Book Read Free

Filthy Royal

Page 3

by Roxeanne Rolling

  I just don’t get why he cares so fucking much. I’d be fine with him relaxing a little, and he fucking knows it. It’s not like we’re still at the palace. We’re in the middle of fucking Texas, for fucks sake.

  “This is…um,” I say. “I don’t believe I got your name, miss.”

  “Rebecca,” she says.

  “I’m Luke,” I say, extending my hand, which feels strange, given that we just shared the most passionate kiss I’ve ever had.

  “And this is my…friend Eugene.”

  I can tell she doesn’t quite buy it. Friends don’t call each other “sir,” after all. But she doesn’t say anything.

  “Well, maybe we should get you back to your camp, Rebecca,” I say.

  “Sure,” she says.

  I have to stop myself from taking her hand. I don’t want Eugene fucking with this. He already interrupted the kiss. Who knew where that was leading?

  We start walking back. It’s so hot I’m already dried off and getting pretty overheated myself.

  “Don’t call me, sir,” I hiss in a whisper at Eugene, out of Rebecca’s earshot. I don’t want her thinking I’m a prince. Not just yet.

  If only I’d dealt with the RV situation, we’d have a nice cool place to head back to. Then again, a completely trashed RV filled with my disreputable friends isn’t exactly the place I’d want to take a girl like Rebecca.

  “Should we head back to the RV?” says Eugene. “We should check on the guests.”

  “The RV? Are you guys with the RV that crashed on the side of the road? The one without AC?”

  Shit, I have a bad feeling about this. Somehow she knows about the RV. That means at the very least she’ll know we’re party animals. This isn’t the type of personality I want to play up with her.

  I just can’t stop thinking about getting into her pants. Fuck, I’ll do it in a tent if I have to. Or on a rock. Or on a fucking tree stump that’s been ravaged by lightening.

  “Yeah,” I say. “Long story though. Have you met them?”

  “They were all lying on the ground sweating when I went by. I was worried, so I went to the forest ranger’s office. Maybe they’ve helped them out by now.”

  Is this going to hurt my chances? She doesn’t seem like the partying type.

  “You don’t seem like the type for an RV like that,” she says, giving me a weird look.

  “Just hanging out with some friends… You know how old friends can be.”

  “They kept saying something about a prince. I thought they were all delirious.”

  I’m praying Eugene’s going to keep his mouth shut.

  Instead, Eugene chuckles a little. “They weren’t delirious. They were talking about the Prince of Liseria, who’s here on vacation.”

  “The prince of where?”

  “Liseria. It’s a small French-dialect speaking country in Southern Europe. It doesn’t get on the news much, but it has a rich history.” Eugene’s taking pleasure in rattling this off. I think this might be the part of his job he likes the most.

  I try to give him warning looks, so that he’s not going to say anything more, but he’s so engrossed in explaining Liseria to an American that he’s not looking at me at all.

  “And where is this so called prince? I didn’t see anyone wearing a crown.”

  This sends Eugene over the edge, and he’s giggling giddily now. “Why, you’re walking right beside him.”

  “You’re the prince?” she says to Eugene, her eyes widening.

  This makes Eugene laugh even harder. “Lucas is the prince,” he says, pointing at me, and doing a little bow. I fucking told him not to do any bows here in the States.

  “You’re a prince?” she says to me, her eyes so wide it looks like she’s seen a ghost.

  I nod. “It’s not something I like to advertise.”

  That was good. Maybe I can play up the humble prince thing. It wouldn’t be my first time, so I know how the routine goes—I can do the whole thing about rejecting the crown that’s thrust on me, that I’m just a normal and sensitive guy and all that shit.

  Fuck, I’ll do whatever I have to do. I’ll say whatever I have to do to have her.

  “Wow,” she says, but doesn’t say anything more as we continue towards where the RV was parked.

  When we get there, there’s nothing but a few empty beer cans on the side of the road. Eugene starts diligently picking them up, as does Rebecca.

