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The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1)

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by Linda West

  You knew that you had come from greatness, and that there had been a better place of togetherness and stability. You found yourself on the other side of the garden door and you began to fear. Your greatest fear was that you might not be worthy of the garden anymore.

  In truth, you chose the separation to learn more about the nature of God. You wanted to experience more love.

  You are angels just as surely as you are humans. You came from a Heavenly realm of pure love, and you’re going back. Be brave, take risks and follow your heart.

  Go create what you really truly want in life…



  Chapter 2:

  Frequency Attunement

  It was foretold that at this time you would be receiving sacred gifts to prepare you for the coming evolution of your world. One of these gifts is The Universal Science of Frequency Attunement.

  Frequency Attunement is the Science of Love.

  Everything in the universe is simply an expression of God and love. The science of Frequency Attunement will teach you how to use love as a tool to shape your destiny. You create your life with the frequencies you choose to attune to.

  You may create any life you choose.

  You may have believed that your life was not in your control. This is the great illusion. You are the creator of your life, this is your gift. You may choose the life of your dreams, or you may choose the disempowerment of the victim and give in to hopelessness.

  You are the one making the choices that create your life. Understanding the use of frequency will empower you. Once a people become empowered, lower structures can no longer be imposed.

  Nothing can keep an Eagle from flying.

  When freedom is required, the bird must break from its cage. Your cage is one of past structuring. You are much more magical than you believe yourselves to be!

  You have free will, yet you must also access the ability to make wise choices. This universal science is offered back to the people of Earth, so that they may choose love for their planet.

  The restoration of the memory of your Frequency Attunement sense will change your life. At last you will be able to view your world as a lens of vibrations - which you create within yourself.

  A scientific revolution of thought.

  Let us assure you that you are in a FREE WILL zone. All choices are valid, and so you may choose at each moment the life you desire.

  Chapter 3:


  Before you were born, when you were in your soul form deciding to enter the realm of the third dimension, you made choices from a highly attuned place.

  You were closer to the God vibration, and with your guides, you laid out a plan to follow on Earth. You knew that you would become lost in the lower vibrations of matter, and so you planned ahead to keep you on your divine path.

  This is called your destiny.

  Destiny is the plan you made before incarnation. You chose a path for yourself, which you believed would best serve your development as a soul.

  Free will is your birthright as humans. Once you are born on Earth, you may change your mind. The choices are yours. Your life is yours. Destiny is only a map to help you.

  However, the fate, which was arranged before your birth, was made with a much larger picture in view. The truth of the spirit gets clouded in the third dimension of matter, which is why the aspirant clings to the path set by the soul, and lit by one’s guides.

  Choose as you will my friends, but no longer choose blindly and out of fear. Begin to set yourself apart from your teachings. Begin anew today!

  We hear you wishing for a fresh start, a new world, and a chance to start over and join together as one tribe under Earth. Rebirth yourself first.

  Friends, free yourselves from what you have been taught! You are much wiser now and have a clearer vision of the truth. You must begin to rule your world with your inner guidance. This takes faith.

  Do not be fooled by emotions. Emotions are amazing guides in your home field, yet they can be false rulers.

  Emotions, especially the lower controlling ones of anger and fear, will guide you poorly. Their purpose is to lead you out of physical danger, not to consume your waking moments and dictate decisions in your life.

  You must question everything and push back all that has been imposed upon you. You must begin to use a system, which will empower you, and raise you above the false matrix of current thought.

  This is why we have brought you the gift of FREQUENCY ATTUNEMENT.

  We will begin with the basic scientific foundation of Frequency Attunement. Any new idea must be integrated on all three levels of consciousness, incorporating the mind, the body and the spirit, for true change to occur.

  Therefore, there are three parts to understanding the science of Frequency Attunement, representing the connection to the third dimension via the triangle.

  1. Quantum physics law is: -Everything in the universe is made up of light waves.

  2. Universal law is: -Frequencies are a measurement of the God-force.

  3. The Law of Affinity states that: -Like attracts like.

  Chapter 4:

  Everything in the Universe

  is a Light Wave

  Everything means, everything. All things of energy translate into light energy. A person, a feeling, a place, a thing, a color, even a thought - at its core level is a light wave. Even things that seem dense, such as rocks, are still composed of vibrating light waves.

  Events, feelings and actions also create forms that are made of light waves. They may not become concrete matter in your reality, but the energy is still represented in the universe.

  Thoughts are light waves.

  Things are light waves.

  People are light waves.

  The events that occur in your life, as your life, are all composed of light waves. All energy is made up of light waves vibrating in the unified space of one. Remember, all things share this space. If you explode with anger you are creating light waves of energy, which will vibrate with this frequency of anger, and these will be felt by the whole of us.

