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First Love

Page 9

by Tiya Rayne

  I glanced down at her hands that were twisting in the hem of her t-shirt. There wasn’t a ring on her finger, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t in a relationship. I was thrown off by how jealous the thought of her waiting on another man made me. I mean, I had no right to be jealous. Zora didn’t belong to me. Hell, she made that clear eight years ago. Plus, why should I care? I have a gorgeous faithful fiancée that loves me. You know what, forget Zora. I don’t need to catch up with her. I don’t care where she’s been and what she’s been doing all this time.

  “We don’t have to stay long.”

  Damnit! What the hell was that pep-talk for if you wasn’t going to stick to it, Luke?

  “Luke, I …uh..”

  “You at least owe me that, Zora.” Yeah, I was wrong for playing the guilt role, but this woman flusters me. Always have.

  She sighs, looking back at that damn grocery store. “Not tonight. Tomorrow?”

  I don’t let it show how happy her words make me. Instead, I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Sure. How about coffee at Paula’s around 9?”

  She glances towards the grocery store again, then slowly backs away from me. “Make it 8.” She says. And even if she told me 5 in the morning I would be there.

  “See you then.”

  With a wave goodbye, she turns and heads towards the other shops in the shopping complex. I watch her walk away, I never could miss a chance to see her ass. Part of me knows that this is a dangerous game I’m playing. There is no denying that I’m still attracted to Zora. At this very moment my dick is uncomfortably stretching down my leg at just seeing her again. But attraction is all that is left of Zora and my relationship. I am no longer in love with her. The only reason I want to catch up, is because I want closure. It’s obvious we didn’t leave things on good terms. I’m sure after this meeting when I get the answers I seek, I’ll finally be able to leave Zora in my past. No longer will she have such a strong pull over me. This is a good thing.

  No longer in the mood for grocery shopping, I opt to head back to my hotel and just pick up some food on the way.

  Chapter Seven

  I made my way down the stairs the next morning after not getting any sleep last night. Not only did my nerves and excitement about meeting Luke today keep me up, seeing him last night triggered something else. I spent the most part of the night hot and horny. It’s been years since I’ve felt the touch of an actual man. Last night, not even trusted B.O.B could take the ache away. Those damn eyes and that body behind that fitted simple black t-shirt had my coochie throbbing and my panties damp. The sexual attraction was definitely still there. Back in the day, just the sight of Luke could light a fire in my veins, and last night was no exception. It also didn’t help that I spent the night in the exact same bed I got my first taste of Luke Trent. That memory replays again as I make my way down the stairs the same way I did that Sunday morning.

  Luke and I had been going out for about three months at that point. Our relationship had already started to make waves. Of course at the time I had no idea it would get so much worse. That morning my dad and I had argued again. At this point he and I were already barely speaking to each other. This morning’s argument started because some faceless coward had spray painted the words “House Slave” and “Whore” on our front porch. My mother found the graffiti and started crying. My dad went ballistic. Since he had no idea who wrote the abrasive words, he of course took it out on me. Once again he threatened to send me away if I didn’t break it off with “That Boy!”. That was my dad’s go to move. Like always, I told him that if he tried it, I’d leave and never come back. Funny, in the end, that’s exactly what I did. He and my mom decided they needed to get out of the house and away from me for a while. They decided to spend the day in Greenville with my Aunt and Uncle. As soon as they left the house, I called Luke to come over. He knew to park his truck at the empty house two streets over and walk to my house. The moment I opened the door I flew into his arms and he caught me lifting me off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face in his neck to shed my tears. Luke rubbed his hands up and down my back as he walked into my house kicking my front door shut with the back of his shoe. He carried me to the couch and sat down with me straddling his lap.

  “Zora don’t cry, Baby. God, you’re breaking my heart.” His words brushed across my forehead as he placed a kiss there.

