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The hands of Leo

Page 8

by Quelli di ZEd

  Practically it made me come a big headache without besides reaching any useful conclusion despite my repeated efforts to launch him some encouraging looks.

  Chapter 35. The visit of Stefania

  The next day came to find us proper Stefania, you/he/she had prepared a dessert and you/he/she had brought a piece of it to make to taste him/it. I didn't know very well our neighbor, but of a thing I was more certain: few women knew how to make the sweets as her. Few instants after his/her entry, such a good aroma to be made resuscitare the corpses had invaded the whole house!

  "If I were him I would marry only her for this" I thought with the saliva about the mouth.

  «Ah, that bubu. bubu. chebuonodore, deveve. devevessere exceptional dadavvero. Now vavavado to see if I have an alive. an alive. to dessert vivino» it said Italo.

  «I have seen that you have saved my Barbie from that cur. You hold, you are you him really deserved» Stefania told me making me a caress, then a piece of dessert handed me that for the truth it was really microscopic.

  I stayed sat to alternatively stare at the dessert and Stefania in the hope that understood and it lengthened me of it another piece.

  «Eccocolo, the sasa. The knews him/it that dada burdens papartes there was!» it said Italo that reappears holding in beautiful show a bottle of Vinsanto of that fact in the house.

  «Excellent» Stefania responded «we treat well today there.»

  «Some that Leo is really polite» it added then «I have given him his/her piece of dessert ten minutes ago but you/he/she has not touched him yet. It evidently waits that we start all to eat.»

  «Yes. yes.» Italo answered while distractedly you/he/she was trying to uncork the bottle.

  You/he/she was pierced twice already a hand with the corkscrew because you/they had restarted their strange game of looks. Considering that Stefania didn't seem intenzionata to strengthen my ration decided to leave them alone, I picked up my piece of dessert and I went out for going to taste me him in garden. I gulped down the dessert in an instant, stretched dopodiché me on the belly grass in on and I started to day-dream. I had to put to sleep me, because when I opened out the eyes it was almost dark. Curious, definite to go to see what you/they were combining that two. Approaching me to the portafinestra I heard the voices just whispered, I cautiously leaned out me in stay and I found them sat on the couch, and as always near neighbors were. In front of them, on the tavolino of the living room, the dish by now clean of the dessert, a bottle of completely empty vinsanto and a fifty-fifty. They had the red cheeks and they seemed very more intimate of the usual one, and their confidence seemed increased notably. I tried to understand what they were said but they talked too much to low voice.

  "You want to see that they are declared?" I thought.

  Definite of passar their neighbor to snatch even a shred of conversation but nothing, was not understood a beautiful anything! Definite not to disturb them and I thought that a big desire I would have had to make a pair of runs and four jumps, but I didn't have anybody with which to play. Considering that it was dark you/he/she could be that they were about to transmit the Looney Tunes; I threw straight toward the kitchen hoping that the red spy of the TV was power on and that the remote control was to course of leg, and I ascertained happy that was everything as I had desired. I settled me to the best on the floor and you premise the green key of the remote control, but the cartoons there were not yet. I got up me to go to take my preferred pupazzetto, in attends him you/he/she would have made me company. I looked for him/it for the whole house but I didn't find him/it, passing again in the living room notaries that now Italo and Stefania were listening" Ghost" for the nth time.

  Chapter 36. The spites of Puffi

  After uselessly having still looked for the pupazzetto some, also using the nose to try to feel its odor and to find a trace that brought me from him, returned in the kitchen because I feared that the cartoons already start. And with mine immense surprise I found my preferred pupazzetto, thrown under on the floor to the table, that seemed that it was to wait there really me.

  "How strange" I thought" yet I am sure that first there was not."

  However starts it initials her/it some cartoons. I stretched me to earth and I put the legs above there. After having cradled him/it for some with the eyes glued to the screen I distractedly gave him a nibbles, and later I made immediately a sneeze. Then another and another anchor, while a strange feeling appropriated instantly him of my mouth. Perplexed and worried, I got up me and I went to the interrupter to turn on the light with a musata, and when I saw the rag doll a wave of panic it appropriated him of me. That was not at all my pupazzetto, what I had just nibbled was the pupazzetto of Puffi. It was identical to mine but of another color, and I was more than some that that accursed gattaccio had replaced him of intention to make me the nth spite. Among a sneeze and the other I looked for him/it with the look and I found him/it, the scene was enjoying himself/herself/itself crouched on the table.

  «Grrr Bau (This time you have exaggerated, you have done indeed her big)» I snarled him between a sneeze and the other.

