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The hands of Leo

Page 15

by Quelli di ZEd

  «Now you are happy, it is not true? You have finally gotten what you wanted!» it reproached me, and I lowered the head.

  «I have done him for you. If I/you had not kissed her, you would have lost her» I murmured.

  «But do me the favor. you have done only him for you, to satisfy your curiosity. Did you want to know what it tries him to be men, it is not true?»

  «I have done him for you, only for you» I repeated, and he/she anchors today I would not know how to say if I was lying to myself or to him.

  Seeing that Stefania was still sleeping as a little angel, I covered her/it with a cover, then I left the house without making noise. Italo was as always me to the ribs and kept on shaking the head looking me serious.

  «. The don'ts know what you/he/she is taken me. it is absurd. The ams sorry» The tolds ounces him house.

  «It allows to lose, so much soon all this will finally be ended» it cut short with a glacial calm that surprised me.

  After all to his/her words I warned however a point of fear. the fear that I/you changed mind. For the whole rest of the day it didn't turn me the word an only time and me, aware that that would have been my last man day, I used the hands more than I was able. You premise all the keys of the remote control about ten times, I opened and closed locks, washed my teeth, I got off a shutter of the closet, I did me the beard four times. I looked for in every way of holding to mind that marvelous feeling that I tried in to touch something, and to maintain intact the memory of the evening before. I hoped that you/they would have accompanied me for long time, at least if in the heaven of the dogs I/you was annoyed me I would have had something beautiful to which to think. With the evening the moment arrived to get ready himself/herself/themselves to the meeting with the Bogy man.

  Italo catechized me for more than a hour on thing to do and thing to say, and above all on as to behave me in case of danger. It held too much to his/her body, especially now that I had put again him/it to him to new and that Stefania had shown to appreciate him/it. It programmed in every particular the meeting of that evening without more to make the least sign to Stefania, as if we were the greatest friends on the face of the Earth, and despite the appearances probably we were becoming him/it. For an instant you/he/she had also tried to convince not to go me us really, to the appointment: surely the assassin would have gone there, the police also. that need there was to risk this way? I explained him whether to look at him/it in the eyes while they were arresting him/it, and even, if I/you had succeeded there, to also arrange him a beautiful fist in face, would have been the correct satisfaction for what had made us pass. At the end Italo had accepted, but I was due to go down to compromises however. Not that in that situation it had some power on me, but I understood his/her state of mind and I didn't sincerely want to give him other disappointments, after all it didn't deserve him/it. This way I dressed me following his/her suggestions, and at the end I seemed a soldier in mission of war: antimissile jacket, helmet, cavigliere, knee-guards and protect-elbows, soccer player parastinchi, paradenti and shell. I don't know how, I succeeded in convincing him/it that the parachute didn't serve me!

  Chapter 68. The final clash

  Did Italo also recommend me to bring me a pocket recorder, if the first time had worked because you/he/she would not have been able to also return us profit that evening?

  We started there in silence, footstep after footstep, and of sudden I perceived an intense emotion, similar to a deaf pain and I lavish that the stomach twisted me and that it made me come the soft legs. I had finally arrived in front of the gate of the shed where everything how much starts, without hesitating I grabbed the handle of the front door and I did him/it flow. Smiles remembering as I was me wounded the face the last time that I had tried to open him/it, then I thought about Steve and I wondered me once more as the things you/they would have gone if I/you had also had the hands that evening.

  "But so much that carcass will pay her/it" I told me.

  I breathed a sigh and I entered with the power on torch to see where I put the feet, the sense of abandonment that he breathed inside the shed transmitted me anxiety.

  "They are good indeed, the police officers. They are hidden so well that it doesn't feel him fly a fly" I thought while I was cautiously penetrating me to the inside.

  «I beg me, you don't export and not to hurt you. And above all, if you see her/it ugly not to put to make you the hero: it turns the heels and it escapes!» he recommended Italo for the nth time, to the limit of a crisis of nerves.

  To every least noise it jolted. If you/he/she had still been of meat and bones, in the five departed minutes from when we had entered the shed you/he/she would have been able to die of heart attack about ten times.

  «You are calm» I whispered «I don't have any intention to end again to the hospital.»

  «But what do you do, do you speak alone?» it said the Bogy man emerging me of sudden to the shoulders from behind a pillar. The reed of the the gun leaned me in the middle of the shoulder blades.

  «I am right me, to make to catch you so you are only an imbecile. to visionary» it added disdainful.

  Incredulous, I saw Italo whiten so much that for an instant it disappeared entirely almost.

  «Possible that you have already made to rub? How investigator you are really a dog!» it shouted me disappointed.

  «You/he/she can give him» I answered to the assassin ignoring Italo «but I am certain of a thing: to your place I would be careful to choose well the words.»

  «Not to provoke him/it. Not do make to become rabid him/it, ask you him please» Italo implored me.

  «It looks, that if he/she anchors you have not understood him, you/he/she is giving you some idiot» I answered to Italo turning myself of release verse of him.

