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Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Oh, I do,” she nodded. “The few times I’ve attempted to get some guy to tie me up, or whatever, it’s been a total mess. I was plain nasty and rude to provoke my last boyfriend into spanking me, and all he did was get all hurt and angry.”

  “Why didn’t you just ask him?”

  “Uh, I guess I was embarrassed. To be honest, it never even occurred to me to ask him, but I doubt it would have made any difference. I think he would have just been confused.”

  “Poor Brittany, living in a world that doesn’t understand her.”

  “Yes, I have been,” she sighed. “I wish…”

  As her voice trailed off he knew what she was thinking, and he was thinking it too.

  “Try not to worry. Things have a way of working themselves out, besides, you don’t know me very well. I really am a very strict man. I may be too strict for you, but time will-”

  “You’re not, I already know that,” she interrupted. “I can just feel it.”

  “You’re going to feel my slipper on your backside if you don’t break that habit of interrupting. You did that several times during dinner last night,” he scolded.

  “Regardless,” she said flippantly, “I know you’re not too strict. I just do.”

  “How’s your seat this morning? Still a bit sore I trust.”

  “Yes, it is,” she said softly, a sudden wave of submission causing her to lower her voice.

  “I was going to give you something a bit different for dessert last night, but your earlier discipline prevented it.”

  “Really? Why are you telling me that now?”

  “Because you need to behave. I don’t want to have to spank you hard again. I still want to give you that special dessert, but it would be better if you weren’t already tender.”

  “Oh, well in that case I’ll be absolutely perfect. Wow, what an inspired way to make me be a good girl. I’ll be an absolute angel,” she giggled.

  “Indeed,” he yawned. “I’m a bit hungry. Another full breakfast for us both, I think.”

  “No, I refuse to get out of this bed. I want to stay here with you all day.”

  “So much for being an angel,” he teased.

  “Shoot, you’re right. Okay, fine, I’m getting up. Will you shower with me?”

  “You go ahead. I have to think about something,” he replied.

  “Something about me?” she pressed.

  “Yes, Brittany,” he sighed, “something about you. Now scoot.”

  As he watched her jump from the bed and scamper into the shower, he broke into a smile.

  You’re shy, but not shy. You’re very cheeky, but yet well-mannered and polite. You’re totally enigmatic, and I think you’re absolutely adorable, and what in blazes am I going to do about this. How can you be under my skin in just twenty-four hours? Impossible, but there it is. Of course a lot can happen in the next few days.

  Brittany stepped under the shower and began rubbing the bar of soap across her body, but a moment later she felt the ship lurch. She paused, waited, and it happened again. Quickly washing off the soap she turned off the faucets, and grabbing a the robe hanging on the door she hurried back into the bedroom. She found Duncan standing at the patio window and hurried across to join him.

  “That was quick,” he remarked.

  “The ship moved so much, it scared me. I thought something had happened.”

  “We’re heading into weather. We just hit a couple of big waves,” he said, a frown creasing his brow. “It’s taken a while to get here, but it’s here.”

  “Should I be worried?” she asked, trying to control the fear bubbling up inside her.

  “No, nothing to be scared of, it’s just like turbulence in a plane. I see the waves as big potholes in the ocean, but do you think you might get seasick?”

  “Uh, I don’t know. I go out fishing sometimes and I’m fine,” she replied.

  The ship rolled slightly sideways, and feeling a rush of panic she grabbed his arm.

  “Okay, now I am worried,” she exclaimed.

  “There are no icebergs out here,” he smiled, “and this isn’t the Titanic. I doubt it will last long, probably just a passing squall. I’ve ordered us breakfast, but if you’d rather go to the main dining room and be around more-”

  “No, I want to stay here,” she interrupted, “please can we stay here?”

  “Of course, but I think you need to go back to your cabin and change your clothes. I doubt you’ll want to wear your green silk dress all day.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought about that, you’re right.”

  “It will probably get a bit worse, so why don’t go now, just stay in that robe. I doubt anyone will see you. That corridor is usually empty.”

  “I guess I have to. Either that or put my dress back on, or I could go naked,” she giggled.

  “Here,” he chuckled, grabbing her dress, bra and shoes off the floor. “Go quick, before Joe arrives with our breakfast.”

  “Oh, breakfast, right,” she declared, then stared at him wide-eyed as the ship lurched again. “Duncan?”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” he asked patiently.

  “Would you?” she begged. “I’d be really grateful.”

  “Sure,” he sighed.

  Moving to his closet he grabbed a fresh sweat suit, pulled it on, and staying barefoot he walked out with her and down to her cabin.

  “Thanks for this,” she sighed.

  As they entered her stateroom the ship suddenly rolled again, and she grabbed him for support.

  “I really am a bit freaked out.”

  “Hey, I love being a Knight In Shining Armor, especially for you,” he said warmly. “Now go and get changed. I’ll be right here.”


  The storm wasn’t a bad one, but it was bad enough for Brittany to find it truly frightening. It had intensified just as they’d finished breakfast, and she had curled up in Duncan’s lap on the couch, refusing to move.

