climax.

  “You are such a hungry, passionate girl,” he growled, returning his lips to her breasts, “and now I’m going to feed you.”

  Positioning his cock he clutched her hips, and thrusting slowly forward, luxuriated in the intense pleasure of her hot, warm, pulsing pussy, finding it tantalizingly tight.

  “You’re so big,” she gasped, “so amazingly big.”

  Her exclamation took him by surprise. While he w
asn’t on the small side, he had never considered himself supremely endowed. It was rare that a woman commented on his size, but he could feel how tight Brittany was, certainly tighter than most. Gently he stroked, and dropping his hand from her hip he began massaging her clit.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling,” he coaxed, beginning to thrust with more gusto.

  “It’s overwhelming, it’s like you’re totally taking me, it’s incredible, I can feel my orgasm already, Duncan, it’s incredible.”

  Her breathing was heavy, her chest was red, and he pumped faster, feeling his own explosion readying itself.

  “You tell me when you want to come,” he said, his voice husky, “and I’ll take you there.”

  It was rare for him to make the offer, usually controlling the pace and timing of his lover’s release, but he decided he’d teased them both long enough, and his own climax was building fast.

  “Now, now,” she suddenly cried, “please now.”

  Riding her to their mutual finish was effortless. They were completely in sync, and he watched joyously as her body grew taut, her torso lifting as her back arched, and when her pussy clutched him, demanding his release, he let out a deep groan that met her climatic cries.

  Their orgasms were strong, waves of pleasure filling them both, and long after the last spasm had dissipated into the ether, he was still resting on her body.

  “That happened much too quickly,” he finally groaned, rolling off her and pulling her against him. “I’m not going to let you off that easy.”

  “It was heavenly,” she breathed. “I’ve been wanting you all day, ever since…”

  “Ever since you felt my discipline,” he finished.

  “Yes, ever since then. I swear I thought I was going to, uh…”

  “What? You were going to what?” he pressed.

  “Nothing,” she sighed, “nothing really.”

  “Come on, out with it,” he insisted.

  “I wanted you so much, I thought I could have had an orgasm just dancing like we did,” she whispered.

  “Mmm, that was lovely,” he purred, hugging her tightly. “You didn’t have to be shy about saying that.”

  “I did, though, I don’t know why,” then pausing for a moment she took a deep breath and asked, “what did you mean when you said it could be me that broke your heart?”

  He frowned, rolling the question around in his mind, trying to find the best words to convey his thoughts.

  “Brittany, you are not a girl who jumps into bed willy nilly. I suspect a man has to spend quite a bit of time with you before you give yourself to him. Am I right?”

  “Yes, you are right,” she agreed, “this is definitely the first time I’ve ever, uh, done this so quickly, but it’s different. You’re different.”

  “Exactly, for you, this is different. I offered you something you’ve been craving. Are you laying here because of the book you read? Because you knew I’d spank you? Because you wanted the things that I do? If I had just been some lonely soul on this boat, would you be sharing my bed right now?”

  “I don’t think that’s a fair question,” she frowned.

  “I haven’t finished yet,” he said softly, kissing her forehead.

  “Oh, sorry,” she mumbled.

  “I, on the other hand, I’m drawn to you because there’s a chemistry with you that I’ve only truly felt one other time.”

  He paused, the memory stirring.

  It was a lifetime ago. I won’t make the same mistakes again, not if I’m given another chance.

  “Duncan, are you okay?” she asked, sensing his withdrawal.

  “Yes, yes, fine,” he assured her. “We want the same things, and while that’s a huge plus it’s not the only reason I want to be with you. So you see, Brittany, I might be the one in jeopardy here. Do you understand?”

  “Are you saying I’m only interested in you because you’re a Dom?”

  “Are you?” he asked pointedly.

  “Absolutely and totally, no, that is not the only reason,” she exclaimed, sitting up and staring down at him. “I’ll have you know that the minute I saw you walking up the gangplank I thought you were really handsome. I wanted to meet right then, and I didn’t even know about you, that you’re a Dom I mean. So you can put that in your James Bond pipe and smoke it,” she finished with a flourish.

  “My goodness me, the cheeky girl has come out to play,” he grinned. “I stand corrected, and James Bond pipe, what’s that?”

  “I happen to think you’re like James Bond,” she said curtly. “You know, you can be difficult.”

  “What? Difficult? You think I’m difficult?” he chuckled. “If I didn’t know better I’d think you were looking for another trip over my knee.”

  “That’s impossible, I haven’t had a trip over your knee yet, just an embarrassing bend across the arm of a couch.”

