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Natalie's Choice (Chaos Bleeds Book 10)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Come on. Everyone who looks at Slash can see that he loves you. Like a total puppy in love,” Mia said.

  “I’m with Mia on this. Slash is very much in love with you,” Brianna said, clinking their glasses.

  She took a deep breath and smiled. “I really hope you’re right.”

  “So, when he asks you are you going to say yes?” Paris asked.

  “Asks me what?”

  “You know! If you will be his one and true old lady, to stand by his side, and all that stuff,” Paris said.

  “I hadn’t thought about it, but there’s no one else I’d rather be with.” She thought about Slash, and every time he brought a smile to her lips. “I’m in love with him.”

  “Then, my sweet girl, it’s only a matter of time before he declares himself your one and only,” Lexie said.

  She raised her glass as they took a sip.

  “I take it Pussy decided to be extra special to you this time,” Jessica asked.

  Sasha went bright red. “The moment I told him we were planning a girls night, it was like a competition with him. He thinks we talk about their prowess in bed, and he’s so good at it, it’s impossible to tell him we don’t.”

  “But we do talk about our men,” Lola said. “Until you let spill, with a lot of drink I might add, just how much Pussy likes to win at being the better lover.”

  Lexie burst out laughing, taking a grape. “They don’t realize this is just our time to torture them right. We get to have some fun, drink wine, or milk, or soda, and eat.”

  “And while we do this they get to watch the kids. It’s all for a good cause,” Judi said.

  Natalie laughed along with them, but her thoughts were really on Slash. They hadn’t spoken about the future or what she meant to him. Their time together was precious. Repairing and creating his home meant a great deal to her.

  “How’s everything going with you?” Lexie asked, looking toward Jessica.

  “We’re still trying for a baby. I think if we’ve not had any joy in a year, we’re going to have to look at getting checked.” Jessica shrugged.

  Everyone stopped smiling as they saw the other woman’s pain.

  Lexie reached out, touching Jessica’s hand. “You know we’re all here for you, right?”

  “I know. I know. I couldn’t be without you guys.”

  “Damn straight,” Mia said.

  They all banded together like a family, offering Jessica comfort.

  The rest of the night they drank, watched a movie, talked about Naked Fantasies and the girls there. Some of the old ladies didn’t like that the club owned a strip club. Others didn’t mind.

  She’d never been to Naked Fantasies so she didn’t have a clue what it was like.

  By midnight, they were all settling down, crashing where they’d been sitting. Natalie curled up, thinking about Slash.

  She fell asleep with thoughts of him in her mind.


  “Did you have fun last night?” Slash asked.

  He watched as Natalie looked over the menu. The instant Devil gathered the kids, Slash joined him, following him back to the house on his bike. Natalie had still been dressed in pajamas and a couple of the old ladies had looked a little worse for wear.

  Natalie hadn’t though.

  “Yeah, I really did.” She pushed some of her hair off her face, but it kept falling down.

  Leaning across the table, he tucked it away for her, and her hair fell into place.

  “So … just out of curiosity … what did you guys talk about?” he asked.

  He wasn’t believing Pussy for a second.

  She giggled. “You know, they thought that your guys’ egos were so big that all we could talk about was you. I can’t believe they were right.”

  Slash rolled his eyes. “Mine’s not.”

  Her giggle turned into full-out laughter. “It’s fine. We didn’t really talk about you or anything. Of course, Pussy was mentioned and how he always does something extra special in the bedroom. Besides that, we just had some fun. Watched movies. Gave Jessica our support, and I don’t know, we just hung out, I think. A little like girls do in high school. Only we’re not in high school. We’re full-grown women. I loved it.”

  He took hold of her hands, locking their fingers together. “I missed you.”

  She stared at their hands for the longest time before finally looking up. “I missed you as well.”

  “I didn’t just want to take you out for breakfast. I spoke with the guys and they reckon we can get the other rooms finished. How do you feel about some shopping?”