  “Did you see what they wrote, Luke? Why do they say those things? Why don’t they let us be happy?” My questions were fired off one after the other.

  Luke pulled my head away from his neck and looked into my tear stained eyes. “Do I make you happy, Zora?” His hazel eyes searched for the truth in my gaze.

  “Yes, Luke. I love you.” My words of love weren’t a shock to him. After only a month of dating, those words had flown from our lips with absolute honesty. We had both spent so much time secretly loving the other we knew what we felt was real.

  “Then forget them, Zora.” His words were said with so much anger, yet were opposite to the gentle way he held my face between his hands. “I don’t care about the hateful words they spew. I don’t care if they don’t like us. As long as I make you happy, who cares how they feel. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Don’t let their hate taint our love. Don’t let them in here.” He indicated us by moving his pointer finger between the two of us.

  He always had the ability to soothe me. Even when I started to waiver and doubt our relationship, Luke was always so firm in his love for me. It was like my love was the only thing he needed. I placed my lips to his seeking the comfort of his kiss. His tongue immediately sought access to my mouth. Luke’s kisses stole my breath away. He always kissed me like it was his last, as if at any minute his ability to kiss me would soon disappear. From the moment I was in Luke’s arms his semi-hard erection could be felt through the cheerleading shorts I was wearing. Now it was rock hard and pushing at my bottom with urgency. My panties were slowly getting drenched as that special place between my legs started to throb. This wasn’t the first time Luke and I had made out hot and heavy. The sexual chemistry was always there. Even in junior high when neither of us really knew what it was. That day the ache was driving me insane. It had started to get harder and harder for Luke and I to pull apart. We were both virgins, and though Luke had already told me that he was ready whenever I was, I was still holding out for that right time. As Luke’s and my tongue danced together in a passionate kiss, my hips started to move and dance to its own rhythm. My body was on fire with need. It ached for something that I had never had. I moaned out when Luke’s strong hands slid underneath my tank top to stroke my hardened nipples. It was at that moment, with his hands cupping my heavy breasts, and my aching clitoris rubbing against his jean clad erection, that I realized I was ready. I knew that I loved Luke more than I would ever love any other man, and that any time I was with him it would be special. So, why not at that moment. The world could have their opinions about our love, but they couldn’t stop us from sharing our love with each other.

  “Luke!” His name rolled off my lips like a plea as his hot kisses eased down my neck. “I want you.”

  “MMMmmm! You already got me, Baby.” He said nibbling on the skin on my neck.

  This time I pulled back until his eyes met mine in confusion. “No, I WANT you. I’m ready, Luke.” The shocked face he made was comical. His eyes widened as he stared at me.

  “Are you sure, Zora? Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited, Baby, but I don’t want you to rush. I told you I’ll wait forever for you.”

  “Luke,” I broke through his little tirade. “I’m ready.” I made sure he understood just how ready I was with a kiss.

  Luke pulled away, “I don’t have any protection, Zo.”

  I smiled. “Upstairs in Langston’s room. Check in the top nightstand drawer. He always keeps a box of condoms.” I hopped down out of Luke’s lap.

  “So this is happening?” He asked as he slowly climb
ed to his feet.

  “I mean, if you don’t want…..” My words were cut off with a kiss that nearly took me off my feet.

  “I’m going to go get the condoms.” He said and I followed him up the stairs. We broke off at the top, me heading to my bedroom and him to Langston’s vacant room. Inside my bedroom I rushed to get it ready. I lit a few of the scented candles, then turned on my iPod placing it in the dock. Lastly, I took off my tank top and shorts leaving me in only my bra and panties. I sat on the bed, then decided maybe I should stand. Before I could change my mind on my position again, Luke pushed the door open.

  “The only condoms he had were these mag……” He never finished the rest of that sentence.

