The Edge of Destiny

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The Edge of Destiny Page 15

by Emma Easter


  His heart skipped a beat, and he took a deep breath before he turned to her. “Yes, Lily?”

  “I’m afraid of what your kids will think of me,” she said with worry. “What if they don’t like me?”

  He blinked. How could she think that? Without meaning to, he reached out and took her hand. She looked at their joined hands and gave him a small smile.

  “Bree is still really a baby and won’t mind your presence. Josh is another matter since he really misses his mom. But I’m sure he’ll come to like you, Lily. It might take a bit of time, but he will warm up to you. You’ll see.”

  Her smile widened, and she looked relieved. He squeezed her hand and then let go of it. Remember, Taylor. Keep a physical and emotional distance as much as you can. He turned away again and stared out the window, but even though he wasn’t looking directly at her, her face remained etched in his mind.

  She didn’t say anything more until they got to the airport. Neither did he, but his mind stayed on her and his emotions remained raw and all jumbled up.

  The driver opened the door for him, and they stepped out of the limo. The driver had driven them into the private hangar where his plane was waiting. He turned when Lily came to stand at his side.

  She looked around and then looked back at him with an amazed expression on her face. “How come we’re here?”

  He blinked. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I was expecting us to be at the airport… you know, the public airport where other people are checking into their flights.”

  Taylor chuckled. “Well, we’re checking into our flight now as well. Only we will simply be going straight onto the plane.”

  He began to walk to his plane, and she followed him. She pointed. “That’s a private plane,” she said, and her mouth dropped open. “You own a private jet, Taylor?”

  He shrugged. “Why do you look so surprised? It’s not a big deal. I need it for my business trips.”


  He was slightly amused as he walked up the steps of his small plane. He went into the cockpit to briefly greet his pilot and then stepped out again. Lily was standing in the middle of the plane looking around. She shook her head and said, “You travel in style, Taylor Dalton.”

  He laughed and sat down in his favorite seat up front. The plane could seat several people, but she came and sat down next to him. He tamped down a groan and ignored the way his heart rate increased.

  She was still looking around the plane, and then she turned to him. “I think I might take a nap at the back of this plane later.” She smiled at him. “This is impressive, though.”

  He chuckled. “It’s not that impressive, Lily. It’s a small plane and mostly for business.”

  “So you’ve never used it for pleasure… like flying with your kids to Europe, maybe?”

  “I bought it some months ago. I’ve been too busy to travel anywhere except for my business trips, and mostly within the United States. I haven’t had the chance to take my kids on vacation, but this trip to Fallow Creek will act as our first vacation together in a while.”

  “You must really miss them,” Lily said.

  “I do. I always miss them when I travel. I can’t wait to see them again.”

  She turned around again, and her shoulder grazed his, sending sparks through him. He sighed. If only she would find a seat somewhere else so he could give his heart and nerves a break. As it were, he was on edge with her so near. He had to distract himself somehow. He looked around once more, and this time he saw a business magazine on the back of the seat in the other aisle. He stood up and went to get it, and then decided he might as well sit down in this seat. She might be hurt, but she would get over it.

  He opened the magazine, but he didn’t see a word that was written on it. He could feel her eyes on him, and once again he felt like a jerk. But it was too late to go back and sit beside her. Besides, he felt better already. This was for the best. Their trip would be less uncomfortable if they sat separately.

  He buckled his seatbelt as the pilot announced that the plane was ready to take off. He looked out the window again while the plane taxied out of the hangar and along the strip. The plane gradually lifted off, and as it flew higher and higher, everything grew small and smaller and then disappeared as they flew above into the clouds.

  He finally couldn’t stop the overwhelming desire he felt to see her face again and turned to look at her. She was looking out the window, her slim legs crossed. She had a smile on her face. He watched her for a long moment. He would give anything to know what was on her mind right now. She began to turn around, and he quickly looked away, but not before she caught his eye and raised her brow quizzically.

