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Reawakened: The Unexpected Series

Page 4

by Roberts, S. E.

  “Oh, okay. Thanks anyway.” She jumps back on her treadmill without giving me another glance. Fine by me.

  I’ve taken care of myself, and I know that I look good, not to sound like a dick, but I know that women find me attractive. Unfortunately, it’s usually shallow women and I don’t care to get tangled up in that.

  I make it home in record time and shower before leaving again to meet Kenz at Judy’s. We’ve been coming here every Saturday that I’m off since they opened. I feel like I don’t get to see my daughter very much, but I make sure we’re able to do something special at least once a week. She’ll be leaving me in a little over a year, so I try to spend as much time with her as possible. Although, I’ve learned that seventeen-year-old girls do not think it’s cool to hang out with their dads. I was her age once, so I get it, but still. I’ve basically raised her on my own, and I can’t imagine not having her once she goes off to college.

  I walk into the brick building and spot our usual booth in the corner.

  “Caden, sweetie, how are you?” Ms. Judy asks as I take my seat. I look around to make sure I didn’t miss Kenz but soon realize she isn’t here yet.

  I wink at the older woman who always has a smile on her face. Her gray hair in a messy knot on the top of her head.

  “Hi, Ms. Judy. I’m good. How are you all?” I grab for a menu even though I have it memorized and always order the same thing. French toast, two scrambled eggs, and extra crispy bacon. Ms. Judy is the only one who ever gets my bacon right. I wouldn’t dare tell my mother that though.

  “Good, good. You expecting Kenz?” she asks as she pours steaming coffee into my empty mug.

  I add three creams to it. “Yeah, can you send her back if you see her walk in?”

  “Will do. I’ll wait for her to get here then put both your orders in.”

  I thank her and then pull my phone out to check my email while I wait for my daughter. I hope she didn’t sleep in this morning. I have a pretty hectic schedule the next three days and don’t know when I’ll get to see her again.

  I’m responding to an email about the break-in yesterday when I see her slide into the seat across from me. My face lights up. What can I say? She’ll always be a daddy’s girl.

  “Hey, Dad.” She leans over the table and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Hey, Kenz. You have fun last night?” I’ve never had any reason not to trust her or her friends, plus I know Courtney’s parents well. Unfortunately for her, I use my law enforcement powers whenever she brings a new friend around. Any Joe Schmo could do a background check on someone because that’s public information, but I investigate the hell out of people that she’s around. She’s had a couple boyfriends, and I’m sure those didn’t last long because of me. She’s too young to date anyway.

  She nods. “Yeah, we just had a bunch of people over.”

  I raise my eyebrows at her. “Excuse me?”

  “The Holidays were out of town.” She seems to think this is no big deal.

  “Did they know you were throwing a party at their home while they were gone?” I appreciate her being honest with me, and I always want her to feel like she can talk to me, so I try not to push too much.

  She rolls her eyes, like only a teenage girl can. “Dad,” she sighs, “I thought you were cool.”

  I sag my shoulders. “Kenz, I try to be cool, but I would not be okay with you throwing a party at our house while I was out of town.”

  “It’s not like we were doing anything bad. We were watching movies and eating popcorn. Not having sex or doing drugs.”

  I cringe. No parent ever wants to think of their child doing those things.

  “You’re right, but you still shouldn’t do that without their permission.”

  Judy brings our plates out, not even asking us what we want because she already knew.

  “Hey, Kenz.” She smiles at my daughter. “You want some coffee too?”

  “Hey, Ms. Judy. Yeah, I’d love some.”

  Ms. Judy fills both our mugs and then leaves us to our breakfast.

  “So,” she starts as she bites into her syrupy pancakes.

  I look up at her, “Yeah?”

  “I think I’m going to look for a job.”

  I drop my fork on my plate. We’ve had this discussion several times. I really don’t want her to work when she should be focusing on her senior year of high school.

  “Kenz, how are you going to work with school and volleyball season starting soon?” I’m pretty sure she’s not allowed to work a job while she’s on the team. They have a pretty strict schedule.

  She huffs and throws her hands up in the air. “Dad, I want to buy a car.”

  “What’s wrong with Grandpa’s car?” I laugh because I know she hates driving the thing, but it has been a good car for her. Let’s just say the girl has a lead foot and if she crashed it, we wouldn’t care about the car. Although, I’ve just recently felt comfortable with her driving on her own. Thankfully, she has gotten better over the last several months.

  “Ugh, seriously. I hate that thing. And it’s so embarrassing driving to school.”

  “Fine, but isn’t Coach Anders going to be upset if you’re working?”

  I push my plate away, and take a sip from my coffee.

  “What if I can find a job that works around my schedule? We don’t ever play on Sundays and practice is only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons.”

  I raise my eyebrows at her, “When do you plan on applying for schools, or you know, doing homework?”

  “Dad, I’m an honor student. I get my stuff done at school, plus I’ve already been filling out applications online.”

  That surprises me, and fills me with joy at the same time. As much as I’m dreading the day she leaves me, I’m damn proud of her.

  I deflate back into my seat. “Fine, but if your grades start slipping at all, you have to quit.”