  When Luke’s eyes landed on my nearly naked body I felt like the most gorgeous girl in the world. No words were said as Luke came to stand before me. He tossed the box of condoms on the bed. His eyes never left mine as he slowly pulled the strap of my bra down. He did the same to the other strap and I pulled my arms out of them both. Luke reached around me, his chest brushing my breasts as he unfastened my bra. Eyes still on me, he stepped back and my bra fell to the floor with a soft thud. My breathing picked up. We hadn’t done anything yet and already I was turned on just by the way he looked at me. When he got down on one knee, his face level with my navel, my heart skipped a beat. Those beautiful eyes, nearly slits on his face as they stared back at me. He placed a kiss on my flat stomach. His rough hands ran up both sides of my legs before resting on the top of my hips. Luke hooked his fingers in my underwear, and then slid them down my hips, to my feet where I stepped out of them with the help of his shoulders. He lifted back to his feet, still keeping his eyes on me.

  “Lay down, Zora.” He guided me to my bed and I lied down across the bed.

  Finally, Luke took his eyes off mine, he raked his gaze up and down my naked body with a hunger that startled me.

  “God, Darlin’, you are so beautiful.”

  Although I’ve heard him say this before, there was something different about this time. Something empowering about it. In my purest form, he found me beautiful.

  I didn’t even notice Luke take off his clothes, I was so caught up in the way he watched me that I missed him undressing. Only the tearing of a foil packet got my attention. Luke had a beautiful athletic body. Long lean muscles over tanned skin. His chest and defined abs were mind-numbing, but nothing compared to what stood at attention between his legs. I hadn’t really seen a penis up close before, other than the time I found one of Langston’s nasty movies in the DVD player, but I knew that not all of them would look like Luke’s. Wonderfully long, but the most remarkable thing about it was its width. It was so fat that I knew if I were to wrap my hand around it, my fingers would never touch.

  I was then scared shitless. There was no way that was going into me without ripping me open. Luke climbed over my body and I shivered, partially because of how good he felt against my body, but also because I was terrified. He took his time kissing me and it helped to distract me from my fears. I moaned as he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. His kisses left my lips and dipped lower. When he took one of my dark chocolate nipples in his mouth my back arched off the bed.

  “Luke!” I moaned his name. My hands fisted in the sheets over my head.

  “I have to get you ready for me, Zora. I can’t rush. They said it will make it better for you. ”

  I didn’t have a chance to ask who ‘they’ were before he dived back into my breasts. Lavishing one with soft kisses and licks while he stroked the puckered peak of the other one. By the time he moved back up to plant sultry kisses to my lips, I’m writhing beneath him.

  Luke pushed my legs further apart with his knees. After getting in position he lined the tip of his cock up to my opening. He hissed when he felt the slickness of my lower lips.

  “Jeez, Zo, you’re so wet.”

  I held my breath as he pushed the massive head in. My fingers tightened in the sheets when he tried to push further. Even though I had wetness leaking down between the globes of my butt, I still felt the uncomfortable pressure of being stretched to the limits. He moved inside of me for a few more strokes. Each inward drive gave him a few more inches inside of my tight walls.

  “Luke! OW! OW! You’re too big. It hurts.”

  He leaned his forehead against mine, his eyes were tightly shut. “I know, I know, baby. I can stop if you want. I’ll stop.”

  “No!” I whimpered. It was painful, but I wanted this with Luke. “Don’t stop.”

  I stroked the side of his face and his eyes opened to stare down at me. His eyes searched for the truth. Once he understood that I was telling the truth, I really did want him to finish, he placed a feather light kiss to my lips.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Zo, but this next part might be painful. Hold on to me.”

  He allowed me time to place my hands over his shoulders. He pulled out, almost slipping out of me before thrusting all the way in. I cried out at the pain and Luke immediately started apologizing in between kissing me. We stayed like that for a moment, him on top of me, not moving, while placing soft kisses on my lips and cheeks. Soon enough the initial pain started to disappear and then I only felt the fullness of having him seated fully inside of me. When Luke slowly started to move in and out of me again, that fullness turned into pleasure. My whimpers turned into moans. Luke whispered curse words above me as he took long slow strokes inside of me.

