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Truth of the Children

Page 27

by Adam DiSalvo

  “Someone shut his fucking mouth,” demanded Brinegore.

  A hard right cross came down on Jaithen’s jaw with a crack.

  “The fuck,” Jaithen moaned, blood dripping from his mouth. “Stop hitting me.”

  One soldier entered the room and placed a oxygen mask over Lilyth’s face. He then attached the cylinder to the device spidered over Lilyth’s spine board.

  “Get ready to lift,” one soldier ordered.

  The snatchers took places around the bound syrens.

  "One. Two. Three. Lift.”

  Jaithen and Lilyth rose into the air and the group whisked them out the door. The hard stomp of soldier’s boots paced them down the hall. Lilyth lay unconscious, her head swaying as they went. The line of snatchers slowed reaching each corner as Brinegore peered around the edges. As the group made their way through abandoned portions of the antenna array the ceiling lights accompanying them no longer functioned. Only orange running lights now showed the way. Brinegore held up his hand halting the squad as the sound of distant voices slipped through the halls in front of them. He wrapped his fingers into a fist and turned to his only conscious captive.

  “You make one sound I’m killing her first,” he threatened pointing his sidearm at Lilyth.

  He then turned and pressed the weapon into Jaithen’s neck.

  “Then you.”

  Brinegore holstered the pistol and looked at his comrades.

  “Stay tight and low. If you’re seen, engage.”

  The group nodded. Brinegore knelt down and pulled his rifle around from his back. He checked the chamber and tucked the weapon tight into his shoulder.

  “On me, single file,”he ordered.

  The group snaked down the dim lit corridors towards the muffled chatter. The notes of dry air from Skylauren’s surface teased the group's proximity to the outside. Their pace slowed to a crawl as the voices became more audible. Brinegore exercised meticulous caution as he lead the group around each corner. The voices were now clear.

  “Captain! Look at the damn scans! They’re infants in those fucking things! One is days old! Fucking days!”

  “Shut your fucking mouth! You don’t want them to think we’re hostile!”

  Brinegore held up his hand bringing the group to a stop.

  “Hostile?! Who the fuck cares?! They're non-imperial units! We could just shoot them all and no one would know the fucking difference!"

  “What do you suggest we do after, private? What do we do with those kids?!”

  The lead snatcher brought a single finger over his mask where his mouth would be. Lilyth stirred. Bringore’s head jerked around.

  “What about the broadcast? Can it wait?”

  “Aren’t we talking about a few versus a few trillion?"

  “If we’re dead there won’t be a broadcast. What happens then?"

  “We sent it up the chain. Isn’t that enough?”

  “Sergeant? What do you think?”

  “Do we have the resources to retrieve the pods?

  “Yeah. I can get a retrieval team down here.”

  Brinegore signaled the group in silence to place the syrens on the ground and form up on him. Still crouched, Brinegore crept into the intersecting hallways in front of them. The Imperials stood just beyond the corner opposite their position.

  “The retrieval team won’t land until the area is secure. We’ll first have to take the antenna buildings and then wait for reinforcement. Once they arrive I can call for the retrieval boats.”

  “What are the chances of a counter attack?”

  “No way to tell. We don’t know the extent of their forces.”

  “Well if we secure the antenna structure completely, transmitting won’t be an issue at all.”

  “But we’ve already been given permission to broadcast.”

  “Pfff! Permission?! You’re kidding right?”

  Brinegore signaled to half of the squad to stack up on one of the doorways just outside the Imperials position. Keeping to the shadows, the team split and Brinegore lead the other half to another doorway on the opposite side.

  “Yes. We can make the broadcast without risking ourselves.”

  “Then why not just do that?”

  "Because of the kids! Thats why! Captain we have to intervene!”

  “They’re not even our objective.”

  “Are you serious? Captain! We can’t just leave them!"

  The team member squatting behind Brinegore fumbled with a magazine as he tried pulling it from its pouch. Brinegore snatched the ammunition from the air before it hit the floor. He handed it back back to his soldier tilting his head. Back down the hall Lilyth stirred again.

  “Did you hear that?”

  The light ring of an activating AGR heightened the tension through the hollow tranquility.