  “Deal.” She bounces up and down in her seat as if I’ve just told her we’re going to Disney World.

  “You’re something, Kenz.”

  She bats her eyes at me. “But you love me.”

  “Yes, yes, I do.”



  It’s hard to believe the day is finally here. I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time, and thanks to my amazing friends, it became a reality much sooner than I anticipated.

  “Are you ready, Sier?” Claire asks from beside me, as I take in my bakery.

  I nod, not being able to answer her because of the emotions. Damn hormones.

  I glance outside my shop and see at least fifty people lined up. From here I can’t tell if they’re wrapped around the building. I’m hoping that the stores on either side of me don’t get upset. I’ll be sure to take them some cupcakes tonight when we close.

  “You okay?” Avery asks as she wraps me in her arms.

  “Yeah,” I choke out. “Thank you both for everything.”

  She waves her hand in the air. “This was nothing.” I don’t believe her for one second. I know that everything they did before I got here was no easy feat.

  “We love you.” Claire joins our hug, and I’m trying not to break down in front of all the customers waiting for us to open.

  “I love you guys too.” I wipe at my wet face and take a calming breath. Thank God for waterproof mascara. “Shall we let them in?”

  They both head for the door to unlock it as I take my place behind the counter. The three of us got here early this morning so we could have fresh-out-of-the-oven treats. We’re giving away a free cupcake to everyone who comes in for the first hour.

  Thanks to Avery’s social media skills, I got set up on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter this week. I’m really not a fan, but after much convincing from her, I let her do it. If it helps my business, I’m all for it.

  “Welcome to The Sugar Shack!” Claire hollers as the first person pushes through the door, nearly knocking her over.

  As soon as the doors open, people are rushing
toward me, and I’m now thankful for the barrier of the counter. The three of us spend the next several hours serving up cupcakes along with coffee and juice. I never could have imagined today being this successful.

  “Mommy!” I hear my sweet Jayce as him and Auggie sprint through the building. They hung out with Claire and Avery’s kids all day, but Ryke dropped them off so they could “help” me close up shop.

  “Hey, boys!” I place a kiss on the top of both their heads. “Want a cupcake?”

  “Do you have any banana splits left?” Auggie asks.

  I stand and walk behind the counter. “I sure do. Go have a seat and I’ll bring you both one.”

  After I get them settled with their cupcakes and orange juice, I look at Ryke.

  “Thanks for bringing them. I hope they were good for you today.”

  He gives me a half hug, “They were great.”

  The kindness of all my friends brings me to my knees. If I didn’t have them, there’s no way any of this would be possible. The only family I have here is Glenna, and I refuse to talk to her until she apologizes to Auggie for being a bitch to him last week. Honestly, I don’t think either boy minds not seeing her. They’d much rather spend their time with Claire and Avery’s families. I feel the exact same way.

  “I’m so glad. All the kids should sleep well tonight.”

  We’re interrupted when we hear the bell above the door jingle.

  I turn and I’m stunned silent. I wasn’t expecting to see him again, but damn, looking at him does something to me. His large, broad frame makes my bakery look even smaller than it is. His light brown hair and blue eyes are intoxicating.

  I hate myself for feeling this way, but any woman with a pulse would get butterflies from him as soon as he enters a room.

  “You’re going to catch flies,” Claire whispers into my ear and that’s when I realize that I’m staring at Officer Harris with my mouth wide open. Shit. He probably saw me gawking at him like a starving animal.

  “Hey, Caden. Welcome to The Sugar Shack!” Avery greets behind me, thankfully oblivious to the swarming butterflies that are taking flight inside my stomach right now. I love the girl, but she has an odd obsession with embarrassing the hell out of me and Claire.

  And wait. How the hell does she know him? I turn toward her, but she gives nothing away.

  He nods. “Hey, Avery. How’s Evan?” As soon as he sees me, a small smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. Damn his mouth. “Ms. Greene.”

  I don’t get to acknowledge him because Avery interrupts.

  “He’s good.” She looks at Officer Harris and then back at me. “You two know each other?” She raises her eyebrows in question.

  I glare her and then decide to ignore her before walking toward the fine specimen in front of me.

  “How are you, Officer Harris?” I ask as I’m now only a few feet away from him.

  He takes off his hat. “You can just call me Caden.”

  I give him a coy smile. “And you can just call me Sierra.”

  “Okay, then.” He looks up at the large menu board that hangs on the wall behind the counter. “I think I need more of those German chocolate cupcakes you brought by the other day.”

  “I knew those would be his favorite!” Auggie yells from behind me, which has us all laughing.

  He looks toward my son. “You were definitely right.” He walks to their small table. “You said you liked the strawberry shortcake ones, didn’t you?” he asks Jayce, and my heart melts. I know that it means the world to my little man that he would remember that. Hell, it means the world to me.

  “Yes! They are the bestest!” He jumps from the table and runs toward me. “Momma, can we get the paweeseman a cupcake?”

  I pat him on the head. “I think the policeman would like that. I’ll be right back.”

  I don’t have either flavor behind the display case right now, so I head toward the kitchen. It isn’t lost on me that my two nosey best friends are hot on my heels.

