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Reawakened: The Unexpected Series

Page 13

by Roberts, S. E.

  “Hey.” He kisses her hair as he tucks her into his side. They look so much alike it’s uncanny. “You’ve already met Sierra.” He smiles at me.

  “Yeah, but I had no idea this was her.” She walks toward me, and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do when officially meeting my boyfriend’s daughter, but since they all seem to enjoy hugs, that’s what I decide.

  “So good to see you again,” I say as I pull away from her. “It’s such a small world that you’re in Jayce’s class.”

  “Right?” She smiles. “That’s exactly what I told Dad.” She looks around. “Speaking of, where is the little guy?”

  “Gram is probably hyping them up on sugar in the kitchen,” Caden tells her. Normally I would care more, but tonight seems like a good excuse for them to eat unhealthy treats. Not that they don’t have them anyway every time they visit the bakery.

  “Oh!” She claps her hands. “I need to see what kind of cookies she made.” She skips out of the room, and Caden shakes his head at her.

  “She’d have a heyday at your bakery.”

  “That’s right,” Robert interrupts. “I love my wife’s baking, but Caden told me you can make a hell of a cupcake.” My heart skips a beat at another mention of him talking about me.

  I smile. “Well, I don’t know if I would say that, but yeah. My grandmother got me hooked on baking as a child, and it was always my dream to open a bakery. It finally happened once I moved back to Phoenix.”

  Caden’s dad pats his stomach. “I’ll be by this week. Surprise me with a dozen of your favorite.”

  I’m not used to being treated like this, especially by complete strangers. I know I shouldn’t be surprised that his family has already been so welcoming, but it’s such a relief.

  The three of us make our way to the smell of Vivian’s chocolate chip cookies, and boy, is the aroma amazing. Auggie and Jayce are both seated at the counter on barstools, a plate in front of each of them. Mackenzie has now joined them and is talking to them about school, and my heart could literally explode. I definitely lucked out. Most teenage girls wouldn’t be interested in my ornery guys, but I can tell that she really cares about what they have to say.

  I’m busy watching them and don’t hear Caden walk up behind me.

  “Hey,” he whispers into my ear as he wraps his arms around me. “They all seem to be getting along.”

  “Yeah. You did a really good job with her. She seems like a great girl.”

  He tightens his hold on me. “Yeah, she is.”

  Our little moment is interrupted when his mom asks him to set the table. I should probably offer to help as well, but for some reason I can’t take my eyes off the three of them. Is dating for the first time in years supposed to be this easy? I mean, I’m not complaining, but surely things can’t always be this perfect. I hate that I think this way, but I’ve spent the last five years of my life waiting for the next ball to drop. I just hope I come out of this one alive.



  “Do you ever actually relax when you’re not working?” Kenz’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. She’s right. I need to learn to leave this shit at the station. There’s not much I can do at home besides answer a few emails anyway.

  I close my laptop as she takes a seat on the couch across from me. It’s rare we’re home together these days, with us both dating now. Who would have thought that I’d ever say something like that?

  “So?” I raise my eyebrows at her, but she doesn’t notice because she’s busy texting away on her damn phone. I was a teenager once, so I try to remember how uncool I thought my parents were back then.

  “So, what?” She sets it on the table beside her as she pulls her legs under her body.

  “What did you think of Sierra?” I’ve been wanting to ask her this all night, but we hadn’t been alone at all until now. I really hope she’s okay with me dating her, because frankly, I don’t think I’d ever find another woman that came even close to her.

  She rolls her eyes like only a seventeen-year-old girl can. “Dad, I already knew I liked her. She’s super cool and I love her boys.” I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

  “Good. They are pretty great.” When she doesn’t say anything, I go on. “You know, Kenz, you’re still my number one priority. Nothing will ever change that.”

  She sighs as she throws her head back against the couch. “Are you happy?”

  A small smile creeps across my face. I couldn’t hide it if I wanted to. “Yeah.” I nod. “I’m really happy.”

  “Then so am I. I’ve never thought for one minute that you were neglecting me, Dad.” She fidgets with the throw pillow in her lap. “Jasmine left me, not you. You don’t have to be punished for what she did.”

  How did she get so fucking smart? I’m a big guy at six-foot-two, but her words about bring me to my knees.

  “You told Gram and Gramps that she’s been through a lot. What happened?”

  At her question, I feel a little pang to my chest. I hate thinking about the fact that she had to go through so much to be where she is today. It sickens me knowing she lost so much in one day, and her boys never got to know their father. Hell, he never even got to meet little Jayce. Until now, I haven’t let myself think too much about the man she loved for so long. They were high school sweethearts. First loves. No man wants to think about his woman being with anyone else, but knowing that she was loved before me makes it a bit easier. Fuck. That’s exactly how I feel about her. I love that woman without a doubt in my mind.

  “Dad?” Kenz says, bringing me back to our conversation.

  “Sorry,” I mumble. “What did you say?”

  “You’ve got it bad.” She giggles, which puts a grin on my face. “I asked what happened to her.”

  Oh, right.

  I pull at my hair, surely leaving it standing on top of my head.

  “Her husband died about five years ago.”

