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Page 11

by Traci Sek

  It only takes us a couple of hours to unpack the truck. Kate and I get to share the spare bedroom next to the dining room. It’s lovely and cozy, but mostly, it’s a lot bigger than our last bedroom. Sarah even bought us each a single bed. She really went above and beyond, I think to myself.

  I’m thankful for the separation from Kate, but I can't bring myself to show it to Sarah. The room has a small closet and a beige color on the walls. The rest of the day, we unpack our things and settle down on our new beds. They’re soft, softer than any bed I’ve ever felt in my life. I can't remember much, though; the past couple years are a blur. Laying in my bed, I decide to text Spencer and let him know I moved.

  I moved! Here's my address for Saturday if you still want to go out?

  Sheesh. A little desperate? I click send and wait.

  "Jessa, Kate! Time for dinner!" Sarah calls from the kitchen. I leave my phone on the bed and head to eat. The meal is silent at first, awkwardly quiet. Kate sits next to Ryan, of course, Roy next to Sarah and me: the third wheel.

  "So, girls, how's the room? All unpacked?"

  We both nod in unison. "It's great, Sarah, thanks so much for the beds," Kate says sweetly.

  "Oh you're so welcome, it’s the least I can do. And I hope from here on out; we can be a happy family?" I choke, and everyone stares at me as I recover but Roy looks angry. "Sorry, it went down the wrong tube," I say quietly.

  Kate fidgets in her seat. "Yes, one big happy family!"

  An awkward silence fills the room. "You mean like brother and sister, right?" I can't help the sarcasm quickly escaping my mouth... It pours out before I think about it. Now it's Ryan’s turn to choke and Sarah pats him on the back as Kate shoots daggers at me.

  "Um well, whatever makes you kids feel better," Sarah retorts.

  The rest of our meal is again silent, but as soon as we head back to the room, Kate starts yelling at me.

  "What the heck is wrong with you? You promised you wouldn't say anything!"

  "I didn't!"

  "Well, you might as well have!"

  "Oh, calm down, please. It's no big deal. Sarah didn't even catch on!" I glance at my phone and see a text from Spencer.

  "I swear Jessa; I’ll never speak to you again!" Kate hisses in the background

  I don’t hear the rest of her conversation as I read his words.

  That's great! Right? I can't wait to meet your family on Saturday...

  Oh, that's right. Damn it. I’m not sure how Roy will handle me having a boyfriend. Plus, the fact I had bad mouthed my dad to Spencer more times than not. The thought makes my stomach sink.

  I reply back.

  Oh... yeah... it should be great...

  I hold my breath as his response comes through.

  Don't worry; I don't judge, remember? Oh, I remember, but that's not what I’m worried about, my subconscious reminds me sarcastically.


  The next day at school isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Gia kept her word and came to school, but she was visibly tense most of the day. Somehow I missed Spencer the entire morning: the first day as boyfriend and girlfriend, and I don’t see him anywhere. Gia and I sit together at our regular table, and even though it felt weird not to have the ordinary people with us, I feel relieved not to see Julia sitting at the end, glaring at me. Gia’s still silent, playing with her food.

  "Are ya going to eat that?" I ask.

  Gia simply shrugs her shoulders.

  "Well, you know how much I eat... so you better eat it before I do!"

  Gia pushes her tray towards me with a frown.

  "I was kidding, Gia! Come on, get out of this funk! The years almost over. Next week is exams!"

  She sighs. "Yeah, you're right. It will just take me some time, that's all."

  A figure plops down next to me, startling me until my brain registers who it is. I instantly smile.

  "Hey, Jess." Spencer gives me a crooked smile that almost melts my heart. His hair is different today: the front poofed up where it’s ordinarily spiked and the rest is a bit shorter and smooth. It gives him a relaxed look that I very much like. Keep it together, I tell myself. Don’t gush in front of Gia.

  “I like your hair that way.” I don’t look at him; instead, I gaze down and play with my fingers.

  “Thanks,” he says, and I can practically hear the smile in his voice. I look towards Gia; her head is still down, and I nudge Spencer’s shoulder.

