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Page 12

by Traci Sek

  "Yes, sir, just got my license a little after my sixteenth birthday."

  It dawns on me that I never thought to ask any of these questions. We were always talking about different, deeper issues.

  "You know, I hesitate to let Jessa go with you tonight as you are the one who started that ridiculous fight at prom..."

  "Sir, I can —"

  Roy holds up his hand and continues, "but I remember how honest you are and how smitten my daughter is with you, so I’m giving you a chance."

  "Thank you, sir. I will not let you down. I will not let anything happen to your daughter."

  "You mean both of my daughters and my girlfriends' son."

  "Yes, sir, of course."

  "Dad," I start, but Roy just flashes me a stern look.

  "You will go to the movies and nothing more. I expect you all back safe and sound no later than ten-thirty, not a minute later. Do you hear?" Roy literally growls.

  "Yes, sir."

  "And there's no drinking, and you all need to wear your seatbelts," Roy adds as an afterthought.

  "Ok, Dad, we get it. We are going to be late for the movie, please," I implore.

  He sighs. "Ten thirty, I mean it and no hanky-panky!"

  "Dad," I shout in embarrassment. I can tell Spencer is trying hard to stifle a laugh. I blush and push him out the door. Kate and Ryan follow and we all get into Spencer’s car and drive off.

  "Well, that wasn’t too bad."

  "Oh, please," I mutter. "I thought I would die, and I hope he didn't scare you."

  "No," he chuckles. "Don't worry, my dad is worse. Trust me."

  "So, what movie are we going to see?"

  "We want to see a different movie," Kate protests.

  "Ugh, as long as it's the same time, you heard dad."

  "Yeah, yeah." She waves her hand without looking.

  Kate inches closer to Ryan as she wraps her arm in his. We arrive at the theater a while later and walk up to the ticket counter, and Spencer's hand is entwined with mine. I could hold his hand forever and never get bored. Spencer, being the gentleman he always is, pays for all our tickets. I protest to no avail.t. Kate picks a horror flick, and I pick a romantic comedy, I’m dying to see for the last few months.

  "Do you want to get some popcorn?” Spencer asks.

  "Um, if you want," I reply demurely.

  "We can share." He winks at me and pays for that as well. After reminding Kate for the hundredth time of our ten-thirty rule, we separate into each other’s movie direction.

  "I'm sorry I never asked when your birthday was." I wait for the previews to play out.

  "Ha, it's ok, no worries. I actually never asked you either."

  "Oh, mines, August 20th," I say.

  "So, it's coming soon."

  "Yes, I'll be seventeen as well."

  "Mine was February 16th."

  "Well, happy belated birthday," I say and blush. We look into each other's eyes. I realize I will never tire of seeing those velvet pools of brown. Of course, I don’t think there was anything I could ever tire about him. I never noticed his eyes when they were angry or their color before. The lights go out at the end of the preview, and music starts to play in the background. He turns his head towards the screen, but I can’t. I can't stop looking at him. I want to memorize every feature and detail of him.

  "Do your parents know about me?" I whisper in his ear as I snuggle into his shoulder. He glances at me and nods. "I would like to meet them soon."

  He grabs a handful of popcorn. "You will soon," he says, stuffing the contents into his mouth ever so gently.

  I smile and force myself to look at the screen. The movie starts, and for a few moments, I stare at the screen, but out the corner of my eye, I can see Spencer glancing down at me every few seconds. I glance up at him as he pushes the popcorn bucket towards me.

  "You haven't even touched the popcorn," he whispers. I stifle a chuckle and grab a few pieces looking at him, and pop them into my mouth and smile.


  He smiles back and nods. When the popcorn is gone, he puts it down on the floor, making me readjust my position. He sits back up and grabs my hand. I can't concentrate on the movie. At this point, I’ve lost track of what was going on, and I can sense Spencer’s thinking the same. I decide that holding hands is just not enough, and as I move my hand, he moves his to wrap around my shoulders, but we collide instead. We both laugh and try again; this time, I let him put his arm around me.

