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Reawakened: The Unexpected Series

Page 3

by Roberts, S. E.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for that, but you’ll be the first to know when I am.”

  I’m sure I’ll never be ready to open my heart back up to another man, but I don’t want to ruin the mood, so I tell her what she wants to hear.

  “All right, well call me later this week and give those boys a hug and kiss from me.”

  “I will. Love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  I end the call, a contented smile stretched across my face.

  “You okay?” Claire asks as she boxes up some of her cupcakes to take home.

  “I haven’t been this okay in a long time.”

  And it’s the truth. I miss Miles every single day, but I know that with the help of my friends, me and my boys are going to be just fine.



  “Mom, who did you make cupcakes for?” Auggie asks as he peeks at the treats in the oven.

  “The kind officer that drove us home the other night. I thought we could take them down to the police station this afternoon.”

  He nods. “I bet his favorite is chocolate.”

  I smile at him. “You think?”

  “Yeah, who doesn’t like chocolate?”

  Good point, kid.

  I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about the man a few times since he rescued us. It honestly pisses me off how much he’s been on my mind. I know that it’s okay to think of another man, but still, it doesn’t feel right. I wonder if the guilt ever goes away.

  The timer goes off, so I pull the cupcakes out and stick a toothpick in the center of one to make sure they’re done. I made German chocolate and vanilla. I figured I was safe with those two. If Officer Harris doesn’t like them, I’m sure someone at the station will.

  Before making my frosting, I run to the thermostat to adjust the temperature, because it’s boiling in here. Growing up in Arizona, I know that it’s a big no-no to use your oven this time of year, but I figured this was the least I could do. That night could have ended a lot worse than it did.

  I pull my mixer out from the bottom cabinet and add all the ingredients I need for Grandma Roses’ famous frosting. Store-bought is disgusting, but this stuff is heaven in your mouth.

  “All right, boys, get your shoes on.” I holler into the living room.

  “But, Mom, we’re watching SpongeBob!” Jayce gripes. Heaven forbid they go one afternoon without watching that annoying show.

  I slip my sandals on and then go in search for my keys.

  “We won’t be long. Could be kind of cool to see where the police officers work.”

  I finally locate the keys on my messy coffee table.

  “Do you think we could see where they keep the bad guys?”

  I chuckle. Leave it to my boys to want to see where the “bad guys” stay.

  “Uh, probably not. Come on, let’s go.”

  They both huff but then slide on their shoes as we walk out the door.

  The drive across town is surprisingly quick for being Friday afternoon. I find a parking spot, and then the three of us enter the old, tall, brown building.

  “Can I help you?” the older blonde lady behind the front desk asks. Her nametag reads “Linda.”

  “I was wondering if Officer Harris was in today?”

  She moves over to her computer and clicks her mouse a few times and then nods.

  “Yes, let me call him up for you,” she eyes the box I set on the counter.

  “Thank you.” I motion for the boys to sit in the chairs next to the door.

  I’m facing the boys when only a moment later I hear behind me, “Mrs. Greene?” His voice causes chills to run up my spine. Focus, Sierra.

  I turn to face him and give a small smile.

  “It’s Ms., but you can just call me Sierra.” My admission makes my stomach drop. I’ve never corrected anyone for calling me that before.

  He gives me a strange look but then gives me a smile in return.

  “We brought you cupcakes,” my little man exclaims from behind me, thankfully helping make this moment a little less awkward. He deserves an extra episode of that obnoxious sponge tonight.

  “Oh, you did?” he asks.

  “Yep. I told my mom you would want chocolate,” Auggie chimes in.

  He walks past me and then squats in front of both boys so he’s down at their level.

  “How did you know that chocolate is my favorite?” The sight of this big, burly man talking to my boys does weird things to me. Things I’m not sure I like.

  Auggie shrugs. “Everyone likes chocolate.”

  He throws his head back in a laugh, which is infectious. I wish I could bottle the sound up.

  He nods in agreement. “That’s true. Chocolate is the best.”

  “My favorite is Momma’s strawberry shortcake cupcakes!” Jayce hollers.

  He turns to look at me. “Those sound amazing.”

  “We’ll bring some of those next time.” I immediately regret the words that slip out of my mouth without permission. Damn it. Why did I just say that?

  I’m sure he can tell I’m mortified, but before he turns back to the boys, he says, “I look forward to it.” He gives me his showstopping smile.

  “You two were sleeping when I took you and your mom home the other night. What are your names?”

  “I’m Jayce. I’m four, but my birthday is October sixteenth!” The mention of the date makes my chest hurt. What should have been one of the happiest days of my life turned into the worst. My boys don’t know that their daddy died the day Jayce was born. I’ve always tried to make it special for him, no matter how painful it is each year.

  “Nice to meet you, Jayce.” He holds his hand out to him to shake. “So, you’re almost five?” he asks as if it’s the coolest thing he’s ever heard.

  “Yep!” He pops the P.

  He turns to Auggie. “And what’s your name, big man?”

  My handsome boy’s face lights up at the nickname.

  “August, but everyone calls me Auggie.”

