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Truth of the Children

Page 20

by Adam DiSalvo

  “Haitrion!’ Taytha cried.

  Haitrion slipped the Kristics next incoming strike pulling his orbiting weapons with him. The humongous fist charged straight for Kilahren. The Lord’s black and red ether skin bristled, bracing for retaliation. With lighting speed Kilahren thrust out his palm unleashing a burst of ether halting the angelic combatant's strike dead in place. The Kristic strained against the power of Kilahren’s gravitational and magnetic fields. Kilahren folded around the massive gauntlet, calling an ethukar to his other outstretched hand. He slashed and severed the Kristic's fist at the wrist. The monster countered with an inaccurate burst of ether fire which carved a nearby building in two. The roar of the crumbling building accented the clashes of ether blades above. Taytha flew headlong into Lord Kilahren following a barrage of cerulean fire. Kilahren caught Haitrion on tilt and landed a fierce kick to his chest and parried Taytha’s incoming blow. firing his remaining shards of plasma into her wake. Taytha swung around raking her own harpoons of plasma into the path of Kilahren’s tracking projectiles. The collision of vibrant weapons shattered them into a spray of fire and sparks. The engaging Kristic lunged for Taytha, missing its mark by inches. She pivoted mid flight, adjusting for a greater line of fire. Angry blue venom poured from her AGR. Kilahren spun through them with ease homing in on his new target. His weapon came down hard on Taytha’s defending azukar sending her spinning backwards. With vision warping quickness, Lord Kilahren dashed to her flank prepared for the final blow.

  “Sergeant!” cried Haitrion as the power source under the mountain burst to life drenching the underground in blinding light.

  The shocking luminosity stunned Lord Kilahren who pulled his strike to shield his eyes from the glare. Taytha grazed the Lord’s shoulder as she tumbled past through the sky. She shook off the shock and decelerated, regaining aerial control. As Kilahren shook his head from the flash of stunning light, the engaged Kristic’s first drove its way home into Kilahren’s side pitching him into the rocky side of an ancient temple. Unable to rotate in time to defend itself, Haitrion plunged his weapon into the Kristic’s chest and wrenched it free. With no loss of momentum, Haitrion rolled around to the creature’s back and clasped the ends of his magnetic grounders together. He spun the newly constructed plasma tipped spear above his head and brought it straight down the center of the marauding behemoth. The severed circuits and mechanisms cracked and hissed before the entire being exploded into a giant green fireball.

  “Sergeant! To the source!” Haitrion called

  The two hurled themselves back towards the center of the city with a field of destruction behind them. The city rushed along below them as they streaked toward the light and a waiting Bright One. Before the warriors could close the gap. The final Kristic disappeared from sight in the distance.”

  “Sergeant your flan—“

  The Kristic materialized above, dousing them in ether fire and bashing them down into the main causeway. Their impacts left deep craters where they landed. The menace persisted in its pursuit teleporting again to Taytha’s flank, lifting her from the ground, and striking her again. Taytha flew through the air and tumbled across the ground to the foot the grand staircase. As Taytha struggled to get up, smoke rose from her suit as it spit sparks from internal damage. She collapsed to the ground, motionless.

  “Haitrion. Help,” she murmured into the radio.

