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The hands of Leo

Page 9

by Quelli di ZEd

  «Yes, certain, I am me. Yes, I have understood. ok, comes the first possible.»

  It attached and it.

  «Excuse, but they have me. you/they have called me for to job, The would not like to go us, but lately the things don't go very well» it informed her/it with sad expression.

  Stefania lowered the eyes disappointed thinking that it was not really destiny, but then it was said that it was not correct that was so selfish.

  «I understand you. not to worry you, goes also» it told him «The wills wait you.»

  Chapter 40. The attack

  Italo got up and approached the facing one a millimeter from that of Stefania, and you/he/she stared at her/it for a long instant in the eyes. You thought that you/he/she would finally have kissed her, instead an eyelash removed from her cheek and was started.

  «Leo, with me» he/she called me, and I followed him/it happy because you/he/she had removed indeed from me from an embarrassing situation.

  Did I look at Barbie, did I lift the eyebrows as to say" That you want it stuffed?" and I set out me. While I am salivating on the auto a strange odor it suddenly made me return in mind Steve, the shed and the funeral, but unfortunately I didn't succeed in understanding its origin and I didn't have time to think for a long time of us, because I immediately had to lower me on the seat and to aim the legs not to be tossed on one side to the other of the cabin. Because of the stimulant that Barbie had poured in the glasses, and of the anger for the nth loving disappointment, Italo drove as a pilot of formula one. Had always had the vice of the sporting guide, but that evening was exaggerating and I would have liked to be able to lace me the safety belts! The asphalt was dark it was slippery because of the damp and the road in descent it quickly flowed more and more under us to the wheels. "I would like to know that scrubs there is, they are two months that don't work!" I would have told him if I/you had been able to speak his/her language. I saw the dark trees instead come I meet me and I could not do anything else other than to hope. To the exit of a curve we found us of sudden before two dazzling lighthouses, it had to be a trucks or something similar because it occupied the road for almost all his/her width. I made the only thing that I was able, and that is I crouched me and I shut the eyes, but I didn't succeed in holding I closed for a long time them because I had to see what you/he/she was happening. Italo launched a terrified and appalling cry, you/he/she brusquely steered immediately later of side while you/he/she was crushing the pedal of the brake with all the strength that had in the foot. Because of the bathed fund the auto didn't leastly slow down its run, then Italo said another decided swerve. The auto fearfully skidded of side toward the trees and Italo said a hit of controsterzo. The auto made a pair of turns on herself and started to slip of side as a skater on the ice. The lighthouses kept on coming I meet us, more and more great, but we were going out of their trajectory. The problem was that from that part there was a tall precipice. To that point Italo, showy lost, he/she left the steering wheel and it threw me I set, and I have never understood if it did him/it to protect me or to hope to fall on the soft one. In every case, when the auto plunged him in the void I had crouched on myself, and him grasped to me in such a strong embrace to get away the breath. After few fractions of according to there was the first crash, then another and another and another anchor. And a deafening noise of plates that you/they curled up, and of glasses that shattered him. The auto rolled on itself same various times then exploded, as soon as an instant after we had been hurled out of the cabin.

  Chapter 41. The awakening

  To the awakening realized to be still alive only thanks to the awful pains that attacked every single bone of my body, I also had a great headache and courage missed to open the eyes. I was ended who knows where, extended on a bed to belly in on. The silence was broken only from the monotonous humming and from the periodic beep of some machineries that I thought that they had to be connected to me. Different bandagings tightened me various parts of the body, and on the moment it seemed me strange that someone was taken so much care of me, I was only after all a dog. Definite that before opening the eyes I would have taken a small inventory, to try to realize what my conditions were and to understand if I still had some healthy part. I had to regulate the ampleness of the breath because the chest did me bad. Definite to start the inventory from the appendixes, so that to frighten me the less possible in case of negative result. I started trying to move the tail, I tried two or three times but nothing to do, I didn't feel her/it to me. I didn't feel her/it really. I shut the eyes strongest, not to risk not to even open them for mistake. I was terrorized. To mentally calm me ripercorsi all the phases of the accident to the search of a reassuring detail, but my memoirs interrupted him in the moment in which Italo and I were for impattare to the ground still embraced, after a flight of an about ten meters. After various attempts I allowed to lose, you/he/she was increasing me the headache. I taken back the analysis of my body. Even if I felt to have the bandaged head, to move a few the base of the ears would not have had to be difficult. I focused for a long time me, but it was useless. I didn't feel more even those.

  "Accidentaccios, owe to have amputated me the ears and the tail. Or worse I have perhaps lost the sensibility, because I am paralyzed. No, I cannot stay in the doubt, I have to check."

