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The Sun Angel

Page 8

by Ashley Martinez

  He looked down at her glaring, his eyes going black. She stared right back, refusing to be intimidated. She was going to get her answers whether he liked it or not.

  “What did you tell her?”

  Will sighed, “I told her I liked you.”

  “Wait, what?” Jenna asked shocked.

  “You heard me,” Will turned away from her, “now let’s get back to work.”

  “Hang on,” Jenna couldn’t help but smile, “were you telling her the truth?”

  “Really, Jenna?” he turned back looking annoyed. “We’re really going to have this conversation?”

  Jenna crossed her arms still grinning, “Yes.”

  “Ugh!” Will threw his hands up in the air. “I like you, but I don’t want to. Part of me likes you and the other half hates you.”

  “Hates me?” she took a step back, certainly not expecting that answer. “What did I ever do to you?”

  “This isn’t the time for this,” Will muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “What did I do to make you hate me?” Jenna pushed; her smile was replaced by a scowl.

  “A lot of things,” Will looked at her resentfully. “Things you don’t remember.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Jenna, there’s more to you than you know,” he shook his head. “You’ll figure it out soon but not now.”

  Jenna felt something tugging at her memory, something to do with Will. A flash of her and Will dancing and laughing crossed her mind. When had that been? She couldn’t help but feel he was telling the truth.

  “What aren’t you telling me??” she challenged.

  “I’m not the person who should be telling you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to!” Will snapped.

  He looked about ready to lunge at her making Jenna step back. Confusion settled disturbingly on her. What was going on? What was Will talking about? After the confusion ebbed, hurt spread through her. She knew something was different about her. What it was she still didn’t know, but now she had proof something wasn’t right. She sat down again.

  “I knew it,” she whispered.

  “Knew what?” Will asked calmer now, but remained standing.

  “I knew I was different,” she looked up at him. “It’s my eyes. I’ve never seen their color on anyone else and trust me, I’ve looked. I’ve noticed that when I look people in the eye they almost seem afraid. I’ve always thought it was because Angie spread rumors about me, but even strangers avoid eye contact. What’s wrong with me, Will?”

  “I’m not the person you should be asking,” he said softly.

  “Then who?”

  “Ask your dad.”

  “My dad? He knows who or what I really am?” she stood again, hope filling her. The answers she needed were right inside.

  “Yes, he knows almost everything.”

  Jenna had taken a few steps toward her house when Will’s comment finally sunk in. She turned back to him.

  “Wait, what do you mean almost everything?”

  “He knows the basics,” Will shrugged.

  “Who knows the whole story?”

  Will looked down, reluctant to answer her question knowing it wouldn’t be the answer she wanted to hear.

  “Will?” Jenna grabbed his arm and held on tight. “Who knows the whole story?”

  He looked her in the eye, “Only you do.”

  “Me?” she gripped his arm tighter, fear spreading through her. How could she not know who she was? How did she know a story but not remember it?

  “You wanted it that way,” Will reached his other hand out too steady Jenna. She looked like pale and faint.

  She took hold of his other arm needing something to hold her in place. Jenna’s mind was racing and she couldn’t keep up.

  “Will, how can I know who I am but not remember?” Tears came to her eyes for a second time that evening.

  He shrugged, “I don’t know how you did it.”

  She started to cry, “How do I remember?”

  “I know someone who might be able to help,” he pulled her into him and held her close. He would allow himself this much.

  “Who? Can we go now?”

  “We can talk more about it after you talk to Richard,” he smoothed her hair and rubbed her back.

  Jenna pulled away slightly to look up at him, “Will, do you know who I am?”

  “I used to.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean you’re not the same person I knew before.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “I’ll let you decide that for yourself.”

  “Did we know each other before I forgot everything?”

  “We did,” he pulled away from her. “I need to go. We’ll talk more later.”


  “Yes, Jenna?” he turned.

  “Are we friends?”

  Will frowned and shook his head, “No, Angel, we aren’t.”

  Chapter Six

  “What happened?” James asked as Will walked in the door.

  Will scowled; he didn’t want to be questioned now. He hated himself for making Jenna promise something she didn’t know she shouldn’t. He was angry he opened those questions for Jenna, but most of all he was mad he’d exposed his feelings for her.

  “Will?” his right hand man interrupted Will’s thoughts.

  “I told her she isn’t who she thinks she is,” Will said falling onto the couch.

  “Is that it?”

  “Pretty much,” he shrugged. “I told her to ask Richard about it and then I left.”

  “Excellent!” James smiled. “What do we do next?”

  “We wait.”

  “For what?”

  “For her to come to us.”


  “Dad!” Jenna called as she ran inside. “Dad!”

  “In the living room!” her dad hollered back.

  “We need to talk,” she said a little breathlessly running into the room.

  “Okay, come have a seat. Your pizza is here,” her dad pushed a box toward her.

