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Reawakened: The Unexpected Series

Page 12

by Roberts, S. E.

  I push my sunglasses up on my face. It’s still hot out, but this morning it’s a little overcast, which is a nice reprieve after the summer we’ve had. That’s one thing I did not miss about this place.

  “Wonderful,” I tell them honestly. There’s no reason to beat around the bush.

  He’s stayed busy working lately as well, so I haven’t gotten to see much of him, but he calls or texts every day at least. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders after I told him about Miles. It was hard talking about it, but at the same time, it felt good because I hadn’t in years.

  “You’ve got it bad,” Claire chimes in. “But I get it. After Trevor put me through hell and back, I never thought I’d find love again.”

  I choke on my drink. “Hold up!” I raise my hand in the air. “I am not in love, and he isn’t either. We’ve been together under a month. We have fun and he makes me happy. That does not mean you two need to start planning our wedding.” I raise my eyebrows, waiting for them to argue.

  “Oh, come on,” Avery whines in exasperation. “Are you that clueless?”

  “What are you talking about?” I ask, proving that I am in fact clueless.

  “That man looks at you like he wants to have you for dinner,” Claire says, and I laugh. Usually she’s the more chill of my two best friends, but it’s obvious that her sister-in-law has rubbed off on her over the years.

  “Anyway…” I narrow my eyes at her. “Like I said, we’re just enjoying each other for now. I don’t even know if he wants anything serious.” I don’t know who I’m trying to fool, them or me, but they aren’t dumb. Caden isn’t the type to skip from woman to woman, even if he never plans to settle down with anyone permanently.

  “Mmhmm, sure…” Avery says as my phone on the table chimes with a text. “Oh! Oh! Is that him?” She nearly falls out of her seat trying to see the screen.

  I blush like a teenager as I grab it out of their view and see that it is Caden. I’ve missed seeing him, but we both knew it would be somewhat hard with us both having other obligations. Being a grown-up sucks sometimes.

  Caden: Hey, beautiful. Just wanted to tell you I miss you and can’t stop thinking about you.

  I’m sure I’m as red as a tomato as a grin splits across my face. He’s been sending me little messages like this since we started dating, each one managing to give me damn butterflies. This one is no different.

  My fingers hover over the screen, trying to decide what I should say back to him. This man has me a flustered mess. He makes it hard to think straight. Memories of our last kiss flash to the forefront of my mind. The other day I took an extra-long lunch when Claire came into the bakery so I could go by the station to see him for a bit. I stopped by his favorite sandwich shop, Elroy’s to get him lunch, and then we ate together in my car. It’s hard for us to get alone time, but the twenty minutes I had with him were perfect.

  Before he climbed out to get back to work, he grabbed my face and nearly devoured my mouth, seeming to enjoy me more than his hot ham and cheese. I could taste him the rest of the day, not that there was any way I was forgetting that kiss anytime soon, or maybe ever.

  I snap back to the present, remembering I still haven’t responded to him. I don’t like to act overly anxious, like I’ve been waiting all morning to hear from him. Even though I have. But I also don’t like to keep him waiting.

  Me: Hey, handsome. I miss you, too. When can I see you again?

  I set my phone back down and bounce my leg in anticipation. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was this excited about anything. Opening my bakery was a close second, but Caden? He’s opened something up in me. He’s made me want to live again. My boys are my life, but I’ve finally realized that I can have more than that with him.

  “She totally didn’t hear you,” Claire says, her voice seeming far away. Apparently, my thoughts of my sexy police officer make it near impossible to think of anything else. I can’t say that I really mind though.

  “No way. She’s got that far away look on her face.” The loud clap of Avery’s hands brings my attention back to them. “I bet he’s a beast in bed, isn’t he?”

  I gasp, “Avery Porter!” I can feel my cheeks heat at the mention of him in bed. I wouldn’t know, but if his kissing is any indication of how he is in the bedroom, he definitely will not disappoint.

  “Come on! I want all the deets!” She gets out of her chair to check on little Emery on the monitor and then makes her way back to us. “Has he handcuffed you to the bed yet? Because damn, that would be sexy as hell.”

  I look over at Claire to see her keeled over in her chair, nearly falling to the ground in stitches. These girls are something else.

  When I met them seven years ago, I was in a dark spot. But soon after I got out of the psychiatric hospital, my sense of humor and inappropriate thoughts were back in full force. But then Miles died and I changed. A lot. I’m sure some of that had something to do with growing up, but I feel like I lost a big part of myself. Caden seems to be helping me find that again.

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Why? I really want details.” She stands from her chair again when Emery cries. “I love our girls, but I haven’t exactly been getting a lot of action lately. I need to live vicariously through you.”

  “Aren’t you going to go get her?” I ask, pointing at the monitor. I’m really hoping that cute little princess is going to help me get out of this conversation. I love these two like sisters, but I really don’t feel like explaining to them that I haven’t slept with Caden. As much as I want it. So much. I’m scared shitless too. I haven’t been with anyone in years. What if I disappoint him?

  Avery waves her hand in the air, blowing my question off as she sits back down.

