Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 90

by Jen Davis

  “Not for me. In this family, relationships are for a lifetime. That’s why I’m being so up front with you. Dating outside the mob is frowned upon. We value loyalty and trust over everything. Wives and girlfriends hear things and see things that they shouldn’t; we have to know that they’re in it for the long haul. That’s why I did all of this.” Jasper touched the necklace around her neck and gestured toward the table that held the bouquet. “It’s symbolism, but it’s true. I wanted you to know ahead of time what you were getting into. I want to date you, be with you, make love with you, but this is a lifestyle and a lifetime. I want you to understand that this is real for me, and I’m not just messing around.”

  “Wow, and this is only our second date.” The whole thing was overwhelming. “Well, first actually, since we didn’t make the real first date.”

  “I believe in being honest and forthright.” A dazzling smile lit up his face. “You don’t have to decide anything right now, but I just wanted you to know where I stand.”

  All she could do was nod. What did a person say to that?

  “I know it’s a lot to take in, but I wanted you to know what you were getting into.” He took her hand and kissed the inside of her palm. Jasper did something to her that no man ever had before. He made her feel special, desired, and wanted.

  “Madison and Stephanie? Were they warned before also?” It all made her head spin. Dating was hard enough without thinking about the added complications of getting involved with the Caponelli family, but nothing bad had happened yet. Actually, things were great. She had a job she loved and made amazing new friends.

  “Yes, and Maddy fought it like crazy, from what I hear. She wanted nothing to do with Roman, but he changed her mind.”

  “Well, thank you for telling me.” It was true. Getting involved with a made man was something she’d never even considered doing, but as she slowly got to know the people she worked with, they were growing on her and had become her friends. This time, he kissed the top of her head. Funny how she’d never let a guy get this close in public, yet he could probably undress her on the deck of this ship and kiss every square inch without her telling him to stop.

  “Let’s sit down and eat.” He finished his drink just as the steward came to retrieve their empty glasses.

  The meal was wonderful. All her favorites: wedged salad with fresh Roquefort, followed by a main course of filet mignon and loaded baked potatoes. The cool lake air caused her to scoot her chair closer to the man by her side, and he draped his jacket over her bare shoulders. The wrap she brought was clearly for looks and not warmth. The jacket smelled like him, a light outdoorsy cologne and all man. She pulled it tighter and inhaled.

  Her resolve was waning. A girl would have nothing to complain about with this man. Well, except for the criminal activities. She had no clue of what he really did do, and frankly, right now, it was the last thing on her mind.

  “I can’t believe the amazing homes along this lake.” The stewards brought coffee and dessert as Jasper placed his hand on her knee. It was comforting and intoxicating all at once.

  “See that one over there?” He pointed toward a large home with a Mediterranean look to it.


  “That’s Roman and Madison’s house. The one next to it belongs to Ryan and Valentina. Her father gave it to them for a wedding present.”

  “Wow. Nice gift.” Never would she have guessed at the wealth of the people she worked for. They all treated her like family, and they were so down to earth. “Does everyone in the family live on the lake?” She used air quotes for “family.”

  “No, Dominic and Stephanie live out in the country in a cabin. It’s on a lake but a smaller one. I live in an old restored home downtown, as does Arlo when he’s in town, only he has a condo. He’s been helping Madison’s family out with some things and goes back and forth. Some of the married guys have homes in town or just outside.”

  “It’s a nice town. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it here at first, after living in bigger cities all my life, but it’s growing on me.” But could she stay when everything was said and done?

  “It’s a great place to raise a family.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re already planning how many kids we’ll have.” She’d not felt this happy in years.

  “I love how you said ‘we,’ but no, just saying.” He winked and picked up his fork. A large piece of chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream and strawberries for dessert completed their delicious meal.

  The first bite resulted in a moan of satisfaction. “This is wicked good.”

  “Someday, you’ll be moaning against me and saying the same thing.” Jasper pierced a berry with his fork and held it up for her to take a bite.

  “You’re better than chocolate cake? You must be very impressive in bed.” The guy was too much, but she wouldn’t mind finding out if he could back up that statement.

  “So I’ve been told.” His chest puffed out, but she just rolled her eyes. “But if you agree to be with me, it’ll only be you, forever. For infinity.”

  There it was again. That pact to be committed. It was like being hot and cold at the same time. Her head spun from sensory overload. Romantic setting, delicious food, gorgeous man, and welcome to the mafia. Forever.

  “I just need a little more time to process everything.”

  “That’s understandable.” Jasper smiled. “You have a week to decide.”

  “What?” She almost choked on the cake. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. I don’t want you to overthink things. You either know or you don’t. I want you, Jackie, but if you don’t see a future between us, I don’t want to wait around forever for something that’s never going to happen.”

  “I can understand that. Life is precious.” His grandfather’s fall could have been so much worst. If he’d hit his head and cracked his skull, they could be planning a funeral now.

  “It is, and if anything were to ever happen to me, you’d be surrounded by people that will always take care of you. Look after you,” he added.

  The wonderful cake suddenly tasted dry. “Do you think something will happen to you?”

