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Natalie's Choice (Chaos Bleeds Book 10)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Natalie saw the love shining in the woman’s gaze.

  “Did you hear that Mandy returned?” Judi asked.

  “She did?”

  “Yep. Devil wanted to know why she left. Turns out her stepfather killed her mother.”

  “Oh, no, how horrible.”

  Judi nodded. “She was in witness protection until they caught him. Devil rehired her on the spot.”

  She thought about Butler.

  Natalie hadn’t talked to Mandy much. Just a brief hello in passing, but she’d been working with Lola on the computer when that happened. She’d heard about Butler’s interest in the other woman, but hadn’t seen it for herself yet.

  There was no jealousy.

  Butler was a friend, and she hoped that this was his chance to get what he wanted.

  “Hello, princess,” Ripper said, entering the shop.

  Natalie saw several women turn to look at the handsome man.

  He may be handsome, but he didn’t hold a patch to her man.

  “What are you doing here?” Judi asked, leaning over the counter to kiss him.

  The way Ripper held his woman, no one could mistake his possessive thoughts. “I’m here to take you to lunch.”

  “I’m working.”

  “Go. I don’t mind working on my own. We’re not overly busy, and any e-mail orders can wait until you get back.”

  “You’re sure?” Judi asked.

  “I’m more than capable of running this place.” She shooed them away. “Go, eat, have fun. Be merry and all that.”

  Judi laughed, and left the shop with the promise she’d be back soon.

  For the next ten minutes, she had a steady flow of customers.

  When there was a lull, she made her way around the store, putting clothes properly on the hangers, checking the fitting room for any debris. Some people were so dirty that it always amazed her how much mess they made in simply trying on clothes.

  At the sound of the door opening, she turned and her heart began to pound, not in fear, but in excitement. Slash stood in front of it and she remembered the feel of his mouth on her pussy.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “So, Ripper texted me to let me know you were alone, and at first I didn’t think it was true. Then I figured you’d be hungry.” He flicked the lock on the shop in place. “And then my dick started to get really fucking hard thinking about how good it would feel to have your pussy on it.”

  She really shouldn’t be aroused by his dirty talk, but she loved it.

  “Did you miss me?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “Now you’re just teasing me because you know I fucking did.” He held up a brown bag from the diner. “I’ve gotten your favorite.”

  She didn’t have a favorite, but compared to Slash, everything else would lose.

  Moving toward him, the moment she was close enough, he reached for her, pulling her against him. His lips were on hers and she wasn’t going to fight him, not even close.

  “I think we should take this back to my office.”

  Her pussy was so wet her need for him went into overdrive. He didn’t argue or complain.

  She took his hand and opened the office. He placed the food on the filing cabinet and she turned to watch as he began to unbuckle his belt.

  “Drop the jeans,” he said.

  Wriggling out of her jeans, she made sure to turn her ass toward him. He’d let slip his fascination with her ass and when they were alone, she always found a reason to bend over for him. She’d often hear him moan, and it wasn’t long before he had her naked and was fucking her.

  Not only was she making up for lost time with him, but he aroused her just by being near. The scent of him always started up a memory of his hands on her. She wanted him more than anything else in her life.

  When he’d been on the ranch, she’d often fantasized about these moments.

  Slash stepped forward and placed her hands on the desk. His hands skimmed across the lacy white panties she wore.

  “You know, just seeing these reminds me that I’m the only cock you’ve ever had and I’m so fucking pleased about that.” He cupped her pussy and she gasped. “That I’m going to be the only man that knows how damn fuckable you are. How perfect you are when you come, and how tight your cunt squeezes my dick when you’re so close.” He slipped a finger beneath the fabric, and she gasped as he plunged straight inside her. “Have you been thinking about me?”


  “Good. I don’t want you getting wet thinking about anyone else. This is my pussy and this dick is all yours, baby.” He drew his finger out of her pussy and slid it up to stroke over her clit.

  The lips of her pussy were already soaked through with her cream. She cried out as he pinched her nub and soothed it with his thumb.

  He tore the panties from her body and she moaned. “I’m going to need to go shopping for some new pairs if you keep ruining them.”

  “Haven’t you figured it out yet?” he asked, leaning over her. His teeth grazed over her pulse, making her moan. “I don’t want you to have any.”

  She cried out as his cock filled her pussy. One of his hands was still teasing her clit, stroking her as he fucked her against the desk. She expected it to move, but it stayed in place and then she didn’t want to think of the other old ladies as their men did exactly this.

  Was she Slash’s old lady?

  Natalie didn’t have time to think as he thrust inside her, going even deeper. The touch on her clit went from pain to pleasure as he pinched and teased her pussy. At the same time, he fucked her hard. The sounds of their moans and flesh hitting flesh echoed off the walls.

  She was so close, and Slash kept her at the edge, refusing to let her come. Only when he was ready and he wanted her to come did he let her fall over the edge, her orgasm taking over as he filled the condom he wore.