  I lean on his shoulder, relishing the feeling. I make sure to keep my gaze on the screen as I listen to his steady heartbeat. I don't want him to know I was doing it consciously. The movie ends way too fast for my liking, and everyone around us gets up, but we continue to sit in the darkness. "Did you like the movie?" he asks.

  I look at him and bite my bottom lip.

  "Um, yeah." He glances at my lips and then gives me that signature crooked smile that melts me every time.

  "You didn't pay attention, did you?"

  I can't contain my laughter. "I must admit you caught me."

  He laughs. "Well, to be honest, I couldn't pay much attention either." My mouth hangs open at his admission, and then I lightly smack him on the shoulder.

  "Spencer!" I scold, pointing my finger at him. What comes next shocks me as he leans in and kisses me. My eyes stay wide open for a second, not realizing what was happening. Then on instinct, they close. His lips are warm and soft. I start to panic; this is my first kiss. I won't count the time I planted one on him at my old house. We weren't even dating then. This was different. I’m hoping I don't look stupid. He must have kissed a million girls, even if he didn't date them. He stops suddenly and pulls away.

  "I'm sorry," he says. "If that was too quick or forceful." He scratches his head.

  "No, it... was amazing." He looks back at me as relief washes over him.

  "Really?" I ask. He looks down at his watch and stands abruptly.

  "Oh, crap, we have to go!" He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the theater. I can't help the giggle that escapes my mouth as we run to find Kate. Luckily Kate and Ryan are locked in a lip battle, which makes me a little jealous. My baby sister knows how to kiss better than me. We jump in the car and drive home. As promised, well-unsaid promise, Roy’s waiting by the door for us. We pull up just in time. Kate and Ryan jump out of the car, but I stay behind.

  "Thanks again. I had a lot of fun."

  "I did too." He leans in and gives me another kiss on the lips, but it’s short.

  "I'll call you."

  "Ok," I say and reluctantly get out and watch him drive away.


  I’m on cloud nine. My date went really well, better than I had expected. I get up and join everyone at the table for breakfast. Breakfast on weekends had become a routine—something I missed from when my mom was still alive. I’m finally feeling happy and content.

  "Jessa tonight, we will be having a big family dinner here at the house. I want you and Kate to help Sarah get ready."

  I look up from my bowl of cereal. Roy’s staring at me with one of his stern but gentle looks.

  "Ok, no problem."

  I head straight into the kitchen to start helping Sarah after I finish my breakfast. Gone is the old stubborn Jessa who fought everyone tooth and nail.

  "So why are we having a big family dinner tonight?"

  "Um, I don't know it was your dads' idea. He said we hadn’t seen my family in a while, and it was overdue. Can't say no to seeing family!" She winks and turns to rummage through the cupboard.

  " I see. So what are we having then?"

  “I figured a nice big pork roast with buttered potatoes and a vegetable, but first a chocolate cake. I'm looking for my great grandmother's recipe... ah, here it is," she exclaims, waving a flimsy piece of tattered paper in the air.

  We get to work on the chocolate cake; first, and Kate joins shortly after. The counters are filled with ingredients strewn around with flour and dishes. We put on so
me music and dance and sing along. I couldn't be happier. Who would have thought that I would ever be happy again?

  Soon we are cleaning up the kitchen and getting ready for the guests. I haven't seen Roy all day. Usually, he would come in and pretend to sniff the air like a hungry dog and comment on how good the food smelled. But only Ryan pops his head in a time or two to let us know he would be consumed by video games all day.

  Soon the guests arrive and are chatting in the big house, which now feels very small. I have only met Sarah's family once briefly at a birthday party. There were not many, like my family, but there was enough to fill the large dining room table and furniture in the living room. Roy finally appears with a smile on his face and gives Sarah a gentle kiss on the cheek. I watch as he laughs and talks with some of her family members. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. I shoot a glance at my phone and see a text from Spencer.

  I had an awesome night, and I can't wait to see you again.

  My heart skips a beat as I quickly send a text back.

  I had a great time also! I miss you! I'll see you tomorrow.

  I hear a clink of a glass and look up.