  “Spill it.” Avery demands as soon as we’re out of earshot.

  “Spill what?” I feign ignorance, which earns me a scowl from both of them. “You’re supposed to be the nice one.” I point my finger at Claire.

  She raises her hands in defense. “I am the nice one, but I also want to know how the hell you know Officer Harris?”

  They both stand in front of me with their hands on their hips, clearly not letting me go back out to my waiting customer until I spill the beans.

  I sigh in defeat, not really knowing what to tell them. He’s just a stranger. A sexy stranger, but still a stranger.

  “He drove us to our apartment last week when my car broke down on the highway.” Now it’s my turn to put my hands on my hips, as I stare back-and-forth at them. “Wait a second. How do you two know him?”

  “He’s been to Ryke’s a few times. He’s friends with Evan,” Claire answers before looking at Avery. Avery nods and then she goes on. “Officer Harris helped with their case with Mallory Parker.”

  I’m shocked. It’s a freaking small world. “Seriously? That’s insane.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us he gave you a ride?” Avery asks, changing the subject. I know that her attack is still a very sore subject. My tough-as-nails best friend has been put through the ringer, and I hate myself for not being here for her when she needed me the most.

  “Because it wasn’t a big deal. I got it taken care of.” And really, I did. I was embarrassed to let the fine-looking man take me and my boys home, but I couldn’t leave my children on the side of the road all night.

  “And have you seen him since?”

  I roll my eyes at how dramatic they’re both being. “Yes. The boys and I took cupcakes to the police station to thank him.”

  “I can think of a better way you could thank him,” Avery waggles her eyebrows, clearly feeling no shame whatsoever.

  “Avery!” Claire and I both shout at the same time, which causes her to laugh.

  “What? You’re single. Do whatever the hell you want.”

  At that my chest tightens. Obviously, I know that her words are true, but it’s still painful to hear. I mean, fuck, it’s been almost five years. I shouldn’t react this way anytime anyone mentions something like this to me.

  “Shit, Sier. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “No, I’m fine.” I wave her off. “You’re right. I am single.” I leave it at that, not wanting to get into my lack of a relationship right now. “I need to get back out there in case anyone else comes in. I don’t think Ryke will want to hold down the fort.”

  Both girls laugh. “Oh, lord. Yeah, you don’t want that man in charge. He may try to sneak something fishy into your cupcakes.”

  “After today, I could use a drink,” I say as I gather up a box of cupcakes for Caden. I don’t know why, but the fact that he told me to call him by his first name does something to me.

  “We’re celebrating tonight,” Claire announces from behind me, and I turn toward her.

  “What are you talking about?” I seal the box and head back toward the front.

  “Ryke’s parents are in town and are going to watch all the kids. We’re going out to celebrate your grand opening.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack,” Avery answers, and I can only shake my head at her.

  I walk to the front and my heart nearly stops. Officer Harris… Caden is sitting at the table with my boys, coloring with them. I feel Claire and Avery’s hands on my back, which is probably good because it suddenly feels like my knees are going to give out on me any minute.

  There are a million different emotions running through me right now. I feel happy because this stranger is showing so much kindness to them, but sad, because it should be their father. I know he’d be proud of the little men they have become, but it hurts knowing that he’ll never get to witness any of the things I experience with them every day of our lives.

  I shake the thoughts out of
my head and walk toward their table.

  “What are you gentlemen working on?” I ask as I take the fourth chair at the table.

  “I’m coloring Superman!” Jayce hollers. If these boys could color all day, they would.

  “That’s great, baby.” I look over at Caden. “I brought you a box to take home.”

  He smiles. “Thank you. How much do I owe you?”

  “They’re on the house.”

  “I don’t think you’re going to stay open long if you keep giving me free cupcakes.”

  I chuckle. “Well, next time you can pay.” I hate the fact that I’m assuming he’ll be back.

  He throws his head back in laughter. “Deal.” He finishes the page he’s working on and then stands from his chair. “Well, boys, I have to get back to the police station.”

  They respond with “Aww, man!” And it has us both chuckling.

  “Are you going to arrest the bad guys?” Jayce asks. I don’t know what it is about boys and “bad guys,” but it makes me laugh.

  “Unfortunately, no. I have to go to a boring meeting.”

  I stand from my chair, feeling the need to escort him out.

  He tells Auggie and Jayce bye and then heads for the door, but before he pushes it open, he turns to me and gently grabs my elbow. I’m sure the look on my face tells him the effect he has on me. How can one freaking touch, to my arm nonetheless, send so many inappropriate signals to my lady parts?

  “It was good seeing you again. Thanks for the cupcakes,” he says in his sexy voice, and I’m only seconds from losing my damn mind in front of this guy.

  “Of course. Come back anytime,” I rasp out. Fuck. I know my nosey ass best friends can hear how I’m acting. They’re sure to give me hell about it as soon as he leaves.

  “I’ll definitely be back.”

  He pulls away from me and walks out the door, and I watch him like the stalker I am, until he climbs into his truck.

  “Damn girl,” Avery says beside me.

  “Don’t say a word.” I sigh in defeat.



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