  "Gia cheer up, you deserve so much better than that scum!" I nudge Spencer again and give him a pointed glare.

  "I'm sorry, Gia, you will get through this. We will be by your side and come senior year we will rule this school!"

  Gia looks up. "I'm sorry guys, thanks for trying to help but I just need to be left alone." She gets up, takes her tray, and leaves the cafeteria.

  "I feel awful. I still can't help feeling this is all my fault."

  "Jessa, you know it's not your fault. She will get over it, and by next year all will be good again."

  "I hope so."

  "So, are you ready for Saturday? He raises his eyebrows a few times.

  I laugh. "Yes, of course, I am. Our first date."

  I look around the cafeteria and can't help notice people staring and whispering. Mostly cheerleaders. As if Spencer read my mind, he puts his arm around my shoulder.

  "Don't worry about them; they are jealous."

  One thing I don't like is attention or cockiness.

  "Listen, Spencer," I start and move his arm from around my shoulder. "I don't like cocky guys, so if that's how it's going to be, then let’s end it now. I need someone who's going to be with me for me, not for show." I bite my bottom lip and look at him.

  He looks shocked and confused...

  "No, it's not like that,” he says quickly. “I only said that because you look worried... I could care less about what people think or if they are even watching..."

  "I'm sorry,” I groan “But You are my first boyfriend, so I'm not sure exactly what to say or do."

  He lets loose a chuckle. "I might be Mr. Popular to some people, but that doesn't mean I have dated every girl that’s ever flirted with me — to be honest— you are my second girlfriend ever."

  "Oh? Who was the first one?"

  "She's not here anymore, she transferred to another school. We were only freshmen."

  "How long did you date?"

  "Only a few months."

  "Why did it end? Who ended it?"

  "She did. She knew she was leaving and didn't want a long-distance relationship at such a young age."

  "I don't blame her." He smiles and asks, "so, how come you never dated, Jessa?"

  I blush. "Well, three years ago, my mom was dealing with cancer, and I wanted to be there with her as long as possible. I even missed a lot of school, But I didn't want to leave her side. I didn’t have time to think of anything else. Besides, she wouldn't have wanted me to have a boyfriend. If she were alive, she would be scolding me right now and telling me to study instead of date. She always wanted a better life for us." I feel a tear slide down my cheek as I relive those bittersweet moments of my mom.

  "Awe, I'm sorry Jessa, I didn't mean to"

  "It's ok." I hold up my hand, "I'm ok. Every day gets a little easier."

  We stare into each other's eyes for a moment until the bell rings. We stand up, and Spencer reaches out, giving me a tight hug before walking out together.

  The rest of the week goes by pretty slow for me. Spencer sat with us every day at lunch, and whenever he saw me in the hall, he wouldn't hesitate to hold my hand and walk me to class. By now, I learned to ignore most of the stares and whispers from people. What’s their problem anyway? They act like I’m dating the Prince of England or something.

  Thankfully, by the end of the week, Gia returns to her usual bubbly self,. unless something would trigger her sadness Unfortunately, the triggers were everywhere, invading her memory.

  Tonight, I will tell Roy about Spencer and my
first date with him. I’m dreading it so much that I find it very hard to concentrate on anything, including school. "Jessa!"

  I snap out of my trance when Spencer waves his hand in my face.

  "Sorry, hey."

  "Hey? I've been here for five minutes trying to get your attention. What's going on with you today?"

  "I'm sorry, Spence. Just got a lot on my mind; that’s all."

  "I can't wait to meet your dad tomorrow."

  I cringe at the mere thought.

  "Is that what's going on?" he asks with a frown.

  I nod embarrassed.

  "Jess, how many times must I tell you not to worry, it will all be fine."

  "I haven't told my dad anything yet..."

  Spencer's eyes grow wide. "What do you mean you haven't told him anything?"

  I bite my lip. "Um, he doesn't exactly know I'm dating you..."

  As if right on cue, the bell rings, saving me from the wrath written all over his face.

  "This conversation isn't over, Jess." He kisses me softly on the cheek and walks to class. We haven't had our first kiss yet, but I know it’s coming — if I screw everything up.