  “I’m all for it. But don’t you want to leave the other rooms blank?”

  “I want to leave one room blank.” One day he had plans to fill that room with their child. “The other room and bathroom I want to prepare. I also think we can order the sitting room furniture as well.”

  “I’m all for it,” she said. “Expense?”

  “Go for it. I’m not putting a cap on you. Buy what you like and what you see.”

  “Wow, you’re going all out.”

  “This is going to be my house.” He’d have said our house, but he didn’t want to scare her off. “I don’t believe in doing things by half.”

  They finished their food, and when they made it to Natalie’s car, she went to climb behind the wheel, but he placed her in the passenger seat. “I’m doing all the driving.”

  “What? Seriously? Why are you driving?”

  “Devil told me how dangerous you can be, and I want to get there in one piece.”

  “Yeah, and I also passed my test. Devil was talking about the first time, okay? I was … terrible. I’m not terrible now. I’m a very good driver.”

  Slash still shrugged. “I don’t care. We’ll get there in one piece and that’s final.”

  He went to buckle her seat belt, but she took it from him with the cutest glare he’d ever seen. Even when she was semi-mad, he found her adorable.

  “I can so drive.”

  “And you’ll get to drive, but for now, it’s not happening.”

  They drove toward the city and Slash smirked. “Are you going to be a baby?” he asked.

  “I can drive. It took me a long time to learn, and I find this rather insulting. I used to drive my father’s pieces of equipment.”

  “Yeah, and I bet no one was around to witness that either.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to argue. You can drive my car.” She patted his thigh. “What did you and the guys do last night?”

  “Talked, drank some beer, played some pool.”

  “Did you go to Naked Fantasies?” she asked.

  He glanced over at her, and he saw her watching him in a kind of weird way. “No, why?”

  “Do you ever go there?”

  “Sometimes. Only for work. Why?”

  She nibbled her lip and looked away. “Nothing.”

  “You brought it up, so it couldn’t have been nothing.”

  “It’s just … something we were all talking about last night, and I know it’s a strip club and all that. I guess I was just thinking about … us.”

  He gripped the steering wheel tighter. “And?”

  “And I was wondering what you expect from us. You and me.” She tapped her chest. “I’m not making any sense. Are we just, you know, is it just sex, or is it something else, something more?”

  “It’s not just sex.” His feelings for her went beyond sex.

  “Well, I was then starting to wonder. Are we dating? Are you dating other people? Are you having sex with other women?”

  “No, I’m not having sex with anyone else. You’re the only one I’m interested in.”

  “You don’t want me seeing other guys?”

  “Hell, no. Natalie, we’re dating. We’re together. You’re my old lady.” There he’d said it. “That’s how committed I am.”

  To be his old lady, it was the highest commitment he could give.

  “You mean that.”
br />   He pulled over when he found a safe enough place to park before turning toward her. Reaching out, he cupped her face, pressing his lips against hers. “There’s no one else in the world for me.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “When I’m at the strip club, I don’t give a fuck what those women have on display. Even when you showed no signs of ever wanting me, I wanted you. I’m faithful to you and you only. There’s no one else.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “That was supposed to be romantic,” he said.

  She chuckled. “It was. Oh, my, that was so beautiful. I don’t want anyone else. There never has been. I was a mess after my dad died. Then you wouldn’t listen, and I felt trapped, and lost, and all over the place. Butler was just a friend. He didn’t mean anything other than being a friend. I’m so sorry that I hurt you.”

  “You didn’t hurt me, baby. You never could.” He took possession of her lips, and she moaned. “You’re mine, babe, for now, forever, and eternity, because if there’s a heaven, I’m going to do everything I fucking can to get there to spend all of my life with you.”


  “Ned’s coming here? Without any of The Skulls?” Lexie asked.

