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The Sun Angel

Page 9

by Ashley Martinez


  “Be safe,” she leaned up against the door.

  “You too,” he called getting in the car. “Alarm on,” he called out the window as the garage door opened.

  She waved and set the alarm then closed the door. She sighed and leaned against the door, closing her eyes and taking a few steadying breaths. How could she act normal with the mystery of who she was weighing down on her? Maybe she could talk to Will about it; he was the one who told her to ask her dad in the first place, but her dad told her not to talk to anyone until he got back. She bit her lip trying to decide what to do.

  Looking at her watch she realized it was later than she thought. Feeling drained, she made her way slowly up the stairs. Pausing at her dad’s closed door, she suddenly realized his absence. What if something were to happen? She wouldn’t know what to do. She shivered and internally shook herself. Taking another deep breath she told herself to get a grip and be tough.

  Quickly she got ready and climbed into bed. She wasn’t tired, so she pulled out her favorite book, Lord of the Rings, and started reading.

  Jenna hadn’t known she fell asleep until a loud thump woke her up. She sprang from her bed and crossed over to her door, her adrenalin pumping fast. Grabbing her bat, she was overcome by an odd sense of deja vous.

  Shaking the sensation, Jenna held the bat in a ready position and waited by the door. She wasn’t going to go out there; her dad was gone, so whoever was making the noise wasn’t welcome. She waited, clutching the bat. Silence. Maybe the sound was from a dream, but then, she heard more thumping and what sounded like dragging, making her break out in a cold sweat. She gripped the bat tighter and stepped back into the shadows behind her door. Slow, heavy footsteps thudded up the stairs. Jenna was frozen with fear; someone or something was in the house, and they were getting closer to Jenna.

  The footsteps stopped and an eerie stillness spread through the house. The hairs on her neck prickled as a cool breeze rushed over her. She was almost too afraid to look behind her. Finally gaining enough courage she glanced behind her and felt a second of relief until her doorknob started to turn.

  Jenna’s head whipped back to the door and she watched as it slowly creaked open. Jenna positioned herself to hit whoever came in. Suddenly the door slammed shut and the locked clicked.

  Jenna bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from screaming in hysterical terror. Though she hadn’t seen anyone come in, Jenna knew she wasn’t alone; she could feel another presence, but where were they?

  Her eyes skimmed the room stopping at her bed where she noticed a shadowy figure leaning over it. Jenna’s eyes bulged; though, she kept silent and still as the figure disappeared. Jenna trembled, near tears, and wished she was still sleeping.

  Without warning, just as soon as the figure had disappeared, her bat was yanked from her grasp. Jenna screamed as the black-robed figure appeared before her. His face was obscured by the robe’s hood, but his hands were long and thin, covered in grey skin pulled tightly over knobby bones.

  The hands were reaching toward her. Jenna kicked at the figure, but her leg passed right through him. She screamed even louder as the hands clamped down on her throat. A pain she had never experience passed through her body; it felt like she was engulfed in flames, cutting off her screams.

  Jenna was losing consciousness. In her haze, she thought she imagined Will bursting through the window. She had to be dreaming since he had black wings protruding from his back. He looked almost godly, shining bright.

  The figure dropped Jenna and turned to Will who lifted up his hand making a sword appear out of nowhere. The figure didn’t even move as Will was thrown back against the wall.

  “Is that all you’ve got, demon?” Will mocked, diving at him.

  The demon hissed and disappeared before Will could get a hold of him. Reappearing behind Will, the demon slashed his arm down, not touching Will, though, Will’s shirt tore open and some of his feathers were severed.

  “You bastard!” Will clenched his teeth and spun with his sword outward. He managed to touch the figure just before it disappeared again.

  Jenna whimpered in both pain she fear for Will; as far as she could tell, he was losing.

  “Stay back, Angel,” Will told her, noticing her finally stirring. “Whatever happens, stay out of the way.”