  I guess I might as well join in so I don’t look like a spoiled party animal. I try not to make a face as I help the two of them pick up the trash. I haven’t really ever cleaned up after myself. That’s what the palace staff, or Eugene, is for. It’s not exactly a princely duty.

  “Maybe we should try to find where the RV is now,” says Eugene.

  “They probably got a camping site,” says Rebecca. “They’re over there towards the North of the park.”

  “Hopefully they’ve got the AC connected again,” I say.

  “Well,” says Rebecca. “A party RV isn’t really my scene. I think I’ll head back to my tent. It was nice to meet you, Mr. Prince Luke.” That’s not exactly my title, but all I care about right now is that she’s going to leave right now. I need to go with her. Whatever it takes.

  “Do you mind if I walk you back?” I say. “I’d hate for you to realize at the last minute that that snake actually was poisonous, when you’re all alone in the wilderness.”

  “I thought you were sure that was the snake that bit me?” There’s something funny in her tone, and her eyes are shining. I think she’s flirting with me? It’s sometimes hard for me to tell with these Americans.

  “Well you can never be so sure,” I say.

  “Well, come on,” she says.

  “Make sure everything’s OK with the RV, Eugene,” I say, as we walk away.

  Eugene dutifully goes jogging off in the direction of the RV.

  I impulsively take Rebecca’s hand as we walk through the woods. The sun is shining and we’re kicking up dust. Despite the heat, it feels romantic.

  “I wish we hadn’t been interrupted back there. Eugene can be a bit of a nuisance sometimes.”

  “So he’s like your royal sidekick or something?” She’s chuckling to herself.

  “Basically. So this is all pretty funny to you, that I’m a prince and everything?”

  She laughs. “I’ve never seen a prince, let alone a prince with a crashed RV in the middle of the Texas wilderness.”

  “I bet you’ve never had a prince save you from a poisonous snake either.”

  “You didn’t save me from it, and it wasn’t poisonous. But I appreciate it all the same.”

  “I bet you do,” I say, pulling her up against me.

  Our mouths connect, and I get that fucking crazy feeling again. I’m running my hands now along her sides, caressing her body slowly. I let my wrist graze against the side of her breast, to see how she’ll react before putting a hand right onto her breasts.

  They’re not huge, but they’re just perfectly sized for me. They feel fucking wonderful.

  My cock’s growing, and pretty soon my erection is throbbing fucking painfully. It’s going to be painfully obvious the way it’s threatening to burst through my shorts, stabbing her in the stomach.

  She’s about a head shorter than me, and she’s tilting her head up to meet my mouth, looking so fucking sexy. I’m not making any effort to hide my erection. I want her to feel it against her and see what she does to me.

  I’m pretty sure her nipples are hard and taught now. I look down, and I see them poking through her sports bra, little hard nubs that drive me even more wild.

  “Is this why you came over here, to seduce innocent American girls?”

  “I just came over for you.”



  I’ve never felt like this with any other guy. He’s just so fucking hot, but not only am I turned on, it feels like there’s a
real kind of magnetic pull that’s pushing me towards him, pulling him towards me.

  It’s impossible not to feel his gigantic rock hard erection pressing against me.

  Maybe he has something of the princely charm about him, since I’ve never gone this far with a guy this quickly.

  “Not here,” I finally say.

  I feel remarkably calm with him by my side, but I can’t help but thinking about what would happen if someone were to walk by and see us. If a forest ranger walks by, we’re bound to get some kind of citation. I don’t want to have to explain that at my work.

  Since his shirt’s already off, and his abs are rippling, his chest dense and compact, it’s like the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life to pull away from him.

  He gives me a pretend pouty face that reminds me of the girl I walked to the forest ranger office. I wonder how much time he spent with her?

  “Let’s go to my tent,” I say.

  “I’d take you to my RV, but it’s full of…”

  “Drunk assholes?” I say.

  He chuckles. “That’s one way to put it.”

  “There aren’t too many other ways to put it, the way I can see it. But really what the hell are you doing with all them?”