  “That’s what I’ve been told. I’ve already spoken to Lash and Tiny. They’ve brought me up to speed with what they’re doing. The pact they’ve made.” Devil watched as his wife paced the length of the kitchen. He’d given Simon some money to watch his brothers and sisters while they talked.

  With Natalie out, it gave him privacy with Lexie anyway.

  “What deal?”

  “The deal he made with the law, babe. Protecting women. Going completely legit. Ned’s not got any access to The Skulls. Their slate is completely wiped clean. They don’t get into trouble, they help, and it clears everything up.”

  She stood before him with one of her hands resting on the counter, the other on her hip. From the moment he met her, he’d done nothing but get her pregnant. She was his woman. The love of his life. His very reason for even considering this.

  “Is that what you want? You don’t want to go on the road, do the dangerous runs? I was never an idiot, Devil. I knew what you did.”

  “Chaos Bleeds have done a great deal for Ned Walker. We’ve risked our lives, and lost guys of our own. I’ve put my men through everything. Made them get clean. Piston County is our home. There’s nowhere else I want to be in this world, other than with you. There are other clubs out there. Guys who don’t have a wife or kids, or do and don’t give a shit. They just want what they want, without giving a fuck what that does. I’m going to put a vote to the club. We’ve been through thick and thin together. They want to run shit for Ned, they can, but they give up their patch.”

  He’d thought about it long and hard. Settling down was supposed to have made life easier, and now it was. Their legitimate business brought in decent money, more money than he even thought it would. Ned Walker could offer them a lot more, he knew that, but that money came with a price. Devil wasn’t getting any younger. His son was getting older. Looking in Simon’s eyes, he knew his boy was destined for a patch in the club. His loyalty knew no bounds. His love was there, and being a member was in his eyes. He had to admit, it was also in Tabitha’s as well whenever he saw the girl.

  In this very kitchen, he had seen the danger posed to his wife. That had been a big fucking wake-up call. The threat on the club and the problems they’d faced, even though he’d never stepped down, and he wouldn’t, it still amazed him they got out of them. He was Devil, Prez of the Chaos Bleeds club, and he never backed down. He wasn’t going to start now.

  He was being smart and considering everyone else as he made this decision. Watching the men with their families, their loved ones, that risk was too high, too great, and he’d be damned if he made a decision that could ruin their lives.

  “What do you do if they want it?” Lexie asked. “If they want to get back on the road and you’re the only that doesn’t?”

  He saw her lips wobble as her fear built. His next words shocked him as it just reaffirmed what he already knew. His love of Lexie went beyond everything else. “If they all want to do the jobs for Ned Walker, there and then at the table, I will remove my jacket, leave the club, and no longer be the Prez of the Chaos Bleeds. I’ll be your husband.”

  Tears fell down her cheeks. “You love the club.”

  He smiled, and pulled her into his arms. “But I love you more.”



  Slash sat at his seat, his cell phone already with one of the Prospects outside. He didn’t know if any of the new blood would last and he didn’t really give a shit. Each Prospect had to be put through their paces to prove their loyalty to the club. No one wanted a weak asshole at their back who’d run at the first sight of trouble, especially not him.

  Devil entered the room and took a seat, but didn’t speak at all.

  No one spoke as they entered Church, everyone knowing this was a really fucking important meeting for Devil to call it.

  Natalie waited for him in his room, which she’d been cleaning up when he left her. Just the thought of her cleaning his stuff made him smile. He didn’t really mind though. It gave her something to do rather than worry. He knew that all the old ladies worried when they were having these kinds of meetings.

  They could make or break a club.

  Decision time was always the worst.

  When everyone was sitting down, Devil finally began to speak.

