Book Read Free

Truth of the Children

Page 19

by Adam DiSalvo

  “What happened?”

  “I think the light operates on a cycle. In conjunction with the waste gates.” Haitrion postulated.

  “A night and day.” Taytha remarked.

  “Yes. Coincidentally.”

  Haitrion made his way over to one of the trees along the causeway. He reached out and took one of the flowers in his palm.

  “Sergeant. Look.”

  Light began to emerge from the center of the small blue and pink flower, intensifying as each moment passed.

  “Sergeant deactivate your zero light vision.”

  The two watched as the light from the tree blossoms bathed the megalithic city in a golden glow, complete with pink and blue hi lights.

  “Who was lost here?” brooded Haitrion.

  “Someone great,” Taytha replied, her voice heavy.

  Gold, pink, blue, and green cornucopia canopies now lit the main road, running its entire length on ether side. Similar light producing vegetation threaded its way along the edges of the roads breaking away from the central causeway.

  “Guess they never needed higher chemistry,” Taytha pointed out.

  “No, I suppose not,” offered Haitrion. “What a humbling privilege.”

  Taytha smiled.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  “If you would Sergeant?”

  Haitrion turned and took off into the black sky. With a half step Taytha followed him. The sound of her thrusters echoed though the cavern as they soared over the rainbow meridian of the metropolis. They each stared out at the rising structures surrounding them. The scope and grandeur of each building grew as they neared the city's center.

  “They’re just husks now. I wonder what life was like here,” chirped Taytha’s voice through Haitrion’s headset.

  “Your imagination will have to suffice Sergeant. We have a more urgent matter to discuss,” he replied.

  “What? What do you mean, urgent?”

  “The power source here is definitely on a cycle.”

  “Yeah that seems obvious right now. Is that a problem?”

  “Well in order to accomplish our objectives the power source needs to be active.”

  Haitrion peered a growing structure in the distance.

  “However long this darkness lasts is how long we'll have to wait.”

  They rushed over the trees beneath them, rustling the luminescent foliage.

  “It could be a cooling process,” he added.

  “You have any idea how long it will last?”

  Haitrion shook his head.

  “No. I’ve never encountered something like this before.”

  He looked back towards the city’s center.

  “All I know is what the readings tell me. And right now, they’re telling me nothing.”

  “Yeah I’m getting the same thing. It’s like it's turned off.”

  “Possibly. I think the system is still running. Just not generating power.”

  He looked back at Taytha.

  “We need that power.”

  “For what? I thought you said you never encountered something like this before. How can you know we need it?”

  “This power source allows the gate to bend spacetime. I am going to harness that power.”

  “Is that safe?”

  “Probably not. Again though, I’m open to other suggestions.”

  Taytha shook her head.

  “All this is way beyond me.”

  “Then let’s hold course, shall we?”

  At the end of the grand roadway stood an edifice very different from the rest of the stone structures. The pair slowed their airspeed.

  “Sergeant,” hailed Haitrion. “We may have found the source of those tracks.”

  The end of the grand causeway rose up into a massive stone staircase, climbing up the side of an ancient angelic building. Encircling the angelic spire, facing outward into the city, stood three gigantic robotic sentinels. Covered in thick metallic plates the humanoid behemoths only lacked perceivable heads. Giant symbols were carved into their chests, each different from the next. The pair hit ground on the plateau at the feet of the great constructs. Taytha brandished her AGR.

  “What are they?”

  “I don't know. They’re extraordinary.”

  He pointed up at the carved symbols.

  “They must be angelic. Look at the markings on the chest. They’re like the symbols on the gate."

  “Are they all part of the same system?” Taytha asked.

  “Might be. Though I’m not sure their purpose is one we’d prefer to become familiar with.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  Haitrion turned around looking at the city below them. Like a golden carpet, light producing flora covered every inch of the city. The taller buildings stood among the rest like glittering spikes. He turned back around.

  “How lucky we are, wouldn’t you say Serge—“

  Taytha placed her hand on the foot of one of the monstrosities.