  “I guess I wanted to make some American friends. Real ones, you know, people that are different than the people in the palace. There, everything is catered to me. It might not sound believable, but it gets really old after a while. That’s why I hate having Eugene hanging around all the time, always try to do things for me.”

  “Sounds kind of nice to me,” I say. “I’ve never had anything like that. Even as a kid I always had to clean my own room. That’s sort of an American tradition. I doubt you went through any of that.”

  He shakes his sexy head. His hair is just perfectly tousled, starting to dry, and I can see now that it’s a very deep brown color.

  No wonder he’s a prince. He fucking looks like a prince…a prince who’s never missed a gym session in his life.

  We get up towards the tent. Normally I’d be worried about whatever underwear of bras I might have lying around in the tent...if this were my apartment, I mean.

  But as soon as we’re in the secluded clearing, behind the rocks and bushes, my hands are all over him. It’s like they’re drawn to him like magnets.

  “I have to have you,” he whispers throatily into my ear, brushing my hair back.

  He’s behind me, his hands caressing my breasts. I gasp a little as his strong hands squeeze them, his fingers working both rock hard nipples at the same time.

  His whole body is pressed against my back.

  “I want you,” I say, surprised to hear myself say the words out loud. Normally, I’m completely non-vocal during sex.

  But the sexy prince is awakening something inside me.

  I’m pretty certain now that my panties are completely soaked through. And sure enough, his hand is inching its way down below my thighs, gripping the inner portion of my right thigh, and pulling my leg back, so that my ass smushes further into his crotch.

  His erection is still in his shorts, but it’s pointed straight up. I can tell because it’s mashed into the crease in my ass, rubbing up and down.

  Luke’s hips are bucking ever so slightly as he caresses me all over. He’s got my head pulled and turned back towards him, our mouths connected sloppily. His tongue is all over mine.

  For once in my life, I’m not holding back at all.

  “Let’s go in the tent,” I say, still vaguely conscious that we’re outside and there’s still the chance someone could show up.

  “I can’t wait,” he growls. “I need to have you right here and now.”

  “Let’s do it,” I say, not quite aware that I’m doing just what he wants, whatever he says. He’s got some kind of magnetic power over me. Fuck, if I have to get fucked by him outside, rather than in my tent…if that’s all it’s going to take to get his giant royal cock between my legs then that’s not too bad of a deal in my book.

  Luke’s got his hand in my waistband and he’s about to slide my shorts down. I can almost already picture it, me with my shorts around my ankles, and Luke entering me from behind while we’re both standing, his arms holding me tight against him, my back arched.

  But before we get a chance…suddenly, there’s a crashing sound as someone’s running through the short scrubby trees.

  I look over, and there’s a cloud of dust over some of the bushes. Someone’s running, kicking up that dust, even though I can’t see him yet.

  “Someone’s coming,” I say, pulling away from Luke.

  “Who cares?” he growls. “Let them watch.”

  “Maybe that’s normal for princes, but not for innocent American girls,” I say.

  “Fuck,” says Luke, sighing, still gazing longingly at me.

  I’ve never felt so hot in my life. Or so desired. It’s not a bad feeling.

  “Sir Lucas,” says someone.

  “Fuck, it’s Eugene,” groans Luke.

  I’ve just run my hands through my hair, and straightened out my clothing, when Eugene emerges through the bushes. He never seems to know about the paths. Maybe that’s part of his royal duties—just to run straight to the prince whenever there’s trouble, no matter what’s in the way, and whether or not there’s a path or a road or anything at all.

  Eugene’s covered in dry dirt this time. Looks like he took a spill somewhere back there. And there are some painful looking cactus spines sticking out of his lower arms.

  “What the fuck, Eugene?” says Luke, not making any effort to conceal his throbbing erection.

  But I can tell Eugene must be used to these kinds of shenanigans, and he politely ignores the situation.

  “Sir, the paparazzi are here.”