  “Jaithen?” groaned Lilyth.

  “Lilyth!” Jaithen whispered. “Quiet!”

  “Yup, I heard that.” claimed one of the Imperials.

  “It was a fucking voice.”

  Bringore listend to the shuffling of heavy combat boots.

  “You didn’t hear shit. You’re freaking out.”

  “Fuck you I heard it too.”

  Brinegore signaled the breach countdown with his hand. Five. Four.

  “Forget it you three. It was nothing.”

  Two. One.

  With the trigger depressed, Brinegore stepped through the threshold with his squamates right behind. The divided snatcher team's crossfire sliced through the air, eviscerating Vesnta and Kellest before they could respond.

  “AP rounds! AP rounds!” howled Gestos.

  Braenna dove for Jeshet, tackling him to the ground as rounds crossed overhead. Gestos and Levron fell behind cover as Taytha raised her palms to the advancing enemy. With a roar Taytha unleashed a wave of magnetic fields paralyzing the enemy fire. Bullets continued to fly as each one succeeding the next froze mid flight. Taytha drew in a deep breath.

  “Ether born!” screamed Brinegore diving for cover.

  The suspended rounds scattered with incredible speed piercing everything in room. More snatcher fire entered from beyond one of the thresholds. Taytha trained her AGR and returned fire, stabbing blue rounds through the wall.

  “We’re pincered!” yelled Levron.

  Staying prone Braenna crawled over to Vestna. Two rounds had impacted her belly and arm.

  “Fuck! My liver,” gurgled Vesnta, expelling blood from her mouth.

  Braenna looked over to a motionless Kellest. Blood poured from the holes in her suit.

  “Fuck! Kellest and Vestna are down!” Braenna called out.

  Another spray of snatcher fire flew into the room impacting on the outside of Taytha ’s magnetic barrier.

  “Secure the syrens!” Brinegore demanded through the smoke and hot metal rain. “Get the fuck out of here!"

  Taytha pulled her AGR around and flew through the threshold at lightning speed. The pair of men couldn’t react. Taytha landed, digging her toes into the ground pushing up concrete. She sighted in her targets and pulled the trigger. Blue fire exploded through the soldiers and pierced the wall. The azure shots careened into the room behind them chipping away the cement.

  “AGR’s!” Briegore screamed.

  Two snatchers rolled towards the hallway to where Jaithen and Lilyth lay bound.

  “Purseuing two down the hall!” Taytha screamed, tearing after them.

  Brinegore grabbed at his mic.

  “This is Lieutenant Brinegore! I’m in the the antenna array with two adult syrens. We need immediate back up! The Imperial units are attacking us! I repeat we are under attack by Imperial units in the antenna array!”

  Braenna held Vestna’s face with one hand.

  “I’m here private,” reassured Braenna gripping Vestna's hand in the other as bullets flew above them. “You’re going to be okay. Hang in there."

  Standard rounds burst through the cover next to Brinegore’s head forcing him the lay prone. />
  “There’s one right there!” bellowed Levron.

  “Step around I’ll cover you!” Gestos barked back.

  A black armored combatant rose from behind his cover before Levron bringing his weapon to bear. The snatcher squeezed the trigger as Jeshet planted both feet against him sending the man to the floor. The stray fire hit Gestos in the thigh and stomach. As Jeshet crashed to the ground he reached for his side arm and fired three rounds into the snatchers throat and jaw.

  “I’m fucking hit!” Gestos cried falling to the ground.

  “There’s still two in here!” Jeshet warned.

  “I need some fucking help here!” Braenna shouted still gripping Vestna's hand tight.

  One snatcher came sliding in next to Lilyth. The captor aimed his weapon at her forehead.

  “Hey!” warned his comrade. "There’s one right behind u—“

  Dozens of AGR rounds tore through both snatchers. One fell limp on top of Lilyth, still gripping his weapon.

  “Where’s the other one?” Levron demanded stepping from cover to cover.

  “I don’t fucking know!” Jeshet shot back.

  “West door way!” warned Gestos crawling to cover leaving behind a smeared trail of blood.

  The two remaining snatchers from the other doorway fired into the room forcing Levron to duck behind cover once more.

  “Fuck! More on the west doorway!” Levron warned.