  “But, Will-“ Jenna began but was cut off as she was roughly thrown against the wall and dragged up onto the ceiling, suspended by an invisible force.

  “Jenna!” Will called searching the room for the demon. “Come out you coward and fight me!”

  “WILL!!” Jenna screamed in agony as she felt like she was being sliced from the inside out. Blood soaked her shirt as her abdomen began opening up.

  A violent string of curse words escaped from Will as he frantically searched in his pockets for something. Pulling out whatever it was he’d been looking for, he tossed it up on Jenna. She screamed as the powder burned, and she was dropped from the ceiling. She gasped for air and clutched her stomach; surely she would die of pain.

  The demon appeared again but Will was ready. He brought his sword down with all of his might. Putting extra power behind his blow, the demon burst into fire. With a final lunge, the demon exploded and was gone.

  Dropping his sword, Will ran to Jenna, afraid he was too late. If she died, he was going to go on the warpath. He held his breath as he reached down to check her pulse, but he didn’t need to. She moaned as he rolled her over onto his lap.

  Will looked down and blanched at the sight of the gaping wounds in Jenna’s stomach. He paled; she was bleeding profusely and would die soon if he didn’t help her. Snatching his phone, he called James.

  “Yes?” James answered on the first ring.

  “Quick, I need you here,” Will said breathlessly as he ripped off his shirt and held it tightly to Jenna.


  “Jenna’s. Fly fast!” Will snapped, dropping the phone on the floor.

  “Will?” Jenna whispered.

  “What?” he said softly. He hated being out of control like this. Why did he have to have these feelings for her? She was dangerous; he knew what she’d do to him if she were herself, but he couldn’t help it but care for her now.

  “Am I going to die?”

  Will held her closer, “No.”

  “It doesn’t hurt as much,” she touched his face gently, smearing blood on his cheek.

  “Don’t,” he snapped a little surprised by her boldness.

  “Don’t what?” the light around her began to fade, “touch you?”

  “No, don’t talk like that,” he clenched his teeth together. His back burned from the demon’s poison but the pain was numbed by his fear of losing Jenna just after he found her again.

  “It’s okay, Will,” she smiled, “I don’t mind dying like this.”

  His black eyes locked onto hers, “What do you mean?” Maybe if he kept her talking, kept her conscious, then she wouldn’t die.

  “Dying in your arms,” she sighed.

  “You’re not dying.”

  “I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for you,” Jenna continued closing her eyes.

  “Open your eyes,” Will ordered, determinedly ignoring her comment. There’s no way she could have feelings for him too. That’d ruin everything. “Damn you, James, where are you? Jenna, open your eyes. Talk to me.”

  She slowly opened her eyes. Will could see their golden luster was dimming.

  “I like your eyes,” she mumbled, smiling a little.

  “Why?” She had to be delirious.

  “They change with your mood,” her eyes closed again.

  “Open your eyes,” Will shook her.

  “Don’t, Will,” she mumbled “I’m tired.”

  “Do not go to sleep.”

  “What happened?” James demanded as he flew in through the broken window.

  “Demon,” Will moved so James could work on healing Jenna.

” he commented as he bent over her. “Jenna, love, open your eyes for me.”

  Her eyes remained closed, which terrified Will, but he could hear her heartbeat. It was slowing, but it was still there.

  “Quick, James!” Will gasped.

  James gave him a peculiar look before starting the healing process. His hands moved swiftly over her wounds closing them. The bleeding slowed but hadn’t stopped.

  “She’s lost a lot of blood,” Will said. “Is she going to be okay?”

  “She’ll be sore but will live,” James grunted as traced each cut with his finger. They sealed as his fingers passed over them.

  “Does she need more blood?”

  James shook his head, “She’ll be fine…just needs to take it easy.”

  Will let out a sigh of relief, “Thank you.”

  “I don’t get why you didn’t heal her yourself,” James said rocking back onto his feet, still crouching next to Will and Jenna.