  "Dinner is ready!" Roy gladly announces.

  All the adults sit at the table, and the kids sit in the living room. Dinner is served and quickly eaten with lots of satisfied groans and comments. I help collect most of the dinner plates and replace them with dessert plates. As soon as everyone has a plate of cake, another clink of glass sounds.

  Roy stands at the head of the table, holding his wine glass as everyone goes silent.

  "I want to thank everyone for coming tonight. It is always a pleasure seeing all of your bright and shiny faces. First, I want to make a toast to Sarah." Everyone looks between the two of them.

  "My life was dark, and I was in a bad place until I met you," he says and stares into her eyes deeply and continues.

  "I want to thank you so much for giving me a chance and bringing me out of that darkness. I don't know where I would be today without you." Sarah smiles, and I feel a jealous pang in my stomach. I’m still a bit annoyed that a complete stranger was able to bring him out of his lousy frame of mind instead of his daughters, but I quickly brush that thought aside and continue listening.

  “Sarah, can you come and join me, please?" She smiles and walks over to him.

  "I love you so much. And I don't want to ever be without you... "

  He puts down his glass and reaches into his pocket to pull out a small black velvet box. My heart sinks. The happiness completely drains from my body as I stand frozen in my spot. He wouldn't ... No, he couldn't. He didn't even ask Kate or me.

  He kneels on one knee and opens the box. Sarah gasps and starts to cry with her hand covering her mouth.

  "Sarah, will you make me even happier by marrying me?"

  Nooooooo! I yell silently in my head no, no, no, this can't happen. He promised he wouldn't give up, mom!

  "Yes!" Sarah sobs. Roy jumps up and gives her a big hug as the whole room erupts in applause.

  I look to Kate and Ryan, who both have stunned expressions on their faces. They neither move nor clap. I watch as all the people slowly make their way to Roy and Sarah giving hugs and well wishes.

  "How could they do that to us?" Kate quietly asks.

  Ryan just shrugs like a man without words.

  We continue to sit in silence as laughter erupts from the dining room. I feel foggy and in a daze. After a while, people start to leave. Kate isn't speaking at all. She’s still deep in thought her brows crease, her chin rests in her hand. The last person leaves saying goodbye, making the room officially silent. Roy and Sarah close the door and look at us. I want to explode, and I'm struggling to breathe. I didn't know what to say, which didn't matter because Kate beat me to it.

  "Kids—" Roy starts but is cut off by Kate.

  "You promised you wouldn't forget mom." She looks at Roy with fire in her eyes and I don't even recognize her.

  Roy is clearly surprised by Kate's outburst.

  "Kate, I will never forget your mom, you know that, but she is in Heaven. Our engagement won't change that. We are making such great progress as a family, but I want to complete the deal."

  "You didn't even ask us or give us a warning!"

  "I know. I'm sorry, Kate, it was a spur of the moment. I didn't want to miss a great opportunity."

  "A great opportunity? That was a slap in the face for all of us. I can only imagine what her family thought when they saw our priceless reaction!"

  "Honey, I understand your frustration, but it's done. I made a quick decision, and we are happy, and we would like it if you could be happy for us too."

  Kate crosses her arms and glares at him. Where is this coming from? Kate was always so happy; a go with the flow type of girl. She never got mad at anything. I watch as she turns to Ryan, grabs his face, and plants a giant kiss on his lips. My mouth falls to the floor, as does Roy and Sarah's. Their eyes are wide with terror as if they have never seen two people kissing before.

  She abruptly stops kissing Ryan, who is obviously mortified and looks in their direction.

  "Sorry, I made a quick decision. We have been dating for a couple of months now, and I would like it if you would be happy for us." She gets up and stomps off to her bedroom and slams the door, making the house shake.

  "Ryan Anthony Monte, explain yourself right this minute! " Sarah screams, making Ryan wince.

  Roy is still silent, but a storm is brewing in his eyes.

  " I... um... I don't know." Ryan’s now standing in front of Sarah who has her hands on her hips, brows furrowed.

