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The hands of Leo

Page 16

by Quelli di ZEd

  «But what devil.?!» it murmured the assassin blocking the eyes, it went off standing to escape but later it fainted immediately.

  «You want to move you? What my goodness happens there? What my goodness there is this time?» he/she asked the Captain, that having heard the noises and the cries you/he/she was returning of run verse of us.

  I hastened me to pick up the gun and courses to hide me behind a pillar. The Head saw its man to earth and bent him on him. It cursed and it got up of release, then its hand feverishly raced to the pocket to take the gun.

  «Too late» I announced going I meet him with the flattened weapon «it supports the gun on the floor, very slowly lifted then and from him a beautiful kick.»

  The Captain obeyed.

  «What you want to do?» he/she asked in tone of challenge after having done what I had ordered him «he/she is seen by the face that you are an inexperienced person. An inexperienced person that will never have the courage to shoot. Before, leave immediately and nobody will come more to look for you. The give you my word.»

  «Creeds indeed that I/you/he/she don't have the liver to shoot you? Do you think that after what you have done to Steve and Leo I won't kill you?» I whispered him to narrow teeth pushing him/it toward the wall.

  «No, you feel. listen to me. I can give you many money.»

  «It doesn't rub anything of it of your money, you have let my friend kill. Before, handcuffed to your companion.»

  The Head obeyed as a little dog.

  «Now return me the recorder.»

  «As want, but so much is too late! I have torn the ribbon» it told me smiling.

  Without making a fold I inserted a new cassette, then I turned on the recorder and I leaned him/it to earth. I pointed out him him with the gun, then I turned her/it verse of him.

  «No, don't do him/it! You cannot do him/it, if you kill them you will go to the hell. and then if you shoot using even my hands The also go there me. Before in jail and then to the hell. Have you already combined of it enough, don't you believe?» it said Italo lifting himself/herself/itself from behind the armchairs where you/he/she was hidden.

  «But who has spoken? Who others is?» he/she asked the Captain turning himself/herself/itself. With the jump that did when he/she saw Italo, you/he/she would have been able to win the gold medal to the Olympiads.

  «Thing is that cosos? Send him/it street, I pray you. I will say everything, I will confess, I swear you him.»

  After a mezz'ora I made a phone call, the agents came and they loaded them without hurry in auto to bring them street.

  «A monster. no, to be infernal. The tell you that there was to monster, the confession has extorted me with the strength» it said the Captain while to hand made him lower the head to enter auto.

  «Yes, yes, continuous also. So much to pretend you crazy won't serve you.» the agent told him.

  I was certain that you/they would have spent different time in the jail. I submitted the recorder to the agent that seemed me the most awake, and in fact it unthread the cassette and it put her/it in a pocket and the recorder in another, to avoid that unawares pressing some key him cancelled the ribbon.

  «He/she is never known.» it told me.

  «They are fallen, have you told me?» it added then pointing out the noses and the swollen and red eyes of the Captain and the Bogy man behind the car window of the auto.


  «. contemporarily?»

  «It is normal, were you/they handcuffed together. strange, eh?»

  «Mah, not to even say the as truth, happens often. But it accepts a suggestion; until we won't have gone away you hold the hands in pocket» it said pointing out my livid knuckles.

  Chapter 72. Time of budgets

  Out I remained once to look at the agents that the gate closed and they again applied the seals, when all had gone I breathed a beautiful sigh liberatorio and I started homeward slowly me tasting me the odors of the night.

  «What you would now say about making to return me normal? I am fed up with to be hidden» Italo told me, that had reached me and now you/he/she walked to my side.

  Without the footstep I looked through me the pockets and later I brought immediately me the hand to the forehead in sign of carelessness.

  «My goodness, I have left the sheet in the shed!»

  «How, have you left the sheet in the shed?» Italo exclaimed restarting to get excited, and I has to admit that under those conditions frightened indeed!

  «I joked» I said stopping under me to a lamp-post.

