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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

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by Unknown

  And he was absolutely right.

  “You know that normally I would be more than happy to assist the commissioner and the police. I’ve willingly done so in the past, but this is just too close to what drove us from our home. Frankly, it concerns me,” added Jolie. “I must be very wary and choose wisely.”

  “I agree that we need to be cautious, Jolie, but we should assist them. If not, this could fall directly onto our doorstep,” reminded Zola. “We’re not the only undead in the city. Fingers could point at us regardless. Power is feared, and we have the strongest and most influential family.”

  Yeah, only because of Jolie and her guardian.

  They ruled their society with an iron fist.

  Jolie closed her eyes to begin thinking it through. Immediately, she could feel Jacques move behind her to cautiously rub her tense shoulders. His hands began working out the knots and loosening up the stress. If anything, the man had amazing skills. Peace and calm oozed from him.

  After a few moments of his soothing ministrations, she opened her eyes and faced the family with her decision.

  “Very well. I’ll meet with the detectives in charge tomorrow, and I’ll assist them as much as possible. Keep in mind that I won’t risk us again. I can’t allow it to happen.”

  With that, she stood and excused herself to her chamber to find some peace. Jolie needed to get ready to rest. Her body’s natural instincts were to stay awake until dawn, but in order to hide among the public, she had to force herself to conform to the norms of humanity.

  Going to death at night was a difficult task for the nocturnal, but after years of practice, she had mastered it. It did have its downfalls. Unfortunately, it drained her energy. Jolie was forced to feed at night and again in the morning. That one aspect was the only way to maintain the ruse and keep her safe.

  Although it was complicated to shut her body down in the evening and wake it at morning light, it was needed. That one act of defiance went against their nature, and death’s will. So, there was a price to pay, and it was energy drain.

  As she headed to her chambers, a young woman was waiting there for her. Jacques had once more done his job, taking care of her evening meal.

  Bless him.

  Honestly, she didn't know how he managed to handle all the things that slipped her mind. Without him, she would be lost.

  “Good evening, Chloe. I see that my guardian has called for you.”

  “Yes, he did, Mistress. Are you ready to feed?” she asked.

  “I am.”

  “Do you want blood or energy this evening?”

  She thought about it. When she took blood, it was generally only from Jacques, unless they were doing battle together. Then, she would willingly feed from one of her donors. “I’ll need energy only tonight, thank you.”

  Jolie went to the young woman, who was now sitting in the middle of her chamber floor. She sat directly in front of her, mimicking her position. “Are you ready, my friend?”

  Chloe nodded, closing her eyes as she prepared for the warmth to overtake her.

  Jolie took the girl’s hand to hold it in her own as she slowly began to feed from her abundant source of energy. Chloe was very special to them, and they were blessed to have her. Where the other donors were more delicate, Chloe wasn’t. She could feed them without any problem.

  She was a gift.

  The soft release of breath from the woman was the only sound in the room. It spoke of the pleasure radiating through her.

  Jolie savored the flow of power that was pulsing into her body. When the ritual was complete, Jolie assisted the girl to her feet. “Thank you, Chloe. Now, I must rest. Please make sure that no one wakes me, unless it’s Jacques.”

  For him, she would always make herself available.

  “I’ll follow your instructions and assure that you’re left alone.” The girl bowed her head as she prepared to leave her mistress.

  “Oh, and have Louisa here at six in the morning. I’ll need to feed again before I venture out.” Jolie lifted the girl’s head with a finger to her chin. She gazed into the unique blue eyes and smiled warmly. “I appreciate all that you do for me, Chloe. Thank you for being part of our family. I’ll see you tomorrow night.” Jolie placed a kiss on the young woman’s cheek. “Enjoy your night.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” she replied, heading out of the large chambers. There was work to be done, and she would get to it.

  Jolie waited until there was a soft click of the door closing, before she used her mind to lock it down tight. For now, she would be safe as she rested. Not that she needed to worry. Her guardian was on the prowl. Jolie could feel him nearby, ensuring that she was safe.

  Shedding her clothing, Jolie hastily slid in between the pale, cool, silk sheets of her bed and looked around in the darkened room.

  Suddenly, it was lonely.

  Closing down that thought, she knew that Jacques would hear it and come there. Where he would do it out of duty, she found that too began to irritate her. There was a little spark of want deep within her, and it made her very uncomfortable. Pushing it aside, she disregarded what could never be.

  Instead of thinking, she would rest. Calling for death, she forced herself to be the bait. The new energy from Chloe would be enticing enough for death to grant her this boon, letting her die early.

  Death loved to feed, and tonight she was on the menu.

  With that last thought, she kissed life goodbye as the cold hand of nothingness slide eagerly into her body to swallow her whole.

  This too was her duty.

  As shitty as it may be.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Thursday Early Morning

  The daily ritual was always the same. Before she could think of doing much else, Jolie was forced to apply a heavy-duty sun block to her pale skin. Then, she would dress in clothing, which would protect and cover her entire body, leaving very little exposed to the sun. Since she could regulate her body’s internal temperature, the clothing would not make her too warm and uncomfortable.