  “You might be scared but at least you’re not getting seasick,” he said. “That’s one good thing.”

  “There’s nothing good about this, nothing,” she argued, as the ship lurched and rolled. “How long will this last? I can’t stand it.”

  “Perhaps there’s a way I could take your mind off it,” he suggested.

  “Tell me, what?”

  “So demanding,” he remarked, “not even a please. Tsk, tsk, you need to be taught some manners.”

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, “it’s this ship rolling all over the place.”

  “Back to the point,” he continued, “when you read Emily’s Education, was there something in particular that appealed to you? Something you’d like to experience?”

  “You want the truth?”

  “Of course I want the truth,” he quipped.

  “Everything,” she smiled.

  “Everything?” he repeated. “My goodness, that book had some severe disciplinary scenes. Are you sure?”

  “In my head, but maybe once you started I might change my mind,” she replied.

  “Pick one thing, just one, and I’ll bring it to life for you. Something you think will take your mind off this uncomfortable ride we’re having.”

  Brittany felt herself blush. She knew what she wanted to do, but a wave of embarrassment sent her eyes to the floor.

  “You’re feeling shy again,” he smiled, “that’s very endearing.”

  “I know I shouldn’t, but…”

  “I can’t make it happen if you don’t tell me what it is.”

  “No kidding,” she sighed. “Okay, here goes,” and taking a deep breath she looked back up at him. “I want to kneel between your legs, take you in my mouth, and have you teach me, but teach me with a cane tapping my butt while I do it.”

  “Ah, yes, I remember that scene vividly, and I’d be delighted to train you in the art of cock worship. You’ll have to be careful though, with the ship moving like it is. We don’t want any unfortunate accidents.”

  “Oh, you’re right,” she laughed, trying to ignore the embarrassment she was feeling. “The thing is, it’s not something I’ve done very much, not something I’ve ever really wanted to do, or enjoyed, but now, with you, I feel kind of, different.”

  “That happens,” he smiled. “Sometimes there’s a fantasy we wouldn’t dream of doing with one person, but with another it carries an entirely different feeling.”

  “Yes,” she exclaimed, “that’s exactly it.”

  “I don’t have a cane with me, but I think there’s something I can use that will work just as well,” he said thoughtfully. “Are you able to crawl off my lap now? Are you starting to feel a bit safer?”

  “You were right again,” she said, extricating herself, “you have taken my mind off the ship ending up at the bottom of the ocean.”

  “I assure you it will not, besides, you can swim, right?” he chuckled.

  “That’s not funny,” she exclaimed, punching him on the arm.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” he remarked, raising one, wicked eyebrow.

  “Sorry,” she said hastily.

  “Too late for that,” he sighed, standing up and walking towards his bedroom. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Heading into his closet he sought out one of the wider wooden coat hangers, and as he attempted to pull off the thin round rail that ran across the bottom, his own fears began to surface.

  She’s falling for you. You know you’re not going to commit to her. How can you?

  She knows that, and it’s her choice.

  You’re the experienced one here. You know she’ll fall deeper and deeper the more you pull her into your web of Dominance.

  She’s not the only one, I’m feeling it too. She’s pulling me in.

  Even worse.

  Yes, even worse.

  It will not be good when you have to leave her.

  Like I told her, some answers I have, some I do not.

  You’re wrong, you have no answers, none, you’re just flying by the seat of your trousers.

  Bloody hell, this is sadly true, and why won’t this thing come apart.

  Because you’re trying to hard. Just wiggle it.

  As the rail broke free, he held it in his hands and felt his cock swell in happy anticipation.

  You’re liking this way too much.

  No, I’m loving it, and now I’m going to ignore you.

  Walking back to her, holding the short rod in his hand, he pushed his troubled, conflicting thoughts to the back of his mind and strode confidently forward.


  Duncan stared at the naked woman on her knees before him. There was an immaturity about her, a vulnerability, a quality he couldn’t quite put his finger on, but whatever it was it had him well and truly captured.

  Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail, her hands were behind her back, and her knees were separated; she was the picture of a submissive. Initially she’d reminded him of Natalie, the woman he’d so foolishly and sadly lost, but the likeness was slipping away, and Brittany was fast becoming completely unique.

  The ship’s action had calmed somewhat, along with Brittany’s fears, and he knew her goosebumps were evidence of her apprehension about what was to happen, not worry about the ship sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

  “Don’t you want to take off your trousers?” she asked, looking up at him.

  His first impulse was to flick her sharply with the stick, but her wide eyes told him she was utterly guileless and she hadn’t meant to be disrespectful, she simply didn’t know better.

  “Brittany,” he sighed, “you must learn not to question me, especially not in situations like this. There will be many times I will prefer to remain clothed while you are naked.”

  Many times? What are you saying, man? You’ve only got a few days ahead of you.

  “I kinda see the sense it,” she remarked. “It’s…uh…I can feel it but I can’t explain it,” she said softly.