  He looked me mischievous with a printed mocking smile on the face, and I didn't see us more from the anger. I detached a jump toward the table with the intention to give him a beautiful zampata, but he moved him fast as a lightning and it jumped me in rump, later it extracted immediately the claws. This way I was me terrorized in a condition of inferiority, and as every time that furbastros succeeded in rubbing me: started to scratch me above the tail, and that was perhaps the only thing that succeeded in stopping me! He/she knew well it, and every time that it was in difficulty it saved him in that way. Was stronger than me and of every other present dog on the face of the Earth! A dog can be angry as you want, but you scratch him/it above the tail. Even if at that time he/she would like to destroy you, to brake you and to reduce you in shreds, will be immovable, abducted from the pleasure that produces him that scratches. I was incapable to move me, prey of that entrancing feeling, and I didn't succeed in making a movement that allowed me to shake me him of back. I knew that from a moment to the other would have combined even more me a great spite because I knew well it, but I didn't succeed in rebelling! And so of blank point planted me the fangs in the tail and escaped away. Anxious to avenge I turned me to me to snap at him/it to my it turns, but he/she succeeded in stepping aside himself/herself/themselves for a hair. My mouth the air, the jaw went off to empty and my teeth banged the one against the others. What pain, had already a principle of gengivite! I launched me to the pursuit for all the rooms of the house, overwhelming and destroying vases, knickknacks, furniture and all of this that I found on my road. We arrived of big career in living room, Italo and Stefania now you/they were dancing and each they were lost in the eyes of the other.

  Chapter 37. The declaration

  «I have to tell you an important thing» you/he/she was saying Italo that, thanks to the whole vinsanto that you/he/she had drunk, to the moment he/she didn't stammer.

  «I listen to you» she had responded.

  «It has been being for the first time that I have seen you that you. that The wanted.» he delayed in attended that the correct words came out him.

  «. yes?» it encouraged him/it her, that literally hung from his/her lips staring at him/it with the great eyes as hot-air balloons.

  «I meant you that you to.» you/he/she was finally saying Italo, while her that he/she didn't believe in his/her own ears it stretched dark out dark and him toward of him. At that time its neck didn't have anything to envy to that of a giraffe.

  «Me you to.» you/he/she was saying him, and in precise that instant The overwhelmeds them throwing on the ground them.

  Puffi earned the exit. I knew that to that point I would never have succeeded in catching him/it and I stayed me to the center of the living room there. The stereo was fallen and you/he/she was extinguished, the table was inverted to earth and the bottles they rolled on the floor.
Magic was enfeebled, and it was all guilt of mine. Paralysed by the sense of guilt because I knew to have combined her/it big I remained there, incapable to run away. I slowly lowered the ears, I hid the tail among the back legs and I crouched me, ready to receive the correct punishment. Italo struck by lightning me with the look, then you/he/she helped Stefania to rise again himself/herself/themselves.

  «. it is everything to place?» the churches thoughtful.

  «Yes, is nobody made evil luckily. by the way, thing you were saying?»

  «. me? I have asked you if you are well!»

  «Not now, first!»

  «Thing I was saying? Excuse, but really I don't remember» embarrassed Italo the head responded scratching himself/herself/itself, while I was trying to encourage him/it with the look.

  «Perhaps if you help me.» it added with the torch that caught fire for the shame.

  «Certain! You were saying that since the first time that you have seen me to me to. me to.»

  «You are right, now memory. here. The wases saying that since the first time that The have seen you to you to. you to.»

  «. siiì?» it did her with the eyes that a city would have illuminated to the dark.

  "We are there, it now tells him him" I thought satisfied.

  «me you to. you to. The would have lent you the hammer, if you had asked me him.»

  You looked at him/it strange.

  «The hammer?»

  «Yes, it is so. but you have never asked me him» it added Italo widening the braccias and hiding the head among the shoulders as if it was waited for to slap.

  «You are taking around me?» Stefania asked him in resentful tone.

  «No, me.»

  «It is now perhaps that I go» it did her changing expression and suddenly becoming cold.

  «No, it waits. me.»

  «We see us» it cut short her deeply offense, got further then without turning himself/herself/themselves.

  Italo looked at verse of me, now my turn had come to hide the head among the shoulders.

  «If-if-if-six proproprios a draw-tratra-tratraditore» it told me looking me in the way more disappointed according to which a human being had ever looked me.

  Without adding other it was thrown on the couch scotendo the head. I stayed for some to stare at him/it, in it attests of a reconciler look, then seeing that it was useless I went desolate to kennel thinking that with a good pair of hands I would have been able to skin alive Puffi.