  “Wait! No! Sergeant!”

  A deep hum filled the air. Taytha stepped back, removing her hand. The sound of the low hum pitched up.

  “Sergeant Fall back!”

  Taytha peddled backward drawing down on the alien monster. A loud tone entered their earpieces. The two grabbed at the sides of their heads. A terrifying alien language roared though their headsets.

  “What’s going on?!” screamed Taytha.

  The broadcast ended only to repeat in another unknown alien tongue.

  “I don’t know!” I can’t understand the langua--!”

  The message repeated again in yet another language.

  “Wait! It sounds like Nepheri! It’s speaking some form of nepheri!”

  “Of course you speak Nepheri,” she scoffed.

  Haitrion listened close.

  “The way is shut to you, those who wish harm upon the relics of the angels. Defy us at your own peril."

  “It’s a warning.”

  The language changed once more.


  “It says we can’t go through if we mean harm.”

  Haitrion looked up. Taytha gripped her weapon tight.

  “We mean no harm.” Haitrion offered. “We are travelers from a distant land.”

  The repeating message stopped. An eerie silence carried on for minutes.

  “This place is sacred. Your presence is a privilege,” boomed the voice over the airwaves.

  Taytha grunted at the level of sound.

  “Indeed we are grateful.” Haitrion responded. "Could you tell us what happened to the people here?”

  Another long silence.

  “The Darka were neutralized.”

  “Neutralized?” Haitrion muttered.

  “What?” Taytha interjected. “What is it saying?”

  “They’re called the Darka,” he clarified. “I think they killed them. At least this one did.”

  Taytha let out a sharp breath.

  “Haitrion we should get the fuck out of here.”

  “Just wait Sergeant.”

  “Haitrion!” she scolded.

  “Why where they neutralized?” Haitrion queried.

  “They threatened the cycle of the light.”

  “It says the Darka threatened the cycle of light.”


  “I’m not sure. They were stone masons. How could the Darka threaten a power such as yours?”

  “Haitrion. I know this is my fault but, now it has shit storm written all over it.”

  Haitrion waved off her concern.

  “They sought to control the power of the cycle. They were removed from their city.”

  “It seems like they all partook in the expulsion of the Darka.”

  “Yeah great. They killed them all. We already figured that. Cam we leave?”

  “You drove them to their deaths! With such great power why take such measures? What resistance could they muster?” Haitrion prodded.

  Taytha began to gather tactical insight
on her surroundings. Her HUD went mad with activity.

  “Complete neutralization was necessary for the preservation of the cycle. Their efforts were futile. They possess not the power you do.”

  Haitrion lowered his head, paying close attention.

  “What power do I posses? What am I?”

  “Syren born,” the metal giant replied.

  Taytha gasped.

  “Holy shit!” she barked. "I understood that one! Haitrion! What are you telling it?"

  Haitrion ignored her.

  “You know what I am?”

  “You are the detritus of pollution. Like your brethren on the surface.”

  Haitrion stepped back in disbelief. He looked to the ground.

  “Haitrion?” prodded Taytha.

  “He knows of Kilahren?” Hatrion muttered to himself. "

  He raised his head.

  “Of what brethren do you speak?”

  “The syren born you call Kilahren.”

  “Kilahren?” worried Taytha. “Haitrion what the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck are these things?!”

  “We are Kristics!” bellowed the voice in human basic.

  “Whoa! What the fuck?” Taytha yelled. “It speaks basic?”

  “My designation is Bright One.”

  “It appears so,” agreed Haitrion.

  “We know of your kind from the species you call the Nepheri. We’ve been observing you and the one you call Kilahren since you landed on the surface.”

  “Sergeant. I think it’s safe to assume no channel is secure.”

  “Roger that.”

  “Bright One. Does the same energy that operates the gate infect us? Ether born?”

  “Affirmative. The gate operates on what your culture calls ether.”

  “That’s great!” rejoiced Taytha. “That means we can use the energy!”