  “You’re so tight around me.” He mumbled. “I don’t think I’m going to last very long.” As he spoke his strokes started to pick up speed and so does my breathing. I scratched at his back, it felt so good that I didn’t want him to ever stop. But unfortunately it was short lived.

  Luke shouted a long list of curse words before slamming into me so deep I swear I felt the tip of his cock inside my chest. When he finally pulled out and rolled on his back tucking me into his side, both our hearts were beating fast.

  “I promise, I’ll try to go longer next time. I just…. I never thought it would feel that good.” He said once our breathing had returned to normal.

  I only nodded at his reply. I didn’t care that it only lasted two minutes. At that time, it was the greatest two minutes of my life.

  “Was I any good?” I asked shyly. I realized I didn’t really contribute to anything. Luke did all the work.

  Luke leaned up and looked down at me, his eyebrows creased. “You were amazing. You felt better than I ever dreamed you would.”

  “Well,” I asked looking down at his bare chest. “Can we do it again?”

  He chuckled as he climbed out of the bed and walked over to my trash and took the used condom off. He wasn’t as long and wide as he was before, but still a considerable size.

  “Are you in any pain?”

  “Only a little, but I can go again.”

  “How long will your parents be gone?”

  “About four hours,” I sat up in my bed covering my breasts with my arm.

  “Let’s see, four hours before they come home, and it only takes about two minutes. I say we can go at least 120 times before they get back.”

  I tossed my head back and laughed as Luke pulled out another one of those golden packets.

  By the time my parents got home we had only made it about three times. We quickly found out that not all times were as quick as that first one.

  I sigh as that memory fades. As much as sex with Luke took over my mind last night, it wasn’t the only thing that had me up all night and nervous this morning. I had no idea what Luke was going to want to talk about. I’m pretty sure he had questions about where I’ve been and probably the break up. I knew I wasn’t going to tell him about Peyton. There was no need to open up that can of worms when we wouldn’t be here long enough. Besides, Luke had a life in California. He had a career and a fiancée, I wasn’t going to turn his life upside down just because I still had feelings for him. I was still sticking to the choices I made. Even though I had no intentions of getting Luke bac
k, I still put a little extra care in my appearance. My natural curls are loose with a half braid holding one side of my hair back. I don’t wear much make-up, just a little eyeliner and some tinted lip gloss. A simple strapless peach maxi dress and jeweled sandals finished my look. I was placing my hoop earrings in my ear when I round the corner and found my mother in the kitchen. She was still in her robes with her back to me as she hummed to a tune in her head.

  “Morning, mama!”

  “Morning, baby.” She says then turns around with a coffee and her tablet in her hands. She looks me over with a smile on her face. “Well, don’t you look beautiful today.” She sits at the kitchen table placing her cup and tablet on the table. I was hit with a sudden feeling of Déjà vu. This is the exact scene I’ve seen most of my life. I had no doubt she was reading the newspaper on that tablet.

  “Thank you.” I say fastening my last earring. “I’m stepping out for about an hour, I was wondering if I could borrow one of the cars.”

  “Where are you going?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

  “Am I 17 again? If you don’t want me to take the car, I’ll just call an Uber.”

  My mom blushes, looking down at the table. “Sorry.” She says. “Old habit.”

  I don’t comment.

  “You can take your daddy’s Benz. I’m sure he won’t be using it for a while. The spare key is in one of those kitchen drawers.”

  I head to the two catch-all drawers in our kitchen that has always been used for spare things.

  “Maybe daddy and I could send for your car in Chicago. I wouldn’t want you to leave it up there for three months without being driven.”

  “I don’t have a car.” I answer absentmindedly as I dig through the take-out menus and packets of restaurant ketchup.


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