  “You never know. It’s a dangerous life, but so is driving home at night.”

  Her thoughts turned to her parents—a simple night out that suddenly ended everything. The spring evening had turned colder, and the crew had pulled down the plastic sides to block the wind. They turned around back near the end of the main course, and the boat now neared the dock. It would be hard to leave such a magical evening, but all great things must come to an end.

  Jasper left a hefty tip for the crew, and with purple flowers in hand, they left the boat.

  “Let’s walk back. It’s such a nice night, and I like having you by my side.”

  “Sounds good.” Taking her hand, he led her down the dock.

  The other cruise boat had just gotten back also, so couples were strolling around laughing and having a good time.

  “Jasper,” Jackie pulled him to a stop, “I have to say, that has to be the best date and nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me.”

  “Making you happy makes me happy.” He drew her close and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, which were still covered with his jacket.

  “How is your grandfather doing?” In all the excitement, she’d forgotten to ask.

  “Much better. He’s getting out tomorrow, and I and a few of the guys will be helping move him into a housing development with easier living, everything on one floor. He’ll have his own place and everything, but no steps to fall on.”

  “Do you need any more help moving boxes?” The guy had a kind heart, and she wouldn’t mind spending more time in a relaxed setting.

  “No, but I’m sure Grandpa would love to see you, if you want to stop by later.” Jasper gave her the address, and she knew where that was. The paper she’d worked for had covered the opening of the complex.

  “I might do that.” Emphasis on the might. Jackie didn’
t want to commit to anything tonight that she might regret in the morning. Getting closer to these people didn’t seem like a good idea if she wasn’t planning on staying. Before moving here, Jackie had promised herself that if she didn’t find what she was searching for, or life didn’t fall in place in that amount of time, she’d move on.

  But what if she did stay?

  They walked in silence for the last couple blocks, their steps getting even slower as they neared her home. Jasper saw her to the front door and leaned against the wall as she unlocked the door.

  “I’d invite you in, but right now, my head is going crazy, and like you said, I need to think before we act.”

  “And that’s exactly what I want you to do.” He moved closer and placed her palm over his heart. “I also want you to remember how much you make my heart race. And I want you to remember this.” Jasper touched his lips to hers.

  What started as a slow, savoring kiss became an intense mind-blowing kiss to end all others. His arms wrapped around her lower back and pulled her closer. So close she could feel his hard length pressing into her belly. It was a good thing he held her tight, as he made her knees weak. The man tasted sweet like ice cream and cake. He then started on her neck, dropping kisses all the way to the top of her shoulder.

  When they finally came up for air, her legs wobbled like they were still on the boat.

  “Sleep tight, Angel, and dream of me.” He kissed her one more time before walking away.

  It took every bit of strength to not ask him to stay.

  Jackie closed the door behind her and leaned against it as she touched her fingers to her lip. “I am so fucked.”

  Chapter 14


  He had it bad. The hard-on he had for Jackie kept him up all night, and erasing the comfort with his hand just wasn’t cutting it anymore. He wanted her and only her. The sexual encounters with women in the past now seemed less that satisfying, and there was no urge to go out and search for a nameless hookup. This must have been what maturity finally kicking in felt like.

  Jasper shook his head as he pulled in and parked in front of his grandfather’s new place. It was a nice complex. There were four units to a building with everyone having their own garage and front yard. It was pretty nice, actually, with a center building in the middle that people could share for private events and get-togethers. His grandfather sat next to him in his vehicle. “What do you think?” The man had always been independent, so moving into a different home would be an adjustment for a while.

  “What can I say? It sucks to be old.” They both unbuckled their seat belts. “But I think it will be all right. I met some of the neighbors when I checked it out, and they seemed okay. I didn’t want to be in the middle of a bunch of old farts.” At that moment, an attractive woman with silver hair stepped outside to water her flowers. Frankie waved at the lady, and she returned the gesture. “Yeah, I don’t think it will be too bad at all.”

  “Checking out the chicks already. You always were the lady’s man,” Jasper ribbed.

  “It runs in the family.” Frankie poked him in the side with his elbow.

  They’d parked behind Dominic’s van. The moving company had brought over most of the heavy stuff on Friday but had to stop when Frankie had fallen at his old place. Arlo and Dom had brought over the rest.

  “I hope you cleaned that van before loading everything,” Frankie joked as he slowly moved forward to shake each man’s hand. Even his grandfather knew about Dom’s roll of being the cleaner for the family. Many a dead body had been placed in the back of the vehicle, but no one would ever know it.

  “Of course not,” he joked. Everyone knew it was spotless, but Dom enjoyed messing with the man anyway.

  “Well, let’s get this show on the road.” Frankie entered the front door of his new place. “I got new neighbors to meet.”

  A police cruiser stopped next to the van, and Ryan hopped out. “Hey, guys.”

  Arlo and Dom grabbed some boxes, nodded, and headed to the house.

  “What’s up?” Jasper walked to the car as Ryan got something out of the passenger side.

