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(Complete Rock Stars, Surf and Second Chances #1-5)

Page 134

by Michelle Mankin

  “First, I’m going to lick every drop of saltwater from your body. Then I’m going to fuck you.”

  Her lips parting, she moaned as soon as my mouth touched hers. Giving her my tongue and then the edge of my teeth, I sipped the salty rim of her jawline, then the column of her neck, then along her clavicle, until she grabbed fistfuls of my hair and brought my mouth where she wanted it.

  “Babe, your tits are phenomenal.” I swirled my tongue around one pebbled nipple, then the other.

  She made low, breathy, appreciative sounds and arched her back to bring one tip and then the other more fully into my mouth as I sucked them. When I put my hands on her hips and went lower, she started to tremble.

  “You okay, babe?” I licked a line straight to her navel.

  “Yes. No. Diesel. Shit.” Her fingers flexed urgently in my hair as I rhythmically flicked my tongue in the tiny button-shaped indentation. “Don’t stop.”

  Hollie pressed the top of my head lower. I grasped handfuls of her lush ass and licked my way from one side of her bare pussy to the other, noting the skin was already paler there than the surrounding area because of her swimsuit and her time in the tropical sun.

  I hoped I was leaving a deeper impression on her. One that would never fade. She’d definitely marked me in an irrevocable way.

  “Please, please,” she begged as I used my thumb to spread her wider.

  Her pretty pink swollen nub peeked out at me. I dove the tip of my tongue straight to it. Outlining it, I teased her with light flicks first.

  “Diesel . . .” She gasped. “I can’t take any more.”

  “Hold still,” I ordered. My grip stingingly tight on her ass, I licked across the slippery surface, making her breath hitch.

  “I’m close,” she warned. Grabbing fistfuls of my hair, she pulled me away from her clit.

  “Not fair to pull hair, babe.”

  “Not fair you teasing,” she said huffily, about to say more, but I silenced her.

  Ripping my hair free from her grip as I rose, I framed her face and pressed my mouth to hers so she could taste her salty gloss on my lips. She placed her hands on my chest, swirling circles around the coins of my nipples and moaning as I thrust my tongue deep into her mouth.

  “Ride me, babe.” I was so fucking turned on, I was close to coming too.

  I untied my shorts and yanked them down. My cock sprang free. She grabbed the condom packet that tumbled out of my pocket before it could hit the sand.

  I dropped my naked ass to the board, grabbed Hollie, and tugged her down with me. Straddling me as I laid back, she ripped open the packet with her teeth, placed the spiral at the blunt tip, and rolled the latex all the way on. The soft, satisfied smile of pride on her lips nearly undid me.

  “Get on it, babe, or are you just going to sit there all day and admire it?”

  “Arrogant ass,” she muttered with pretend irritation, her hair falling over her face as she glanced down to bring me where I wanted to be, and I did the rest, surging up and inside her.

  “Your arrogant ass.”

  “Mmm.” Seeming to like my correction, she rolled her hips and arched her back. “You feel so good.”

  “Say you’re mine.” I lifted her by the waist and stroked deeper into her.

  “I’m yours.” She brought her hands to my chest, lifted her hips until I was barely in, then plunged down to take me in again, slowly gliding along my length. “So yours. I love your cock.”

  She lifted and glided, sending heat spiraling from the base of my spine to my tingling scalp.

  “I love your hot pussy. My pussy.” She was on top, but I took over from the bottom. Thrusting deep, I fucked her faster and harder.

  “Diesel. Oh Diesel.” Her tits bounced. Her lips parted. Tears leaked from her eyes. Every feature in her pretty face was drawn tight as she squeezed her eyes shut and strained for it.

  “Come, babe. Come for me.”

  Gripping Hollie’s waist to hold her in place, I drove up into her deep. The base of my spine lit up like fire as I exploded. Stiffening, I felt her clenching around my cock.

  I gave and gave, coming and coming so hard, and she took and took, her cries of pleasure falling around us like an erotic rain.

