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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

Page 3

by Unknown

  Once found, she and her human mate would share a soul and the blood that coursed through his veins, as it had been for so many before her. Then, her mind wandered, and she began daydreaming about an entirely different man.

  One who wasn’t human.

  “Here’s your tea, Doctor.”

  “Thank you, Elise. What’s on our schedule for today?”

  “Mr. Conroy is your ten o’clock appointment, and then Ms. Wilkes is right after him at eleven.”

  “Okay, that works for me. Keep in mind that I need to go to the police station this afternoon to help them with a case, so please block off from three in the afternoon on. Also, call the police commissioner and tell him that I’m available and will arrive accordingly.”

  “Yes, Doctor. I’ll do that right now, and it sounds like Mr. Conroy and his multiple personalities have just arrived.”

  Jolie cocked her head and listened to the man talking to himself in the outer office. He was one of her harder cases. It took time to find the personality that was in charge and get down to business.

  “Give me five minutes to drink my tea, and I’ll be right out for him and his ‘friends’.”

  “Yes, Doctor,” she said, laughing. With that, she closed the door and Jolie prepared to work her way through the hardest part of her day.

  The part filled with sunlight.

  ∞ Chapter Two ∞

  Well, this was the craziest shit that he had ever heard in all of his life, and he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. On second thought, he knew exactly what he wanted to do with this load of BS.

  “What do you mean that we’ll be working with a civilian doctor on the vampyre slayings?” asked Detective Flynn Brogan, his handsome face distorted in confusion. He pushed his midnight black hair off of his neck, as he massaged the already tense muscles.

  “You heard me, Detective. I doubt that I need to get your hearing tested,” replied his boss.

  His icy blue eyes flashed with irritation at the thought of having to entertain a civilian, as he worked one of his most difficult cases.

  “The commissioner wants a forensic psychologist to look at what you have so far to try and get into the head of the killer. Doctor Harcourte has been cleared to ride with you to any further crime scenes,” answered Chief Richards, tapping his weathered fingers on the desk top. “Before you continue your bitch fest, you’re on babysitting duty. Suck it up and just deal with it.”

  “WHY?” he nearly barked, hating that they were going to be wasting their precious time.

  “What’s this doctor going to tell us that we don’t already know? Is Doctor Harcourte also a pathologist?” asked Detective Tommy Gress. He was just as irritated as his partner and didn't like where this was heading.

  “Gentlemen, we don’t know what the doctor will share until we listen, now will we? You both are to treat Doctor Harcourte with as much respect as deserved. This little fact finding mission is costing a pretty penny. Our hired shrink is the leading authority in deviant behavior,” snapped the chief, “and we’re fortunate. The doctor is very selective when taking on cases, so mind your manners.”

  “Is that an order?” asked Brogan, resting his long legs against the chief’s desk.

  “Consider it straight from the commissioner’s mouth, and you know what that means.”

  “Shit,” he replied. Flynn didn't like having his hands tied from the onset of an investigation. Babysitting was going to be a drain on his time, and the team’s resources.

  “We’re going to have some old codger jumping in with stupid facts and getting in our way while we try to stop a killer who leaves no evidence. Great. Just freakin’ great,” Tommy Gress added.

  “Doctor Harcourte will be here this afternoon. Be ready and have your best smiles plastered on your faces. That’s an order from me and the commissioner. I’ve been authorized to use any threat necessary to keep you both from acting like jackasses. That includes suspension without pay.”

  “Yes, sir,” they replied together.

  When their boss picked up his pen, ignoring them, they took it as their sign that he was finished with the meeting. Both men stood to head out of the office.

  Neither was pleased with the outcome.

  “This is three days past blowing. I think we just wandered into the major sucking category,” said Gress.

  “More than likely, but I don’t see that we have much of a choice here. We have three victims and no answers. It looks like we need the good doctor if we want to catch this nut job.”

  “I don’t have to like it,” he answered, glancing over at his partner. They had been a team for over a year now, and although they were polar opposites, they were good at their jobs. Flynn Brogan was the best partner he ever had the opportunity to work with on a daily basis. The detective was quick with his mind, and even quicker talking his way out of trouble. Everyone knew that on the street, being smart was a skill that you had to have.

  “Come on. Let’s get out there and start canvasing. We can pick up some food on the way and be back in time to meet Doctor Harcourte.”

  “That works for me, partner. I think it’s your turn to buy lunch.”

  “You realize that you say that to me every day, right?”

  “Gee, do I? Maybe that’s because you make more money than I do,” Tommy added teasingly.

  It was easier to just give in than to have this conversation for the umpteenth time.

  “You win. I’ll buy.”

  “Well hell, Brogan, you’re being darn magnanimous today. To what do I owe this streak of fortune?”

  Flynn looked at his partner and lifted a black brow. “Magnanimous? You don’t even know what that word means,” he said, laughing. “Did you pick that up from some drunken woman you cajoled into coming home with you last night?”