  “She’s fine. You aren’t getting off that easy, missy.”

  I sigh heavily as I lean my head against the back of the lounger. It’s starting to get warmer outside, and their pool is looking awfully inviting right now. Okay, here I go avoiding them again. I finally gather the nerves to look at them and shake my head.

  “We haven’t slept together.”

  “What?” My firecracker best friend gasps in disbelief. “Why the hell not? I mean, I thought you made things official?”

  Claire swats her arm. “That doesn’t mean they have to sleep together.” She stares off in space with a dreamy look on her face and I know she’s thinking about Ryke. She met him one night when we went to his bar for open mic night. He was a major playboy before her, and she had just left her douche ex after catching him cheating on her. They were friends for a while before they got together, but I couldn’t have been happier for her once they finally did.

  “Me and Ryke were together for awhile before we ever slept together.” She shrugs her shoulders.

  “And then they had hot barn sex.”

  I cringe at the thought of getting hay in places that hay should never be, but more power to them. They were like a bunch of teenagers. Hell, they still are, making me want to puke every time I see them together. But Avery and Evan are the exact same way. Even with four kids, they are still sickening adorable.

  My phone goes off again, interrupting our conversation and I, once again, become giddy knowing it’s my guy.

  Caden: Well, my mom wanted me to invite you and the boys over for dinner on Sunday. You’d be able to finally meet Kenz too… again.

  He wants me to meet his family? Am I ready for that?

  Another text comes through within seconds.

  Caden: You don’t have to, but I want to see you and probably won’t get to for a few days after that.

  How could I possibly turn him down? As nervous as I am, I can suck it up if it means I get to spend some time with him. And as always, it makes me swoon that he’s always thinking about Auggie and Jayce too.

  “Shit,” I mumble but apparently loud enough for Avery and Claire to hear.

  “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Claire asks.

  I don’t look
at them when I respond. “Caden wants me and the boys to meet his parents and daughter this weekend. Well, I guess I already technically met Mackenzie, but the last time I met a guy’s parents I ended up with the Wicked Witch for a mother-in-law.”

  Both of my evil best friend’s cackle beside me, like said witch, and I glare at them.

  “I better finally get sex for this.”

  Now they are both holding their stomachs, noise not coming from either of them, apparently finding my predicament humorous. I’m glad they do.



  “Caden!” Jayce yells as he swings the door of their apartment open. I’m pretty sure he’s not supposed to be letting anyone in but decide it probably isn’t my place to correct him. At least for now.

  “Hey, squirt. Where’s your momma?” I ask, having a feeling she’s locked herself in her room because she’s a nervous mess about meeting my family.

  I would much rather just stay here with them tonight, but my mother would hunt me down if I ever skipped out on a Sunday dinner. Plus, it’s important for me to keep Kenz close to my family since Jasmine took off. Even if her mother doesn’t want to be involved in her life, she still has people that love her, and I always want her to know that.

  “She’s paintin’ her face,” he says casually as he marches toward the living room, and I chuckle. These boys are hysterical.

  I walk past Auggie, who is reading a book on the couch, and when he sees me, he raises his fist in the air so we can do knuckles, and then I make my way to the bathroom to find my girl.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I say from the doorway as I watch her apply makeup to her face with a brush. She’s gorgeous without it, but like every other woman I’ve ever met, she doesn’t think so. She’s wearing a knee-length brown dress, her toes painted a soft pink.

  “Hey!” She drops the object in her hand and spins around into my arms. “Am I dressed okay?” She looks down at her outfit, and when I also look down, I get an eyeful of cleavage. I’m definitely not complaining.

  “Yes. You look perfect.” I grab her chin so she’s looking at me and then peck her gorgeous lips.

  She runs her hands down her dress. “I’m nervous.”

  I smirk. “I hadn’t guessed.”

  That earns me a smack to the chest. “What if they don’t like me?”

  I run my hand through the loose curls she put in her hair. The sun shining through the bathroom window causes it to look almost golden. She’s fucking stunning and she has no clue.

  “That’s not possible.” I kiss her on top of the nose. “They are going to love you and those two crazy boys.” I point toward the living room. “Jayce informed me that you were in here painting your face,” I say, trying to ease her mind.

  She throws her head back, and I get a sexy view of her neck that looks so inviting. If we were alone, I’d be tempted to rip the dress right off her. I have a feeling we’ll be taking our relationship to that next step soon. God, I hope so, at least.

  “They’ve been warned to be on their best behavior.” She turns back toward the sink, continuing on her makeup.

  “Don’t worry about them. My parents don’t care and they’ve been around plenty of kids. I’m sure they’ll love having younger ones around again.”

  She finishes what she’s doing and then pulls her hair up and blows out a breath.

  “I’m sorry. I really am looking forward to finally meeting them.” She pauses.

  “But?” I grab her arms, running my hands up and down both of them.

  “The last time I met a guy’s mother, she was Glenna Greene,” she says while looking at me through the mirror.

  A roar bursts through my lips, and when I look at her, she’s glaring at me.