  He shakes his hand and then stands up. “You two want to go for a ride in a police car?”

  Both of their mouths nearly drop to the floor.

  “Well, if that’s all right with your mom.” He turns to me, giving me a questioning look.

  “Yes, that’s fine, as long as we’re not keeping you.”

  He shakes his head. “Nope. I’m actually free this afternoon.”

  We spend the next half hour riding around in Officer Harris’s Tahoe while he explains what everything is to the boys. He even lets them test his siren, which they both think is “the best thing ever.”

  “Thank you so much for doing this for my boys, and thank you again for giving us a ride home the other night,” I say as Auggie and Jayce are climbing out of the SUV. I really hope we weren’t keeping him from something important.

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for the cupcakes. I better hide them good, so the other guys don’t steal them.” I laugh, trying to hide the small fact that he’s making me flustered. I hope he can’t tell the affect he has on me.

  “You can take them home to your wife.”

  Oh, my freaking word. This is the second time I’ve embarrassed myself in front of this guy today. I can feel my cheeks heat, and they are most likely beat red.

  “I don’t have a wife.” He utters the words so simply, but he has no idea how much they make me excited. He’s not married? How is that possible? This man is delicious to look at but seems to also have a big heart.

  “Oh, um,” I stutter. “I don’t know why I said that. Sorry.”

  He laughs. “So that makes two of us. You said you weren’t married either, but are you with their father?” Suddenly he gets a shy look on his face. I’m not sure if he’s also now embarrassed or what, but it’s damn cute.

  “No.” I say the word with probably way too much emotion, but the thought of Miles gets me that way.

  There’s an amazingly good-looking, single man talking
to me, and here I am acting like an idiot, thinking about my husband who is no longer here.

  He gives me a worried look but then thankfully changes the subject.

  “Did you get settled into your new place?”

  Once again, the kindness of this man warms me.

  “Yeah, we did.” I mimic his smile. “It’s smaller than what we’re used to, but it will do for now.”

  “Good. And if it makes you feel better, there’s not a lot of crime around that area.”

  I chuckle. “I know. I did my research.”

  “Mom, can we come back sometime?” Auggie interrupts us, reminding me that I need to get them home for dinner.

  Officer Harris answers for me. “You bet, buddy. I’m okay with it if your mom is.”

  “We’ll see, okay?” I raise my eyebrows at my son, letting him know that we’re not going to talk about this right now and then turn back toward him. “I need to get them home, but thank you again.”

  “Of course.” He does that funny knuckles thing with both boys before we leave him standing by his car.



  I slam my locker shut after changing out of my uniform. I’m tired and I just want to go home and drink a beer.

  This week really wasn’t all that bad, but this afternoon we got a call about a break-in on Peterson Street that ended up taking way longer than we had originally thought it would. I had planned to be home three hours ago, but now it’s almost eight at night and I’m just leaving.

  I walk to the break room and grab the purple cardboard box that holds the delicious cupcakes. I swept in and helped that gorgeous woman and her sons the other night when they were stuck on the side of the road. But I think the side of the road isn’t the only thing she needs rescuing from.

  I was surprised to see them again this afternoon when they brought me the cupcakes. I didn’t need to be thanked, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t glad to see her again. And her kids were pretty freaking cool too.

  I had needed to make some phone calls but put them off so I could spend more time with her. Plus, I loved making her boys smile.

  I can count on one hand how many women I’ve been with since Jasmine, but I can tell you that this woman had an effect on me like none other. She had me saying and doing things that were unlike me.

  When they left the station earlier, she had me wanting to figure her out. I’m sure I’ll never see her again. Her oldest son asked if they could come back sometime, but I can’t see that happening. She seemed to be worried that they were putting me out.

  There was a sadness in her eyes that I couldn’t put my finger on, but I noticed it when I asked her about her boys’ father. I was being nosey as hell, but I wanted to know if she was available. She’s not married, but the large rock on her hand told me otherwise. I hope she’s not holding out for a man who did her wrong. Why else would she still be wearing the thing?

  I tell the other guys bye and walk to the parking lot before jumping into my truck. I crank the AC up because even with the sun down, it’s hot out. I’ve lived in Phoenix since my family moved here from California when I was thirteen, but I still hate the summers. I always thought I’d move back, but life got crazy, so that never happened.

  After taking one of the delicious German chocolate cupcakes out of the box, I set the rest on the passenger seat before taking a big bite. Damn these are good. I finish it off and then my phone rings. I look at the screen on my dash and see that it’s my buddy Anthony from work.

  I stop at a light at Windsor and Sinclair and then press the accept button on the steering wheel.

  “Hey, man.”

  “Hey, where you at?” he asks as I hear laughter in the background.

  “Just headed home. What are you doing?”

  “A bunch of us are at Ryke’s. You wanna come hang out?”

  “Nah, I’m gonna go home and call it an early night.”

  “Dude, you act like such a fucking old man. How you gonna get a chick if you never go out?”

  I pull into my driveway and push the button on my garage door opener.

  “When are you going to grow up?” I retort.

  “Hey, I’m the one with a different woman in my bed every week, not you.”