  Chapter 38. The application of help

  Even if in reality iniquity had been finished from the gattaccio, I kept on feeling me tremendously in guilt to have interrupted that magic moment of theirs, and above all to have done him/it as soon as the day after Italo was confided with me. To this point it didn't stay me that a thing to be done. Not that we had become really friends, but after I had saved her from the Dobermann the relationships between me and Barbie you/they were improved, we sometimes caught the sun together or we had a good time making team to chase the the lizards. Instead we played at times to make the struggle to contend us some pupazzettos of plush. Not that pits the maximum one of the life, but at least I made some motion, that never hurts. Me however I had kept on not giving her too confidence, while now she gave me the impression to stick more every day some. Making I count me that alone I would not have succeeded in making up for to the done damage, and that also lavishing me with everything myself I would never have succeeded in making to strike the spark between Italo and Stefania, I told me what time, I had never need, that Barbie gave me a leg. I knew for non direct experience, but Steve had been a good teacher, that after an event of the kind the two persons in love get further. This because after having pronounced compromising words, they are felt naked, defenseless. Then they put on on the defensive in attends him that the other face the first footstep. And often, then, to the end among the two it doesn't happen anything anymore. Us dogs we are different, we are very more forehand; if you are me on the boxes I you, if I love you I lick you the hand, if you are me indifferent I don't consider you. Simpler than this way! But the human ones no, they is complicated. Reached this point, instead of closing the eyes and to let him go to silence they start with the psychological games; if you love me I love you, rather, perhaps, but if you hate me instead I hate you, rather no I ignore you because I am you superior, and so street. Then that little that you/they had built collapses in hurry, and he/she is under buried to a mountain of non said words. This way I approached me from Barbie to bark her my application of help. Contrarily to how much I thought, because sincerely if I/you had been her I would not have seen of good eye Italo as engaged for my owner, she accepted with enthusiasm. In fact the evening before Stefania was confided with her, and you/he/she had cried for a long time because he/she didn't succeed in gathering that marvelous fruit that had to brought of hand, the love with her" to" capital. We decided to plan the correct situation to try to make to become them a couple, but the thing didn't introduce at all him in simple way. We watched them for a few days, and as the two persons in love it was predictable you/they had rather gotten further. Worried, Barbie and I - that struck by the sensibility by me shown towards the problem of our masters, it totally treated me in different way - we waited with anxiety that you/they decided to spend an evening together to effect our plan. The occasion finally arrived. That evening Italo and Stefania had decided to dine together with house of her. Barbie and I had organized all so that to the correct moment they stayed alone, to the dark, with I set less suits possible. To that point their preferred song would have departed and we finally hoped, at least one of the two you/he/she would have taken the initiative.

  Chapter 39. The romantic cenetta

  The evening starts from some and in effects you/he/she was proceeding very well. At first I had brought the aphrodisiac that Italo held hidden under to the pillow of the couch, that he is never known to Barbie. After having poured the appetizer in the glasses Stefania you/he/she had gone to end to get ready himself/herself/themselves, and my accomplice had taken advantage to add him/it to the appetizers without dirtying the tablecloth of it, easy thing at all without a good pair of hands. The mixture had started soon to make to feel its effects, in fact Italo and Stefania had begun the supper agreeably conversing, as two good friends, you apparently forget some last diplomatic accident. Meanwhile they ate and the time went by. More and more red in face, also because Barbie and I had turned on at the most the heaters, you/they had started to grow loose buttons, strings and zippers.

  «What heat» they kept on alternatively repeating.

  To each minute that passed the two they stuck out more him some each verse the other while their hands slowly went toward him on the tablecloth, and we ascertained encouraged that as thin to as soon as a few days before you/they had returned to lose himself/herself/themselves each in the eyes of the other. In an action of extreme courage Italo had taken the hand of Stefania and in to make the glass of the wine had upset him/it, just as to the old times! Barbie and I, hidden out we enjoyed there happy the scene. Of sudden she drew near me a too pochino and it rubbed the face against mine.

  «Mmhh. (they macaws really nice, it is not true?)»

  «Bau (Already. we hope both the good time, they would deserve both burdens happiness!).»

  «Mmhh mhh bau. (Self-acknowledged that didn't I give you I know sensorial, to the beginning you seemed me to bullo).»

  «Grrr hhììì. (I/you/they have accustomed There, it often happens me).»

  To that point I started to worry me because Barbie he was doing more and more near.

  «Bau? Bau.? (And you thing thinks of me?).»

  «Mmhh. (The don'ts know well still you - glissai doing the human one - because you ask me him?).»

  «Mmhh. (Know, The almost have the age to become mother.)» did her, and that was the answer that dark feared than everybody!

  Also she was as all the others canine, when do only also yourself in four to have some fr
iendship don't exist, when then break your boxes and stop kissing the ground where they walk then suddenly become interesting! The matter he was putting badly, I remained in silence.

  «Mmhh. (The know him/it that The hads judged badly you, but The would not mind deepening our relationship. Even one day we could make some cucciolettis. What do you think of it?).»

  "Yes, so with all that ringlets that have they come me with the hair rasta" I told me!

  «Mmhh. cai bau bau (it is soon Perhaps burdens to speak of these things. and then it is not the moment, soon we have to enter action)» The cuts short to change discourse, and it was true because of there to few our plan would have gone off.

  Barbie would have made to depart the music of foundation and them you/they would automatically have gotten up with the glass in hand to dance, I would have passed of there with indifferent air and I would have stamped on the interrupter of the standard to extinguish the light and to leave them to the dark. Immediately later Barbie and I would have entered scorrazzando as if we were playing, she would have bumped Italo to make to stain him/it with the content of the glass and him the shirt you/he/she would be removed, then you/they would have started over dancing. Then I would have grabbed with the teeth the edge of the carpet and I would have given him a beautiful sharp tug to make to fall them on the couch, embraced. We still stayed some in silence, with Barbie that kept on being I set me to look at the evolution of the supper. It was almost arrived the moment to put our plan into effect, when the cellular phone of Italo suddenly rang.


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