  Conversely, if you send forth love and goodwill, you will be creating light waves of magnificence and grace, and these will be felt by the whole.

  We affect each other. What you do, think, and feel, does matter. In fact - it shows up - as matter!

  If you are operating from a low frequency, you may not pick up the subtle vibrations consciously, but you most certainly register them in your subconscious.

  Everything in the universe at its core level is a light wave.

  Each of these light waves vibrates at its own unique frequency, which represents its ability to hold love, and the God-force.

  Chapter 5:

  What is a Frequency?

  Everything in the universe is made up of light waves, and each wave vibrates with energy. This energy is its God-force connection. Frequency is a Universal measurement of the God-force.

  The frequency of a wave is the measurement of the amount of God-force it is holding.

  All light waves have a thumbprint of God’s energy. All things have their own frequency. This is not a constant, but an ever-changing system of consciousness that is represented by the vibrating pattern of the light wave.

  The measurement of frequencies on your planet is now calculated in hertz. (This has nothing to do with the universal measurement of frequencies).

  Everything in the universe has a signature frequency measurement of the divine force, which flows through it.

  High frequencies carry divine energy. Low frequencies carry LESS of the divine energy. You can feel this. You can easily feel the amount of love a being, thing, or event holds. Things of beauty and harmony hold great love and are able to create joy. Things that are hurtful and nasty create unhappiness and pain. They are lacking love.

  Frequencies affect what happens in your life. You create your life with your frequency choices. Once you understand that everything is a representa
tion of the God-force, you need to learn how to apply this information to mold your life.

  This is done with Frequency Attunement. Once you learn the principles behind Frequency Attunement, you will understand how the events in your life are created by the frequencies you choose.

  Frequency Attunement works in conjunction with the Law of Sympathetic Resonance to create circumstances that become your life.

  The law of Sympathetic Resonance states that: Two things that are similar, or have the same frequency, will form a connection and resonate with each other in harmony.

  Chapter 6:

  The Universal Law of Affinity

  Like attracts like. According to the law of Affinity, two similar frequencies will attract each other - and then they will harmonize together, through the law of Sympathetic Resonance.

  Like attracts like. In other words, light waves that vibrate to the same frequency will be drawn together. Therefore, you will draw things to you in your life, which reflect the frequencies in your being.

  Like attracts like. You are painting your life with your frequency choices. The frequencies in your life are bringing in events, people, feelings, and things that are a reflection of your frequency choices.

  You are designing your life at this moment. You are either consciously choosing frequencies, or you are unconsciously choosing them...

  Let us take food, as a simple example. You are quite aware of which foods on your planet hold high frequencies. Natural foods sparkling with rainbow colors and smelling of the good Earth are filled with a high life force energy which will feed and revitalize your body. Processed chemical foods are low frequency. They do not help your body; they stuff it full of useless garbage that is shoveled off into fat, or toxic refuse that is collected in your organs.

  The food you choose to put in the temple of your body will be reflected back in your life through your health, your looks, your energy and your weight.

  Do you love your body with high frequency foods, which will make it beautiful and harmonious, or are you choosing badly out of laziness, ingrained patterns, or addictions?

  Remember your innate core is love. You are a Child of God, filled with the space, which is the force of The Divine.

  You created a body to learn and to grow, not only on a human level, but also in the expanded form of your divine soul. So learn.

  You can learn to make better choices, which will create a more joyful life right now. You can live the life of wonderment and bliss that is your birthright, simply by making better choices using frequency as your guide.

  You get what you put out, or in. By the law of attractions if you choose love filled things to be in your life, you will draw the exact same back to you. Good deeds bring back good deeds, just as surely as unloving actions bring back unloving things. This is the Universal Law of Karma.

  Chapter 7:


  Karma is not meant as a punishment, but as a barometer of your frequency choices. You are not a victim. You are in a free will zone and you have choices. Karma shows you what you are choosing in regards to frequency.

  For instance, if your mate leaves you, your boss fires you and people avoid you on the street - hello! You are filled with low frequencies and they are pulling in low frequency things to show you - so that you can make better choices.

  There are certain events in your life, which will be magnetized to you, not by conscious choice, but by your Karma working to attune your disconnected patterns back to the circle and connection with God. Work through your Karmic lessons by always making the most loving choice.

  These Karmic lessons are usually your most difficult. In the past when you attempted to deal with this hurdle, you often chose badly. You created low frequency events, which clumped together and formed a block, or dark-shadow belief.

  Low frequencies gather around these Karmic blocks…

  So attack them with love!

  Don’t let them scare you.

  Be brave.

  Use the Ultimate Power.

  Use love to create miracles.

  You will succeed!

  This is God’s gift to you.

  You have Karma with the people you are learning your lessons with. They may be your best friend, your child, your lover, or your worst enemy. But, regardless of which form they take, you are partners in evolution… and the lesson is always to find the love between you.