  Haitrion grabbed at his helmet to the hum of the other two Kristics activating.

  “Sergeant. Stow your words,” Haitrion ordered.

  “Clarify your intent human!” boomed Bright One shaking the ground.

  “Goddess!” barked Taytha.

  “We mean no ill, Bright One!” Haitrion pleaded, waiving his arms. "She simply wonders how the gate operates.”

  Taytha dug her feet into the ground. The comrades endured an uneasy pause.

  Bright One’s voice struck like thunder as other the Kristics dislodged from their mounts and stepped onto the platform.

  “The gate provides two way instant transmission from one predetermined location to another. The lesser gate located on satellite 0017 orbiting planet 0033 in star system 007348975729348 has been activated and is currently in use.”

  The three angelic machines strode into the middle of the plateau coming shoulder to shoulder in front of the adventurers.

  “The gate on the surface,” pressed Haitrion.


  “What is coming though the gate?” asked Taytha.

  “Inconclusive data. Unknown cybernetic life form.”

  “Life form? Like only one?” she added.


  “That’s interesting. It seems to think they are one organism,” Haitrion assessed. “Are you certain they are of one consciousness?”

  “Affirmative. Two hundred and ninety six in three hundred probability."

  “That’s pretty certain,” Taytha remarked.

  “Explain your intent!” demanded Bright One.

  Taytha stepped close to Haitrion and opened her visor.

  "I don’t think this thing is going to like any of your answers.” Taytha whispered. “It’s time to go."

  Haitrion looked over his shoulder.

  “Where Sergeant?” Where will we go?” Haitrion shot back in a hushed tone.

  The lord turned around.

  “Explain your intent!” Bright One thundered again.

  “We are explorers!” Haitrion testified.

  Another pause.

  “Negative. Explain your intent!” roared the mechanized interrogator.”

  “What?” Haitrion let out. “I don—"

  A red warning indicator flashed across Haitrion’s display.

  “Haitrion.” alerted Taytha.

  Another red indicator blinked on. Followed by another. Haitrion turned again to Taytha.

  “Explain your intent!” Bright One commanded again.

  “Sergeant. The motion sensors.”

  Taytha turned to look back beyond the city limits and the reaching jungle to the underground mountainside where they had first entered.

  “We are explorers!” Haitrion shouted. “Explorers! We mean no harm!”

  “Negative. Your brethren, the one you call Kilahren, is leading an armed force under the mountain as we communicate.”

  The warning indicators gathered in Haitrion’s display like falling snow.

  “Kilahren is not my brother. We are not comrades. We are not allies!”

  Taytha remained vigilant, staring into the distance.

  “You are the one who helped him activate the gate. You are not enemies.”

  “He’s got a point,” assessed Taytha.

  She took a step forward, focusing on a train of lights moving down the mountainside. Her HUD’s auto zoom kicked in.

  “Yes but, we are not on the same side.”

  Taytha watched as hundreds of lights poured from the cave opening down the mountainside.

  “Your statement is contradictory,” blared Bright One. “Explain your intent! This is the final query!”

  “Haitrion they’re coming down the mountain!”

  “You are right Bright One. That is a hostile force but, we are not a part of it!”

  From the river of lights streaming down the mountain came an orange flash.

  “Ethukars.” Taytha murmured.

  The orange glow lifted into the air followed by a geyser of lights. The river of luminescence shifted like locusts tracking toward them.

  “Your deceit is considered a hostile act,” the metal creature warned. “Use of lethal force justified."

  “Haitrion. Time to go!”

  To the whining sounds of activating weapons systems, Taytha hurled herself into the air with a burst of her thrusters. Haitrion tore into the sky after her, escaping a blast of ether fire emanating from Bright One’s chest. The two sentinels flanking Bright One blasted into the sky after them.

  “We won’t survive this!” Taytha screamed over the radio as they tore through the underground sky.

