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The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1)

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by Linda West

  White Eagle.

  Your present life reflects the frequency choices you have made in the past. Your future will reflect the frequency choices you make right now. So, let us create our world to be Heavenly right here, right now. In the present.

  Please, with compassion, take a look at your life. What kind of frequencies fill your personal world? Are you happy, loving, fulfilled, and singing with bliss and abundance? Or not?

  The meek shall inherit the Earth... What does this mean? It means that in the silence of each of our souls we ask the question and provide the answer. Will I choose the path of God in my life today by choosing love over fear, anger, and the illusion of power?

  Or, will I choose to chase the false carrots of the third dimension? Will I choose to hurt others so that I can have more things, or more money, even though I know that possessing objects will never fill my need for love?

  Perhaps I will choose to hurt myself with bad choices and I will kill my own self-love, and then ultimately, my ability to love others?

  Choose well for yourself my friends. Your obligation to your life is to fill it with the highest frequencies possible and to love yourself completely. Your first duty to God is to love yourself. When you choose love for yourself you set up a keynote for others to attune to. This is the only way to actually help another being.

  Be the frequency of love. This will help others to remember their own core truth.

  Chapter 9:

  If You Need Support

  If you find yourself overwhelmed, and unable to make the right choices, get support. God has left many angels of the highest frequency to help you. These angels are the Trees, the Plants, the Water, the Animals, and Music. If you need help, turn to the Earth angels.

  Find a field and lie down upon the Earth. Be with the trees and the water. You will begin to harmonize with the high frequency of nature and reconnect to the circle. This will enable you to RE -TUNE yourself to your God center and source of love. You will find peace here.

  If you realize you are in a dangerous frequency realm, think survival. Seek first to restore yourself. Do only loving things for yourself, and protect yourself from anything, or anyone, that is low frequency.

  Along with nature, music is one of God’s most beautiful angels. Music slips through your walls of fear and spirals you up into the higher realms of love and happiness. Music will fly you home if you need help finding Heaven.

  You can help yourself through the singing of the simple vowel tones. Let the musical sounds run through your body, without judgment. Just sing. If you feel the need to free yourself of a feeling, SING. With the release of your inner sounds you will connect to the angel of Music and heal yourself. Low frequency things come as Teachers to guide us. Once they have given their lesson, and we have grown through it, they expect to be released! Free them with music.

  A note from the heart

  Is recognized

  Throughout the Universe

  As a Message from GOD.

  Chapter 10:

  Healthy Foods

  Many of you fight your way toward harmony with your body. We would like to remind you that the core of your nature is light. All foods which are naturally the color of light waves - or the rainbow - are the highest frequency food choices for your body. Rainbow colored foods bring you into harmony.

  The rainbow colors are, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. You are composed of these same colors. They correlate to your inner chakra system.

  The healthiest foods for your body are the rainbow colored foods. Eating the rainbow foods will put your body back into harmony. Think wholeness. If you focus on eating harmonious foods, you will naturally return to your divine form, which is healthy and lovely.

  You do not need to fight your body. You were born in divine form. Like the Jaguar, you were born to be a miracle of God. Animals in the wild never become obese. They are in the circle. This circle is open to you.

  If you have weight issues, remember your divine core is naturally perfect, just like the Jaguar. Sleek and strong. You are born this way. If you are no longer in this harmonic form, return to it by returning to the source. Your Source. Not by dieting. Choose your foods based on harmony, and then by the Law of Affinity, this will bring you a harmonious body.

  Chapter 11:


  You are love. You must begin to choose things for your life, which are only the most loving for you. This will create a whole new dynamic, and you will enter the spiral.

  For as you begin to choose only loving things in your lives, you will find that you have to let go of other things to make room for the new, more loving choices.

  Slowly you will begin to see that your lives are filled with only things, which you love... That there is barely any room for anything negative, because you are filled with love. Once you choose to involve love in a situation, you enter the divine spiral and you move into the God-space.

  Do not let fear keep you trapped under false belief patterns, like a stopped drain, not allowing faith into your choices. If you are too afraid to make a choice for yourself, some part of you will make a choice (based on the fear you are holding), and you will respond automatically in your usual pattern. This may not be your highest vibrational choice.

  Choose the best for you. Do not let your fears make choices for you. Stay aware that you have a choice. That even if there is fear, even if it seems a difficult path at the moment, you can choose love for yourself.

  Fear or love, it’s your choice. You are creating your life. Things do not just happen. Each and every moment of your life you are making choices. For example, take an hour of your average day when you have time to yourself. How do you choose to spend that hour of your life?