  It would be hard telling Roy, and of all people, I thought Spencer would understand that, but maybe I was wrong.

  School’s finally over, I grab my things and walk out of the main doors. I know I shouldn’t be disappointed when I don’t see Spencer waiting for me, and I don't blame him for being mad. Lost in my thoughts not paying attention, I bump into something or rather someone. I look up and it's the one person I never want to see ever again. Julia. She has an angry expression on her face. Imagine that!

  "Well, if it isn't the bitch who tried to ruin my life..."

  I roll my eyes and turn to walk away, even though the curiosity is killing me.

  "Smart move. I knew you wouldn't want to start with me again," she sneers.

  "What the hell are you doing here? Your suspension isn't over yet, and I'm surprised the mental institution let you free today, "I say through gritted teeth.

  I place my hands on my hips to keep them from forming fists and striking her hard. Julia takes a step forward, her mouth, an evil smirk and I step back.

  "What, are you scared? Because you should be."

  "Pfft, I'm not afraid of you, but you’re not worthy of my time"

  I suddenly feel a warm arm extend around my back, and I know instantly it’s Spencer.

  "Julia, what are you doing here?" he asks coldly.

  "I'm glad to see everyone is still obsessing over me," she says with a smirk.

  "Ha, keep dreaming, hun," I sneer.

  "It's none of your damn business what I'm doing here." She glares at Spencer. "And you really need to tell your girlfriend to watch where she's walking, next time it won't be pretty."

  "Get outta here, Julia, before I have you expelled."

  Her glare deepens, but she says nothing. Instead, she turns on her heel in a huff and walks away.

  "That girl has some serious issues!" I start as I turn to look at Spencer, but he is frowning at me.

  "What's the matter?"

  "You know what’s wrong, Jess. Sit, we need to talk." We both sit on the stone steps on the side of the entrance to the school.

  "Spencer, I’m going to tell him tonight. I just don't want to be antagonized all week about it or have him change his mind if I make him mad or something."

  "Ok, that's about the date... when were you going to tell him about me—in general?"

  "I will tell him everything tonight. Listen, you don't know my dad, he's weird with this type of stuff; we don't have a close relationship. It's not very easy to tell him things. I thought you would understand that?"

  "And what if he says no to our date tomorrow?"

  "I haven't thought that far."

  He sighs. "Ok, Jess, I know we are still getting to know each other, but please don't hold anything back from me next time."

  "I won't. I promise."

  "Alright, I'm going to go. Text me later and let me know what happens."

  I nod and watch as he gets up to leave, but suddenly, I stand and grab him by the arm. He turns back around, and I throw myself into his warm arms the same way I did at prom. He hugs me against him, and I whisper into his neck, “I'm sorry.”

  He rubs my back gently. "I know," he whispers back.

  A little while later, I arrive home to find Kate and Ryan on the couch, making out. I clap my hands really loud in their faces.

  "Umm... seriously?" I yell.

  They look up in confusion.

  "What if I was dad or Sarah?"

  "It's ok. We know when they get home," Kate responds nonchalantly.

  "Have you ever heard the word early? They could come home early. Kate, you are becoming so irresponsible!"

  "Oh, please, coming from the girl who can't even tell dad she has a boyfriend!"

  "Don't start with me. You haven't told him either... and you... Mr." I point at Ryan, "what's your excuse?"

  He raises his hands in defense as if someone were pointing a gun at him.

  "I...I," he stutters. "I'm just doing what Kate wants!"

  "You two are pathetic!" Just then, both Sarah and Roy walk in the door.

  "What is all the yelling in here?" Sarah asks with wide eyes.

  "Nothing," Kate responds quickly.

  "Dad, I need to talk to you,” I say. Better do it now while I still have the nerve.

  He plops down in a chair and rubs his head. "About what, Jessa?"

  I know that tone; It’s his aggravated voice. He’s used it a lot in the past two years. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and say, "I have a boyfriend, and we are going on a date tomorrow night." My words come out in one breath. Roy’s eyes are as big as saucers, and his hand is stuck in midair. Everyone is looking between Roy and me, but after several awkward minutes of silence, he finally mutters, "is this the boy from prom?"