  He wrapped his arms around her. The pleasure slowly ebbed away from them.

  “You know, I only came to bring you lunch.”

  She started to giggle. “You can bring me lunch any day you want.”


  Slash watched as Mandy took the last of her equipment out to her car. The club provided plenty of cleaning products, but she liked to have her own stuff on hand all the time. Sipping his beer, he saw Butler watching her. The brother couldn’t tear his gaze away from Mandy’s ass.

  “You know, I respect Natalie a lot more for what she did,” Devil said, surprising him.

  “Holy shit, don’t you know not to sneak up on someone?” Slash asked.

  “Nah, it’s boring. I’ve got to get my kicks some way.”

  “What was that about Natalie?” he asked, putting his beer down as Devil joined him.

  “When Butler decided to be a pain in the ass. She could have pitted you both against each other. Instead, she walked away, refusing to come between the two of you.” Devil stretched out his legs. “Before coming here, I never thought I’d have any respect for women. They all seemed the same to me. Wanting to spread their legs for any man that said a kind word.”

  Slash chuckled. “Lexie was never like that.”

  “No, she wasn’t.” Devil sighed. “I could have totally lost her, you know. She was … everything. I mean she stripped to take care of a kid that wasn’t her own. What kind of woman does that?”

  “A good woman,” Pussy said.

  “I’d say we’ve all become lucky bastards,” Ripper said.

  They were all together in the clubhouse because their women had demanded a girls night, so they were all taking care of the kids, who were upstairs. Slash had already seen the men with kids holding a white walkie-talkie thing in case their kids screamed or made a sound.

  Devil had Simon taking care of the kids as well. He was old enough to keep an eye on them.

  “Ned Walker’s on his way here,” Devil said. “He wants to talk.”

  “Wow, you told The Skulls?” Slash asked. Ned Walker was family to their friends, The Skulls. His daughter Ev
a married the Prez at the time, which was Tiny. In recent years, Tiny had handed over the gavel to Lash. So far, it had been a wise decision.

  “The Skulls told me, or should I say, warned me,” Devil said. “Never thought I’d see the day I was having a conversation with Lash. I always thought it was wrong when Tiny handed him the gavel. Kid was too young.”

  “But he’s been able to handle the pressure that was clearly getting to Tiny,” Pussy said. “He nearly started a war with us. That’s not a bright idea.”

  Devil shrugged. “He was worried about his club and family. He also had his town to worry about. I don’t agree with what he did, but I know his heart was in the right place.”

  “So why do I get the feeling Ned’s not here for something friendly?” Slash asked.

  They’d once had dealings with Ned. Since the shit hit the fan over the past few years, they’d gotten out of the drug and gun runs. Their businesses were legal, legit, and no one could touch them.

  Even all the brothers in Piston County were clean. Several stints in rehab had done that. Any brother that didn’t want to get clean ended up without a patch.

  It was a hard decision to make, but one Slash respected Devil for making.

  “Lash has struck a deal with the law.”

  “What?” Slash asked.

  “You heard me. He’s offering his club as a safehouse to women and children who face being hunted down.”

  That was a big step.

  “Lash called me. Told me he struck a deal with Kelsey’s ex about wiping the slate clean for The Skulls. They helped to get women and children from sticky situations, keep them safe, while the cops go in and do their business.”

  “The club agreed?” Pussy asked.

  “It was a unanimous vote. Lash wouldn’t take the deal without every single member of the club having a vote. They were done with the runs, like we were. Ned is pissed. I’m guessing he hoped the club would get back into business.”

  “Wow,” Slash said. Ned Walker was a fierce son of a bitch. Not only did he deal in drugs and guns, but he was the notorious leader of the underground fighting ring that was known for being lethal.

  “Tomorrow morning, I’m calling church before he gets here.”

  “You want us to vote?” Slash asked.

  “I want you all to talk about it.” Devil looked across the room, and Slash followed his gaze, catching sight of Simon holding Amelia.

  He got up without another word.

  Sipping at his drink, he thought about what Devil had just said.

  For The Skulls to get out of the business and to move on, it was really something. They were going to be protectors of women and children. It seemed fitting. The Skulls protected each other and their own. When they were united as one, they were a deadly force. When Chaos Bleeds were with them, they were a fucking army.

  “What do you think about that?” Pussy asked.

  “I think it sounds fucking great,” Ripper said.

  “I’ve not been interested in transporting that shit. I’ve got Sasha and Shay to think about. I’m not going to leave them alone. No way in the world would I ever do that,” Pussy said.

  There was no doubt about it; Ned was going to be so pissed at them if they decided to take the same path as The Skulls.

  Slash wondered if it was even possible. Could they really break away from their past and find a new path?

  He thought about Natalie. She’d lost her family already. There was no one else for her, and she was alone.

  Going out on the long rides was always a risk. The risk of getting caught, a rival gang wanting what you had, even the drop off was filled with risks. There were a hundred and one different ways shit could hit the fan and make a real mess.

  He didn’t want to be part of that anymore.