  I taken the leaflet and I immediately started to read the formulas. Justice was done, and I was anxious to return the body to Italo at least how much him to take back him/it to him, because a heaven was waiting me with her" p" capital! In reality I would still have had two desires, and that is to be able to see a last time Giotto and Steve again, but considering that at the end the things were ended well, you/he/she would perhaps have been to ask too much to the fortune. Giotto was who knows where, but I knew that you/he/she was a type full of resources and I was certain that if you/he/she was not too often intoxicated if you/he/she would be gotten by better. Even you/he/she had already found another circus and it was at work again, and now that I understood as it was possible I wished him not to fall in love again himself/herself/themselves with a woman. As it regarded Steve, instead I was sure, that you/he/she had remained to look me and to protect me for the whole time from up there, because a person so it was not able whether to have gone to Heaven. The temporary transfer in the body of Italo had been indeed an interesting experience. Even if you/he/she had been everything completely different from as I had always day-dreamed him/it, I had realized for a long time the greatest desire that I was gone inside, since the first day that I had come to the world. I had tried what it means to have the hands and to speak. But it is also true that never as when I had found man, I had desired to return dog. To be able to speak, rather than to have to be expressed with growls and howling or with the movements of the tail, is very beautiful. Possession the hands it is a marvelous thing, to touch the things and to feel indeed her, to feel under to her fingers rather than under to that hard calluses that we have under us dogs to the legs, it is indeed an unique feeling. In short, the hands and the word are indeed special things. above all if remembers to have them, these special gifts, and above all if remember to connect them to the brain, they will serves only otherwise to make to heap of cavolate and wickedness! Moreover, if you/he/she was not happened me everything this, if I/you had remained dog, I would have been able to go out in simpler way of so many situations. But as use to say among us dogs, who has the ossis doesn't have the teeth! This is the small teaching that I/you/they have succeeded in drawing from that brief and intense experience.

  Chapter 73. The restitution

  Did it still stay to resolve the greatest problem however; as to do for going out of the body of Italo and did it stuff to reenter him? I would have had to give me a deep shock, to lose conscience so that to be able to abandon the body. To that point a wise medical intervention would automatically have risucchiato the spirit of Italo. At least, this is how much you/he/she was written in the book on the ghosts to the chapter" Possessions." The problem was to succeed in finding a way that soddisfacesse the followings conditions: it didn't have to be painful for me, it didn't have to damage the body neither to leave him scars or lasting consequences, above all now that had put again him to new, and then you/he/she had to have effected where in a place the paramedics you/they could be timely. Was there finally from Stefania to face the discourse; knowing that the man that had finally succeeded in conquering had tried the suicide as soon as two days later, as would you/he/she have reacted? It would not be certain is a thing of which to go proud, would probably be fallen in depression. However Italo said that you/he/she would have thought of us him, and after all they were not my problems. We decided to stage a tried suicide in the parking lot of the hospital. Italo m
ade me phone his usual his/her friend, that thanks to an excuse you/he/she lent me the car, and he anchors today I don't know how I succeeded in driving her/it. We studied all in the least details and we prepared there. This way, in a beautiful morning of sun, I found me sat in a closed automobile to breathe gas of I unload! We had also thought about a beautiful hammered in head, but the thing would have been too much risky. Apart the headache and the appalling feeling to suffocate, it excessively was not painful, however I tried a strange feeling. Knowing that once completed that gesture I would not have been able anymore to return dog in skin and bones, and also being conscious that I would have gone to be in a marvelous place, an unbelievable thawing gathered me. What attended me on the other side it was extraordinary certainly, according to how much Italo had told me there was all of this that a dog can desire. but The knews that they would be me missed the terrestrial things as the adrenalines and the struggle. The comparison. The to try. And I knew that they would be me missed the rain in autumn, the odor of the spring or the sea, a run together with a friend. Everything would have had a different taste, I wondered me if I am be liked that taste or if in the long run I would be annoyed me. To every way there was not that a way to discover him/it: to wait. After a beautiful po' of minutes a lot of gases and the head I had now breathed it ached me stronger. The square in front of me, over the windscreen, it rippled as a sea in storm, meanwhile my eyelids were made more and more heavy. Italo looked me anxious, fearing that the fear would have taken the upper hand and that I would not have had the determination and the courage to bring I was doing.

  «You hold hard. you hold hard, not to release. He/she anchors few minutes and we will be both forever free» it encouraged me.

  Now I labored to hold the open eyes and the breath you/he/she was done strenuous, to succeed in moving an arm had become a tremendously difficult thing because strengths missed me. Even if I/you had wanted him/it I would not have succeeded in returning back to throw me out of the car.

  «Strength, the moment has arrived. You now have to play the horn!» it said Italo.

  I employed the few energies that you/they had remained me to lengthen the arm and to press the button. With an inhuman effort I succeeded in holding presses him for once that seemed me endless, as long as with an eye open to crack I succeeded in seeing some people dressed of white to race toward the auto. Then I lost the senses, but while I was abandoning entirely me I felt on the face a gust of fresh air.

  Chapter 74. Have put of it of time!