  You also have to keep your eyes away from her, he thought to himself as he looked down at the business magazine again. Gradually, he focused totally on what he was reading, though her face lingered at the back of his mind. Soon, he felt himself drifting off. He put the magazine aside and closed his eyes.

  His eyes flew open when he felt rather than heard a loud thud. He looked out the window and saw that the plane had landed. Instinctively, he turned to look at Lily. Her eyes were closed, her head resting on the back of her seat. The plane taxied into the hangar and stopped, and he unbuckled his seatbelt again. Standing up, he went to Lily and, with all his might, resisted the urge to smooth her hair back from her face. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gently shook her awake. “Lily, we’ve arrived.”

  She opened her eyes and looked up at him. She blinked and rubbed her eyes.

  “We’re here in California,” he said, and walked away. His excitement was growing now. In a little while, he would see his babies again. He couldn’t wait. He began to worry a little about what Josh would think about Lily and then shrugged his worries away. He couldn’t think about that right now. He would have to deal with anything that came up when he got home.

  They got into his car and, after he’d greeted his driver, Grant, he picked up the magazine he’d been reading on the plane and continued to read. He felt really bad for ignoring Lily, but he didn’t want his thoughts to be absorbed with her.

  But once again, he could not avoid looking at her, and he put down the magazine. He turned toward her to ask her if she was okay, but she was looking out the window. He turned around again and went back to his reading.

  They approached his house about an hour later. The closer they got, the more relaxed and happier he became. They finally entered his property, isolated from the busyness of the city, and he sighed in relief.

  Lily turned to him and said with wondering eyes, “This place is beautiful, Taylor, but it’s so far from everything.”

  He nodded. “I like it this way. My home is sort of my refuge from all the noise on the outside.”

  They approached the front of the house, and he turned to gaze at the ocean. It glistened as the sun shone down on it, and he smiled at a flock of birds taking flight. After the busy week he’d had and the commotion of staying right in the heart of the city with all its hustle and bustle, he was glad to finally be back here, away from people and traffic, at least temporarily. Soon they would go back to Fallow Creek. But since Rachel had told him most people had left the community, it might not be so different from this place.

  Lily got out of the car just as it stopped and took off her shoes.

  He watched her in amusement as she ran and then stopped in front of the still ocean. She dug her feet into the sand, bent down, and scooped water into her hands, and then she threw it up in the air. He couldn’t help but smile as she sat in the sand, uncaring of her pretty dress. A gust of wind blew her hair around her face, and she brushed it back with her fingers.

  He felt a sweet ache in his heart as he watched her looking up at the sky and then cupping water into her hand and pouring it back like an offering into the ocean. He couldn’t resist and walked over to her.

  She looked up at him and said, “If I lived here, I would sit right
in front of this majestic ocean every single day. From morning until evening.”

  He laughed. “No, you wouldn’t. Not if you have kids to take care of.”

  The dreamy look in her eyes disappeared, replaced by guilt. She immediately stood up. “I’m sorry, Taylor. The first thing I was supposed to do was to go find the kids I’m supposed to take care of. Please forgive me.”

  She began to move past him, but he held her hand. She turned to him and he said, “Stop worrying, Lily. You just arrived. You’re allowed to wile away some time before you start working. I’m sorry if I made you feel like I was reprimanding you.”

  She gave him a small smile. “Thank you. Still, I think I should go in now and meet your kids.” She walked away, and he looked after her for a few moments before following. She looked up at his house when they got to the front door. Her eyes held wonder and awe. She looked back at him and said, “Taylor, this is not a house, it’s a castle. It’s amazing.”

  He chuckled. “I’m glad you like it,” he said. “I wanted a peaceful place where I could hear myself think when I’m not at work.” He smiled. “Though it’s not like my kids ever let that happen.”

  “It’s a pity we have to leave immediately for Fallow Creek,” she said. “When exactly are we going?”