  At the end, after having turned to the god of the dogs all the prayers that I knew, that were really little for the truth, I did me courage and I opened the eyes. I became me account that I was me in a room of hospital and that I saw everything sfuocato. I looked before and I saw I set to my body, spread out on me, that of a man all bandaged. That's why all that pains, were crushing me! But the strange one was of it that I saw only the bust, the braccias and the legs but not the head. What had Italo and I remained inserted in the bump? Did they perhaps have us ricuciti together as two Siamese twins because detaching we would be us dead? Had you/they decided to put in sharing some vital organ even? Was I perplexed, where devil was you/he/she ended the head of Italo? And my body? What end had you/he/she made my body? I didn't feel him/it. I laboriously rotated the head and I saw a suspended mirror to the wall, really close to the bed, above the comodino. With a painful effort infinitely I succeeded in turning to stick out me to me toward the mirror. The image from the indefinite contours, reflected in the mirror, it seemed really that of the face of Italo. All bandaged, looked me with surprised expression. Encouraged because also he was alive I turned me. You/he/she would have had to be to my shoulders, instead nothing. I returned to look at the mirror and was there again! Possible that had desire to joke really at that time? I leaned out me some more to see better and I lost the balance. Don't fall I instinctively grabbed on me to the back of the bed and. The grabbeds on me? I looked at the narrow hand to the back. I felt the cold contact with the metal. I looked again at the mirror. I looked again at the hand. Incredulous, I gave her the order to open and this obeyed. I reverted of stroke on the bed, hurting me. To the limit of a hysterical crisis I detached the mirror from the wall and I brought me him in front of the face, I threw away then it while I was launching a cry of terror that woke up the whole hospital. The mirror fell to the ground and he broke.

  Chapter 42. As it is dead Leo

  A young nurse and trafelata it entered racing in the room, the crossbar to which the flebo was suspended and lost the balance bumped. It fell me I set of weight tearing me another cry. It had to be a first day of job, it was all sweaty and while it was murmuring words of excuse it tried to put again to place the flebo with trembling hands.

  «They said that you/he/she would have slept for three days, instead accipicchia if you/he/she wakes up» it said hesitant.

  It tried to understand what you/he/she had made me howl and it made back a footstep, surely I had to seem her a crazy person. I kept on looking around me, then the bandages that covered my body looked. I lifted the braccias and the riabbassavos, I opened the hands and I closed her observing her to open mouth. I finally looked at her w
ith the blocked eyes, without saying nothing.

  «Thing there is that it doesn't go?» he/she asked me seeing that despite the pains I continued to shake me.

  «It itches her something? Does it need a grattatina? He/she knows, happens to all those they are found under those conditions, it is a psychological thing.»

  I insisted in my experiments, worried, without answering, I confined me to send forth those that if I/you had still been in my old body you/they would have been of the yelps. The nurse saw the broken mirror to earth.

  «Oh, my goodness. You look there. this will cost her seven years of troubles!»

  "Badly because till now has been a walk, I started really to annoy me!" I thought.

  The girl looked again at the mirror, then the bandages that covered my face, and you/he/she connected.

  «Ah, here! I have now understood because it is so altered. To wake up him so, of sudden, everything bandaged as a mummy. but coop calm, he/she won't remain disfigured. at the most burdens scar will stay her, but it has to consider fortunate him however because apart burdens bruise you/he/she is practically gone out of it unharmed. He/she saw instead as that poor beast you/he/she was reduced. you/they have employed to beautiful po' to understand that it dealt with to dog. You shows up, once that you are ended to earth the whole pieces of the car they have reverted you I set. to leg was inserted in the exhaust pipes, the gear shift passed aside his head apart. Don't speak then of the.»

  To those words I restarted to wag me stronger than before.

  «On, I know him/it that it was him affectionate, but doesn't do this way. I was telling only him him to make her an example, to make to understand her how much fortunate has been. And then, it was only after all a dog» it did her so much to comfort me.

  "As it was only a dog? Was my body, I was me! All the bandages hardly raise me I will give you a beautiful bite. rather, now that The think it, Khan strangle you, knows much now The have the hands!" I thought.

  «On, doesn't do so. when it will go out he/she will buy another.»

  I felt me to die. For an instant I had hoped that you/he/she was treated of a simple exchange of bodies caused by the bump, I had hoped that as me I was ended in the body of Italo he was ended in mine. To that point you/he/she would have been enough to find again him/it and to discover the way of take back us the respective bodies. but if mines were to throw, then Italo where you/he/she was ended? Surely had to be dead! I started to cry.

  «It is better perhaps if I give her a light sedative, she is too much anxious. On, you turn him» it said the nurse preparing a syringe.

  Chapter 43. Stefania arrives

  While the needle penetrated in the my new gluteo someone it knocked to the door letting the nurse, that the needle folded up tearing me another moan of pain starting.

  «It is permitted?» he/she asked Stefania that had timidly leaned out on the threshold; it held a purse.

  «You also arranges» the nurse answered after having finished to the best to give me the shot «I leave you alone. But does soon because soon it will collapse dormant.»

  «I would have liked to come first» Stefania began after having given me a kiss on the cheek «but first I/you/they are passed from your house to take you some things. as you macaws?»

  «C-c-c-ccaaìì» I answered.

  "My goodness, she missed only us! And now as I do to speak?"

  «Excuse, has not understood» it said approaching himself/herself/itself some to feel better.


  "Curse, has happened still. But as cabbage they do to move the language? I have to be silent!"

  «Gg ggrr ggr» I insisted faking to clear me the voice.