  After dressing, she found that Louisa was waiting for her in her room. Chloe had followed her orders and supplied her next meal.

  “Mistress, are you ready to feed? Will you need blood or energy this morning?”

  As much as she loved blood, craved it, and always wanted more, Jolie had one specific donor she preferred. Alas, once more, she would take the lesser of the two.

  “Energy will be fine this morning, Louisa.”

  After repeating the same practice from the night before, she felt the energy flowing through her depleted body, rejuvenating and filling her. Jolie was immediately more aware and able to face the day.

  This was akin to her morning cup of coffee.

  As she walked through the monstrous house, which was her home, Jolie listened to the overwhelming silence. All of the undead were already resting for the dawn. There were few in her society who needed to lead the charade that Jolie was forced to endure.

  Because she was the elder, it was her responsibility to protect them and provide for their needs. There weren’t many who could stay awake through the day, solely because it was taxing and difficult to maintain for extended periods of time. Where they could go to death, she had no choice but remain in life.

  This was her required duty.

  During the day, she was robbed of many of the talents which were both her curse and gift. Once in the daylight, her telepathic abilities were limited, and she was also unable to use her gifts to bend a human’s mind toward her will. It made life difficult if she was caught out in the daylight or trapped in a tricky situation. Then, she would have to talk her way out of it, unable to use the vampyre wiles which had served her for centuries.

  Granted, she was still relatively strong for a female. After dusk, she was incredibly powerful. Until the sun kissed the horizon, she was merely at the level of a mortal man. Jolie would take whatever she could get. If she was weak, the ones who sought her kind were even weaker.

  Those we
re odds she liked.

  Entering her spacious kitchen, Jolie walked to the counter to grab her keys and briefcase. When she sensed motion behind her, she spun to see who approached. Jolie knew she shouldn’t be surprised, since he had a way of always appearing when least expected.

  Standing there was Jacques.

  Her heart skipped and so many thoughts sped through her mind. Fortunately for her, he wasn’t in her head to see them. It wasn’t lost on Jolie that he watched her with his cautious green eyes.

  It gave warmth to her chilly body.

  “Please be safe today, Mistress,” he said, bowing in the customary old-world sign of respect.

  Jolie didn't move as he came toward her. It was hard to ignore how her heart skipped more as he held out his hand for her. Cradled in his much larger one were her sunglasses.

  Neither moved.

  “You lost these once more,” he stated calmly, as he waited for her to take them from his open palm.

  Jolie reached for them. “Oui, Jacques. I always seem to misplace them. I’ll be careful today, so don’t worry about me,” she replied, still resting her delicate fingers against his cool flesh. The feel of his skin touching hers was amazing.

  “I have to worry because it’s my job as your guardian.” There was so much more that he wished to profess, but deep down, he knew better.

  His mistress was off limits and nothing more than a fantasy. It was one just out of his reach.

  Jolie finally pulled her hand from his and went up onto her tiptoes to brush his cooling cheek lightly with her own warm lips. “Go rest, Jacques, and don’t fret. I’ll see you this evening, won’t I?”

  Jacques couldn’t find the words to speak, so he only nodded, touching his fingertips to where Jolie had placed her chaste kiss. His heart began to pound in his chest in response.

  Jolie headed toward the door that led to their garage. Suddenly, she could feel the need to look at him building in her, yet again. Glancing over her shoulder, she did something very unJolie-like.

  She blew him a kiss.

  Along with it, Jolie sent her laughter through his body in a loving caress.

  Jacques stood there, unable to breathe as she left the sanctuary of their home for the blistering daylight. As always, his mistress stole his breath.

  And his heart.

  Jolie entered the garage and got into her Jaguar convertible. Normally, she wouldn’t draw attention to herself if she didn’t have to, but she had fallen in love with the car. Something in her had to have it when she saw it sitting there in the showroom, all shiny and perfect. The dealership had been more than willing to accommodate her every whim, since she had paid a great deal of cash for the vehicle.

  They even voluntarily darkened the windows to the blackest tint available on the market. It allowed her to drive to work and not have to wear her sunglasses in the bright sunlight filled morning. Jolie’s eyesight was acute enough, that she was able to see through the dark tint, where others might not be able to do it.

  Balzac, and most of her family, had laughed at her when they had heard that she bought a convertible. It was only Jacques who supported her choice. Of course it hadn’t been done with words, since that wasn’t his way. All that it took was his large hand on her shoulder in support.

  It had meant the world to her.

  It wasn’t like she didn't see everyone else’s point. What was a vampyre supposed to do with a convertible? What they didn't get was that she enjoyed using it, top down, as she travelled home from work. Once the sun began to set, she was free from the painful constraints of playing human.

  Besides, it was a sexy date vehicle for when she wished to have a night on the town.

  Then, she laughed.

  Yeah, she didn't date.


  Men asked her out all the time, but she wasn’t able to say yes. Not because she couldn’t pull off the charade with them, but because no man had grabbed her attention.

  Jolie knew who she wanted to be with, but it wasn’t possible.

  Why screw around with the affection of another human or vampyre, when she already got butterflies over Jacques?

  There was no point.

  Until she figured out those emotions, any other ones would have to wait.