  «But thing you do, do you still speak alone? Listen well to me, imbecile, has not come here to waste time. We feel what you have to tell, then of it riparliamo» it replied him to narrow teeth turning around me and coming me before, and I saw that he/she wore once more the usual coat and the usual hat. I am be liked to throw down him all the teeth to suon of fists, so that to get away that bold smile.

  «Meanwhile you are firm an instant, that I search you» it added showing well me the weapon.

  «I am clean» I answered in dry tone.

  «Just as I thought! Only an idiot can come here, only and unarmed, blackmail me. rather, now that The think better it two idiots! You are the second. But the other did only it for the justice, he was also more idiot of you. Before, let's put us comfortable» it said pointing out me two badly off armchairs systematized in an angle «he/she knows me that it will be a long thing. Have not I understood of thing him well still you treat but do I hope for you that is not a joke, otherwise you know him/it what will happen you, true?»

  «I don't have any intention to joke. An evening, so much a long time ago, you have attracted here the investigator Steve Andreini saying that you had some information respect to a turn of corrupt police officers. and then you have done him dry.»

  «Show him/it to me» it said him with a laconic smile.

  «My goodness, he/she doesn't want to confess» him stizzì Italo.

  «You were right to want to snap at him/it, it is really a carcass!» it added then.

  «Then I am waiting,» it pursued the Bogy man shortly after.

  «I don't see that hurry there is, I am not so much fool to bring here the material» I coldly answered.

  «And however at the end the dog you have succeeded in killing him but the chimpanzee no» I added for disorientating him/it.

  Feeling those words the carcass started, it got up of release and it came to plant me the gun in the mouth of the stomach. It held her/it well pressed, if a hit had departed him from that distance you/he/she would have killed me giubbetto or not giubbetto.

  «To that play you are playing? How do you know about the chimpanzee? Before, he/she speaks. Who others knows her/it this history? You
have to tell me everything and immediately, or I also kill you!»

  Chapter 69. Sensation!

  Finally the Bogy man had confessed and I had what served me, unfortunately however now he was angry black and you/he/she held a gun.

  «Thing has happened inside the chimpanzee and I here we know only it, I don't have intention to divide with anybody» I answered him to hard face.

  Meanwhile, looking around me, I was starting to ask worries me when the cavalry would have arrived. Suddenly the echo of a noise of footsteps was heard, but contrarily to how much I expected me they were those of an only person. I turned me to see to whom belonged but the figure was stopped in the shade. Of hit I understood that the agents that had to arrest would never have arrived him/it; I was fallen in a beautiful trap. I cursed me more times because blinded by the anger toward the assassin I had completely forgotten his/her accomplice, that could not be to that point that a person.

  «My goodness Head, he is showing more cunning than that that I thought» it told the Bogy man the individual seminascosto that now you/he/she had started over walking verse of us.

  «I had told you him, race of idiot. Nobody would come unsecured as you/he/she has done him, if it is not sure of itself. unless is to suicidal aspirant» it said the Captain while the light of the room ran over him/it in full torch.

  Just as I had thought, yet I didn't succeed in believing us yet. The accomplice of the assassin was the Captain of the police person, that scoundrel had evidently come to the hospital with the solo intent to make sure himself/herself/themselves that Italo didn't suspect the identity of whom had tried of you/he/she stuffed out.

  «Compliment» whispered me to the ear Italo with trembling voice «have really had a good idea! And now that we do?»

  «As you have been able to make a thing of the kind.» The said turning to the commander «you were friend of Steve. you were his/her friend.»

  «And you as you can know him/it? And however in business friendship doesn't exist. I tried in all the ways to convince him/it to lasciar to lose, but he didn't want to know of it.»

  I kept on looking him/it astounded, without words. I considered to all of their evenings together, to their suppers, to when you/they had gone to fish or to the game. All that moments I had also lived them me, always to their side. beside Steve. As it was possible that I/you had never realized me than it was carcass his/her commander? Then also that whole sorrow in to owe to suppress me that had shown to the cemetery, had been a performance! In reality it waited only for an excuse, and I had furnished him the pretext to make to also free himself/herself/themselves of me. And as I had been able not to recognize him/it, that evening with Giotto? I had to be drunk indeed.

  «Before, we don't have time to lose» taken back the Captain «get away the antimissile jacket and deliver me the recorder.»

  «Which recorder?» I asked making the Indian.

  «Before, it is not time to joke anymore.»

  Been sorry more for Italo that for me, I removed from me the giubbetto, then I tore the scotch that the recorder held me glued to the breast and I launched a cry of pain. Italo had assumed a suffering expression, and was not for the hair that had torn away from his/her breast! I could imagine very well thing you/he/she was thinking: you/he/she would have assisted impotent to his/her own murder.

  «I regret» it said the Head «I don't know neither who you are, neither as you are ended in this history, but it is evident that to this point you are dangerous.»

  «Think of us you, and do you see not to make country houses this time, have I made sense of? I wait out you» concluded then turned to the Bogy man. It inserted the recorder in pocket and it set out toward the exit.

  «Not to do him/it, please. Don't do him/it, I have not anything to do with it nothing. Be him the casinista, but so much has already died! This way you will kill me, but I don't know anything.» you/he/she was shouting Italo to the head of the police accompanying him/it toward the exit.