  Her mouth gapes open. “That’s terrible. I had no idea.”

  “I know. They had a house fire. She ended up having Jayce that night right after he died.”

  “That’s so horrible. How is she so strong?”

  “She’s amazing, Kenz.”

  She walks across the room and takes the cushion beside me.

  “What about you?” I grab for my beer sitting on the coffee table and take a long swig.

  “What about me?”

  “Are you happy?” For the last seventeen years of my life, all that’s mattered to me is her.

  She chuckles but then sees that I’m serious. “Yeah.”

  I rub my hands along my face. “Is that kid good to you?” I’ve never met her boyfriend, although that’s not for lack of trying. Every time I tell her I want to meet him, one of them has an excuse for it not working out.

  She smiles bigger than I’ve probably ever seen and have my answer.

  “Yeah. He’s great.”

  “So, why don’t you want me to meet him?” I ask as I stare straight ahead. I’ll never think anyone is good enough for my baby girl, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t meet him. He needs to know that I’ll kill him with my bare hands if he ever hurts her.

  “I, uh…” she stumbles. I look over at her, waiting for an answer.

  “Spit it out, Kenz.”

  “I don’t want you to hate him. I really like him.”

  “Come here.” I pull her into my side. “I won’t hate him if you don’t, but if he ever makes you cry, I’ve got about ten guys at the station who will hunt his ass down.”

  She smacks me on the chest, pretending to be annoyed. She thinks I’m joking.

  “Invite him for dinner next weekend.” I don’t ask this time. I’m tired of being told no.

  “What?” She sits up with shock on her face.

  “Oh, come on, Kenz. I’m not that scary, am I?” The kid should be scared. I’m not even going to apologize for that.

  “One condition.”

  Here we go. This h
as always been how she works so it really shouldn’t surprise me.

  “Shoot.” I take another pull from my drink.

  “I want Sierra here. I think you’ll be nicer if she’s around.”

  I nearly spit my beer across the room. “You make me sound like an ogre.” But truth be told, I love that she wants Sierra around. It means more to me than she could ever understand.

  “You’re not quite as cute as an ogre.” She pokes at my side.

  I grab her hand. “I’ll have to ask her but that sounds good.”

  “Are you going to be on your best behavior?”

  “I make no promises.” I kiss the top of her head before standing to make my way to the kitchen, and she follows me.

  I reach into the freezer, pulling out some ice cream for the two of us.

  “Mint chip?” I ask as I hold the carton up.

  “Uh, yeah,” she says dramatically, like I should know better than to ask if she wants sweets. “With hot fudge on top.”

  I make us each a bowl and join her at the table, but then her phone rings from the other room. She sprints for it like it holds the answers to life, which I suppose, when you’re seventeen, you think it does.

  “Hello?” she answers it as she walks back in. “Hold on a sec.” She covers the phone with her hand. “It’s Kyle. You care if I take it?”

  I shake my head. “No, but tell him he’s coming for dinner next Friday.” I smirk at her, and she rolls her eyes. I’m guessing she will not be telling him that. I may have to call him myself.

  She grabs her bowl off the table and then walks out of the room, and I hear her bedroom door shut in the next second. I look at the clock and see that Sierra should have the boys down for bed by now.

  I rinse the few dishes in the sink and then make my way into my bedroom, remembering my revelation from earlier. I love her so damn much it hurts, but I know I can’t tell her that yet. I have a feeling that those words would scare the shit out of her. Especially this soon into our relationship.



  “Hey, handsome,” I answer after the first ring as I throw myself into bed. It feels damn good to finally lay down after fighting the boys at bedtime.

  “Hey, beautiful.” His voice hums through the line, sexy as always.

  “I think I want to marry your family.”

  He sniggers. “They loved you too.” He pauses. “I told you, you didn’t have anything to worry about.”

  “I know. I’m sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be. I was a bit worried my mother would scare you off, but she adored you.”

  “Both your parents are great.”

  We go back and forth like this, talking about everything and nothing. Conversation is always easy with him, never forced. I’ve missed having a companion like this. Someone to talk to about whatever is on my mind. Someone who finds the little things about my life not completely dull, even when they are.

  “Let’s play a game.”

  I giggle. “What are we, ten?”

  “Hush. I’ll go first.”

  “What if I don’t want to play?” He knows better, but I love our playful banter.

  “Too bad.” His hearty laugh has my entire body tingling. Never in my life have I been affected by a damn laugh like I am with this man’s. “Okay, I’ll ask you a question and then you can ask me one.”

  “So, like twenty questions?”

  “Yeah, that.”

  “Why do you get to go first?” I sound like a petulant child, but I love giving him a hard time.

  “Oldest goes first.”

  “Oh, my God.” I chuckle. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Hey, I have to use the older thing to my advantage.”

  “Okay, old man. What’s your question?”

  He scoffs but then ignores my blow.

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  “Really? We’ve been dating a month. Shouldn’t you already know that?”

  “Just tell me.”

  “Fine bossy, it’s purple. What’s yours?”

  “Green. Now your turn. See how this works?” I hear the teasing in his voice while I imagine the big smile that spreads across his handsome face.