  Chapter Forty-One

  * * *


  In the kitchen, the empty platter of fruit from this morning partway refilled on the counter in front of me, I carefully spun the prickly pineapple in my hands, trying to figure out how I was supposed to peel it.

  “Hey, babe, what are you doing?” Diesel came up behind me, gliding his strong arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

  “Cutting up some fruit.” I pulled in a breath, inhaling his fresh-from-the-shower plumeria-coconut scent, and smiled softly, remembering why we’d both had to shower again after another late lunch at Manoa’s.

  “Mercilessly mutilating the poor defenseless suckers, you mean.”

  “I guess the mango is a little mushy.” I squinted at the platter again with more critical eyes.

  “Babe, it looks like mashed baby food,” he said, and he was right. “Who taught you how to cut up fruit?”

  “No one. I just taught myself right now.” I blew out a breath. “Apparently there’s a steep learning curve. Maybe I should leave the domestic chores to someone better qualified.”

  “If you mean me, I’d say I’m only a slight improvement. But I can show you what I know. What my dad taught me.”

  “That would be nice. I want to help out while I’m here.”

  “All right then, sweet girl. Pick up the knife, and I’ll guide you.”

  “Okay.” I did, and he covered my hand with his larger one. “The pineapple is tricky. You sure you want to start out with something so challenging?”

  “I’m not afraid of a challenge.” I turned my head to peer up at him.

  “I know you’re not. Taking your stepfather on. Going out on your own before you were even eighteen. Kicking ass with your acting. Amazing, the things you’ve accomplished on your own this past year after all you’ve been through.”

  “I wasn’t alone. I had Max.”

  “You were alone in the ways that matter.”

  “What ways are those?”

  “You didn’t have a partner. You made your decisions alone without any backup if they were wrong.”

  “We tried to live our personal life separate from all the stuff that comes with my career. He didn’t like a lot of it. We were best when it was just the two of us away from all the madness. We called it living inside a frame.”

  “How was that even possible? Your job’s a big part of who you are. You’re a creative person, an artist as much as your sister is a musician. You express your soul when you act. Didn’t he get that?”

  “No.” But apparently Diesel did.

  “That seems sad.”

  “Was Lalana a partner for you?”

  “No. Not hardly. She was only sober when she was pregnant. The rest of the time, it was lies and misdirection to cover up her growing addiction to drugs. It felt most of the time like I had another child to supervise.”

  “Seems to me you’ve been isolated too. Longer than me.”

  “You’re right. I have been. Until you.”

  “But we’re not real.”

  “We’re fucking, surfing, eating our meals together, sleeping together, sharing shit.” He put his hands on my shoulders and turned me around. “How’s that not real?”

  He had a point, another good one, except for the deadline and the secret I had yet to reveal.

  “Don’t get sad on me. I’m just making my case for how we work.”

  “I know. And you’re right. Again.” I sighed, then gave him a teasing look. I didn’t want to waste the limited time we had left being sad or dwelling on the past. “Are you going to teach me what you know, oh great chef?”

  “I prefer the term fruit ninja.”

  “Conceited goof, you mean.”

Ninja. Goof. Sex god. You can call me whatever you like, so long as I get to fuck you.”

  • • •

  After a light dinner of leftovers from Paradise and a dessert of fruit—the pineapple was beautifully cubed, thanks to Diesel’s tutelage—the sexy fruit ninja/sex god/music prodigy went to his piano while I sat on the couch. I pretended I was perusing my emails, when I was actually snapping stealthy shots of him in yet another setting where he excelled.

  “How did you end up in music? Was that your dad’s influence too?”

  “No. Back when I was a kid, we used to go to church. There was a girl I liked—”


  “Yeah.” Diesel twisted on his piano bench to give me a full-on arch look. “I’m sure you had as many guys on the potential hook as I had girls.”

  “Not really. No one wanted to anger my stepfather. But go on.”