  "You and I need to have a talk right this minute!" She grabs him by the ear and hauls him off towards his room, leaving the room in silence


  Accidents Happen

  Roy grabs his keys and heads out the front door, slamming it like it’s a piece of cardboard flying in the wind. My heart’s beating faster than ever, and without thinking, I run after him. Why? I don't know.

  "Dad! Wait!" Roy is already opening up the door of the truck. He doesn’t even turn his head. I pick up my pace and reach the other side of the door, swing it open, and jump in. I don't bother to say a word, and it seems he doesn't even notice me in the truck. He jams the keys in the keyhole and starts it up. With a loud clunk and bang, the engine starts. He grabs the stick and pulls it down fiercely. Silence engulfs the truck for what seems an eternity.

  "Dad?" I ask quietly, only the hum of the engine can be heard.

  He doesn't utter a response.

  "Dad, please don't be mad at her. She's a teenager."

  I’m met with silence: stone-cold silence.

  "Dad," I shout. He jerks his head slightly towards me. Finally, he asks the question I’ve been dreading…

  "Did you know?"

  Again, I hesitate. "Yes, but not for long."

  This time he grips the steering wheel making his knuckles turn white.

  "Nothing happened, Dad, I swear on my life. They just have a crush, I guess."

  The car accelerates.

  "Dad, you should slow down."

  Truth be told, I’m getting concerned because he doesn't slow down.

  He finally speaks through gritted teeth in a dark low tone that I can barely hear. "Did she do this on purpose to break Sarah and me up?"

  "No, of course not! I asked her in the beginning about that, and she swore up and down that she didn't. Apparently, she had a crush on him before she knew he was Sarah's son and vice versa."

  Although I sound convincing, the last part was a lie. Little white lies couldn't hurt, right? His grip seems to loosen, and the car starts to decelerate. He sighs as if realizing he was a little too harsh. I also sigh. I guess little white lies really won’t harm you.


  "How could I have not seen this?" His voice is still low, but now sad and disappointed.

  "She was really good at—"

  A flash of light suddenly fills my eyes; s
creeching fills my ears. I look towards Roy, who looks at me for a brief second. Then blackness swallows me whole.


  "Honey?" A woman's distant voice comes to me; It sounds so familiar. I look around.


  I can't believe my eyes.

  "You are so beautiful. You have grown into such a lovely young woman. I'm so proud of you!"

  How is this happening? "Is that really you, mom?"

  My mom reaches out her hand, but it doesn't reach me.

  "You are going to be okay, sweetie. I promise!"

  "Wait! What do you mean, okay?"

  The woman who looks exactly like my mom starts to move away from me.

  "Wait, come back!" I try to reach out, but my arms won't move. "Wait!!" I scream again. "Please!" The womanly figure vanishes, leaving me alone.


  Blinking, I force my eyes open. I look around, but only my eyes move. I’m met with sky blue walls, flowers, cards, and teddy bears. There’s a machine next to me beeping at a steady pace. Oh, my God! What happened? Am I paralyzed? Panic rushes through me, and the machine starts beeping faster. Relax Jessa; I tell myself. Why the hell am I here? Why can't I move? Think Jessa, think.

  Hurried footsteps approach my door, and a short woman with black curly hair and glasses with bright green scrubs walks in. "You're awake," she exclaims in a high-pitched voice. "I'll be right back!" She rushes off and seconds later comes back with a tall man with sandy brown hair in a white coat holding a clipboard in his hands. He quickly whips out a tool that flashes lights. He shines it in my eyes a couple of times, making my head pound. I blink furiously.

  "Her eyes look good." He then grabs my forehead with his finger and starts to push gently, making me wince. He then looks at me and asks, "can you hear me? Can you talk?" With all my might, I move my head up and down with a small nod and open up my lips. As I start to speak, my throat feels like a fiery volcano waiting to erupt. I wince again and shut my mouth.

  "Don't worry," the doctor quickly says. "It will come when it's ready as long as you can hear me that is good. I am doctor Burg; this is nurse Patricia. You are at St. Vincent's of Mercy hospital. Do you remember anything that happened? If you can, blink once. If not blink twice."


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