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Starting Over

Page 3

by Erin Cristofoli

  I ran my hands through my chestnut brown hair, which was short on the sides and messy on top, just professional enough, yet still young to match my 30 years. Sitting at my desk, I stared back and forth between sketches from the design team and my laptop. The presentation that my team was to present to a potential international client in three weeks time sat before me, and I couldn’t seem to find focus. I glanced up at the clock to see it was just seven am. Having tossed and turned for hours, I’d given up on sleep for yet another night and had been in the office since the early hours of the morning. I hadn’t been right since... Roxanne. I shook my head in an attempt to clear my mind. No, I couldn’t focus on that. I had to keep my head in the game.

  I stood and paced by the window, trying to clear my head. My thoughts drifted to my romp in the coat-check of the club over the weekend. God, that woman was sexy, so sexy I’d broken my own rule and decided to see her a second time. But this time, I was going to be in familiar territory at Blue Velvet.

  Blue Velvet was an extremely exclusive club. The excessively high membership fees were worth every penny because the club provided not only the best security and privacy, but also the best service. Excitement coursed through my veins at the thought of having Kate be my plaything for another evening. That would be the end, though. I scowled at my temporary lapse in judgment. I just had to have my way with her completely, and then she would be out of my system.

  I had found Blue Velvet by chance-- the only good thing to come out of Roxanne.

  Roxanne. That was the name of the bitch that broken my heart.

  One evening, just over two years ago, my ex-fiancée had texted me to say she would be working late. She had been working late a lot, so I thought she might enjoy if I surprised her with dinner. I’d brought her favorite takeout to her office. With a quick tap on her office door, I opened it to a sight I’ve still not been able to forget. My woman, who I thought was the love of my life, was sprawled across her desk, legs in the air and tits jiggling, as some stranger pounded into her. I dropped the food I’d been holding to the floor, feeling as though my heart had been ripped out of my chest, unsure if I was going to be able to breathe ever again. Roxanne glanced at me, a tiny smile appearing on her lips. She must have seen the hurt on my face because her smile grew. The man, seemingly oblivious, didn’t slow his thrusts as he continued running his hands over her body. Roxanne caressed her breasts, adding to her pleasure. As she watched me, she moaned loudly and climaxed, her back arching in ecstasy.

  I had seen enough. Without a word, I turned and walked back out the door.

  I wandered the streets and eventually found my way to a small pub not far from my home. Over the countless drinks I pounded back, I pondered what I had possibly done to deserve this, and before too long, my sorrow slowly turned to rage. I hated that fucking bitch. Screw her, and hell, screw all women! I was a successful, good looking guy. Before that bitch, I hadn’t had any trouble getting laid. I could easily go back to being that guy; in fact, I would again become unattainable. I’d shut down my heart and just enjoy the now, with no desire for commitment ever again.

  A couple of hours later when I was sufficiently trashed, I managed to stagger back to my condo. Before literally crashing into bed and drifting off to sleep, I foggily noted that everything that had been Roxanne’s was gone.

  For a month after that indescribably horrible night, I spent my days engrossing myself in my work. By night, I drowned myself in booze, hopping to a new bar or club every night. It wasn’t long after that I found an exclusive club that suited my needs-- Blue Velvet. But Blue Velvet wasn’t just any other club. This was an exclusive venue that catered to the riskier way of life, the wonderful world of BDSM. Roxanne had never been interested in any kink at all. I had been interested, though, and so I decided to finally explore it.

  It started out as a means of diversion for my brain, but before too long, I was a regular attendee, a dominant and loving every minute of it. There were a lot of easy women at the club, always looking to fulfill their fantasies of a little kink. Part of the appeal for me was that members remained completely anonymous by simply wearing the masquerade masks the club made available. I got to have my fill of women and never had to think about committing again.