  Pushing it from her mind, she focused on the task at hand. First, she must get through the day, and then deal with the police.

  Work must come first, since it was what fed her family and kept the coffers filled with coins.

  Jolie was fortunate to own the multilevel office building where her main office was located. It was a little investment that she had made some fifty odd years ago under a made-up corporation. It had been Jacques’s idea, and she wisely listened to it. The money that she made from the businesses, which rented from her, was more than enough to live comfortably for herself, and the rest of the vampyres in her care.

  She had to give her guardian credit. He was a very astute business man. Because of him, they had amassed a fortune. All of it was more money than she would ever be able to spend in one lifetime.

  Snapping back to the here and now, Jolie slid her car into her parking spot in the shady garage. She was grateful as she stepped into the cool dampness. It was an excruciatingly hot July day in the city, and the cool of the underground felt delicious against what skin was bare. Heading to the elevators, Jolie pushed the button to wait for the ride to the fifth floor.

  Her acute hearing took in all the sounds in the garage and the surrounding area. It was a habit to check her environment. It was a valuable skill to her kind. It had saved her life many a time, back when the vampyre hunters were more plentiful and willing to kill you first, then ask questions later.

  She had lost many friends in those days. The eighteen hundreds were a cold and vicious time for everyone who lived through them.

  Mortal and immortal alike.

  It was difficult to find a human willing to feed you to begin with, but when a loyal one was lost, it was an even more devastating blow. Her society valued blood and energy, swearing to protect those who voluntarily shared their gifts with them. Loyalty was cherished above all else for their kind, because it had proved to be a waning commodity.

  The doors opened to the floor where her office was located, and she stepped into the richly decorated hallway. Jolie was hoping that she would be able to clear up her schedule early today, so that she could get to the police station and do her civic duty.

  She almost laughed at the thought.

  It was ironic and entertaining that vampyres were helping humans. If they were aware of it happening, they would run screaming to save themselves from the walking undead.

  Damn the stories and movies about vampyres.

  They had tainted the minds of so many and placed fear where really none was due. They could live together peacefully, if the humans were to give it a chance.

  Jolie reminisced about one time in seventeenth century France, when someone had strung garlic around the doorways of her homestead. If anything it was horrible smelling, but it wasn’t lethal to a vampyre.

  Their family had even gone as far as doing the opposite of the ridiculous legends. Everyone wore a cross back then and mirrors were plentiful in her home. If anything, they appeared to be narcissistic, religious zealots to the outside world.

  Why not hide in plain sight?

  It had saved them many a time when someone came a knocking.

  To her knowledge, the only things that would end her life were the acts of decapitation or to be staked through the heart. Earlier in her existence, immolation could kill them, but thanks to evolution, the sun was painful but not too dangerous.

  Well, unless you were trapped in it and all your energy was drained. Then, you were screwed.

  All the ways that the hunters tried to kill her kind were none too pleasant, but easily overcome. The saddest part was all the humans who were slaughtered in error, just because they were suspected of being a vampyre.

  At her office door, she pushe
d it open. “Good morning, Elise,” she said to her secretary.

  “Good morning, Doctor Harcourte. I imagine you had a nice drive into work today,” stated Elise, standing from her desk to follow Jolie into her inner sanctum.

  Her office, like her home, was kept cooler and much darker. She told her patients it was like that to help them relax and mimic a bedroom environment. It was actually to help her reserve as much energy as possible.

  “I did, thank you.” Jolie shrugged out of her suit jacket before hanging it on the antique coat rack in the corner of her office. Now that Jolie was indoors, she was at ease.

  “Would you care for a cup of tea, Doctor?”

  “Yes, Elise, I would. May I ask if my new shipment of codonopsis arrived yet?”

  “Yes, Doctor Harcourte. It came in yesterday after you had left for the day. I have already prepared you a cup of tea from the new leaves, just the way you like it.”

  “Elise, you never cease to amaze me. You’re priceless. It’s like you can read my mind.”

  How ironic was that?

  The woman laughed before adding, “I wouldn’t even try to get into your head, Doctor. I’m sure that there are scary things hiding there.”

  Yeah, Elise had no idea.

  Jolie was grateful to have found this woman. Elise ran Jolie’s string of offices efficiently and with an iron fist. If you didn’t have an appointment, then you couldn’t get past her to the boss.

  She was very much like a female Jacques, only human and very unaware of her boss’s true identity.

  Jolie relaxed into her chair, thinking how good a fresh brewed cup of tea would taste at that moment. There were very few things that vampyres could ingest. Tea, made with the herb codonopsis, was one of them. It purified and cleansed the body, keeping her from having to actually take blood daily.

  For their species, the herb allowed them to spread their blood feedings out until they were direly depleted, or during the mating rituals.

  It was a blessing.

  In the early years of her existence, she was forced to feed from only blood. Regretfully, in the age of disease and other disorders, it just wasn’t completely safe. She couldn’t die of AIDS or hepatitis, but she could spread it to any human she came in contact with. When she finally did choose her mate, she would go back to drinking blood regularly. Until then, she was forced to use a select few donors at her disposal.


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