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Truth of the Children

Page 26

by Adam DiSalvo

  Raffa moved to leave the room looking over his shoulder at a frozen Serena. He broke line of sight and made his way out into the hall.

  “T minus ten seconds,” notified Lusio. “Final count.”

  Raffa leaned his back against the wall and slid to the floor. He closed his eyes.

  “Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Breaking gravity.”

  A soft vibration rippled through the floor. Raffa opened his eyes. He held up his PDC to his face.

  “Well captain? Success?” Raffa asked into the mic.

  “I think you’re a fucking genius, sir.”

  Raffa cracked a small smile.

  “I’m glad someone thinks so,” he admitted. “I’m on my way to the bridge. We have to move quickly.”

  “Agreed,” approved Lusio.

  With his eyes still closed Raffa tapped the back of his head against the wall.

  “Almost there,” he muttered to himself. “Almost there.”

  He got up from the ground and made his way down the hall. He found the deck junction and made his way up the ladder. Gravity disappeared as he entered the center through-port. He pulled himself along the handles until he came to the bridge junction. He placed his feet on the ladder as centrifugal gravity returned and Raffa climbed down into the bridge. His feet hit the ground just as Skylauren rolled into view on the main screen. The bridge was large with the navigation controls placed towards the bow. Lusio stood on a raised platform just behind the two navigation seats. He turned and greeted Raffa with a smile.

  “I can’t believe it,” he admitted. “This is insane.”

  Lusio tilted his head eyeing Raffa.

  “You talked to Serena. Didn’t you.”

  Raffa rubbed the back of his neck before speaking.

  “Yeah. Still processing the consequences of my actions.”

  “Can you blame her for being mad?”

  “I don’t. She has every right to be angry.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us what you were planning?"

  Raffa turned a twisted look to Lusio.

  “You of all people should know in this business, the less you know the better.”

  Lusio shook his head.

  “We’ve been working together for how many years, sir? I would’ve thought by now we should have built at least some trust between us.”

  “My goddess there’s that word again.”

  “Trust?” questioned Lusio.

  He waited for Raffa to respond.

  “How far would you go to do what you thought was right?”

  Lusio huffed out a quick chuckle, making a face.

  “Maybe you’re asking the wrong guy.” he replied.

  The two laughed.

  “Possibly. Possibly.” nodded Raffa.

  A soft chime rang out from navigation console. Concern grew on Lusio’s face.

  “There’s a lot of ships present here. Way more than the normal blockade numbers.”

  Lusio looked up at the main view screen.

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  Raffa leaned over looking at the console.

  “There’s Imperial warships,” Lusio went on. "Drop craft. Gound units?! What is this?”

  “Is it a problem?”

  Lusio turned, looking over his shoulder at Raffa.

  “How long you trying to be here?”

  Raffa looked down at his PDC and swiped at the screen.

  “Get me to these coordinates. They’re close.”

  Lusio punched the location into the helm's console.

  “What are we looking for?”

  “A ship.”

  Lusio looked back again at Raffa.

  “If you’re looking for a ship there isn’t one at these coordinates.”

  Lusio pointed at the navigation screen.


  Raffa shook his head.

  “Trust me. It’s there.”

  Lusio’s head jerked back in surprise.



  Lusio kept shaking his head smiling.

  “Nothing man. Nothing.”

  “It’s there. We just have to get close enough for an actual visual.”

  “Are you serious? We could hit the damn thing if the radar can’t even see it!”

  “Then fly slow.”

  “Slow? Look where we are! When I fire up these engines they’ll know we’re here. What are you trying to do?”

  Raffa looked back at the nav computer, staring at it. Lusio stood up straight.

  “Raffa you gotta tell me wha—“

  “How many drop craft do you have?” Raffa interrupted.

  Lusio shrugged and held out his hands.

  “Four but, how is that going to hel—“

  “All I need is one,” Raffa interrupted again still staring at the navigation panel.

  He looked back up at the main view screen.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You said they’ll detect this ship once you fire up the engines right?”

  “Yeah. What about it?”

  He turned to face Lusio.

  “What if we released one drop craft at speed?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What if you approached the ship I’m looking for and then released a drop craft? The inertia could carry me most of the way.”

  Lusio stared to the side in contemplation.

  “Then I wouldn’t have to activate the thrusters until I’m already upon my target. How much time would that give me?”

  Lusio shrugged.

  “A few minutes maybe. What if you don’t hit your target? Shit. What if you hit your target?”

  “I’ll worry about that. If we do it this way you’ll already be on your way out before they can even react.”

  “What about you?”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  Lusio let out a reluctant breath. He looked at the navigation console and then up at the main view screen.

  “You have any better ideas?” Raffa pressed.

  Lusio continued monitoring the navigation screen. Tiny green lights drifted across the display marking the locations of other ships in orbit. His gaze shifted to Raffa.

  “Alright. Let’s do it.”

  Raffa clasped his hands together, touching his nose.

  “Thank you Lusio. Without Serena, you, or your crew members, I wouldn’t have made it this far. I’m lucky to be alive.

  “Get out of here.” pushed Lusio. “You got a ship to commandeer.”