  Jenna took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Was Will telling the truth? Was there really more to her than she thought? It wasn’t his way of ridiculing her, was it? The thought made her stomach drop. Maybe he and Angie devised this plan to make her think she’s special just to openly mock her in front of the whole student body. Jenna shook her head, she had witnessed Will kill a man. Bile rose in her throat at the memory of the mangled heap of blood and bones that had once resembled a man. She knew she was different, knew there was something different about Will. It all seemed to come back to her eyes. There was something unique about them. She’d also had that dream of Eliana telling her she had to find her true self, there had to be more to her than she thought.

  “Everything alright, Angel?” Richard finally noticed her restlessness.

  “Dad,” Jenna paused then taking another steadying breath went on, “Who am I?”

  He looked surprised, “What?”

  “Who am I?”

  “You’re Jenna, why?”

  “No, Dad,” Jenna shook her head. “Who am I really?”

  Richard paled as he put down his pizza, “Wha-“

  “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about,” Jenna crossed her arms, “I know there’s something different about me, and I want to know what it is.”

  “Sit down, Jenna,” Richard sighed, defeated.

  Jenna slowly sank down on the couch, “I don’t want you to lie either.”

  “You have to understand I don’t know the whole story,” he began.

  “Tell me what you know,” her hands shook with both excitement and fear.

  “Where to begin? You first came to me in the year 1716-“

  “1716?! Are you kidding? How could I come to you? Neither one of us would be alive yet.” Jenna stood quickly, breathing hard.

  Richard smiled a little, “Jenna I
’m immortal. So are you.”

  “”That’s not possible,” She begged disbelievingly; there was no way that could happen. Was her dad in on this joke too? He had to be losing his mind, no one was immortal.

  “I don’t know how; I just know we are,” he shook his head and laughed. “Can I continue?”

  Jenna started pacing waving her hand for him to continue, though, she didn’t know if she could take much more, let alone believe any of it.

  “I was handing in some paper work when you arrived. You were brighter than the sun,” he smiled at her. “Beautiful yet terrifying, you marched in and demanded to see the boss. Of course no one objected; you had so much power in your voice. You went in and a few minutes later, I was invited in. You were looking for shelter and needed a disguise. Mr. Harrington and you had come up with a plan to block your memories and disguise you as my daughter.”

  “Why? Was I in trouble? How do you erase memories? Who are you?” Jenna interrupted. Despite the absurdity of the story, it was almost impossible not to ask more questions.

  Richard smiled weakly, “Not erase-- block. You wanted to be able to access your memories in case you were found, and I have no idea why you wanted to go into hiding or who you were hiding from. I wasn’t allowed to know. As for who I am, I’m a Guardian.”

  “What’s a Guardian?”

  “We are the protectors of Earth. If a creature were to need assistance than we’d be there,” Richard leaned back on the sofa. “My last assignment was for a man named Sebastian. He was a Dealer—“

  “What’s a Dealer?” Jenna interrupted.

  “A Dealer is someone who collects special artifacts and not just Earthly artifacts,” Richard explained quickly. “Anyway, he’d gotten himself into trouble with the Southern Realm—“

  “Southern Realm?”

  “Jenna,” Richard sighed heavily, “Let me finish and then ask your questions.”

  “Sorry.” Jenna bit down on her lip to keep from talking. She was so lost but also intrigued by her father’s story. She still wasn’t sure if she believed him.

  “Sebastian had stolen an Angel’s sword, something which is near impossible. Anyway, he’d come to Earth and went into hiding. It’s our duty to protect those who take refuge on Earth, but I was assigned to get the Angels back their sword peacefully. I had just finished up and was handing in my paperwork when you came.”

  “Huh,” Jenna thought for a moment.

  “I agreed to keep you safe,” he continued. “Then you left and said you’d be at my house that night. Sure enough, I got a knock on the door and when I opened it you laughed and said, ‘Sorry, Father, I forgot my key again!’ I was confused for a moment. I didn’t realize you’d block everything and create a whole new memory of our lives. I thought you would still remember who you were and would just block the memories someone was trying to get from you.”

  “Is that all?” Jenna still couldn’t help but be skeptical. This story seemed like a fantasy. It still didn’t tell her who she was, it didn’t even prove anything.

  “That’s all you’d let me know,” her dad nodded.

  “You know what I think?” Jenna broke the silence. “I think you’re joking. As soon as I believe you, you’re going to laugh at me and say ‘just kidding!’”

  Richard shook his head, “Why would I do that?”

  “Then prove it.”

  “How?” Richard held up his hands and laughed.

  “I don’t know, show me something.”

  Richard thought for a moment then stood, “Follow me,” he called over his shoulder as he walked through the kitchen and out the back French doors. Intrigued Jenna hurried after him into the cool night.

  He was standing in the middle of the yard looking up at the moon, “I will show you some things, but I don’t want you to scream.”

  Jenna nodded, “I can do that.” Excitement rippled through her, she was about to experience something special.

  “I feel stupid,” Richard murmured to himself as he looked around double checking no one was outside.

  Taking a deep breath he jumped into the air and Jenna’s mouth fell open at the height he obtained. His head cleared the rooftop of their two story home. He landed softly and took off running becoming almost a blur to her. He stopped in front of her, “Is that enough to convince you?”