  “Shit,” groans Luke. “Not again. Are there are a lot of them?”

  “More than I’ve ever seen.’

  “I didn’t even think they knew I was in the states. How did they find out?”

  “Well, some of your antics have been well…too big to be kept quiet. This thing is going big. If your father gets word of this, well…”

  “Yeah, yeah, Eugene. I know the whole drill well enough. So what the fuck should we do?”

  “Is the paparazzi really that big of a problem?” I say. I really just want them to say no, and then Eugene can leave us alone, and I can finally have Luke’s cock all to myself. I’m simply aching to have him inside me. To feel him pressed up against my inner walls… I’m certain I’m still wet. I wonder if there’s a big wet patch on my shorts that Eugene can see, but I’m too scared to look.

  “Unfortunately yes,” says Luke.

  “I was expecting you to say you could handle whatever they throw at you.”

  “It’s not that… It’s just, well, the political situation can be complicated. There are certain things I’ve got to keep in mind.”

  “Trust me, he already has a bad enough reputation in the press. I’m surprised you’ve never heard of him.” Eugene’s actually smiling a little bit. With this little grin plastered on his face, he reminds me more of a kind of toad creature than a human. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy, really, but he sure is fucking weird. And right now I just want him to leave us the fuck alone, whether or not some newspaper reporters are here.

  “It’s hard to understand what it’s like unless you’ve lived through it,” says Luke.

  “Many, many, many times,” says Eugene.

  “Well, what are you going to do?” I say, staring right into Luke’s eyes. I’m trying to convey in a glance that I need to have him. There has to be a way. My worst fear right now is that he’s going to simply pack up the party RV and drive out to another state, far away from the press, and far away from me.

  “We have to leave,” says Eugene. “Immediately.”

  I’m hoping Luke’s going to tell him to shut the fuck up or something, but he seems to be taking this just as seriously
as Eugene. Is his royal inheritance ion the line or something? I’m seeing him in a slightly different light right now… For one thing, I guess a prince has plenty of problems too.

  But doesn’t he know how wet I got for him? Doesn’t he know I need to have him? Surely he can spare a twenty-minute session before he takes off.

  “Unfortunately I think Eugene’s right,” he says.

  “Come on, sir, I’ll walk you back to the RV.”

  They both turn to leave.


  I thought there was something…special between us. Something more than just physical attraction, more than just lust. How can he leave me right now? And even if it was just lust, doesn’t he need to have me? I felt how hard his cock was. He’s going to have the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever given anyone—that’s for sure.

  “Hey,” says Luke, stopping for a moment, as he’s just thought of something, some casual thought. He turns to me and gazes right into me… I can’t tell if he’s looking at my tits, the wet patch by my pussy, or my eyes… Something about his look makes me feel dizzy. “There’s no way we’re going to get out of here in daylight with the paparazzi no doubt blocking all the exits. We’re going to have to sneak out in the middle of the night. We usually do it about 4 in the morning.”

  “So you’ve got a lot of experience in this?”

  “I’ve got a lot of experience in a lot of things,” he says, his voice low, practically a growl, giving me a big wink. “Why don’t I stop by your tent tonight around midnight to see how you’re making out with that snakebite? You never know, you might need someone to suck the venom out of you…”

  “I don’t think sucking the venom is actually a good idea,” I say. “Plus, I’m completely fine.”

  I guess I’m so dizzy with lust for him I don’t quite realize what he means at first. Then I catch the double meaning. Oh… he wants to suck me. Suck me! Fuck, I’m going to suck him first. I’ve never wanted a cock in my mouth more in my entire life… I’ve never actually been that crazy about giving oral, and honestly I’ve always tried to a void it with the couple boyfriends I’ve had over the years. But this isn’t just any cock... it’s not only massive, but a princely cock. I need to give him pleasure…I need to take him completely in my mouth, down to his the thick root of his massive shaft. I can’t wait to see his cock glistening with my saliva as he (hopefully) holds my head down and fucks my mouth like it’s my pussy.


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