  Raffa made his way back up the ladder, heading towards the drop bays. Lusio stepped towards the communications station. He opened a channel, broadcasting throughout the ship.

  “Crew this is your Captain speaking. I’d like to first congratulate you all on being a part of the first civilian faster than light jump in human history. We are currently in orbit above Skylauren and will be departing shortly. Please stow all loose items and secure them and prepare for intense forward acceleration in T minus two minutes. Starting countdown.”

  Lusio started punching commands into the navigation console, checking the approach curve on another view screen. Once satisfied he sat down in the chair in front of the helm and strapped himself in. He stared at the view screen as a silent Skylauren rolled by.

  “He’s gonna fucking die out there.” he muttered to himself.

  “You really think so?” came a voice from behind him.

  Lusio jumped in surprise. He turned to find Serena standing behind him wrapped in a thick blanket.

  “The boss is fucking crazy, Serena.”

  She stepped between the other mounted seats and sat down in the one next to Lusio at the helm.

  “He’s not my boss anymore,” she informed him.

  “He said you two spoke.”

  “He’s an asshole. I saved his life and look what happened. I can’t work for someone like that. How can you?”

  Lusio leaned in to the com.

bsp; “T minus one minute.”

  He looked over at Serena as she strapped herself in..

  “Serena. I’ve seen and done some crazy shit in my life. Some of it I’m not proud of. Some of it I’ll probably never share with anyone.”

  Lusio placed his left fist in his right hand.

  “But, Raffa Calderon? I’ve never known him to do anything he didn’t know was right.”

  Serena turned away looking at Skylauren on the screen.

  “You weren’t in there.”

  Lusio eyes began to water.

  “No. I wasn’t.”

  He reached out and took her hand in his.

  “But I promise, I will never let that happen again.”

  She turned a tear filled smile to Lusio. The two locked eyes.

  “I’m at the helm of DC1,” came Raffa’s voice through the speaker at the comm station.

  Serena jerked her hand back, looking away from Lusio.

  “Roger,” he replied into the mic.

  He switched channels.

  “Crew prepare for intense forward acceleration in thirty seconds.”

  Serena strapped herself in starring straight forward.

  “Oh and Lusio?” chirped Raffa’s voice once more.

  “If you could. Could you please tell Serena I’m grateful for everything she’s done. She’s the closest thing to family I have and I hope we get a chance to see each other again.”

  Serena choked back tears. A red light burst to life dominating the bridge.

  “Will do sir. Good luck.”

  “DC1 out.”

  Lusio switched channels once more.

  “Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Fire.”

  The Pearlgese lurched forward with incredible force, pressing Serena and Lusio hard into their seats.

  “Prepare for DC1 release on my mark,” Lusio ordered into the mic.

  He looked over to see Serena’s quiet, tear covered face.



  THE SOUNDS OF hatch doors opening stirred Jaithen to consciousness. The light bursting in through the opening at the rear of the vehicle washed over him, forcing him to squint his eyes. Trying to avoid the sun’s rays, Jaithen tried blocking it from his face only to find he was still lashed to the spine board. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back. He looked over at Lilyth, still secured the same as he.

  “Load up these last two for transport!” barked Hardglave. “We make for orbit in 30 minutes!’

  Armored snatchers dragged Lilyth from the back of the transport. She landed with a smack as they dropped her and her securements to the ground. Lilyth whined from the strike. One snatcher knelt down and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her face towards him.

  "How many would you have murdered in your lifetime syren?” he growled.

  Jaithen was dragged out next and dropped onto the cold concrete.

  “Hey!” snapped Jaithen from his back. “Get away from her!"

  The soldier slammed Lilyth's head back onto the board. She cried and struggled as the collar around her neck delivered an intense shock. Her body twisted from the pain. Again, another shock. Webs of electricity arched from her hands and feet to the metal surfaces of the transport. The snatcher roared with laughter.

  “The power of the goddess! All for what?” he bellowed.

  Jaithen tugged at the restraints.

  “You piece of shit!” he yelled jerking the bindings. “You’re real fucking tough while she’s got that thing around her neck!”

  The armor clad snatcher turned his expressionless, blacked-out ballistics face mask to Jaithen.

  “Shut the fuck up syren. It is because of your kind this planet was left to die.”

  “Our kind? She was born here! Just like you! You’re trapped on the same fucking planet, asshole!”

  The snatcher stepped around Lilyth brandishing his sidearm. He knelt down and jammed the barrel tip into Jaithen’s mouth. The soldier pressed hard forcing Jaithen’s gag reflex as he bent down. Tears ran over Jaithen’s face from discomfort. He struggled to breath,

  “It’s your blood and brain they’re after Syren. Don’t force me to make them gather it from the ground.”

  Jaithen responded in vowels, gagging out his words.

  “Shh, shh, shh, shhhh,” the snatcher mocked. “You need your rest. You have a big night tonight. If I remove this weapon will you stay silent?"

  Jaithen glared but, nodded his agreement. The weapon was removed and Jaithen gasped for air. The snatcher wiped the slide on his captive’s shoulder before placing it back in its holster.