  “She was in the choir. I wanted to get her attention. So I talked the organist into giving me piano lessons.”

  “You took to it quite easily, and you got the girl.”

  “I got her,” he said with a confirming nod. “And the piano too, when the church burned down and nobody wanted it.”

  That explained the scorch marks. I wondered how the girl had fared. If she had burn marks on her heart from having, then losing him. Time would tell for me.

  “How did you end up acting?” he asked. “Was that because of your mom?”

  “Yes, and I wanted to please my dad. One of the two, I decided back then, wasn’t too bad. Fanny and I always had our mom’s approval.”

  “I only had my dad’s.”

  Tilting my head, I considered that and nodded. “I’d look at that as a surplus and not a deficit.”

  “With the foundational things, it often takes time to gain perspective. Or at least it did for me regarding my old lady.”

  “Does your dad ever talk about her?”


  “My mom didn’t talk about my real dad.”

  “Probably because it hurt too much.”

  “That’s what Fanny and I always thought.”

  But knowing we were both his, and that our mom never even gave us the option to know or find him, I wondered now if it weren’t something more. Who he was, what he meant to her, a pregnancy that maybe she hadn’t intended. Her circumstances might parallel my own, and seemed to be a missing piece to an important puzzle.

  Diesel gave me an encouraging look. “But?”

  “But what?”

  “It seemed like you were going to say more.”

  “I just wonder about being a parent.” I set down my phone, and my empty hands fluttered. “I wonder if I’ll ever fully understand my mother. Why did she marry Samuel? Why did she keep the secrets she did?”

  “I know being a parent changes everything.”

  “What was it like being a father?” I asked, placing my hands over my abdomen.

  “Scary as hell, and at the same time, the biggest rush ever.”

  “I get the first, for sure. How do you know you’ll do it right? Where’s the handbook that tells you how to love your children and not screw them up?”

  “I worried, even though my father was a great example. But when Kellan was born, I looked into his eyes, and it all clicked into place. The love pours from your heart. I knew immediately my world was him, and that I would do anything for him.”

  “I’m sure you were a great father like your dad.”

  “You’ll be a perfect mother one day.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I know. You have a beautiful heart,” he said, and my heart swelled from his praise. “If you love from that foundation, it’ll be as natural as breathing. You might make mistakes, we all do, but you try to do right. Your personality is great for a mom.”

  Frowning, I said, “I don’t know what you mean.” I had a ton of doubts.

  “You look for the best in people.”

  “I’m a pushover. Naive. Too trusting.” Max being the prime example.

  “You believe the best. Kids thrive on pure love and hope like that.”

  “Maybe. I floated on my mom’s love while I had her. She was the embodiment of the light and love Fanny believes in.” I blinked away sudden tears that blurred my vision. “You know, I really needed to hear that. I’ve been thinking about my real dad a lot lately, hoping he might have something encouraging to say to me like you just did. Something nice to take away all the bad Samuel had wrought in my psyche, or at least some small part of it. But if I ever do meet him one day, he’ll be a stranger. His approval wouldn’t mean to me what yours does.”

  My lips lifting into a soft smile, I lowered my head and gently stroked my fingers over my stomach. “Thank you.”

  “Let’s go to bed.” A shadow fell over me.

  “It’s early.” I glanced up to find Diesel staring down at me. Lifting my hand, I slid it onto his lean cheek. “I thought you were going to play for me.”

  “I’m going to do something for you. Play with something, for sure. But not the piano.”

  Chapter Forty-Two

  * * *


  Go with the flow. Applying my own surfing advice, I took Hollie by the hand and led her down the hall.

  Yeah, so this would be the third time I’d fucked her since the sexy-as-shit thing we’d done outside on the surfboard. It hadn’t been enough. I wanted her again, so I was having her.

  The day was almost over. Soon there would be another one, and then another, and I wasn’t sure, despite every conversation and everything I learned about her that drew me deeper under her spell, that she was as enchanted with me as I was with her. That secret of hers seemed to be a current to pull her from me. I needed to double my determination to keep her where I wanted her.