  You/he/she was going him behind footstep footstep uselessly trying to grab him/it for an arm to make to turn him/it, but these you/he/she could not feel him/it neither to see him/it. Suffered a shiver, the collar of the jacket raised again him and accelerated the footstep. The other one was comfortably still sat in armchair, and it had a had a good time sneer engraved on the face.

  «Tonight I feel me particularly good because we have done soon. Do you have some desire, before dying?» he/she asked me with a smile, so much to make the funny person after having looked at the clock.

  I absolutely had to make to come me an idea, you/he/she could not so stupidly end everything. Could not also win them that evening, would have been the third time that rubbed me! Italo that shook the head looked, disappointed and desperate. No, I could not leave that they killed him/it this way. As happens to all those that feel the near death, ripercorsi with the mind all of my life in an instant, from the day when I had come to the world up to the evening before, so it returned me to mind the leaflet of the magic formulas. I was sure to have he/she anchors him/it in pocket.

  "It is a folly but it is worth to try, it is our last possibility."

  Chapter 70. The magic formulas!

  «Yes, a desire I have him!» I said, and the Bogy man looked me cross, but you/he/she could not tell me of no because you/he/she went from there of his/her honor.

  Perplexed and disappointed because if it didn't wait for him/it it looked me with interrogative air.

  «Before, it spits.»

  «I would like to say two prayers.»

  «. the prayers?»

  «Yes, I would like to pray. Seem me logical, since I am about to die.»

  He reflected it an instant above.

  «The prayers? Is that about to kill me and you instead of finding a solution you want to put to pray you? But as soon as you will be also soul you I will take you and you.» you/he/she was howling me Italo in an ear when the other one spoke.

  «And is, a reasonable application seems me. But you will have to do here it in front of me. I grant you five minutes» the carcass consented.

  «Okay. Thanks, thanks to you I can arrive of there with the purest soul, I am really thankful of it because.»

  «Yes, yes it is all right. But now move you, that after I am busy» it interrupted me.

  I brought the hand to the back pocket of the pantalonis to take the sheet of the formulas.

  «Hey, it brakes. What do you have in pocket there?» the assassin told me going off in ahead with the arm armed tense verse of me.

  «Calmed, you know him/it that I am unarmed. I am taking the sheet of the prayers.»

  «The sheet of the prayers? But cannot you say one Father of ours as they do all the others?»

  «I usually do really this way, but in a moment as this I would like to tell her in Latin. it dark is solemn!»

  «In Latin? I was right me, you are everything crazy. Before, then you hurry. Three minutes stay you.»

  I taken the sheet and I brought under me some to the light, I could not absolutely afford to be wrong.

  «Stopped, for love of the sky! What do you want to now do? Cannot you do him/it, if you mistake a word will you condemn me for the eternity. if that kills yourself who will performances the formulates to make to return me normal?» it told me terrorized my friend, that had finally understood my intentions.

  «You are silent a good time, and prepared» I answered to tall voice.

  «You have him with me? Have you told me, to be silent?» he/she asked the Bogy man sticking out himself/herself/itself in before, stiff.

  «No, I was telling my Alter Ego.»

  «To your thing?»

  «It is for the prayer, I am spiritually preparing me.»

  «Ah.» it did him twisting the mouth.

  «Two minutes» it added later immediately consulting again the clock.

  I started to feverishly flow the sheet in the desperate search of something that could be all right. I taken to
recite in a low voice the formulas, one after the other, with Italo that wagged him, it shouted, and it continually changed form and aspect: a cloud, a chest of drawers, first huge and then dwarfish, with the chains, without chains, with the teeth to point as a vampire and then toothless as an old man.

  «One minute» it sentenced the assassin making to flow the hit in reed.

  I dried me the sweat, I had finally succeeded in turning Italo into an appalling monster but I still had to give him the color and the audio, and above all to make him/it visible. The assassin toyed the gun passing himself/herself/itself from a hand to the other for then to aim her/it to me against closing an eye. It still had to decide whether to shoot me in head or to the heart, and with what hand. Finally smiled satisfied and the count down started.


  «Abubì abuorum.»

  «You do soon, accidentaccio!» it said Italo.


  «Fastdium Italos.»

  «Move you!»





  «You are.»




  «Four. but Our Father doesn't seem me!»

  «Move you damnation, or we won't make her/it!»

  «Ecto. plasmon.»

  «What you/they enter it the biscuits, now? Three and two.»


  «One. we see us to the hell!» said, and shot!

  Chapter 71. The monsters arrive

  Italo was materialized between me and the assassin in the precise moment in which these were pressing the trigger. I saw a fiammella go out of the reed of the gun, the bullet it went out fast and it went to beat really to the center of the forehead of Italo. In the bump the bullet curled up on himself, then it fell on the floor with a deaf noise.

  «Aaahhh» it shouted Italo with an afterlife voice that it made to tremble the glasses of the windows, discharging the whole anger and the fear «you have shot indeed me, you have dared to shoot me!» it added stretching out verse of him the shapeless braccias from the long and twisted fingernails as you claw. He/she wanted to strangle him/it.


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