  «I have understood, for junta the cough has also come you. It doesn't care, not to strive to speak to you, dear poor man.»

  I made sign of yes moving a few the head and I hoped that you/he/she had to be suffered, I absolutely had need to stay only. I didn't like that situation and I had to understand, I had to take possession and mastery of my new body and I had to hurry him/it. You sat on the bed and it started to undo the purse with an infuriating slowness. It put back some objects in the chest of drawers and in the closet, then takings a pair of glasses and it inserted them to me.

  «Some is now all right?»

  I nodded. I finally saw us.

  «Have taken a beautiful blow, the doctor has said that are a miracolato! He doesn't explain as you have done to stay everything whole» it said.

  I knew very well instead it. Italo had used my body as lifesaving mattress. And considering us, badly that I had been fortunate; I had lost my body, a beautiful almost perfect dog body for thing? Exchange him/it with that an idle private investigator, timid, myopic, and that as if was not enough also stammered! And to end, with all those bandages seemed me to be Ramsete IV, a plant of papyrus they missed only me on the chest of drawers and a solar ship parked on the Nile!

  «The poor Leo, instead.» he interrupted and it started to sob «. it has taken times to find again all the pieces.» it continued, and there The restarteds to shake me.

  «I know him/it, all of us am sad. I saw how it suffers Barbie. even Puffi is changed. You/he/she has started to sleep on his/her kennel and you/he/she has put on near all of his/her toys, probably for him it is a way of feeling him near.»

  "I imagine him/it to me, as is sad Puffi! When the dog there is not the cats they dance! They were weeks that on my new pupazzettis, now finally that gattaccios spiteful will have them all for itself!"

  «Mrs., now it has to leave to rest him/it» the nurse told him reentering.

  «Yes, it is right, it is better to leave him/it some calm. I return tomorrow.»

  «You need something?» it added then turning himself/herself/itself toward of me.

  "Yes, they serve me a psychologist, an exorcist and a two weeks of talismen" I thought, but I shaken the head in sign of denial.

  «It tries to recover in hurry.»

  You stuck out verse of me and he/she again kissed me on the cheek, he/she finally left then only me.

  Chapter 44. The police

  «You also come, you/he/she should be awake. No, apart that it is everything plastered, physically you/he/she has not put so bad. the problem is that you/he/she has beaten strong the head, has had to beautiful cranial trauma and it is still in is confusionale. He/she doesn't speak, to the limit it sends forth some guttural sounds, of the kinds of growls, and then it looks around him with a crazy person look and continuous to learn himself/herself/themselves the hands. And it moves her, it continually moves her. It opens her and he/she closes her, he/she takes objects and it places them, it tightens them, surprised, as if for him that pits a novelty.»

  This is what the nurse was telling in a low voice to the two men that you/he/she was accompanying toward my bed. The thing that surprised me was that despite everything I had preserved my thin dog hearing, or perhaps that was simply the only merit of Italo. I thought worried that you/they had already realized of I exchange him/it of" person", I feared that a team of scientists had come for studying me. But was not so, even if the surprises were not ended!

  «Thanks Miss, you/he/she can leave us alone» it told the man the nurse when they were to my bedside.

  «I beg me, don't get tired him/it. it is very tried» it said the girl, then it got further.

  «Mr. Italo?» he/she asked the man with a voice that seemed me to know.

  I squeezed the eyes to see better it but it kept on being sfuocato, I remembered the glasses and I wore them.

  «I am the Captain of the team of police, is she Mr. Italo Ristretti?» he/she asked again the Captain, showing me the enrolls, after having exchanged him a perplexed glance with his/her assistant.

  I didn't believe in my eyes or, for the precision, I didn't believe in the eyes and the glasses of Italo. The Captain in person, he who on suggestion of the Bogy man had decreed my death sentence, it was in front of me there.

world is really small" I thought!

  «You/he/she has understood the question?» he/she asked me with the kindest tone that succeeded him, and I nodded.

  «Then, she is the Mr. Narrow?» he/she asked once more reading from a sheet.

  I nodded again looking him/it doubtful, I wondered me what you/they could want.

  «Therefore, we am here because to how much it seems her you/he/she has been victim of an attack. This, at least, it is how much it would result from the examination of the wrecks of his/her auto.»

  I blocked the eyes sticking out me a few in before.

  "Eccoci, seemed me strange that there was not the cheat! I don't have anchors practically taken possession of the new body that they already come to tell me that there is someone who wants to do asunder it!"

  «Upsetting, it is not true? But it is really this way. the brakes of its auto had been tampered with. Does correct me if I am wrong; she in the scarp is ended up avoiding the impact with a truck, is it so?»

  I made sign of yes.

  «Well, that was a mean of the Officers of the Fire, and you/he/she had been made to go out following an anonymous alarm that results then unfounded.»

  It made a break to leave me the time to digest the news.

  «You are a private investigator?»

  I nodded once more.

  «He/she knew him/it that what had with itself had been a dog police officer?»

  I shaken the head.

  «But it is not really able not to even say yes or no?» he/she asked some angry the Captain, and I responded again shaking the head.


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