  With me.

  At the bed, I turned her around to face away from me. “I love your hair loose.” I removed the elastic that held it, arranging the long silky strands and sifting through the thick platinum layers.

  “I love that you love it.” Her lids lowered with pleasure, she glanced at me over her shoulder.

  “Don’t ever cut it,” I said, giving her the same order she’d given me about mine.

  “I don’t plan to.” Her lips curving, she mimicked my earlier reply.

  “Hands on the bed, babe.” I ran my fingers down the length of her spine. “Bend for me. I want you quick and hard.” When I was inside her, I knew I had her, and everything made sense.

  I grabbed the hem of her sundress and lifted it over her ass. Hollie shivered as I dipped my fingers into her panties and glided the cotton down her leg.

  “You mentioned playing.” Her voice was throaty, and her eyes were molten silver through her lowered lashes.

  “I can’t keep my hands off you.” I framed her breasts, lifting and shaping them.

  “Diesel . . .”

  She breathed out my name as if I were the answer to some critical question, but the truth was, she was the answer to all of mine. I hadn’t realized how empty my life had become until Hollie had come along and filled it.

  Finding her nipples through the cotton of her bodice and the lace cup of her bra, I rolled and pinched them. She moaned like I knew she would, and my cock jumped inside my shorts.

  “Are you ready for me?” I separated her shapely legs with my knee and smoothed my hand up the creamy satin of her inner thigh.

  “I don’t know.” She wiggled her sexy ass backward, bumping my erection. “Are you?”

  “Naughty girl.” I slapped her ass.

  “I can be naughtier.”


  “Try me and see.”

  Eagerly, I undid the tie on my shorts and dropped them, whipping my rod into my hand. After I rolled the rubber on, I glanced up to find Hollie watching me over her shoulder. She licked her lips.

  I moved closer, cupped her tits in my hands, and kissed her. Licking the moisture from her lips, I thrust my tongue inside her sweet mout
h and squeezed the lush softness of her breasts. She sucked hard on my tongue. I wanted my cock in her mouth, but that would have to wait for another time.

  I was done fooling around. “Spread wider.”

  I pressed down on her spine, shifted, aligned, and plunged my eager cock inside her.

  “Oh, babe,” I said when she moaned. “You feel so good on my cock.”

  She tightened around me, squeezing precum from my shaft. I wasn’t going to last long.

  Grabbing her hips, I withdrew and stroked in. Light and shallow pumps, then hard and deep ones. The base of my spine tingled. Deep was my favorite.

  “Stop teasing,” she murmured. “You said quick and hard.”

  I slapped her ass and felt her spasm around my cock. She liked a little roughness. So I gave her a little, yanking her backward into each deep thrust. Stroking my length into her cunt, I gave it to her brutal, punishing her with my cock, and she keened with pleasure.

  “Mmm. Yes, Diesel. That’s so good.”

  Her praise. The way she purred for me. It was so insanely hot.

  I went in again, gliding in deep, slamming in hard all the way before I withdrew.

  “Yes, Diesel!” She tightened around me. “Don’t stop!”

  Over and over, I plunged inside her. I lifted her off her feet and onto her toes with the force of my possession. I hammered into her so deep and so fast that her breath hitched each time I pushed inside her.

  My balls drew tight. My cock stiffened more.

  I felt her body change, and I knew even before Hollie started to shake over my length that her release had come. Her climax spurred my own, and I let it go. I came hard, raised to greater heights with her every time.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  * * *


  I woke up before Diesel the next morning with his arm thrown over me. I skimmed my fingertips over the contours of his sculpted muscle and the satin of his skin, not eager to leave the warmth and comfort of his embrace.

  No nightmares. Hot sex. Surfing. Eating. Sleeping. Repeat. Being with him was challenging and exhilarating at the same time, and it felt exactly right.


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