  Kilahren emerged from the hole on the fifth floor of the Darka temple screaming towards the battle. He drew along with him a wall of metal shards and a burning ethukar in each hand. Lighting arced throughout his wall of blades charging each individual piece. Bright One ported back to the crater where Haitrion crashed pulling back for a final blow. The machine’s fist came down in a blur only to be met by Haitrion’s equal magnetic resistance. With flawless precision Bright One leaned back avoiding Kilahren’s flanking blow. The succeeding wall of Kilahren’s metal shards slammed into the Krisics side puncturing deep into its armor. Kilahren circled back around, the leftover spikes flocking behind him as the Kristic brought its hand down once more on top of Haitrion. He no longer had the strength to stop it. The strike landed with tremendous force sending rocks and debris flying in every direction. The angelic weapon reared back for another strike only to be clipped by a charging Kilahren. The power of the blow knocked Bright One to the side. From one knee it rose to engage Kilahren who spun his wall of death into brilliant shafts of plasma. Thrusting each hand forward one by one in rapid succession, the bolts of searing energy flew through the air. Bright One ported to Kilahren’s rear flank to counter. The young Lord ducked the blast of ether fire from behind only to find the Kristic’s melee strike closing in. The giant fist made contact with Kilahren, exploding into a cloud of diamonds. Kilahren spread his arms, sending spikes of plasma down range melting everything they touched as they pierced deep into the the machine’s armor plates. As the weakening monster reeled, Kilahren leapt into the air striking it with both feet and bounding away. Before Bright One could hit the ground several more plasma shards punctured its body. Fires erupted from the inside. As he hovered above the defeated Kristic, Kilahren called to him every metallic shard surrounding him. The cloud of metal ignited into a swirling ball of plasma. Like sheets of rain from a tropical storm, slices of plasma descended upon Bright One. Wave after wave of blistering fire slammed into the ancient being. Kilahren was unrelenting, maintaining the hail of destruction until he exhausted his phalanx of plasma. The Lord lowered himself as the dust cleared. He strode over to the crater where his battered nemesis lie. Kilahren found Haitrion is his destroyed ether skin. The outside was charred black and the plates where broken with fissures splitting most. The screen on his helmet was shattered exposing his face. Blood ran from his nose.

  “I told you my lord you would never leave this moon alive."

  He called one of Haitrion’s magnetic grounders. The ethukar ignited.

  “Oh, my. It really is a lot easier.” Kilahren joked.

  He stepped around the edge of the crater.

  “I’ll never understand why you never embraced who you truly are.”

  Haitrion groaned attempting to move.

  “No no. Just lay there. You’re about to die."

  Kilahren stepped into the crater and stood over a defenseless Haitrion. He raised the glowing weapon over his head. Haitrion held his breath.

  “May your will die with you.”

  The crack of an AGR split the atmosphere, its rounds cutting through Kilahren’s upper torso spraying clouds of blood. The Black Sun limped back to be struck by a second volley, piecing his legs and stomach. Kilahren fell to the ground in a bloody heap.

  “Go fuck yourself,” Taytha spat.

  She crawled with one arm to the depression encircling her friend and peered over the edge.

  “Hey. You dead?”

  Haitrion laughed through pain.

  “Not yet." he grunted, rolling to his side. “There’s still one last thing to do.”

  Taytha couldn’t help but, smile. The busted out bottom half of her visor revealed a bloody grin. She struggled getting to her knees.

  “I can’t believe I killed that fuck,” rejoiced Taytha.

  “You fought well Sergeant. A well earned victory.”

  Haitrion pushed himself up onto all fours.

  “Need some help?” Taytha offered.

  “I’m okay I think. Thank you.”

  Taytha forced herself to her feet, wobbling back and forth. She raised her busted visor and gazed out at the carnage around her.

  “You will save many more,” Haitrion reminded her after getting to his feet. "The men here were led astray. That will no longer happen, if you can help it."

  Haitrion climbed out of the crater and stood next to a still kneeling Taytha. He reached out with his right hand.

  “Are you ready?”

  She placed her hand in his and he hoisted her up from the ground. A silent acceptance grew between them as they made their way to the base of the
light bearing spire. Together they stood beneath it, its bright light cast across their faces.

  “It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen,” admitted Taytha.

  “It is. We are so fortunate.”

  After embracing their last moment of understanding Haitrion turned to face Taytha. Tears were in her eyes.

  “The time has come Sergeant. Are you ready?”

  Taytha nodded her head shaking the tears from her eyes. She gripped both her weapons tight in each hand then stowed them away.