  I snapped out the trance I had slipped into and looked up at the time again: seven-thirty am. At this rate, the day was never going to end. I looked hard at the computer screen trying to force focus. My new assistant wasn’t due to arrive until nine am. Just then, there was a light knock on the door. I didn’t bother looking up, as I expected it was probably one of my many employees, who generally would barge in as usual, but no one entered. Strange.

  “Come in,” I called, still looking over my presentation. Hearing the door open, I glanced up to see a set of the most amazingly toned legs that I had ever seen, and they clearly continued up underneath a tight pencil skirt. Fuck. I felt my cock stir in my pants. Internally scolding myself for my lack of professionalism, my eyes continued upwards to a trim waist and perfectly delectable breasts. Her button-down shirt was skin tight, showing just the right amount of cleavage, accentuated by the high ruffled neck. Her tits were perfect, and I had the urge to have my way with her on that feature alone. The girl cleared her throat nervously. I slowly exhaled a breath that I hadn’t been aware I’d been holding, and tore my eyes away from her body to look her in the eye.

  “May I help you?” I asked politely.

  “Mr. Hyde? My name is Katherine White, but everyone just calls me Kate. I was hired to be your personal assistant. I’m sorry to bother you. I wasn’t sure if this was even the correct office, as no one is in yet, and of course, we didn’t meet during the interview.”

  I must have had a look on my face because she immediately added, “I’m sorry, Mr. Hyde. I tend to ramble when I am a little nervous. I promise to try not to let that happen too often.”

  “That’s perfectly all right. You are in quite early on your first day.”

  “Oh… yes, Sir, I wanted to get settled and be ready to go for whatever you have in store for me. Besides, I don’t live too far away.”

  Sir. Why did her calling me that sound so hot?

  I stood from my desk and approached her, shaking her delicate hand. She gave me a surprisingly strong handshake, then turned to follow me as I led the way to the office next door.

  “I’m sorry we were unable to meet face to face for the interview,” Kate apologized.

  “Yes, I remember that you are from out of province. This will be your office,” I said, gesturing to lead her through the door. “Our offices have an adjoining door for ease, as we will work closely on most things. I’m not sure what you were told in the interview, but I am an early riser and tend to work late. There will be times when you will need to work late for me. Sometimes, even travel will be necessary. I hope that will not be a problem for your significant other.” I immediately regretted verbalizing my thoughts.

  “No, Sir, I don’t have a significant other. I just moved into town. Working early, late, or both won’t be a problem,” Kate replied, and I noted that she looked flushed as she answered me. She needed her to stop calling me that, or I would eventually combust.

  “Please call me Ben. No need for such a formality here. I will leave you here to get settled. I have left some important documents on your desk to review and familiarize yourself with what we do here, what you will be responsible for, and of course the clients that we deal with. Today, we’ll just try to get you set up. Tomorrow, we can jump right in. Please let me know if you have any questions.”

  Kate turned toward her desk, and as I turned to walk back to my office, something caught my eye. On the back of her neck was a Celtic tattoo. I took a double take and sucked in a deep breath. Could it really be? Tall, thin woman with sexy legs, who was new in town and had a Celtic tattoo on the back of her neck… What were the chances?

  Kate looked up at me, a concerned look crossing her features. “Are you all right, Mr. Hyde?”
/>   I cleared my throat and tried to compose myself. “Yes, thanks. I’ll let you get to work.” I quickly returned to my office and sank into my desk chair, stunned. Could my new assistant be the very same woman that I had fucked around with at the club? My thoughts drifted back to our physical connection, and I felt myself go hard. Fuck. I had the sudden urge to go to her and take her over her desk. But I couldn’t do that. I had to work with this woman. But what did that mean for my plan to take her to Blue Velvet? Should I tell her? No. She would either not want to go to Blue Velvet, which I was seriously looking forward to, or worse, she would quit, and I did need her assistance-- in more ways than one it seemed. I decided it would be best to just have that one night at the club and then life could get back to normal.