  “And that’s a good thing?”

  I put my pickup into Park and grab the cupcakes before going into my dark, empty house.

  “Fuck yeah, it’s a good thing. I get all the sex I want without any strings. That’s the life, man.” I can tell he’s already on his way to being trashed.

  “No strings, just STD’s,” I goad him.

  “Whatever, asshole. If you want to be alone with your hand tonight, that’s fine.”

  This guy has no filter whatsoever.

  “Me and my hand will have a grand ‘ol time.” I reply. Two can play this game, smart ass.

  I like Ryke’s, but tonight I’d rather drink in silence.

  I end the call and switch the light on in the laundry room as soon as I walk into the house and then head into the kitchen. Fuck. There are dishes piled in the sink that I know weren’t there this morning. I growl in frustration.

  I head down the hallway, needing to take a piss, but I can hardly get into the bathroom because there’s clothes all over the floor, along with makeup and hair products littering the counter.

  I love my daughter, but I need a bigger house with all the shit she thinks she needs.

  Once I finally relieve myself, I make my way to the fridge, deciding to ignore the mess for now.

  I pop the top off my beer and then dig my phone out of my pocket.

  “Hey, Dad.” My daughter answers after the first ring and I smile.

  Despite her being interested in boys and more excited about seeing her friends than me, she still loves her dad.

  “Hey, Kenz. Where you at?”

  I hear shuffling and then a door close.

  “I’m at Courtney’s. Is it okay if I stay here tonight?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I don’t have to work until noon tomorrow. You wanna grab breakfast at Judy’s in the morning?”

  “Sounds good. I’ll be there around nine.”

  “All right. Love you, princess.” I chuckle, knowing the nickname embarrasses her.

  “Ugh, Dad.”

  I laugh. “See you in the morning, Kenz.”

  “Okay. Oh, and I love you, too.” I hear the smile in her voice.

  I click on E-Sports and get bored quickly, so I decide to take a shower after three beers. That’ll have to be all for tonight since I have to work tomorrow. Anthony was right. I am starting to act like an old man.

  I strip out of my jeans and T-shirt as I enter the bathroom. When I step into my small shower, I adjust the temperature to my liking.

  As I let the scalding water cascade down my body, images of a beautiful blonde infiltrate my mind. She only stood about five feet, three inches, but her body had curves in all the right places. Her eyes were the color of the sea, and her voice was smooth like honey.

  My dick immediately comes to attention at the thought of her.

  I’d love more than anything to see Sierra Greene again, but I know that once wouldn’t be enough. As much as her body captivates me, there’s so much more to her. She’s a puzzle I want to solve.

  I fall asleep thinking of the beautiful stranger.



  The next morning, I’m stirred awake by an annoying ass furball, mauling my face.

  “What the hell?” I push Kenzie’s cat, Simba, off of me.

  I thought I was being a cool dad when I got him for her eighth birthday, but I swear the thing is the devil himself. Most mornings he bites my nose to get me up, so I’ll consider the scratching as a peace offering.

  He meows at me before jumping off the bed.

  I raise my arms above my head in a stretch and look over at the clock. It’s only seven, so I have time for a workout before I meet Kenz for breakfast. I never enjoyed any kind of physical ac
tivity until I decided to join the police academy. Staying in shape isn’t really an option now, but I take pride in how fit I’ve become.

  I pull on some shorts and a clean Arizona Cardinals T-shirt before making my way out the door.

  As soon as I check in at the front desk of the gym, I make my way to my favorite treadmill, which is thankfully open, and start on my five-mile run. I do this five mornings a week, followed by a pretty strenuous weightlifting routine.

  I put my earbuds in, and my mind drifts off to thoughts of a beautiful blonde with blue eyes. I hate that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. I even dreamt of her last night. It’s been years since I’ve felt like this. Hell, I don’t even know how I feel. I’ve never really allowed myself to get too serious with a woman, because Kenzie has always had to be my number one priority. Unfortunately, all the women I’ve attracted in the past didn’t appreciate that.

  I could tell that she’s quite a bit younger than I am. Her oldest son is ten years younger than Kenzie. But that doesn’t bother me. Not one bit.

  After I hit my five-mile mark, I slow my treadmill for a cooldown and then grab for my towel. As soon as I do, I feel a hand on my arm. I look to my right at the brunette that I noticed walk in about fifteen minutes ago. I was too busy thinking about Sierra Greene to give her a second glance.

  I give her a weak smile. This isn’t the first time a woman has tried approaching me at the gym.

  “Hey, handsome. Quite a workout you put in today.”

  I nod at her. “Yep.” I step off my treadmill, careful because my legs feel like jelly after my run. “Have a good day.”

  She stops her treadmill and then hops down, flaunting herself at me. Her shirt is lowcut and I know she’s trying to flirt, but I need to get home to shower.

  “I could really use a spotter on the weights today. You up for the challenge?”

  I don’t want to be a dick, so I decide to be friendly.

  “I actually have to get home, so I can meet my daughter soon.” I smile at her and hers falters. I love being a father, but it’s definitely not a way to get the chicks.


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