  “I want to thank you all for coming. I know calling church this early is different for me, but I wanted to talk to you about something. As many of you know, Ned Walker will be arriving here soon. I’ve got it on good authority he’s going to ask us to take a job.” Devil stopped and gave them all time to think about what he’d just said. “You all know what that means. The risks, the dangers, the fun even. I’ve spoken to both Lash and Tiny of The Skulls. They’ve completely pulled out of any dealings with Walker. They’re going legit, and not only that, they’re going to be working in witness protection as muscle and help those that need it.” Devil sat forward. “I brought you here because I’m done with the likes of Walker. Since we settled in Piston County, we planned on building a life. We planned on being straight with each other, here and now. I want you guys to vote. It has to be unanimous. If you want to work with Ned Walker, continue with the runs, that’s great, and that is fine. I’m happy for you guys to do that.”

  “But?” Pussy asked.

  “But right here, right now, I will remove my jacket, and I’ll call to get my ink blacked out. I will step down as Prez.”

  There was uproar around the table.

  “I’m giving it to you guys straight. I’m not manipulating you with this. Vincent can—”

  Vincent cut him off. “Vincent won’t be taking over or helping out. You go, I go. I’m done with all this shit. There’s too many risks, and you know that when I was younger, and fucking stupid, I’d have done it. I’ve done my time. There’s nothing in this world I’m willing to risk anymore.”

  “I don’t want it,” Pussy said. “Watching my girl that last time … she may have never woken up. I might have never seen her beautiful eyes again. Now she can see me. At times I’m a selfish bastard, but I’m not leaving Sasha and Shay. I’m done. I want nothing more to do with Ned, other than saying hey at the picnics.” He slapped his hand on the table.

  “Judi’s been through enough. I’m not going to put her through any more hell for a kick. The risks are too high,” Ripper said. “I’m done.”

  “I’m out,” Slash said. “One day soon I want to ask Natalie to marry me, and I can’t do that if I’m at risk of leaving her. I won’t.”

  One by one, they all shook their heads.

  “I don’t have an old lady, and I’m not looking for one,” Sexy said. “But I’ve stood by your side through everything, and I’m not going to back down now. Being on a drug or gun run never gave me my kicks. I did it because it got us money and, b
uilding this place, we needed it. Other than that, I never liked doing it.”

  “I don’t want to do it,” Butler and Dick said together.

  “The drugs nearly ruined my life,” Dick said, speaking up, and giving Butler the finger. “I’m not going to risk it. Not with Martha and my son. They’ve been my second chance, Devil.”

  He saw the emotion on Dick’s face.

  “So, we’re all done. We’re all in agreement?”

  “We’re all in agreement,” Devil said.

  “We are, and you better keep that jacket on. The only way you’re getting out of being Prez is in a wooden box, and I don’t think that shit will ever happen. You’re immortal,” Curse said.

  They all burst out laughing.

  The club was always united.

  They were the Chaos Bleeds and nothing would ever get in their way.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ned’s arrival

  Natalie picked up the large trays filled with burgers and made her way outside to where Devil had set up the grill. It was Sunday afternoon, and all the guys were buzzing about something.

  Happiness was in the air, and standing in the backyard of the clubhouse, she felt part of it all.

  “Hello, baby,” Slash said, kissing her neck and wrapping his arm around her waist at the same time. He pulled her against him, and she leaned back, loving the feel of his lips, even though she still held the burgers in her hands. “I’ve missed you.”

  “You saw me this morning.”

  “Wasn’t the same.”

  “Hey, hey, watch the food,” Devil said, taking the trays from her. “It would have been your ass on the line, Slash.”

  “Yeah, and everyone would want to beat the shit out of your ass,” Pussy said, slapping Slash’s behind.

  “Dude, anyone tell you you’re a little messed up in the head?” Slash said, rubbing his butt.

  Natalie burst out laughing. She loved this club. They were all a family, and always together as a team.

  “I think he’s got a fascination with butts,” she said.

  “He’s a fucking weirdo.” Slash turned his attention back to her and smiled. “Now, where were we?”

  When he went to kiss her, she took his hand, and pulled him away from all the people at the clubhouse. She rounded the building until she found a secluded spot.


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