  “I’ve told you why I can’t do that,” Will replied carefully picking Jenna up and moving her to the bed.

  “I know, but you’ve got to get over that, mate,” James pulled back Jenna’s sheets, helping Will.

  “A little easier said than done.”

  “Have you even tried?”

  “Yes,” Will closed his eyes briefly. “Remember the dragon attack?”

  James nodded.

  “I tried healing her leg from the fire but instead I froze it.”

  “Will,” he sighed heavily. “I thought you’ve gotten a hold of that.”

  “I thought so, too,” he said softly.

  “I know you have control,” James snapped, “I personally trained you.”

  “Look,” Will straightened quickly, “I wasn’t ready.”

  “You could’ve done a lot more damage! You can’t go around doing that if it’s not under control!”

  “Watch how you talk to me,” Will growled, growing angry.

  “Or what? You can’t dismiss me,” James challenged. “You know who appointed me.”

  Will clenched his hands into a fist, “Screw you.”

  “Why are you so worked up anyway?” James leaned against the wall next to the broken window.

  “I’m sorry,” Will looked down at Jenna sleeping soundly, not hearing a word they were saying. “I need something from her and to get it, I need her alive.”

  “A memory,” James nodded. “I know, but that’s not what I mean.”

  “Then what do you mean?”

  “Ever since you’ve found her you’ve been…” James paused searching for the correct word. “Well, you’ve been different.”

  “How so?” Will challenged standing up tall, staring at James.

  “You’ve been obsessing over Jenna,” he ran his hands through his hair, sighing.

  “I’ve been obsessing about finding this memory,” Will lied, but James was already shaking his head.

  “No, Will,” he said sadly, “I’ve seen the way you look at her.”

  Will’s eyes narrowed, “So what are you going to do? Tell the queen and have me removed?”

  “Of course not,” James looked surprised, “it’s not my place to tell you who to love-“

  “I do not love her!” Will hissed.

  “Fine, but I do want to say one thing about it,” James stopped and waited.

  After a pause, Will sighed, “What?”

  “Be careful, mate,” James came and stood over Jenna, staring down at her. “She’s dangerous and hates us.”

  “I know, which is why I’m trying to get this memory quickly, so I can leave and never see her again.”

  “Why do you think she can touch you?” James asked now.

  Will shook his head, “I have no idea.”

  Slowly James reached his hand out and stroked her cheek. Will resisted the urge to slap his hand away. He didn’t want anyone but him touching her. James pulled his hand back and looked at it.

  “What do you think this means?” James showed Will his unburned hand.

  His confusion deepened even more, “But Liam?” he felt a small resentment towards James; he wanted to be the only one who could touch her.

  “Maybe we need to talk to the Queen?”

  “No!” Will almost shouted, “we’ll have to find the answers somewhere else. I don’t want anyone to know about this. Do you understand?”

  “But the Queen-“

  “I said no!”

  “Is that an order?” James scoffed.

  “If I have to make it one, then yes,” Will sighed.

  “So what happens now?” James asked looking away from Will and edging toward the window.

  “I don’t know,” he answered looking at Jenna.

  “What are you going to do with her once you have the memory?”

  He shrugged.

  “Are you going to kill her?”

  “I won’t have any other choice,” Will’s heart ached thinking of losing Jenna, but he knew he’d have to.

  “Try not to become too attached,” James looked out into the night. “I must admit I like this version of her, but we can’t be fooled. She’d kill us in a second if she really knew who we were and what we’re after.”

  Will tried to hide his irritation. He already knew all of this; he didn’t need reminding.


  “I know, James,” he snapped, “I’m trying, okay?”

  “I know,” James nodded. “That’s the last time I’ll bring it up.”


  “Do you need me for anything else?” James asked now stepping onto the window seal.

  Will shook his head, “Just stay close in case I need you.”

  “Okay,” he paused, “do you need help with your wounds?”

  “I’ve got it.”