  “Do not fear Sergeant. You have a strength I can not quantify.”

  She choked back her sniveling, attempting to maintain her composure. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around a shocked Haitrion. He returned the warm gesture, his eyes finding tears of their own. He gripped her shoulders and pulled her back.

  “It is time.”

  Haitrion took a step back and knelt down on the ground. He wiped the tears from his face and bowed his head. The ground shook as arcs of lightning snapped through the air around them. The debris covering the ground rose into the air accompanied by bursts of fire. The light from the source flickered and cracked as it bent and warped. Taytha’s suit went rigid. Swirling forces enveloped her as she lifted into the air. The suit became unresponsive. Haitrion's ether skin burst into flames. He raised his arms at his sides and his face to the sky. The forces whirling around Taytha grew ever stronger carrying with it flashes of bright light. The flickering of the central power source grew more frequent and Haitrion's armor started to glow.

  “Haitrion! What are you doing?” Taytha yelled.

  The sound of the growing forces drowned out Taytha’s voice. She screamed over the roaring noise.


  The luminosity of the forces wreathing Taytha were now blinding. She squinted through, looking to Haitrion. The energy clawed at his body.

  “Will I ever see you again?” Taytha cried.

  She watched as the raging powers harnessed by Haitrion enveloped him and tore him asunder. His last words broke through before a final thunderous clap.

  “No. You won’t."

  Taytha departed.


  LUSIO STOOD IN the middle of a large balcony in front of a spherical piece of equipment resting on top of a tall tripod. The wind atop the sky-needle blew through his hair as he looked over the edge. His com chimed in is pocket. He removed the device and put it to his face.

  “Hey!” came Serena’s voice over the com. “Where are you right now? Why aren't you here?”

  He walked back to the device, checking it’s stability.

  “I’m kinda in the middle of something.” he replied, removing a small pair of binoculars from his jacket and bringing them to his face.

  “What the fuck?” Serena snapped. “What do you mean you’re in the middle of something? Do you know where we’re going right now?”

  Lusio made his way back to the railing and peered over the edge into the large windows of another building across from him a few hundred feet below. The massive apartment was empty.

  “You’re going to meet Lord Ty Right?” he offered.

  “Yes! You need to be here! You’re in charge of security now!”

  "Yeah but, I’m also a pirate and a mercenary. So there’s that.”

  “Lusio please don’t tease me, you know where we’re going right now.”

  Lusio continued to look through his binoculars at the fancy room.

  “Ok I’m sorry. I’m a little nervous too. I know who you’re meeting. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay just, where are you?”

  "I have to pick something up for Raffa.”

  “Wait he asked you to pick it up?”

  Lusio spun around in place.

  “Hold on, you know about it?”

  “He told me,” she answered.

  “He did? And you’re ok with it?”

  Lusio went to another section of the balcony, spying another building.

  “Yeah. He did.”

  “And you’re okay with it?” Lusio prodded.

  “No.” she hissed. "I’m not okay with it but, it’s Raffa. He does what he wants.”

  “Well I told him you wouldn’t be okay with it but, it’s whatever now. How long till you’re at the capital building?”

  “I don’t know. Transport should be here any moment, then it's a five minute ride to the capitol building.”

  “So like ten minutes minutes?” he clarified.

  “Yes, why? What’s going on?”

  “Well I don’t exactly have it yet.” Lusio revealed, returning to peer at the building with big windows.

  “Wait you don’t have it yet?”

  “Hey, it’s okay I’m a professional. I’ll have it before you get there.”

  “Oh my goddess we’re going to fucking die.”

  “No. No you’re not. I would never let that happen.”

  He reassessed the plush apartment.

  “Then why aren’t you here? Why didn’t you get it already?”

  Several guards entered the room Lusio was observing.

  “Look, he didn’t tell me he needed it until last minute.” he retorted.