  “Feeling it is the important thing,” he smiled, “and I’m glad you do. Next time though, I’ll have to remind you of your place with a swish of the rod.” Why do I want to be lenient with you? It’s odd, quite odd.

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll try to remember that.”

  “I won’t hesitate, and this will sting,” he warned, lifting the long, thin, piece of rolled wood and waving it in front of her. “I’m sure your bottom is still tender and it will be very sensitive to this.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” she mumbled as she stared at it.

  “Enough conversation,” he said firmly, his demeanor toughening. “Time for your lesson. First, you must understand it is a privilege to worship my cock. As my submissive-”

  “Am I your submissive?” she interrupted excitedly. “Really, you consider me your submissive?”

  It was instinct more than desire that flicked the rod smartly against her bottom. She squealed loudly as the sharp, sizzling pain exploded across her seat.


  “Bite that tongue and stop that noise immediately,” he snapped. “If you interrupt me again, or wail like that one more time, I shall gag you. Such impertinence.”

  “Owww,” she breathed, her hand rubbing her bottom furiously. “I won’t interrupt again, I’m sorry, owwww.”

  “You will learn, Brittany, or your backside will pay the price.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she whispered. “I’ll never interrupt you again, never.”

  “From now on you’ll be acutely punished every time you do,” he promised. “As to your question, as long as you are kneeling before me, or I’m training you, I consider you my submissive.”

  “Thank you, Sir, I understand.”

  “Now then, back to what was saying,” he frowned, “it is a privilege to worship my cock and that is why you must ask permission to do so. If I grant it, I will place you in a position that pleases me. It won’t always be the same.”

  “Please, Sir, may I worship your cock?” she whispered.

  “You may, but if you soil any part of my clothing you will be punished.”

  “Oh, yes, Sir…uh…do I…unzip you or…?”

  “Brittany!” he snapped, “I will always instruct you. You do not need to ask such things. Next time the rod will answer for me.”

  “Sorry,” she cringed.

  He paused for effect, making sure the mistake was understood, then softened his voice.

  “Because this is your first time I do not expect you to swallow, unless you want to of course. Do you?”

  “It’s a scary thought, but yes I do,” she murmured, and I have no idea why.

  “Remember, you can’t spill a drop,” he said sternly.

  “Yes, Sir, I understand,” she nodded.

  Standing up he unzipped his fly, reached in and withdrew his already erect penis.

  “Sir, please may I speak?” she said softly.

  “Since you asked so nicely, yes you may.”

  “I’ve never said this before, not to anyone, but, uh, your cock, it’s so beautiful. It’s so big and so beautiful. I truly can’t wait to put it in my mouth,” and I can’t believe I’m saying that.

  “You don’t have to wait,” he replied, sitting back down. “Come closer. I’ll use your ponytail to guide you, but I will be using the rod just as Jonas did in the book. When it hits your bottom it means I want you to go faster, do more, show greater eagerness. If you don’t the second strike will be harder. Any questions?”

  “No, Sir.”

  For a brief moment she was going to ask if she could start but remembered his edict, I will always instruct you, so she swallowed back the question and sat quietly, waiting for his direction.

  “Good girl,” he crooned, taking her ponytail in his hand. “You didn’t presume to begin, that’s excellent, that’s the first time you’ve understood your place. You’ll be rewarded for that.”

  She felt a warm wave of satisfaction, and as he pushed her head on to his cock, she closed h
er eyes and opened her mouth, still surprised that she was aching to feel him between her lips.

  Initially he only allowed her to engulf a few inches, but after a moment or two he insisted she take more of him, then even more. It wasn’t long before he was filling her mouth, and she was astounded that his shaft felt even larger than she imagined it would.

  This is unbelievable, I’m really loving this. Ooh, he’s almost at the back of my throat. I love him moving my head, controlling me like this. I love feeling-

  But the sharp rod unexpectedly kissed her bottom with a buzzing strike, interrupting her thoughts. He was controlling her pace, which meant she had to do something other than increase the tempo, so she began using her tongue, and pressed her lips tightly around him.

  “That’s good, very good,” he purred, then dropping her ponytail he moved his hand to her breasts, tweaking one nipple, then the next.

  The rod hit again, and she moved faster, pumping his cock with renewed gusto. When it hit a third time she grabbed his base with one hand, holding it firmly as she tickled his balls with the other, causing small drops of liquid to drop against her tongue.

  Duncan closed his eyes and sank into the lewd attention. His cock had enjoyed many such visits, but in spite of her inexperience, Brittany’s particular knack to draw him in, then stimulate him with her tongue, was shooting sparks though his loins; when her fingers began to tickle his nut sack, it was all he could do to hold back the bubble that was already looming over him.

  Not wanting the lascivious lapping to end he grabbed her ponytail and slowed her down, and as he watched her mouth him, he could easily imagine training her to absolute perfection; she was truly glorious. After landing a few more decent stripes on her backside, and enjoying her eager responses, he decided to let himself release.

  “I’m going to climax now,” he warned, “and since this is your first time I’ll do my best to control the flow, but that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to be messy. I meant what I said, not a single drop.”


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