  “You know healing yourself and healing her is the exact same thing,” he pointed out.

  “Get out of here!” Will advanced meaning to slug him but James laughed and jumped out the window before he could grab him. “Jerk,” he mumbled and went back to Jenna’s bed.

  Now that he was reminded of his injuries, the pain of them came rushing back. He winced and sat on the end of the bed. Lifting his hand, he quickly healed himself. Sighing in relief, he leaned against the wall.

  “Will?” Jenna’s soft whisper penetrated the stillness.

  He jumped up, “You’re awake.”

  She stared at him.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked scratching the back of his neck.

  “Tired and sore,” she smiled faintly. Jenna wanted to stare at him, but found it hard to do so. She kept adverting her eyes.

  “What?” he asked dropping his hand by his side.

  “You don’t have a shirt on,” she mumbled, blushing.

  Will looked down, “Yeah, well I kind of used mine to stop your bleeding.”

  “What happened?” Jenna asked, remnants of fear trickling through her veins.

  “We’ll talk about it in the morning,” Will sighed and sat back down on the bed.

  “Is it safe?”


  “Are you going to leave?” Jenna whispered unconsciously reaching toward him.

  He shook his head standing again and moving to a chair in the corner, “No, I’m staying right here.”

  Jenna sighed in relief, “Good.”

  “That is if you can sleep with my shirtless body in your room,” Will winked.

  “Don’t know if I can.” She smiled and blushed again. “If you want, you can borrow one of my dad’s shirts.”

  “Do you want me to?”

  “I don’t care,” she shrugged hoping he wouldn’t.

  “That’s what I thought,” he smirked. “Now go to sleep.”

  “We’ll talk in the morning?” she said rolling onto her side to look at him.

  He nodded closing his eyes and leaning back.

  “Do you need a blanket?”

  “I’m fine. Go to sleep.”

  “Goodnight, Will,” Jenna

  “Night, Angel.”

  Chapter Seven

  Jenna woke just as the sun peeked over the horizon. She stretched and tried sitting up but her body felt like lead. Panting and feeling weak, she labored to pull herself into a seated position. Propping against her pillows, Jenna leaned back heavily. Her condition was a reminder that last night was real.

  She looked over at her chair and found Will slumped in it with his feet up on her desk and his head leaning against the wall. He was still sound asleep. Smiling as she looked at him unable to help but think how good he looked. She studied his black hair that fell just above eyes; her gaze wandered to his full lips, and Jenna found herself imagining kissing them. Will’d clearly gotten a shirt from her dad’s room, but when, Jenna had no idea.

  She sighed softly and looked at her window that was broken last night. Miraculously, it was fixed. When and how did that happen?

  “Finally done staring?” Will asked, startling Jenna.

  “I…yes,” she flushed.

  Will put his feet down and stretched, “Want me to get you some breakfast?”

  “No, thanks.” Jenna wasn’t used to being served, and it made her feel uncomfortable. “I can get it.” Jenna pushed herself into an upright position and flinched at the sharp pain that came with the movement.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Will rose from his chair. “Stay put. I’ll be right back,” Will smiled and ducked out of the room.

  Too weak to protest, Jenna leaned her head back and closed her eyes. What exactly happened last night? She wasn’t quite sure what she imagined and what was real. Like Will having wings or how she’d been cut open from the inside by an unforeseeable force. She quickly pulled up her shirt and examined her stomach. Her heart sank as her eyes took in the heavy purple scars crisscrossing her midsection. The pain she felt when the demon had cut her open was indescribable. She slowly ran her finger along one remembering how James had simply traced each cut to close them. Was he a wizard? Who was she supposed to be?

  “Sorry about that,” Will said, coming back into the room.

  Jenna couldn’t help the tears, “Are they ugly?”

  He set down the bowl of oatmeal he’d made and studied her for a moment, “No.”

  “You hesitated, which means they are,” her eyes dropped to look at them again.


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