  That made him laugh. “I do too know what it means,” he said, and then paused. “Did I use it right?” he questioned.

  Brogan couldn’t help himself. He roared with laughter. “Come on. I’ll buy you lunch, goofball.”

  “I think this day is getting better already.” Both men headed out to question more witnesses before they had to play nice with the doctor.

  Maybe something would break in the case, and they could bail on the expert.

  Hey, it could happen…

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Jolie was running late thanks to her last patient of the day, an egomaniac who was having suicidal and homicidal tendencies. When she pulled out of traffic and into the police station, she was feeling a little harried.

  The overwhelming weariness was beginning to overcome her. Soon, Jolie would need to feed before she was completely drained.

  Hurriedly, she jumped out of her car and raced into the police station to meet the detectives and police commissioner. It wasn’t easy to make her way through the throng of uniformed officers and prisoners being detained. She could detect the pulses of each and every one, and the scent of blood just below their skin.

  It was making it damn hard to focus when the predator in her was demanding a little snack.

  As usual, the crowd automatically parted for her, moving out of her way as if pushed with invisible hands. The men turned to watch her as she gracefully seemed to float through the crowd.

  This too was one of her gifts.

  Being born a vampyre had its definite advantages when she needed to get around chaos.

  Jolie approached the desk sergeant, announcing her purpose for being there. Immediately, she was given a personal escort to the commissioner’s office. Chairs were yanked out of her way, and she had multiple offers for coffee, tea, plus practically anything else that she wanted.

  One detective even offered to marry her.

  That made her smile, and she couldn’t help but be amused by each and every one of the men who were vying for her attention.

  Maybe she was vain, but it felt good to be the center of attention. If she had time, she could invite one back to her car for…

  Then, Jol
ie had to shake herself out of it.

  What was bouncing around in her head was the hunger speaking, and shortly she would want to bury her fangs deep into one of their throats.

  Swallowing the discomfort and the pleadings from death, Jolie focused on the task at hand-getting through the meeting without having a snack.

  A human one.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Detectives Gress and Brogan were sitting in the office, when their bosses both glanced up to see what was going on out in the bullpen.

  “What the hell?” barked the commissioner, standing from behind his desk in obvious irritation to get a better view.

  No one spoke as one of the detectives outside the office rushed to open the door for their oncoming visitor. They all watched in abject fascination as she thanked him graciously before stepping into the air conditioned space.

  Who the bloody hell was this?

  Jolie entered and began scanning for her own protection. Locked in here, weakened, and with four males could be dangerous.

  Instinctually, she observed each one.

  The first two were obviously in charge as they took the power position behind the large mahogany desk. There was no threat there. Without a doubt, she could take them.

  Off to her left was a smaller man, and she could see the gold shield and Glock at his hip. Okay, here was one of the detectives.

  Then, she saw him.

  The waves of awareness tingled through her as she fought the allure. The midnight black hair reminded her of one of her own kind. Jolie was forced to look away to remain calm.

  No snacking on the police.

  She had to repeat it over and over again.

  Gress just stared at her openmouthed as the chief came rushing around the desk to greet the woman who had walked through the door.

  Brogan did what any man would have done. His eyes slid over her entire form from her long raven hair, which fell down her back, to her tall lean body. Her face was pale porcelain and looked to be carved out of white ivory. When she reached up to take off her sunglasses, she stared directly into his eyes with her pale violet ones. Immediately, Flynn swore he felt the world slam to a stop.

  What the hell had just happened?

  It was like he was mesmerized and could see himself outside of his body, unable to look away.

  When she turned her head to talk to the chief, he snapped out of it, shaking his head.

  This was the doctor who he was supposed to babysit? The fates couldn’t be that kind, now could they? Brogan took it all back. She could follow him around all day, including back to his place for dinner and dessert.

  “Doctor Harcourte, it’s our pleasure to have you here with us again,” said the commissioner, smiling.

  “Commissioner, how are you?” She grasped his offered hand affectionately and shook it. Then, she turned to the head of police. “Chief Richards, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Although, I wish it was under better circumstances,” said Jolie, trying not to look back at the man in the corner.

  The second she walked into the bullpen, she could feel him, and it was an unsettling.

  Jolie turned to face the smaller man, next. “Detective.” She put out her hand and shook his as he took her in with his cool cop gaze.

  Yeah, he wasn’t pleased to see her.

  When he found his voice again, he simply stated his name in introduction. What more could he possibly come up with at that point? In front of him was the most alluring woman who he had ever seen in his entire life. Despite that, he couldn’t forget that he had to babysit her, and that pissed him off.

  Finally, all her options were up, and Jolie was forced to face the man in the corner. He was tall, but not much taller than she was in her incredibly high heels. Where it would have intimidated some, it only made her want to get closer. Closing the distance between them, she held out her hand, knowing that she probably shouldn’t touch him.