  Walking into our conjoined bathroom sporting a healthy hard-on, I decided that the best way to deal with it would be to try to relieve myself. Unzipping my pants, I pulled out my hard cock. I was just about to go, which always took an extra moment in my ‘condition’, when the bathroom’s other door opened. As I looked up, I was faced with a very shocked Kate, whose eyes appeared to be glued to my member. I couldn’t help smiling to myself. She wasn’t immune to me either; it was apparent she liked what she saw. Snapping out of her trance, she squeezed her eyes shut and quickly spun around, a deep crimson blush covering her face.

  “Oh my goodness, Mr. Hyde, I am so sorry. I just wanted to know what this door led to. Oh my God, I want to die at this very moment. I am so sorry to have burst in on you. It will never happen again.”

  She took a step toward her office, but I stopped her. “Katherine, stop-” I ordered sharply, quickly tucking my still hard cock back in my pants. Relief would have to wait.

  “Please, it’s Kate,” she said as she slowly turned to lean up against the wall beside the sink, casting her eyes downwards.

  I chuckled to myself as I washed my hands. “Kate, please don’t worry about it. I am not embarrassed by my exhibition. It was partially my fault for not locking the doors. But I am sorry if I have embarrassed you. I will make an effort to remember to lock the doors in the future”

  “Oh, no, I’m pretty sure the only person needing to apologize is me. I hope I have not just jeopardized our working relationship at all.”

  “Nonsense,” I stated. “Now, not another word about it. Let’s get back to work, shall we? I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”

  Little did she know, I was about to jeopardize it further.

  I scurried back to my desk, not daring a second glance back. My heart was pounding a million miles a minute in my ears, and I had to force a couple of deep breaths to slow it down. Once I composed myself, I tried to return back to the task at hand and learn as much as I could before Mr. Hyde, err Ben really laid the work on. But my mind was not on the papers scattered on my desk. My mind was on the very vivid image of Ben standing there holding his substantial penis in his hand. I could feel the little tingle run down my spine and work its way between my legs. I squirmed a little, hoping it would dissipate, but no such luck.

  Damn it.

  There was no denying that Ben was drop dead gorgeous. He knew damn well he was hot, too. The minute I had laid eyes on him, I felt a little weak in the knees, and it definitely didn’t help that he had inspected my body like a piece of meat the moment I walked into his office. Everything from his bright green eyes and his chestnut bed-head hair, down to what I believed was probably a sexy as hell body underneath that suit he wore excited me. I took a shaky breath, my mind wandering, and I couldn’t seem to help picturing him pushing that cock into me as he leaned me over his desk. Shaking my head, I tried to clear the thoughts out of my head. I needed this job too much to mess about with my boss.

  I grabbed a random file from the stack on my desk and yanked it open with unneeded force. Refocusing my attentions, I got to work trying to familiarize myself with its contents.

  When I next looked at the clock, it was six pm. Exhausted and eager to get home, I stood and stretched. My body was still wound so tightly after the day’s events. I poked my head into Ben’s office and found him at the other end of the office, looking determined at his computer. I cleared my throat, and he looked up.

  “Mr. H- Ben, I am going to head out for the night, unless there is anything else you need me for.” I watched him run his eyes down the length of my body, and it was all I could do to not let him see the excited shiver that ran through me.

  “No, Kate, I think you’ve done enough today.” His eyes came up to rest on mine, smoldering with intensity.

  “Okay, goodnight then.” I could feel my face flush, and hurried out the door and home. I wasn’t sure what that had been all about, but he set my nerves on edge.

  I watched Kate walk out the door and then sank back into my chair. My heart pounding, I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Fuck, this woman was messing with my head. The front of my pants tented as I thought again of her sexy curves. I groaned and packed up my laptop then grabbed my jacket. Maybe a trip to the club would set me straight.

  Walking out the door, I headed down the familiar route to Blue Velvet. I nodded to the bouncers as I reached into my satchel to grab my mask. My personal mask had been custom-made of black velvet with an intricate design embroidered in both gold and silver. I walked through the door and headed to the bar. “Scotch on the rocks,” I said to the bartender. After downing the first drink as soon as it arrived, I ordered another and took a quick look around. In the Lounge where I sat, there were a few people milling about, but it was early and I knew things would definitely pick up in a bit.