  You cannot escape Karma. You have to transcend it. That’s the lesson! And how do you transcend your Karma? You raise your vibration - and how do you do that? You love more because…



  And when you spiral up the frequencies to the divine vibration, you not only shake up all your pre-existing patterns - freeing them into healing - but you also affect everyone around you and help them to break up their stuck patterns in their soul geometry.

  You want to change the world?


  You have a life to live, choices to make, and now a measurement of how those choices are reflected in your world. Choose love, and high frequency things will be drawn into your life. Choose unloving things, and low frequency things will be drawn to you.

  Your AURA is the energy field around your body. Your aura protects you and also acts as a galactic billboard for your frequency essence. It holds a record of your frequencies and also the divine pattern of perfection, which is your destiny of enfoldment.

  If your essence needs healing, or help in recovering more love, your God-self will pull in the lessons you need to regain wholeness.

  You may send out the vibration of unworthiness and self-loathing. This will attract things of a similar energy, which will connect to you, by the scientific Law of Attraction.

  You may attract uncomfortable situations, sickness, fat, or turbulent relationships into your life. These come into your world so you can SEE what your SPIRIT is saying to you.

  Read the energy of your spirit. Look at what you are attracting into your life. Every bit of your experience in life is a message from your spirit.

  God guides you in just this way. When things take form, you can see them. Feelings that you bury, will take form in your external life somehow, to show you that they are still part of you, so that you can deal with the message they bring...

  Know now that the time has come for your burdens to be lifted and your hearts to be healed.

  You are not victims. You are students.

  You are learning empowerment through the illusion of disempowerment. At every moment the frequency of an essence is available to read, giving you all the information you need. You simply read the frequency, and then you make a choice.

  Do you want this frequency with you? Remember, you are affected by every frequency you connect with, for the good and the bad.

  High frequencies make you feel good. They are infused with love, light, singing and laughter. Joy is another symptom of high frequencies, as is beauty, health and immortality!

  High frequencies are composed of more love. Laughter, dance and music are angels of God. Feel them. They are angelic and sent to lift you from the fogging maze of your world of illusions. This is done via frequency.



  High frequencies raise the vibration of any being in connection with it. You are healed by high frequencies because all the sickness, pain and trouble hang out in the lower vibrations.

  Low frequencies are simply unable to hold as much love. Stay away from low frequency things! Low frequencies make you feel bad. Low frequencies will make you feel guilty, frightened, and insecure. They will cause you to be confused, angry, stuck and hopeless.

  If this isn’t bad enough, remember by the Law of Affinity, if you attune yourself to this low level frequency - you will attract other low vibrational things to you! This will show up in all forms of lack, such as accidents, disease, heartbreak and death!

  Know that if you are operating on a low level frequency of
anger and violence - you are pulling in the lowest possible experiences into your life - you cannot escape science!

  This is the law of Affinity. Like attracts like. Stay away from the low frequencies! According to the Law of Sympathetic Resonance, once you attract something to you by the Law of Affinity, you will harmonize with it, and this KEEPS IT WITH YOU. If you are aware of low frequency things in your life, you can easily clear them. You can clear any low frequencies you hold, by simply making new higher frequency choices. More loving choices.

  When you raise your frequency and hold more love, you begin to drop things that can no longer be in harmony, or Sympathetic Resonance, with your new higher vibration. You end up dropping lots of weight, sickness and baggage!

  Chapter 8:

  Choosing Frequencies

  You choose most of the frequencies in your life. You choose foods, music, environments, friends, books, exercise, addictions, emotions etc.

  Everyday you make choices. Base them on love and the knowledge of the workings of frequency in your third dimensional world.

  This is enlightenment in action, consciously making higher vibrational choices. Do not fear change. It is very common among all humans to feel fear at the prospect of change, yet change is how you rejuvenate instead of entropy.

  You are in a free will zone. Be aware of what your choices are pulling into your life based on frequency. Do you stay in a low vibrational situation out of fear and change? Or, do you choose to be brave and honor yourself and your life as a divine creation?

  Remember, even if you are healthy and loving, if you connect, or attune to a low vibration over and over again... You will begin to resonate with that frequency! This is the danger of association. Remember when your mother told you to stay away from those bad kids... she was right.

  You are creating your life.

  “Your life is a combination of the frequency choices you make and the things which you pull into your life, based on the frequency choices you make. Spirit and Science are integrated in the use of Frequency Attunement. You scientifically use love, the force of God, to create the life you choose for yourself. God is involved in every choice, but YOU CHOOSE which level of God’s infinite variety you prefer to experience. Low frequency experiences or high frequency experiences, God honors you with the CHOICE - this is the gift of free will.”


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