  Then again, Jolie was a curious creature by nature, and a large part of her wanted to see what would happen. The minute his hand touched hers, there was a warmth that started to spread from her palm, flowing across her body.

  Without hesitation, she knew immediately that he was someone who she could trust and rely on, since her instincts were rarely wrong.

  “Doctor Harcourte,” he acknowledged, still holding her hand in his. “I’m Detective Flynn Brogan.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she replied, her accent getting thicker as she spoke to him.

  Damn it Death! Not now!

  Trying not to make a scene, she slipped her hand from his and headed to her seat. This was going to have to be a fast meeting. If she was drawn this much to a human, her control was close to snapping. In her mind, she could still smell his scent and it made her hungry.



  On edge…

  Turning toward the commissioner, Jolie waited for him to begin the meeting. She gave a little mental shove to keep it as brief as possible. Shortly, she would begin to drain everyone around her of their energy, beginning with Flynn Brogan.

  That couldn’t happen.

  “Doctor Harcourte, we are very appreciative of your willingness to help us with this case.”

  “I hope I can offer some assistance,” she said in her lightly lilted French accented. It looked like she was back in control.

  “We hope so, too.”

  “Commissioner Stewart, may I suggest that we get started? If I could see the crime scene photos, I might be able to give you a preliminary summary before I leave your office today.”

  Detective Gress obligatorily handed her the photographs of the crime scenes, wondering what her response would be once she saw the dead women.

  Some people didn't handle death well.

  Accepting them, she knew that they were all eagerly awaiting her comments, especially the black haired detective. His eyes had yet to leave her body for a second.

  Jolie got to work as the manila file folder was balanced precariously on her knee. Intently, she scanned all the photographs before offering anything to the men in the room. Once finished, she closed the folder before leaning back in her chair.

  “What do you have so far, Detectives?” She turned toward both men, but her eyes were trained on Detective Brogan. Now that she was far enough away from him, she could observe him safely.

  There was something very attractive about the way his hair fell to his shoulders. It should have looked unprofessional on a detective, as it was tucked behind his ears, but it seemed to fit him completely. Then there were his sharp baby blue eyes. Somehow, they matched his rugged handsomeness. Finally, she realized neither of the men had answered her question.

  “Detectives? May I ask what seems to be the problem?” she inquired.

  It was Detective Gress who answered her first. “I think we’re in shock. You weren’t exactly what we expected.”

  She glanced at the commissioner and the chief first, and then back toward the detectives, making sure her face remained carefully blank. The room was silent, until she broke the quiet with her laughter. It was rich, smooth, and seemed to slip over all of them like silk on naked bodies.

  A few of the men shuddered at the sound.

  Jolie stopped laughing and smiled warmly. “Should I ask, Detective, what exactly you feared would walk through the door? Or will I be incredibly insulted to know your answer?”

  Both men stared at each other.

  “Have I at least met the minimum of your expectations?”

  “Um…” Gress began, unsure how to answer that and not offend her.

  Brogan decided to own it. “Well, Doctor Harcourte, we were expecting someone who looked more like a forensic psychologist. You know, one who specialized in deviant behavior, not a slinky lingerie model.”

  That told everyone in the room exactly where his mind was when it came to the doctor.

  The commissioner stared at his men, giving them both dirty looks. As he opened his mouth to reprimand the
m, Jolie put her hand up to stop him.

  “Thank you, but I can handle this,” she urged, mentally giving him a little push. “Am I overdressed for you, Detective Brogan?” she inquired, directing it at him more so than his partner. She wanted to see if he was willing to show his real thoughts.

  He continued to grin and didn't mind playing the game with her. Allowing his eyes to roam her body, Brogan appreciatively took his time admiring her. The doctor had to have had the longest, sexiest legs that he had ever seen on any woman. That was followed only by the most beautiful angelic face, graced with an unusual color of violet for eyes. In all honesty, she looked like God had released her from heaven just to torture and tempt all living men.

  He was obviously included in that.

  The rest of her lithe and yet lush body was sin waiting to be unleashed, all covered in cashmere. Damn, he had something for tall women, and she fit his every requirement. Add to that the sex appeal, and that she wasn’t as dim as a burnt out light bulb. Lately, that seemed to be the type who wanted to warm his bed.

  “No, Doctor Harcourte. I have to say that you’re definitely not overdressed.” If anything, she was wearing too many clothes, in his opinion. In Flynn’s head, he pictured her naked, and he could see her as clear as day.

  Holy shit!

  Where had that come from?

  Obviously, his imagination was working overtime. If reality was even close to what he envisioned, she was perfect.

  “Next time, I’ll try and blend in more successfully. I’ll roll tomorrow’s clothing into a ball and stomp on them first,” she offered, smiling at both detectives.

  Yes, Jolie was messing with the man and his mind, but she needed to see what she was working against.

  “That works for me,” he replied, and then realized it was said out loud and not inner dialog.



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