  Jeshet rose to his feet firing his pistol as he moved through the piling debris.

  “Keep them suppressed.” Levron ordered. “Moving up!”

  Jeshet continued pulling the trigger.

  Taytha pulled the bloody corpse from on top of Lilyth.

  “You’re okay. I'm going to get you out of here.”

  “Oh Athronin! Thank the goddess,” Jaithen gasped.

  “No.” Taytha smiled. “Thank me.”

  Taytha moved fast to release Jaithen's bonds.

  “There’s one right there!” pointed Jeshet.

  Levron peaked over a piece of rubbled through the gathering smoke and pulled back drawing fire. He placed the barrel of his weapon just around the edge unloading half a magazine into the black armored monster.

  “Three left!” Levron called out.

  “Fuck you!” growled Brinegore crawling to new cover. “We got help on the way!"

  “What?” Jeshet spat back. “Fuck you! You kidnapping piece of shit!”

  The snatcher's squad lead fired over his cover without looking.

  “Shut the fuck up you fucking pawn!” Brinegore shot back.

  “I’m gonna fucking die Brae. I’m gonna fucking die,” murmured Vestna, coughing up blood.

  “No you’re not. No you’re not,” assured Braenna "I’m here it’s almost over."

  Levron sprayed down the west doorway filling the edges with tiny craters.

  “Push that door way!” he urged.

  Gestos leaned up against the wall drawing his pistol. Sweat covered his face.

  “Stacking!” Jeshet called back.

  Levron fired at the door way again.

  “Watch for that other one!" he warned.

  Jeshet stepped over the rubbled as he pulled a stun grenade from his belt.

  “Eye’s and ears!” he roared tossing the weapon from the room and into the hallway.

  The Imperial soldiers clenched their eyes shut and covered their ears as Taytha released Jaithen.

  “Cover up!” Taytha warned rolling onto her side and covering her ears and face.

  Jaithen laid over Lilyth as the grenade detonated. The two snatchers clawed at their sensory orifices as they coiled back in pain. Jeshet exited the room, his rifle now in hand. He stood over the first writhing snatcher and depressed the trigger. Dark brain matter sprayed across the ground. The remaining combatant back pedaled blind on all fours attempting escape.

  “There’s one left in there!” belted Jeshet marching after the fleeing fighter.

  “Fuck you!” snapped Brinegore.

  Jeshet kicked out the arm of his quarry and punched two rounds into his chest.

  “Where you at fuck stick?!” snapped Levron edging to the corner of Brinegore's cover.

  The snatcher lead leapt out as Levron stepped around smashing his nose with a strike from his weapon. Blood rushed down the snatcher’s face as he fell back. Levron placed his boot onto Brinegore’s chest and pressed his rifle’s suppressor into his forehead.

  “Wait!” called Jaithen from the east hall. “Don’t fucking shoot him!”

  “Fuck that Levron! Ice that piece of shit!” urged Jeshet.

  “Fucking help!” yelled Braenna.

  Jeshet rushed back into the room clamoring over debris to Braenna’s side.

  “Do not shoot him!” screamed Jaithen. “He needs to take these fucking things off!”

  Jaithen turned to Taytha.

  “Help me carry her in?”

  Taytha nodded and bent down to help.

  “Wait! Wait! Wait!” Brinegore pleaded, staring down the length of Levron’s weapon.

  “End it!” urged Jeshet once more.

  “No! Wait! He has to get these collars off!” Jaithen contested.

  Levron pressed harder.

  “I can get them off! I can get them off!” Brinegore responded. "Don’t shoot me! Please! Just don’t fucking shoot me.”

  “Jeshet. Go check on the captain.” urged Braenna.

  Jeshet shot up and made his way over to their fallen captain. His breath was labored.

  “Hey Cap.”

  Captain Gestos’ face had turned white and was dripping perspiration.

  “They fucking got me.” he scowled, wincing in pain.

  Jeshet knelt down next to his superior.

  “Ves and Kel are down too.” Jeshet reported. "Kel is gone. Ves isn’t gonna make it. Can you move?”

  “I think so.” gasped an exhausted Gestos.

  “Fuck, alright.” muttered Jeshet looking over his shoulder.