  “Fucking Raffa! He always does that shit! I’m sorry.”

  Lusio clicked away at a button on the side of his binoculars, tagging each person on the display with a little red symbol.

  “Hey it’s okay. No one is perfect.” he ginned. “Shit. you’re dating a mercenary.”

  “I am?”

  “Aren't you?”

  “I’m not sure,” she teased.

  "Yeah you are!” replied Lusio, easing the tension. "That ruggedly handsome mercenary, right? Heard that guy took you out to Cantiga. Showed you around. Spent some money. Helped your boss and thus your career.”

  Serena fought through a smile.

  “You’re gonna shut the fuck up right now,” she demanded, her tone turning more serious. “Make sure you have that thing before we get there or we'll be getting swept off of the Lord of LIght's floor.”

  “Okay Dinasty Sungarden.”

  “This isn’t funny Lusio. You said you wouldn’t tease me anymore. I’m already freaking out.”

  Lusio spotted Laylani as she entered his view from the left side of the apartment. He clicked his binoculars again and placed a green marker over the Minister.

  “Don’t freak out. We’ve made it this far. We’ll get through this.”

  He lowered his binoculars.

  “It’s okay to be scared. Use it. Do not let your guard down. I don’t need to tell you how dangerous Ty is. Keep your wits about you and don’t believe anything you see.”

  “I know.”

  “I gotta go.”

  “Okay. Hurry.”

  Lusio pulled the com away from his ear and gripped his binoculars with both hands. He watched as the targets moved around the rooms across from him in the distance. He tagged each new person as they appeared who didn’t previously have a marker. When he finished he looked back down at his com. He reached into his pocket removing two small earbuds, placing one in each ear. After swiping a few commands into the com he waited, peering through the binoculars for one final check.

  “Yeah,” came a voice through his earbuds.

  “Laser radar deployed. Tagging complete. Are the arclights ready?”

  “Aye aye, Captain.”

  “Theneece, you ready with the false ELs?”

  “All green,” reported Theneece over the link."

  “Roger that. Get ready to jump to my location on on my mark.”

  “AREC brood ready for jump.”


  The air cracked and exploded behind him in a brilliant flash of light. Emerging from the violent release came five cutting edge combat suits. Standing at an imposing ten feet tall their deep violet and black armor plates were highlighted with gold and accented with green lights.The green light patterns upon their face plates gave their helmets a menacing specter li
ke stare. Secured to their backs were modified AGR’s with plating to match. Twin, green bladed azukars were attached beneath the gauss rifles in a criss cross fashion, tip down. One stepped forward.

  “Sit rep?”

  “There’s about a dozen guards,” Lusio explained, peering through his binoculars. “I assume standard reporting intervals. Maybe slightly more strict.”

  Three other soldiers approached the railing at the edge.

  “Raffa assured me there's a dead zone inside our target's apparent. Lord Ty is in love with his Minister of Security and our goal is to use her as leverage in Raffa’s negotiations at the Capitol building.”

  While Lusio and his men watched, the guards inspected each room in Laylani’s apartment to satisfaction and moved to take up their posts throughout the dwelling.

  Lusio turned to the first soldier to address him.

  “Saber. I need you and Dutch for the extraction.”

  He gestured to another two soldiers.

  “Xero and Nova will remain here and wait for our return. Once we get back I’ll send you a location for the next jump.”

  Saber’s HUD plotted theoretical patrol routes searching for a dead zone. He looked down and slid open his PDC’s armor plate covering on his inner left wrist. He swiped at the screen.

  “Can we be sure the Lord of Light won't retaliate?”

  “We can’t but, it doesn’t matter. If Mr. Calderon isn't successful, the ferryman will escort us out of here, expeditiously.”

  Xero bounced back and forth on her toes.

  “It’s do or die little cubs!” she cracked, through her thick Firritian accent.

  She smacked Dutch on the back with a heavy thud. He shrugged off her strike.


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