  “Valentina sent this over.” It was a potted plant. “She’d have come herself, but the little one fussed all night, and they both finally got to sleep.”

  “Thanks. Frankie’s inside, if you want to come in.” Jasper motioned toward the house.

  “Sorry. Can’t stay. The woman who was attacked finally woke up and started to remember things. I need to get caught up on all the latest.”

  “I hope they find the fucker. Has anyone else been hurt?” God, he hoped not.

  “No, but the first thing she remembered was what he was driving.” Ryan placed a hand on the side of Dom’s vehicle. “A white van.”

  “Well, we know it isn’t this one.”

  “Yes, we do, but the other guys on the force may not. Make sure Dom doesn’t have anything he doesn’t want discovered in the back, in case someone decides to pull him over just to check and see.” Having a friend on the force was priceless.

  “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll share the info with the guys. I know Roman is having the tech guys keeping an eye out for the creep.” Ryan handed the plant over and said his farewell. Jasper waved and watched him drive away before setting the Hosta outside the front door.

  The guys continued to grab the rest of the boxes, and in less than thirty minutes, the van was unpacked, and all Frankie’s possessions were inside.

  Frankie took a seat on the couch. “I need some pictures to hang.” Everyone glanced at the bare walls.

  “I know where you can get a Picasso.” Jasper smirked. He’d shared with his grandfather their new venture.

  “I don’t need any of the fancy stuff, just something to look at.”

  “I’ll see if I can find you a velvet Elvis somewhere,” Arlo added.

  “What do you think of this side job?” He was referring to the new goods stored at the winery. Frankie was old school and only liked the tried and true businesses.

  “I don’t know. Some of that shit has tripled in price, but I agree with you. I’d rather be out busting chops and making runs, but I guess we’ll see how this goes.” Jasper rubbed his chin. He needed a shave.

  “Did the club get their guns back?” Frankie kept up to date on all that was going on.

  “Not yet, but when we do, I’ll be busy collecting the pieces of those fuckers,” Dom responded. “No one steals from the Tribe or the family and gets away with it.”

  A knock sounded on the screen door while they were inside the living room, and Frankie went to answer it.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Jasper heard his grandfather say.

  Arlo piped in, “The new neighbor must have spied the plant and decided to come over and water it.” They all laughed, and Jasper’s ears perked up when he heard Jackie’s voice.

  “I’m glad to see you up and about,” she gushed over the old man, and he was probably loving every minute of it.

  Jasper rose and moseyed toward the two, when what he really wanted to do was run over and gather her in his arms.

  “Hey, buster, stop making moves on my girl,” he joked before relieving Jackie of the large box in her hand. “What’s all this?” The delicious smell of Italian food permeated from the box.

  “Madison asked me to pick this up and bring it over. She ordered a bunch of food for the guys and Mr. Lencioni.”

  “It’s Frankie to you, sweetheart.” Frankie winked at her before taking a seat at the kitchen table. The man put on a brave front, but he was still a little shaky and weak.

  “I told you, old man, stop putting the moves on my girl,” Jasper teased as he took the remaining bags that were draped over her arms. She blushed while starting to unpack the paper plates and utensils.

  “Everyone can see she only has eyes for you, dumbass.” Frankie’s comment caused her face to brighten even more.

  “Well, like I said, it’s nice to see you out of the hospital, and this looks like a g
reat place to live.” Jackie opened the box, and it was packed to the top with goodies. More than the five of them could eat, but at least Frankie would have leftovers for a few days.

  There was Caesar salad, bread, and two huge containers of spaghetti and ravioli. The other bags held cheesecake, cannoli, and different kinds of meats and cheeses. “Look at all this food they sent. This is amazing.”

  “Pops, you got anything here to drink?” Jasper opened the refrigerator, but other than a half-gallon of milk and a few beers, there wasn’t much there.

  “Oh, I almost forgot that’s in the trunk. They sent wine, beer, and a new coffee maker too,” Jackie volunteered.

  “Here, I’ll help get that.” Jasper ushered her out the door as the smell of food drew Arlo and Dom into the kitchen.

  Trailing her down the sidewalk was an exercise in self-control. She wore skin tight blue jeans that showed off her tight ass to perfection. Her hair was up in a sexy bun, and her teal t-shirt made her pale skin look golden. Jackie wore tan sandals, while dark purple nail polish dotted her toes. What pretty toes she had. Yeah, he had it bad for her. Why she was different from the other girls he had met was hard to explain. Maybe it was that she played hard to get and wasn’t so easily taken in by his charm. She was smart; there was no doubt about that. Sometimes he could almost see the wheels turning in her mind as if she were trying to figure him out.

  “It was really nice of them to send all this stuff. There’s probably over a hundred dollars’ worth of food, and this is a really nice coffee maker.” Opening the trunk, she revealed a couple cases of wine, beer, and the coffee machine.

  “This is what I was talking to you about last night. We’re a family. Everyone looks out for each other. It’s not just about getting stuff. It’s that people care.”

  “So, if I get involved with you, I also gain a mob boss, several hitmen, and a cleaner?” She raised an eyebrow.


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