  Natalie had awakened something inside him, and he refused to back down. She made him want everything he’d never wanted before.

  A family.

  A chance at a future.

  A life with her.

  It was all possible now and there was no way he’d ever put that at risk.

  He loved her with all of his heart.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Butler got up and made his way outside. He didn’t feel guilty for what went down between Natalie and Butler, or even himself. Butler never wanted Natalie, he just couldn’t have what he really wanted.

  “You know, our women are totally talking about us right now,” Pussy said.

  Death smirked as he joined the table. “You always say that.”

  “Whenever Sasha tells me that they’re going to have a girls night, I’m always extra special in bed. I give her the love treatment. I always know I’m going to come out on top.”

  Slash shook his head. “I’m sure they’ve got a million different things to talk about besides us.”

  “Then you’re deluded, man. I know those women, and we’re the best thing for them to talk about. Look at us, we’re hot, deadly, dangerous, and what’s more, we’re fucking ace in bed. Well, I’m ace in bed. I don’t know about you guys, but if they start giggling, we’ll sure know who is a hit and who is not.”

  “I need another drink if I’ve got to listen to you brag all night.”


  “Thank you. I was just coming to get that,” Mandy said, taking the bucket from Butler.

  He didn’t know what he was doing. Only that he wanted to say something.

  She bent over and placed the bucket in the back of her truck. The angle of her ass got his dick all hard. Her curves were like a dream come true to him, and he was having a hard time focusing on anything else, especially something to say.

  “You clean up well.”

  Mandy laughed. “I’m really pleased.”

  He was going to beat himself with a shovel. “Do you like cleaning?”

  What the fuck, dude?

  “I do, actually. There’s something about getting a place sparkling clean. You guys sure know how to make a mess. I’m just pleased that Devil gave me my job back.” She stood up and flicked some hair off her face.

  “I’m really sorry about what happened to your mother.”

  He heard her quick indrawn breath.

  “Thank you,” she said. “We weren’t really close, but I wouldn’t have wanted her dead.”

  “I’m really sorry.” He saw the guilt in her eyes. “It doesn’t matter if we wanted it or not, it still hurts though, right?”

  “Yeah, I think it hurts more because I knew he was dangerous. I didn’t trust him. It’s why I finally moved out. He gave me that creepy vibe.” She forced a smile to her lips. “Thank you for bringing my bucket.”

  “Would you go out with me?” he asked, blurting the words out.

  “Go out with you?”

  “Yes, you know, like on a date.”

  She looked toward the clubhouse. “You’re allowed to do that?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be allowed to do that?” he asked.

  “Isn’t there some kind of law that states you can only date people within the club?”

  He chuckled. “You’ve seen the old ladies. Until Devil claimed her, Lexie had nothing to do with the biker lifestyle. We can date civilians.”

  She nibbled her lip. “I’m not really looking for a date.”

  “As friends, then? Do you think you could do that?” he asked.

  “Okay, as friends. I know there’s a fair coming our way again at the end of the month. Celebrating the last days of summer as we head into fall. Would you like to go there? It’s silly, but I really do love the fair.”

  “I do, as well. I love the big wheel thing.”

  She chucked. “Okay then.”

  He watched her climb into her truck and take off.

  “Are you stalking me now?” Butler asked, turning to see Slash leaning against the door.

  “Not at all. I was just wondering when you were going to get your head out of your ass and ask her.”

  “I was being respectful to Devil
’s wishes.”

  “Whatever. I know you, and we both know Devil. He puts things in motion to see if we want it enough. He’s always going to put the club first. It’s what he does, and a woman not fit to be an old lady, they’re not what he wants for the club. I hope everything works out for you.”

  “Slash,” he said, watching the other brother pause. “You love her, don’t you?” Butler knew he, himself, wasn’t in love with Natalie. She was a great woman, a friend, but she didn’t get the fire started inside him like he’d hoped. Every time he looked at Mandy, he couldn’t tear his gaze away from her. He wanted her more than anything in the world.

  “She’s my everything, Butler. I’d die for her. I want her to be happy, and I know I’m the man to do it.”

  “Good. I’m happy for you.”

  Slash moved toward him, holding out his hand.

  Butler took it and shook.

  Any bad blood that had been between them was now behind them.

  Chapter Ten

  “I refuse to talk about our men,” Judi said.

  “We all know it’s what they think we talk about,” Lexie said. She made her way around the group, pouring out wine for the women that would drink it, and sodas or milk for those that couldn’t.

  Natalie knew that Lexie was breastfeeding and never drank while she did. She took the glass of wine for her.

  “I can get you a soda if you want,” Lexie said.

  “Nah, I’ll stick with the wine.” She wasn’t going to drink it, but this was her very first girls night, and Paris had warned her—it could get a little scary with the talk of their men.

  “So, I think it’s safe to say we’re getting a new old lady in our group,” Lexie said, taking a seat. She looked toward Natalie.

  “I don’t know,” Natalie said.


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