  “It’s not funny!” She shakes her head and turns back to me. “I know your mom isn’t like her, but Glenna has never cared for me. I just don’t want them to think I’m not good enough for you.”

  It all makes sense now. Miles’s mom never made her feel like she was wanted. I know that he loved her and cared too much about her to let his mother stand in the way, but I imagine it was hard on her not to be accepted.

  “That woman obviously has no clue how wonderful you are.” I only met her once, but the first impression I got from her was not a great one. I know both my mom and my dad will love her. “And you are more than good enough for me.” I slowly kiss her cheek. “If anything, I’m not good enough for you.”

  “Stop being so sweet,” she whispers up at me, and I think I’ve made her relax some.

  “Never.” I grab her face and kiss her like my life depends on it. I kind of feel like it does. Sierra Greene seems to be the oxygen I need these days to get by. I often wonder how I survived so long without her.

  “Mmm,” she hums when I finally let her go. “You’re a good kisser.”

  “Is that all you want me for? My good kissing?”

  She looks me over and then spins me around by the hips so she can get a better view of me. Knowing she’s checking me out like this sends a fire through my body I can’t explain.

  “Nah. I like you for your hot ass too.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

  Since we started dating last month, she seems to be more carefree. I like to think I had something to do with that.

  “Where did I find you?” I run my nose through her hair, inhaling her intoxicating scent. I don’t even care that I’m acting like a total creep. I can’t get enough of this woman.

  “The side of the road.” She giggles.

  “I’m glad I did.”

  “How many damsels in distress have you rescued like that?” she asks jokingly.

  I pull away from her so she can see the seriousness on my face.

  “You didn’t need rescuing, beautiful. You were doing just fine on your own.”

  If anything, this woman rescued me.



  “Mom, this is Sierra,” Caden says as he squeezes me close to his side. “This is my mom, Vivian.”

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you!” she squeals as she pulls me away from him and crushes me in a hug. I have to say, I definitely wasn’t expecting this kind of greeting from her. As much as I can’t breathe right now, in her tight grip, I suddenly feel calmer. But I also feel like a bitch for freaking out so much about this.

  “Please don’t scare my girlfriend before she’s inside the front door,” I hear Caden mumble behind me.

  “Stop being so dramatic.” She looks down at the boys who are standing next to him. “Oh! You must be Auggie and Jayce.”

  They both nod, acting like they’re shy. They are good at fooling people.

  She squats to their level, already acting more grandmotherly than Glenna ever has.

  “Do you like chocolate chip cookies?”

  “Yes!” they say in unison.

  “My momma makes cupcakes,” Jayce tells her. “Do you like cupcakes?” He looks up at her, awaiting her response. I love hearing the excitement in his voice.

  “That’s what I’ve heard.” This sweet woman is already so good with my guys and it makes my heart melt. “I love cupcakes. Do you think I could come visit her bakery sometime?” Their little back-and-forth conversation warms my heart.

  “Come on.” Caden walks around the three of them and grabs my hand. “My dad is probably in the other room watching TV.”

  He pulls me through their beautiful, large house. It’s far from a mansion but bigger than anything I’ve ever lived in. Caden told me that his mom is a retired teacher and his dad was also in the police force until a few years ago. If his father is half as friendly as his mother, I have nothing to worry about.

  We finally make it to the living room where an enormous TV sits on the wall, and sure enough, his dad is sitting in a recliner watching it.

  “Hey, Dad,” he calls out and the man jumps, and it’s obvious that he didn’t hear us walk in.

  He sits up in his chair and then turns the volume down.

He smiles at me as he stands to his feet. “You must be Sierra.” He walks toward us and then pulls me into a hug. This family loves their hugs, but I can’t say I mind. It’s better than being completely rejected by them.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I say once he finally lets me go.

  “Oh, no, darlin’.” Mr. Harris shakes his head. “The pleasure is mine.” He nods to his son. “He won’t shut up about you.”

  “Dad…” Caden grouses, and it has me and his father bursting with laughter at his expense. I’m sure I’m blushing now, knowing that he talks about me to his parents.

  “I’m Robert, by the way,” he says as he looks at Caden with an annoyed look since he didn’t introduce us. Not that he’s had the chance.

  “Sorry,” he mumbles. “Sierra, this is my pain-in-the-ass dad.”

  “Caden!” I love that he seems to have a good relationship with both his parents. A pang of jealousy hits me in the chest, but I’m glad that one of us has that.

  “Hell-o!” We all turn toward the hallway when Mackenzie enters the house. She’s as gorgeous as I remember, and it makes me wonder if his ex was just as stunning. Her blonde hair falls over her shoulders in beautiful curls. Her short jean shorts and Converse shoes contradict her top half. She seems to be a tomboy, but I’m not surprised since Caden raised her on his own. I have a feeling that she gives him a run for his money though.

  “Hey, Kenz,” Robert says to his granddaughter as she wraps her arms around his middle. I have no doubt in my mind that he has spoiled her plenty over the years. Even without her mother, I can tell that she hasn’t gone without the love and support of their family.

  “Hey, Gramps.” She pulls back and kisses him on the cheek before leaving him to go to her dad.


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