  "Yes, Dad, it is. He's really nice and sweet, and funny and—"

  Roy holds up his hand for me to stop. "I want to meet him first."

  "Yes, he wants to meet you tomorrow when he picks me up," I say with excitement.

  "You may only go if you take your sister as a chaperone. I don't want any funny business you hear me?"

  "But dad," I moan. "I don't want to take Kate with me!"

  "Ryan and I can go if it's ok with Sarah," Kate says excitedly.

  I glare at her.

  "That sounds fine to me," Sarah says.

  "Then it's settled," Roy announces with finality.

  I’m pissed but otherwise relieved that I’m allowed to go, but I will deal with Kate later. First, I need to send Spencer a text.

  Hey! My dad said it was ok as long as I took my sister and Ryan with us... do you mind?

  That's great! But aren't they dating? We should be keeping an eye on them... lol.

  My dad doesn't know, and after her behavior tonight, she's lucky I didn’t tell him.

  I read the message three times until my phone rings in my hand. Spencer’s face lights up my screen, and a small smile comes to my face as I answer, I didn't even say hi before he’s talking.

  "Sorry, my fingers were hurting, so I thought I would just call you."

  I silently laugh. "It's ok."

  "Plus, I wanted to hear your voice..." he trails off. This time the butterflies are back, full bloom in my stomach. With a chuckle, I reply, "It's always nice to hear yours too." I could practically hear his smile.

  "Alright, well, I'll pick you up at seven tomorrow night."

  "Ok, are you still mad at me?”

  “Of course not. I can’t stay mad at you for long.”

  “Thanks, Spencer. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good. Good night Jess.”

  I hold back a squeal feeling as if my heart was soaring. “Good night Spence.” I hang up the phone and lay on my bed, drifting off to dreams of Spencer.

  First Date

  The next morning, I can hardly con
tain myself as I dance around the house. Kate even joined in the dancing while Roy and Sarah just laughed at us, well, mostly Sarah laughed. Ryan, of course, was too cool for stuff like that.

  Before I know it, it’s seven p.m. I take one final look in our closet mirror and look towards Kate, who I begged not to get too dressed up, or she might blow her cover. She didn’t listen.

  “What do you think?” I ask for the millionth time.

  “Spencer will love it,” she says with a wink. Kate twirls around and asks “how do I look?” I give her two thumbs up.

  The doorbell rings and my heart leaps out of my chest— It’s now or never. I’m praying Spencer won't run for the hills when Roy interrogates him as I take a deep breath and walk to the door. Spencer’s looking particularly fine tonight, his hair spiked in the front, a black long sleeve dress shirt and perfectly fitting blue jeans.

  "Hey," I manage breathlessly after gaping at him.

  "Hey." He steps towards me and hugs me from the side, his scent teases my nostrils. Spencer’s sweet woodsy smell instantly relaxes every nerve ending in my body, and I can't take my eyes off of him.

  "Come in," I gesture, letting go of his embrace. Kate sits on the couch, Ryan’s in the armchair trying hard not to stare at Kate. She is wearing light makeup, jeans, and a pink t-shirt. Her hair is silky straight, a few strands on one side are tucked behind her ear. Sarah and Roy stand next to each other with arms crossed as if ready for battle.

  "Dad, Sarah, this is my boyfriend, Spencer..." I could have sworn I saw my dad's face wince at the word boyfriend.

  Spencer reaches out his hand, shaking Sarah's and then a hesitant Roy.

  "Nice to finally meet you," Spencer says with confidence.

  "Likewise," Sarah says. Roy just nods and gestures for him to take a seat on the couch. I start to follow, resisting the urge to grab his hand. Roy gives me a knowing look and points to his usual chair. I roll my eyes and do what I’m told.

  "You have a very nice home," Spencer starts.

  "Thank you," Sarah says excitedly.

  "So how old are you? Roy asks coldly with lifted brows.

  "Seventeen, sir, as of February."

  "And do you drive?"


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