  You may choose to watch TV, have sex, read a book, and perhaps write a book of your own…

  You choose. You choose if you want to start a side business out of your basement, or if you just want to clean up the basement. You choose if you want to take a hike or drink a six-pack or take a hike while drinking a six-pack! Everything you choose today leads you to your future.

  You choose.

  Each moment.

  Each hour.

  Each day.

  Your whole entire life.

  You choose your whole life.

  You may have horrible patterns ingrained in you from your past, or your ancestral line, but you still have a choice. You can change. You can choose differently.

  You are not a victim. You are simply afraid.

  And very, very human. We love you! Let’s start over, and remember, you are the master of your destiny.

  You live in a free will zone. The definition of free will is: Spontaneity and freedom of choice.

  It’s time to make some big bold fearless choices.

  What do you wish for in your life now? At this moment?

  This is not a dress rehearsal. Go after that life for which you’ve always longed, the life that will have you singing in the aisles, dancing in the streets and kissing madly in public!

  Go for your dream life. Think big and go get it! The only thing that has held you back in the past is your fear, and your feelings of unworthiness. You mostly fear being unworthy.

  Remember you are children of God. Remember too, that you are very creative beings. You create with your thoughts. Everything that manifests in your life started first as a thought.




  You must pay attention to what your thoughts are saying. They are leading you toward choices. You choose your life with your choices; from what food you eat, to where you eat it, to which you eat it with.

  Be aware that you are making hundreds of choices large and small everyday, and that these choices form the blueprint of your future.

  Chapter 12:

  Sacred Geometry

  In the third dimension there are certain symbols known to you who will help you access your warehouse of Divine Knowledge. This is the symbol langua
ge of sacred geometry.

  Three of these sacred symbols are of great importance at this time. They are the circle, the cross, and the triangle. We will begin at the beginning with the circle.

  Circles are sacred and linked to God because all life, everywhere, in all God’s universes, begins first, in the form of a circle. Life bursts through into being through the vehicle of the circle. Every atom first begins as a single cell circle, before it multiplies and grows into form.

  When you access the circle, you are one with the source, The Circle of One:

  One Love, One God, One World.

  God is a circle in geometric reality.

  A circle of love around us.

  The straight lines of the third dimensional symbol of the cross show lines interconnecting, yet disconnected from the source, i.e. the circle. The trick is that the cross is in the circle. But until you understand the circle, you see only the crucifixion of the separateness symbolized by the cross.

  A new world is beckoning, a world you will consciously create with wise choices, centered in divine union. When you enter the union, you are able to access the circle and communicate with all loving conscious beings.

  When you enter the circle, you are able to speak with animals, trees, rivers, and the wind. You may think this is impossible. But they have a language, one that is unspoken but heard. One that is a Universal Communicator and is always an open channel to you.

  When you love, you are connected. When you are connected, communication can occur. We all share this common frequency, this universal channel. This is our divine birthright. This is the space…

  Through our union with God, through this channel of love, we are able to communicate with all of creation. Any being, anywhere, anytime, melts before love into love, because love is the keynote of the universe and the one thing we all share.

  Many of you live in fear of abandonment and disconnection. This is the illusion of the cross. This is the crucifixion of self that must be conquered. When you free yourself into love, you free yourself from the pain of the cross of disconnection and back into the divine glory of the circle.

  We are entering a time of great shifts. The vibration of Earth is spiraling up and rising to the order of a new dimensional circle. This is why we come once again to aid you as we enter the final years of completion of your cycle.

  One way to access the circle is by joining the polarities of the triangle aspects of your being. This is the relevance of the sacred trinity. The sacred three of the triangle symbology represents the pillars of your being in the third dimension.

  The Mind.

  The Body.

  The Spirit.

  By breaking down your own personal patterning to the foundational core of the triangle, you will find where you are “out of tune.” You will be able to locate the very things that are holding you back from your ultimate connection.

  When we are connected to the divine source, we are in harmony, or “in tune” with God and the circle. The circle is recovered when we are able to unite your mind, body and spirit with love.

  Begin by gently opening yourself back to the circle, like the lotus. Let yourself remember that everything around you is alive with consciousness and spirit.

  Begin by finding your love and connection to the animals, then stretch out to the plants, the trees, and the flowers. Move to the rocks and the Earth and the sea. Find and remember the rivers in you, the air that breathes you, and the angelic beings that surround you. Flow into remembrance of your connection to the circle. And re-enter the garden.

  Within the circle, the children of Earth are at play with all of nature... One United Spirit woven together in ecstasy. This is open to you now. This reality is the future you are creating together. You must continue to grow and let the natural flow guide you back to your center. Your planet is reconnecting to her center, through you. Together you are recovering more love. To begin anew.