  “We only need to survive lo—“

  A wide blast of ether fire from behind exploded the rock ceiling above them. Taytha and Haitrion maneuvered through the falling debris on a collision course with the locusts of lights. Haitrion shook his head, gaining clarity.

  “Only until the light returns!” he called out.

  With her AGR in her left hand Taytha flourished her azukar in the other. She rotated onto her back mid flight and pointed her rifle at the pursuing Kristics.

  “Computer lock left side weapon system onto center mass of my current target.”

  A yellow marker flashed over the right Kristic closing in on her HUD.

  “Target acquired.” confirmed her onboard system.

  She flipped back over, metal bearings fanning out then igniting into spears of plasma swirling around her. Haitrion streaked past with an ethukar in each hand. The glowing spearheads burned though the subterranean sky like two constellations on a collision course.

  “They will show you no mercy.” Haitrion warned.

  Taytha screamed, depressing the trigger of her AGR. Blue rounds raced through the air towards her rear target. Haitrion bore down on the Black Sun. The shockwave from the clash of their weapons sent dozens of the Lord’s forces plummeting to the ground. Taytha plunged deep into the heart of the group of airborne soldiers while maintaining her reverse field of fire. With yaw and barreling spins she evaded incoming fire as her spears of plasma slashed through swaths of Kilahren’
s soldiers. Those blocking her path were carved away with her azukar. The pair of Kristics crashed into the airborne group behind them, the attacking soldier’s gunfire ricocheting off their thick metal plates.

  “Where is the third?” screamed Taytha over the radio.

  “Holding position at the source!” Haitrion barked back.

  The assaulting Kristics loosed ether fire tracking Taytha through the crowd of soldiers. Many burned in the wake of the blast as Taytha broke left, away from the fiery shot. Gunfire swirled around her, failing to find its mark as she split the enemy line through the air. Kilahren pursued Haitrion with malice. Each of his strikes fell with the might of the goddess. Meeting the Lord’s fury with a rage of his own, more plasma blades burst to life, rotating around Haitrion. His spiraling hurricane of strikes overwhelmed Kilahren driving him back. Soldiers from every angle tried in vain to engage the massive Kristics as they crashed through their lines burning and striking entire squads from of the air. With a burst of gravity Lord Kilahren scattered Haitrion’s blades turning the tide.

  “Haitrion! Behind you!”

  As the Imperial Lord drove him back, Haitrion glanced over his shoulder to glimpse a closing Kristic fist. From the cleaved weapons of the fallen soldiers strew across the ground, Haitrion marshaled fields of jagged plasma spikes. The host of glowing javelins launched into the air, blazing a trail straight for heart of the metal being. After evading another whirlwind of strikes from his opponent, Haitrion rolled to his flank. The burning shards of plasma crashed into the chest of the angelic guardian to the crescendo of a giant explosion, shredding it to pieces. The blast scattered combatants everywhere, smashing them into the old stone buildings and hard packed ground. Smoke and dust blanketed the city covering it in a hazy, honey-tone glow. Bright flashes snapped through the haze as Haitrion and Kilahren’s fight raged on in the golden clouds.

  Taytha gasped, rolling over to her stomach.

  “Personal integrity report,” she groaned.

  “Suit integrity at ninety eight percent. All system green,” the onboard suite informed her.

  She lifted herself from the ground and regained her balance.

  “Computer locate my weapons.”

  The Kristic that remained thrust itself into the syrens’ fight. Hailstorms of ether fire streaked in every direction dividing the warring powers. Taytha’s HUD outlined the her weapons through the destruction. She stretched her hands out to either side as the weapons exploded from their resting places. Her gear spun through the air into her grasp. She turned and looked up at the struggle unfolding above her. She bolted into the air, speeding back into the fray. Lightning spiderwebbed across the sky and crawled along the surface of the Kristic as the sirens’ weapons collided. Crushing magnetic fields splintered incoming waves of spun shrapnel and shards of metal from warring syrens as the two forces attempted to dominate the other through sheer power. A blast from the angelic beast parted the two warriors once more.


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