  She shook her head at the impossibilities and before she could answer Richard took out a pocket knife and sliced his arm open wide.

  “Dad!” Jenna reached forward to help him but he held up his hand.


  So Jenna watched as the wound slowly closed leaving nothing but a trickle of blood. She gripped his arm looking for the cut before searching his face for evidence of a joke.

  “It’s true then,” she whispered, not sure if she could talk normally or not.

  Richard nodded and slowly took her hand in his, “Let’s go back inside and I’ll answer any questions.”

  Jenna let him lead her back into the house and into the living room. She sat before asking, “Is there anything else you know about me?”

  “Only what I’ve already told you,” he paused, “though, you did give me an envelope and told me when you asked who you were I needed to give it to you.”

  “Where is it?” Jenna asked hopefully.

  Richard stood up tapping his chin, “Where did I put it?”

  “Don’t tell me you lost it!”

  “No, of course not,” he scratched his head. “It’s just with all the moving over the years I tend to forget where I stash the binder. Oh! I remember.”

  Jenna sat quietly as her dad left the room to get the paper. Maybe it held the answers her dad couldn’t tell her. Maybe it told her who Will was. Was he immortal too? She shook her head, unable to believe she was immortal, even after her dad’s demonstrations. Maybe he just had some super powers, but to live forever, that seemed even more impossible.

  “Here it is,” her dad held up an envelope. “You told me not to open it, so I never did and let me tell you how hard it was not to!”

  Jenna smiled and took the envelope with a shaking hand; it looked extremely old and was sealed with red wax in the shape of wings. Her fingers felt numb and swollen; it was hard to get the envelope open. Inside was a small slip of paper. Jenna’s heart beat hard and loud; this was the moment. She pulled the paper out carefully; it had yellowed over time. She held her breath turning it over.

  Written in her handwriting it read: Mae Rothwell followed by Destroy This

  “Who’s Mae Rothwell?” Jenna asked looking up at her dad.

  Richard shrugged, “No idea.”

  “So who am I?” she asked.

  “You’re the—“ Richard was interrupted by his phone ringing. He glanced at the caller ID and paled slightly. “I have to take this, Angel. Give me minute.”

  Jenna nodded and looked back down at the paper. Her dad didn’t know much at all; she still wanted to know who she was. Maybe she was a princess? More importantly how in the world do you block a memory? Was there some kind of medicine that could give you amnesia? But how could you reverse it? Jenna’s mind was churning with questions. She needed to find this Mae lady to remember; surely she had the answers Jenna wanted.

  “Okay,” Richard walked back into the room. “I hate to do this to you, but I’ve been called out.”

  “What?” Jenna asked surprised.

  “I know. I’m sorry,” he gave her a sad smile, “I hate to do this to you right after all this, but I still have to follow orders and the captain wants to see me now, said it was urgent.”

  “I get it, Dad,” Jenna waved his apologies away. “We can talk more about it when you get back.”

  “Of course,” her dad nodded and moved to the door. “I need to go pack.”

  “You have to leave right now?” Jenna felt shocked.

  “Unfortunately,” he frowned and left.

  “What am I supposed to do?” Jenna asked following him up to his room. She sat on his bed an
d watched him frantically stuff random things into a duffle bag.

  “I want you to act like everything is normal,” her dad said as he now stuffed some papers into a brief case. “Go to school but don’t go anywhere else-- not to the mall, the bowling alley, or even restaurants.”

  “Why?” Jenna’s fears mounted the longer her dad spoke. He was rushing too much, and it was making her nervous.

  “There are people out there who want you,” he stopped packing and zipped the bag closed. Stepping around the bag he rested his hands on Jenna’s shoulders. “This house will protect you at night, but during the day I do not want you to answer the door for anyone, not even a friend. Do you understand me?”

  “Dad, you’re scaring me,” Jenna could feel the tears coming but forcefully pushed them down.

  “I don’t mean to, but you have to understand now that you’re asking questions and are starting to figure out who you are and why you came here, you’ll be drawing a lot of attention.”


  “Yes,” he nodded. “You’re already beginning to brighten. I noticed it about a week ago.”

  “Brighten?” Jenna was so confused. What was really going on?

  “Jenna, you have so much to learn, and I’ll help you every step of the way, but for now I have to go,” he took her face in his hands. “You’re my Sun Angel. I’ve taken an oath to protect you, and I will. For now please don’t mention anything of what I’ve told you. No one can know you’re starting to ask questions until I get back. Do you understand?”

  “I do,” Jenna trembled. She was terrified and didn’t want her dad to leave now but was trying to be brave.

  He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, “Be safe, I’ll be back in three days. If you need me, you can call me anytime.”

  She nodded and followed him downstairs.

  “Always keep the doors and windows locked,” he paused and looked back at her, “and keep the alarm on at all times.”


  “I love you, Jenna,” he smiled. “You’re my Sun Angel.”

  “Love you too, Dad.” She couldn’t bring herself to smile.

  “I’ll call you when I land.”

  “Where are you going?”


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