  “I knew this was who you are,” he smiled, lowering his voice. “That demure, reserved, good girl is nothing but an act. This is the real Brittany, this cheeky, feisty, femme fatale.”

  “Sorry,” she apologized, “I admit I get a bit carried away sometimes.”

  “Your apology is not accepted,” he said firmly. “I was giving you a compliment.”

  “Really? But I’ve always been told I’m too rambunctious.”

  “As I said, I’m not a psychiatrist, but I think your devil comes out because you weren’t allowed to be who you were growing up. It’s possible that could have hurt your self confidence. Does that make ring any bells?”

  “It kind of does,” she said thoughtfully.

  “I won’t let you be a brat, not for a minute, but being a brat is different than being feisty and fun.”

  “I’m confident in my business,” she said softly, “but I sure can’t seem to find the courage to leave home and live in the city.”

  “Moving from the security of your comfortable town, that’s a big deal. It’s understandable that it would be intimidating. I think you’ll get there when you’re ready. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  “This is probably going to sound a bit weird, but I feel different. I felt it after I went back to my cabin after you, uh, disciplined me. I still feel kind of embarrassed saying that,” she admitted.

  “Come here,” he sighed, pulling her back into his chest. “Discipline, appropriately applied, can have astounding results. Now I’m ordering you to go to sleep. Nap or no nap, it’s been a long day.”

  “Works for me,” she yawned, “and you’re right again, I’m totally wiped out.”

  “Wiped out, such terms you use. Never mind, one step at a time. Goodnight sweet girl.”


  “Yes, Brittany?”

  “We didn’t talk about what I wrote.”

  “We will.”


  “I believe I just ordered you to go to sleep,” he said firmly.

  “But when?”

  “My goodness, do you really want another spanking?”

  “No,” she sighed. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Brittany.”


  He was having a delightful dream about a holiday in Prague, one of his favorite cities, when the touch of fingers against his cock roused him from sleep. Brittany’s hand wrapped around his semi-hardness, moving slowly, and the feel of her breasts pressing against his back sent a warm wash of tingling energy through his body. Her gentle massage brought his cock to life, and he allowed himself a few more pleasurable moments to relish the attention before rolling over to devour her luscious mounds.

  Sighing with pleasure Brittany closed her eyes, surrendering to his warm, wet lips as they sucked and nibbled.

  “That feels so good,” she mumbled,

  “So will this,” he said, raising his head and pushing her on to her side.

  Settling behind her he placed himself at her hungry entrance, and was about to push forward when she bucked her bottom back at him impatiently.

>   “I want you so much,” she moaned.

  “So it seems,” he said, holding her still as he thrust forward.

  His pelvis rubbed against her still slightly tender bottom, but it only served to heighten her state. Grabbing her hips he began to ravage her as he wished, and she responded by arching her back, pushing back her blotchy red cheeks to meet him.

  He stroked her with a strong, deliberate pumping, then paused, starting again with greater gusto, bringing her slowly forward, his practiced technique artfully teasing her into a deep, powerful climax.

  As she felt it approach, her hands clutched the nearest pillow, pulling it into her body.

  “Duncan, it’s so close,” she mumbled.

  “I know, just relax, don’t chase it, it will happen,” he whispered, his lips at her ear.

  Surrendering to his words she let herself go, sinking into the intense pleasure of his plunging penis. It was demanding she come, and as he increased his pace she could feel the simmering orgasm creeping up on her. She held her breath, and as the tingling sensations began, slowly at first, then building into an intense release, she cried out her joy into the pillow.

  Moments later, laying in his arms as she recovered from the intense explosion, she let out a long, deep breath.

  “If I was a kitten I’d be purring so loudly right now,” she whispered. “I’ve never had sex like this before. It’s so…I don’t know the word. It takes me away.”

  “It should,” and it does for me too.

  “Is it like this with all the women you date?” she asked softly.

  “Stop it,” he replied, “I don’t have a harem. I don’t have anyone back in London, not anyone special.”

  “Good to know,” she muttered, adding “I don’t know why I suddenly felt all weird and insecure,” and what does it matter anyway, you’ll be leaving me in a couple of days.

  “You feel what you feel. Repeat after me, Duncan doesn’t have a harem.”

  “Duncan doesn’t have a harem,” she giggled.

  “Was that so hard?”

  “Not hard at all.”

  “To answer your question, no, it’s not always like this with the women I’ve spent time with. The chemistry you and I have is rare,” so rare, and I’m still at sixes and sevens about this myself. “Let’s not forget, Brittany, not every woman wants my special brand of attention, believe me.”


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