  «My goodness, is unbelievable. have succeeded, have succeeded! You have been great, you have been great indeed» he complimented Italo skipping about happy when I was to his/her side.

  Then it looked in low and his/her expression he made brim, the men in white white uniform he was troubling around his/her body in the attempt to wake up again him/it. Of hit all was changed, I perceived the colors, the sounds and the odors in completely different way. I thought that I had only perhaps to accustom me.

  «However I am not very convinced at all» I confessed to Italo looking him/it serious.

  «I almost almost return back» I added pointing out his/her body and faking to plunge downward me, and he looked me aghast.

  «I was joking only, possible that you never give back?» I told him smiling, but he was serious.

  «Even if have upset me the life, everything this is sorry indeed me, believe me! In every case there will be someone who has put again us» it told me dark.

  «You are calm, for me it is all right this way. I have given and I have received the maximum one that I was able, and I/you/they have succeeded in doing justice for Steve. I would not have known this way, whether to ask to the life» I answered touched.

  Its image started to make himself/herself/themselves sfuocata and less intense, because something of powerful person was dragging away while it was looking me fixed with the shiny eyes. I looked downward, its spread out body to earth shook him. Two hits of cough. It was about to start over normally breathing. I wondered me if also to be born pits so, if coming on this world we had been forced to abandon among the tears someone to which was wanted well.

  «It now goes', and you see to put again you in hurry. There is Stefania that he/she cannot wait to embrace you» I told him.

  It lengthened the hand and it made me a caress really there, behind the ear, where I liked so much. Then, of sudden, all of this that surrounded him to me did dark and later I was immediately me to the center of a cloud of light, so much intense to force to close me the eyes. I don't know for how much time I remained so, immovable, without daring open the eyes. The light had returned normal, I realized of it because it didn't penetrate around under me to the eyelids but everything it didn't stir a leaf, admitted that there were any. There was an absolute and unreal silence! There was not, as I was me expected to find, a solo to bark in the air. There was no odor of cats neither of croccantini. Said a pair of earth zampate, with the eyes still closed, but I didn't feel any bone sprout from the soft ground. Did a doubt come me: and if the heaven of the dogs had never existed? If Italo a big lie had told only me to convince to return me him its body? Beautiful joke would have combined me! While still prey of the ugliest fear I was immovable that could take me, something touched me. At first timidly, then in more convinced way. I told me that I had to be goes crazy, I was sure that in the place where I was me there was not the possibility to try physical feelings. Suffered later instead another time happened! Something was touching again me, this time with greater conviction. A finger, two, three fingers. to hand! Me said two pacches on the back, then it slipped on on, up to the neck, up to the head. You stopped behind the ear. Was scratching me really behind the ear!

  «You have been good indeed, at the end our friend has had what he deserved. However you have put of it of time!» a warm voice told me, that made me return to mind when I had only few days and Steve it made me fly holding me for the sides.

  «And how much you have combined him some, to that poor Italo. you macaws always the usual one!» it added.

  Incredulous, I opened the eyes. Steve was lowered in front of me and you/he/she was smiling. I quadrated him/it lost, I looked around then me. We were on a green lawn, rich of flowers and colored butterflies that fluttered here and there, and suddenly I started to also feel the perfumes, coolness and buonissimi. A little anymore in there was there a brook. I turned again me toward Steve and anchor I didn't believe it. I made him a pair of pretenses, then I jumped him I set and I threw on the ground him/it, I licked his face up to not to have saliva anymore. Did I open the mouth"; And you what you do here us? And me? I should be from everything other part! How much are you me missed. it is to joke? Tell me that it is not a joke, tell me that we will be together again, forever" I would have liked to say.

  «Bau bau wuf» it was instead what went out me of the throat while my tail got excited frantic.

  He got up and it made spallucce, smiled again then.

  «I don't know him/it, don't ask me nothing. The know only that until hard suits us to enjoy her/it to us! We go, idler» he/she answered starting to walk.

  I placed side by side him/it. He accelerated the footstep challenging me with the look. Me also. Him still some, me some more. At the end, we found again there once more to race as two little boys toward the Sun.

  The author

  Andrew Lepri was born in 1971 to Livorno and you/he/she has lived there always. As Surveyor is graduated and you/he/she has always worked, except rare exceptions as cook and pizzaiolo.

  In 2004 you/he/she has published" Giudhas" with Publishing Perspective.

  in 2010 you/he/she has published" Settantadue times" with 0111edizioni.

  To the moment it has a lot of ideas in head and some other novel in the drawer.

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