  No longer allow fear and false illusions to rule your life, and soon they will be extinct in your world. Love right now, and more than you ever thought you could.

  Love recklessly.

  Love thoughtlessly.

  Love wildly and joyfully and freely.

  Hey you want a life you’ll love? Love life! The only way to ever love the self is to love and accept all the workings of God in this dimension.

  You must know now that everything about you is lovable. This is where the belief part comes in. Have faith that you are perfect and loved, that nothing you ever do is judged as bad. You are always loved. As angelic messengers, we see you as children awakening to your God essence core. We see you shining in remembrance of love.

  Forgiveness must be attended to daily. Forgive yourself first, where you believe you have stepped from the righteous path. Please remember, that even the worst disconnected actions are intercepted and made pure again by connection with the circle.

  Love is the only thing that connects you to the circle. Love and forgive yourself. You cannot enter the sacred circle and harm another being. As soon as love is broken, a straight line forms - a disconnection from the circle occurs and falls away from the center.

  You came to Earth to create what King Arthur did. Arthur built circles. He took the sword Excalibur, and wielding the Almighty Power of Love, he broke free from his life as a slave and became a great king. Once Arthur was free, he created Camelot. He ruled it by the round table. The circle.

  Grab Excalibur. Take the sword of Almighty Love and break yourself free from everything that means nothing. Create your own kingdom of beauty and harmony and claim it as yours. You deserve it.

  Chapter 13:

  Multi-Dimensional Science

  Multi-dimensional thinking involves the overlaying of symbology to access the core truth. The integration of these ancient systems will illustrate a scientific look at the foundation of the universe. Only through the union of science and spirit can we have an understanding of God and the infinite universe.

  As a universal rule, truth only resides in the center.

  Einstein was a genius. He did not fit the profile of your standard scientist, because he was receiving his information from the center. Einstein would dream of the way the universe worked, and then he would find support for his visions mathematically. He received information from spirit, and then translated it into a science that could be used on Earth.

  Having visions without the means of manifesting them is pointless. Conversely, creating something on the Earth plane without the inspiration of spirit is valueless. Einstein’s genius was his ability to connect information from one realm to another. He was in essence a great bridger.

  Miracles occur through connection. Einstein is considered one of our greatest scientists, yet he would often ponder the limitations of his own field. He said that we could study all the aspects of “matter” down to the smallest measurements of quantum physics, but science still had no explanation for the space. What was all this space that matter existed in? Einstein said the space was God. The space which connects us all. The space which makes up 99% of our bodies and our world.

  This Space is God.

  According to Einstein then, we are slightly human, and mostly God. Just like Achilles...

  Chapter 14:

  Circles and Pythagoras

  Please be reminded of the intrinsic divinity of the circle. In Pythagorean theory an interesting thing occurs when you gather 12 circles of the same size. When you put the 12 circles together in their third dimensional forms, or spheres, they will form one united ball, which is the union of the 12 separate spheres.

  In the center of the group of 12, the union of the group creates a space, and the space is exactly equal to the size of one of the other 12 spheres.

  In other words, 12 spheres in union will create a SPACE for the 13th sphere. This space is the transcendent quality of the union of twelve aspects of matter. Space is the negative of matter, not the opposite.

  Twelve separate third dimensional circles, or spheres of m
atter, when united into one, forms space. Einstein said the space was God.

  By uniting all twelve aspects of circular matter foundations of God’s universe, you create The Divine. Union into wholeness creates a space for God.

  Chapter 15:


  Let us entertain the number twelve in your Earth mythology. In every culture there is significance to the gathering of twelve as being sacred, and the thirteenth, representing the transcendent one.

  Twelve disciples - and Jesus as the thirteenth.

  Twelve Knights of the Round Table - and King Arthur as the thirteenth.

  Twelve Gods of Olympus - and Fate, symbolizing a higher power, the thirteenth.

  Twelve tones in the Mayan calendar - and the transcendent thirteenth overtone of universal movement. Twelve signs of the zodiac - and the Aeon as the thirteenth.

  Twelve months in the solar calendar - and thirteen lunar months.

  Twelve notes on the musical scale - and the thirteenth overtone.

  Twelve step program of AA - and God, as the thirteenth.

  In all these cases the twelve stands for that which can be measured by matter, and joined into one whole to create a space for God.

  The foundation of creation can be measured as twelve aspects of matter represented by the twelve spheres. This is already formed matter and a correct representation of the twelve dimensions. The thirteenth is always space, and never matter, for it represents the creative divine energy of God and love. The twelve circular divisions of matter are used to measure the space, or the movement of God.


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