  “First kiss?”

  “You don’t waste any time, do you?” The rumble of his laugh vibrates through the phone. I could spend all day listening to that sound. “Okay, hmm…. Cindy Thomas, third grade. What about you?”

  “I bet you were such a player in the schoolyard, weren’t you, Officer Harris?”

  “Damn straight. Now, who was yours?”

  I will always love Miles, but I don’t want him to feel like I’m always talking about him, even if he says it’s okay. I’m lost in thought, so I don’t answer right away.

  “Beautiful, I’m sorry.”

  He mistakes my silence as sorrow. “No, I’m all right. I just feel bad always bringing Miles up in our conversations.”

  “Hey, I’ve told you before I know that he’s a part of you and always will be.”

  “Miles was my first kiss.” There’s no reason to lie about it. He was my first of many things, and I wouldn’t change a thing about that. Other than losing him, especially the way I did.

  We ask each other several more questions, mostly nonsensical ones, but we keep each other entertained and I even learn a few things about him.

  “Okay, my turn.” I yawn into my hand as I turn my head and stare at the clock next to my bed. We’ve been at our game of twenty, more like eighty, questions for going on two hours now because each answer has taken us on a tangent. Not that I have minded one bit. Although, I may in the morning when I can’t drag my ass out of bed.

  “Shoot,” Caden says, way too damn chipper for this time of night.

  “Favorite guilty pleasure?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I wish I could shove them back in. Believe it or not, I was really talking about junk food or bad reality TV, but I know that’s not how he’ll take it.

  The line goes silent, and I’m worried that he thinks I’m a complete idiot.

  “Okay, that sounded terrible. Let me rephrase…”

  “No. Don’t,” he finally says abruptly, his voice sending shock waves to my lower regions. I’ve never heard him talk like this before, but it’s definitely doing something to me.

  “Uh, what?” Surely, I misunderstood him. We’ve never done anything beyond kissing, and now he wants me to ask him what his guilty pleasures are. Like sex? Jesus. I sound like such a prude.

  “What are you wearing?” he asks, the authority still laced in his tone.

  I look down at my Carolina Beach shirt that I have practically lived in since I bought it years back. Yeah, this isn’t sexy. Not wanting to lie to him, I stand from the bed and quickly pull the shirt over my head and then the spandex shorts come off next. Although, he might like those.

  I rummage through my drawers looking for something that may show some semblance of sexy, but come up empty-handed. How pathetic am I?

  “What are you doing?” I realize that I still haven’t answered his earlier question because I was too busy trying to look hot for him even though he can’t see me. It is so unlike me to act like this, but he makes me want to live on the edge a bit.

  “Nothing.” I gently close the wooden drawer before falling back into bed, now in nothing but my bra and underwear. Even those look like something I could have borrowed from my grandmother. Lord help me. I need to go shopping pronto. “Did I embarrass you?” he asks, once again bringing me out of my trance.

  “No.” I’m totally lying.

  “So, what are you wearing?” Goose bumps appear on my arms, a sudden chill in the air.

  Deciding that he’s not going to let me off the hook, I cave.

  “My bra and panties,” I whisper into the phone, and I hear his intake of breath. I love knowing I can do that to him even when I feel like I have no clue what the hell I’m doing. It’s a true miracle that I didn’t screw up kissing him… like biting
his tongue or something.

  “Nothing else?” I hear rustling on the other end, and I have to wonder if he’s taking off his own clothes.

  “No.” I suddenly feel exposed, which makes me both nervous and excited at the same time. “What are you wearing?” I shock myself with the question, but now it’s my turn.

  “Just my boxers.” There’s a pause. “Are you okay with this?”

  “Yes.” And I really am. I want to do this, and much, much more with him. I’ll take what I can get for now. “I’ve never done this before though.”

  “That’s okay.” I hear movement again. “I’ll help you.”

  “Okay.” I think this man could ask me to do anything and I would. That’s how much I trust him.

  “Good girl. Now, I want you to slowly slide your bra straps down so you can free both of your breasts. Can you do that?”

  “Yes.” I glide both straps down my shoulders and watch as both my mounds fall out of their confines. The cool air from the overhead fan blowing on my exposed skin makes me even more aroused.

  “Now I want you to pinch one of your nipples between two fingers and pleasure yourself.”

  I do as he says and throw my head back, careful not to drop the phone in the meantime.

  “Does that feel good?”

  “Yes.” I pant out, realizing how neglected I’ve been for so long.

  “Good. Now massage the other one.” I knead the other nipple between my fingers, and I want so bad to let my hand travel further down my body. Actually, I want nothing more than for him to touch me in my most sensitive spot.

  “Run your hand down your gorgeous stomach, but stop at your panties.”

  My fingers glide down my body, but I stop like I’m told. We’ve hardly begun but I’m already worked up and I’m sure he can tell.

  “Now, I want you to slowly, very slowly, caress yourself over your panties.”

  I do as he says, feeling the wetness through the thin material.

  “Are you wet?” he growls like a man on a mission. I guess right now he is. He’s on a mission to give me the best damn orgasm through phone sex… or maybe ever.


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