  Lilyth screamed once more. The shocks' intensities grew with each effort. The smell of scorched skin and hair filled the air around them.

  “Your friend has no fucking chill.” the snatcher joked with a smile as electricity arched over Lilyth’s body behind him. “She’s gonna boil her blood before she even hits the medical table.”

  He turned to Lilyth.

  “Listen sweetheart, killing yourself this way is far more painful than what’s already been planned for you.”

  Lilyth was blasted again.

  “Your choice I guess,” he aired.

  “Lilyth, please. Stop,” Jaithen pleaded. “You’re only hurting yourself.

  “Yes. Listen to your friend,” the snatcher added.

  Four identically clad snatchers drew near as he stood up.

  “Place these two in the last holding area and wait for dust off.” he ordered. "Imperial forces will soon take it from here.”

  The group lifted the pair from the ground and headed for the holding area. Jaithen's head rocked back and forth as he stared up at Skylauren’s titian sky. Smoke rose from her body as Lilyth groaned from lingering pain. They crossed the threshold into the antenna array’s lower level. The interior of the structure was a dull matte gray with makeshift lines of hanging lights ushering them through the halls. Dust was piled up in every corner and stale air saturated the building’s atmosphere. After turning a few corners the group came to the end of a long hallway. A heavy steel door opened revealing an empty room with four tiny lights set into the ceiling. Jaithen and Lilyth were brought inside and dropped in a heap onto the floor. The door slammed shut behind them and Lilyth’s collar chimed again.

  The collar fired once more.

  “Lilyth. Stop,” Jaithen begged.

  “Fuck you!" she growled through grit teeth.

  Sparks flew once more.

  “Lilyth fucking stop! Just stop! We can’t fucking get out!"

  More sparks.

  “Stop! Fuck! Lilyth Stop!” Jaithen yelled.

  “Why are you here?” she screamed through tears. “You don’t even fucking belong here! You’re all parasites! Fucking monsters!”

  She fought against the restraints.

  “Lilyth! Stop!”

  Her restraints dug into her skin and blood from her wrists dripped to the floor as she kept up her struggle.

  “Let me out of here!” she roared over a crescendo of arching electricity.

  The lights in the ceiling flickered.

  “Let me out!” she bellowed again, her eyes aglow with blue light. “Let me out of here!”

  The bursting electricity grew more violent arching to Jaithen’s restraints and into his body. He went stiff with each strike, clenching his teeth.

  “Lilyth!” Jaithen cried over the snapping shocks. “Stop! You’ll kill us!”

  With a rage filled scream Lilyth strained against her collar. The lights in the ceiling burst, casting them into darkness and the stench of scorched scalp. Silence drew in around them.

  “Fuck’n hell, Lilyth,” Jaithen groaned. “Lilyth?”

  He yanked on his bindings in the dark.


  No response. Jaithen’s breath quickened.

  “Lilyth! Fuck. Lilyth!”

  He strained to turn his head looking over to a sliver of light peeking in under the door.

  “Hey!” Jaithen screamed. “
Hey! She needs help in here!! Fucking help her!”

  Boots came stomping down the hall just outside the door.

  “Get the fuck in here! She needs help!”

  The door to their makeshift cell flew open and four black armored snatchers rushed in with the light from the hallway.

  “Fucking bitch! What the fuck happened?” demanded one snatcher.

  “She was fighting the collar. Is she breathing?” pleaded Jaithen.

  “Quiet, syren!” barked one of the men. “Get the chest compressor and oxygen! Goddess damn it this bitch is worth a fortune! We are not going lose her!”

  One armored man lifted a spider like device from the ground and placed it over Lilyth’s torso. The arms of the contraption latch itself to the board securing Lilyth.

  “Where the fuck is the oxygen?” the leader asked.

  “Right here.” one responded putting the unit on top of the compression unit.

  The lead snatcher placed a mask over her face and activated it.

  “Is there a pulse?” asked the leader.

  The soldier opposite him nodded.

  “Yeah, we got one,” the soldier operating the chest compressor responded. “She’ll be fine.”

  “She just needs to be alive long enough to make the delivery. After that it doesn’t matter what happens. Launch is in fifteen minutes.”

  “Brinegore!” squawked the leaders mic.

  The soldier’s froze.

  “Get those syrens ready to move. We just made contact will Imperial Navy.”

  Brinegore grabbed at his mic and looked around the room.

  “Shit. How much time do we have?” he spat back into the mic.

  “Zero. Get your team and move now. Avoid Imperial contact with those syrens,” pressed the voice over the radio. “Launch has been moved up to sixteen fifty.”

  “Where were the Imperials last seen?”

  “Courtyard just outside,” the voice warned. "Near the stasis pods.”

  “How many?”


  Brinegore let go of the radio.


  “Sir,” offered one man. "Commander Hardglave warned if they find us with syren’s they’re honor bound to—“

  “I fucking know what they have to do soldier!” Brinegore snapped.

  He glanced from syren to syren.

  “Pick’em up. We’re going around through the east antenna corridor.”

  “Lilyth!” Jaithen called. “Lilyth!”


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