  “Hey Brae? My legs are really cold.” whimpered Vestna. “Whats happening? Are we okay?"

  Tears gathered in the edges of Braenna’s eyes.

  “Yeah we’re okay. We won the fight.”

  “That's good. Are you gonna save the babies? You’re going to save the babies right?”

  Barenna’s tears fell.

  “Yes. We’re going to save the babies.”

  “Okay, good. Don’t let them take them.”

  Vestna tried to look around.

  "Where is everyone?”

  “Take it easy they’re here. They’re here. We’re all here.”

  "Okay. I thought Kell was hurt bad,” Vesnta admitted.

  “We’re fine,” assured Braenna, forcing out white lies.

  Taytha entered the room alongside Jaithen with Lilyth in their arms.

  “Where is that piece of shit?” barked Jaithen as he looked round the room.

  “Over here,” called Levron gesturing to a downed Brinegore with his chin. “Wait, who the fuck are you?”

  “I found them bound and lashed to spine boards in the hall,” explained Taytha. “They have some device around their necks. The female is hurt."

  “Her name is Lilyth Steelmane” Jaithen aired.

  “Get the fuck outta here,” scoffed Gestos holding his abdomen. “Like the Lion of Skylauren?”

  Jaithen nodded.

  “Let’s talk about it later. Can we get these off of us?” Jaithen pressed.

  “Pick his ass up,” demanded Taytha pulling Jaithen and Lilyth over to Levron and their new captive. “Where’s Braenna?"

  Levron dragged Brinegore to his feet and slammed him against the wall with force.

  “She's with Ves over there,” answered Levron gesturing towards the other side of the room.

  “Let’s put her down,” suggested Taytha looking at Jaithen.

  The two placed Lilyth on the ground in front of Brinegore and Taytha made her way over to Braenna and Vestna.

  “Shit. We sa
ved someone,” Gestos smirked.

  Jeshet couldn’t help but, smile.

  “Yeah. I guess we did,” he replied.

  Gestos rocked his head back and forth raising his eyebrows.

  “Fuck. Unless I get a medical pardon from a saint, I think I’m gonna be shitting in a bag after this,” chuckled Gestos reaching for his radio.

  “Quarantine command this is ground snake one come in.”

  “Go ahead ground snake one.”

  “We need immediate reinforcement and medical evac on my coordinates for myself plus one. Multiple gunshot wounds. Location is hot. Multiple combatants. Unknown strength.”

  “Dispatching reinforcements and medical evacuation to your location ground snake one.”

  “And send us a medium lifter. We’ve found something,” Gestos added.

  “Evac in t-minus ten minutes ground snake one.”

  “I don’t think we have ten minutes QC.”

  “Hang in there ground snake one. EL has been authorized. Help is on the way.”

  Gestos let go of the mic and turned to his specialist.

  “Jeshet. Find the chokes and get set for the next attack.”

  “Next attack? We need to get the fuck outta here!” blurted Jaithen still holding up Lilyth.

  “Hey bud,” Gestos responded. “I don't know who the fuck you are but, you’re welcome and I’m sorry to tell you but, we’re not going anywhere for the next twenty minutes or so.”

  “So we’re going to wait for it? Fuck that. I got a ship in orbit,” Jaithen spat.

  “Take those damn things off,” growled Levron into Brinegore’s ear.

  He let go of Brinegore’s tac-vast and stepped back, his rifle trained on his target's face.

  “Move,” demanded Levron with the muzzle of his weapon.

  Taytha knelt down next to Braenna.

  “You keeping pressure on that?” asked Taytha.

  “Yeah,” whispered Braenna. "She’s lost lot of blood though. She’s very cold.

  Taytha looked down at her injured comrade.

  "Can you hear me Ves?” cooed Taytha.

  Vestna responded with a weak nod.

  “Good. Help is on the way okay?”

  Braenna grabbed Taytha’s arm as she began to rise.

  “Wait,” she pleaded still holding onto Taytha’s arm. “Can’t you help her? You’re ether born aren’t you?”

  Taytha let out a breath of disappointment.

  “I’m really sorry Brae but, that’s classified information and no. I don’t think I can help her.”


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