  Sitting back on a lounger, I relaxed while thoughts of Kate being here with me drifted into my mind. I smiled to myself as I thought about all the dirty things I would like to do to her. Kate might not be into this type of play, but she had been willing to romp amongst the coats, so I reasoned that there must be a little bit of kinky side to her. On the other hand, she was my assistant. However, if I fucked her senseless just one time, she wouldn’t have to know it was me, would she? The thought left me unsettled. I could tell Kate was different. There was something in her eyes and the way she spoke that made me think she’d been hurt; I didn’t want to hurt her further.

  I took a large swig of my drink. This was going to drive me crazy – I knew it. Standing up, I proceeded to the adjoining room, the Central Room as it was called. I took a stroll around the outskirts of the room, scanning the women to see if there was anyone that captured my interest. A few women paused in front of me, offering themselves, one even running her hand down the front of my pants, rubbing against my cock that had jumped to attention at the thought of Kate joining me there. However, I kindly declined their advances. Unclear as to why, I had become disinterested in fulfilling any fantasies this night. Heading toward the exit, I finished my drink on the way.

  I exited the club and made my way home. Still feeling the effects of thinking of Kate when I reached my door, I poured myself another drink and stripped down to my underwear in front of the fireplace. I slid my hand down inside of my boxer-briefs to adjust myself. That felt good. I really needed release. I stroked myself slowly at first, closing my eyes, and a picture of Kate entered my head. My breath caught in my throat as I stroked faster, pausing just long enough to pull my hard cock out for better access.

  God, how I would have loved to have Kate’s mouth on me. My thoughts fueled me, my heart pounding in my chest, and I could feel my release building. I slid off my underwear and grabbed some nearby tissue. With a couple more strokes, I found my release, though not the kind I had hoped for. I cleaned up and headed to bed for what I expected would be another night of disturbed sleep.

  My back was pressed up against the window of his office. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel his hands graze up the sides of my body, brushing briefly against my hardened nipples. He nibbled on my neck, moving one hand to raise my skirt up to my waist, then grabbed my thigh and lifted so my leg wrapped around his hip. I heard a zipper, and then
his hardness was against me, teasing me. I groaned loudly. He pushed slowly into me, pausing before pulling back out. I was so close, and when he pushed into me again, it sent me over the edge, causing me to cry out his name. Ben!

  I woke with a start, shaking and sweating. Did I just…? Oh, yes… yes, I did. Groaning as I rolled over, I buried my face in my pillows. I mentally scolded myself for subconsciously fantasizing about Ben.

  It had been two and a half weeks since I started my new job, and I was loving it – loving it so much I was stupidly losing control of my dreams. I sat up and stretched. The better part of the night had been spent tossing and turning. It was barely morning now, but I got up and hopped into the shower. There was no way I was going to be able to go back to sleep after a dream like that.

  As I turned off the water, I recalled that Ben had said that he worked early most mornings, so I quickly dressed and headed into work. Stopping for coffee along the way, I decided to get one for Ben as a kind gesture, and then grabbed all the ingredients as I was unsure how he took it, or if he even drank coffee. When I arrived at the office, it was still only six in the morning. I wondered if he would be in that early. As I rounded the corner from the elevator and headed down the hall to my office, the rest of the office was still eerily silent. Briefly setting down my purse, I straightened my clothes. I had chosen a dark grey cotton wrap dress with a decent v-neck and a pink belt to accentuate my waist. After knocking on our conjoining office door, I entered. To my surprise, he was at his desk, looking frustrated at his computer screen, the scene almost the exact same as when I had left him the night before.

  “Good morning, Ben,” I said quietly. He looked up, his eyes widening in surprise at seeing me, then darting over to glance at the clock. “I couldn’t sleep,” I explained before he could ask.


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