  “As soon as possible,” he said. “Probably the day after tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “Thank you again, Taylor. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me find my family.”

  “It’s nothing,” he said. He opened the door for her, and she stepped into the portico. Wildflowers lined the place, and the swimming pool to the right glistened like the ocean, though it was bluer. Her heels clicked on the tiled floors as they walked down the long hallway. They finally entered his living room, and he immediately left her to go find his children.

  He was at the top of the stairs when Josh came flying toward him. He opened his arms wide, and Josh flew into them. He folded his son in his arms and held him tightly. “You’re back, Dad!” Josh hugged Taylor tightly. “I’m so happy you’re back.”

  He held Josh close for another minute and then put him down. He ruffled Josh’s hair and grinned. “How are you, my boy? Have you been a good boy since I left?”

  Josh nodded and took his hand. “Bree was crying in the morning. I think it was because she missed you.”

  Taylor smiled. “Where’s Felicia?”

  Josh shrugged. “I think she’s in the kitchen with Bree.” Josh kept pulling him along the corridor.

  “Where are we going, Josh?”

  “I want to show you my LEGO. I made a new building today.”

  Taylor followed Josh to his room and inspected the LEGO building his son had made. “It’s fantastic!” Taylor said, looking at the high stack of LEGO. “Let’s go and find your sister.”

  Down the stairs, they both strolled to the kitchen and, for a moment, pain twisted Taylor’s heart. Faye would have loved this big kitchen, much bigger than the one in their house in Fallow Creek. But then again, if she were still alive, they would not be here.

  Felicia was stirring something in a small pot on the burner. It smelled delicious, but he ignored the food and went straight to his beautiful baby daughter. Bree was sitting on top of the island, small pink pillows around her, looking at him with a huge grin on her face. When he got close to her, she held out her hands and he immediately scooped her up into his arms. “Oh, how I’ve missed you, Bree,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  Felicia turned and greeted him before turning back to her cooking. Josh tugged at his pants. “Dad, let’s go outside and play,” he said excitedly. “Remember you promised that we would spend time together, just the three of us, when you got back.”

  Taylor’s stomach did a flip, and he took a deep breath. He had to tell his son now that he had not been able to completely keep his word. He would still take a vacation, and they would still spend time together, but it wouldn’t just be the three of them. He put Bree down but held her hand so she wouldn’t fall. Bending down to Josh’s level while holding on to Bree, he said, “Josh, I have something to tell you. I met a childhood friend of mine in Arizona, and I asked her to come and be you and Bree’s nanny.”

  Josh’s eyes grew wide. “A nanny? What about Felicia?”

  “Felicia is a housekeeper. She’s just been working as a nanny because we didn’t have one yet. But now we do. She’s very nice, Josh. I want you to come meet her.”

  “Will she stay here? Will she be with us during our vacation?” Josh looked worried.

  Taylor said truthfully, “Yes, she will.”

  Josh frowned. “I thought you said it would just be the three of us, Dad.”

  “We’ll still spend as much time together as we want. She won’t stop us from doing that.”

  “But what if she doesn’t let me play with you or Bree as much as I want?” Josh said and glanced at Felicia.

  Taylor chuckled. “I’m sure she’ll let you spend time with me and Bree. As much time as you want. Besides, I’m at home now, and she can hardly stop me from spending time with my two little babies.”

  Josh looked away. “I’m not a baby, Dad.”

  He ruffled Josh’s hair. “I know you’re not.” He looked at Bree, who was staring at Josh with an amused expression, and grinned at her, wondering what was going on in that mind of hers.

  “Let’s go and meet her,” Taylor said to Josh.

  “I don’t want to.”

  Taylor groaned. Great! Josh was already acting up, and he hadn’t even seen Lily yet. “Josh, please. You’ll be spending a lot of time with her since she’s your nanny, so it doesn’t make sense not to meet her now. Just come and see her. You’ll see that she’s nice.”

  Josh grumbled but let Taylor take his hand.

  With his children’s hands in his, he left the kitchen. Josh sulked as they walked, while Bree staggered like a drunk person. She tried to pull her hand from his, but he held on. They walked into the living room. Lily was still standing, gazing at a painting that he’d hung over the fireplace. It was a three-dimensional painting of a juicy red apple on a tree in a garden.

  She turned around to look at him, and her eyes lit up as they settled on Bree. She hurried over, bent down, and grinned at his baby daughter. “If you are not the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen!” Lily cupped Bree’s cheeks. She looked up at Taylor. “Can I carry her?”

  “Of course,” Taylor said. “You’ll be taking care of her and Josh.”

  Lily lifted Bree into her arms, and Taylor wasn’t surprised when Bree settled her head on Lily’s shoulder and threw her tiny arms around her neck. “She has already taken to you, Lily,” he said. “Bree is a good baby. She hardly cries or complains.”

  Lily turned her gaze to Josh, and Taylor sighed. Josh looked angry.

  “And this must be Josh,” Lily said. She smiled at him. “I’ve heard so much about you from your father and Aunt Rachel, but I’m so happy to finally see you myself. I’m Lily, and I’m your new nanny. I’ve known your father since we were children and...” Lily blinked as Josh snatched his hand away from Taylor’s and ran out of the living room.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Taylor said. Lily looked astonished and worried. “He’s just feeling a little down right now because I promised him I would spend time with just him and his sister once I started my vacation.”

  She looked even more worried. “Maybe I shouldn’t have come here, Taylor,” she said.

  “Of course you should have,” he told her. “Josh will get over his annoyance. I promise you. It’s not you he’s annoyed at. It’s me. I am sure he feels like I broke my promise. But I know you, Lily. You’re a warm and loving person, and you will be a great nanny.” Taylor smiled as he looked at Bree, who was still resting her head contentedly on Lily’s chest. “Just look how Bree has taken to you. I’m sure in no time Josh will come to love you like Bree clearly does.” Taylor grinned at Bree. She was now playing with Lily’s hair, a self-satisfied smile on her face.
  “Are you sure, Taylor?”

  “Yes, I’m certain of it. Don’t worry.”

  She nodded, and he gave her an encouraging smile. “So, I’ll take this little one here from you so I can bathe and change her, and then put her to bed.”

  “Can I come and help you with her?”

  “No,” he answered, holding out his hand to her. He wanted to spend this time with his kids alone, just for today, and to try to comfort Josh. He understood why his son felt the way he did, and what Josh needed right now was his father’s unconditional love and encouragement. “You just rest, Lily. You only just arrived. Tomorrow you can start your duties.”

  “Okay,” she said slowly. She looked unsure, but he didn’t have the time to stay and reassure her that everything would be okay. He had to go to church. He took Bree from her, gave her another smile, and left her to find his son and try to put his mind at ease. He would have to convince Josh that he and Bree were still his priority and that they had his full and undivided attention. The only thing that troubled him was that he was not so sure that was the truth.

  Chapter 15

  Lily stared out the window of Taylor’s plane as it began to taxi down the runway strip. She turned to look at Taylor, who was in the other row playing with Joshua and Bree, and then turned back to look out the window again. She felt lonely and isolated — and completely useless. After she’d arrived at Taylor’s house two days ago, she’d hardly seen him, or the kids for that matter.

  Felicia had taken her to a two-story building at the back of the main house that housed the staff and showed her the two-bedroom apartment that would be her residence from henceforth. She had come to the main house the next day to start her job, but she’d found that Taylor was already up with his kids. Apparently, since he was on vacation, the children were too, and their regular sleeping times had been adjusted. She’d asked him what she could do since he was preparing to give them a bath, but he’d shaken his head and said, “Nothing. You can just take a tour of the house and the entire property.”


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