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Page 13

by Traci Sek

  I blink twice.

  "I see, ok." He starts jotting down some notes on his clipboard.

  "You seem to have a mild case of amnesia. Which is common after such a terrible accident." Accident? My eyes go wide, and the machine starts to accelerate again. Why can't I remember?

  "I think it's best we let her rest," the doctor says, glancing at the machine. "Here's the call button. When you're ready, and you feel you can move or talk ring this bell. The nurse will be in to check on you every half hour. For now, rest and don't worry. I promise you will be able to move and talk soon. Your body is just in a state of shock." He turns around and walks out of the room.

  After the nurse finishes making me comfortable, she leaves the room. I feel myself drift off to sleep again.

  Screech. Flashing lights, BANG! I wake startled, blinking rapidly, and breathing heavy. I look around again and realize I’m still in the hospital. I also remember what happened. I was in a car... no, a truck... Roy's truck! A gurgling moan escapes my throat, which instantly sets it on fire. The machine picks up once again beep beep beep. I remember the nurse and the doctor coming in. Can I even move? Well, it’s worth a try. Slowly, I move my fingers one by one, then my hand, and my arm. Ouch! Tears well up in my eyes, making my vision blur. I’m in excruciating pain. I force myself to keep reaching for the call button and press down. The nurse comes in a minute later.

  "How are we feeling? I see you can move a little?"

  I nod, only now realizing I have a brace on my neck.

  "Lots of pain," I manage to say in a hushed whisper.

  "Yes, you will be for a while. Let me go get the doctor, and he will explain everything to you."

  A few moments later, the same doctor comes strolling in, clipboard in hand. "I'm glad to see you’re awake. You have been sleeping for a couple of days now."

  "I remember some," I whisper. “But first, can I have water?”

  "That's a great sign, you're progressing and of course you can.” He reaches over to a light pink pitcher and pours some into a paper cup. I take a sip and let the cool liquid drain down my parched throat.

  “You’ve been in a terrible car accident. You have a broken leg, broken ribs, some contusions, and cuts. You are fortunate to be alive. And it looks like you have some severe whiplash, but we will confirm that today with some more x-rays. With any luck, we can take that neck brace off today."

  Lucky to be alive? Oh, no, no, no, no, please no. "My dad?" I just remembered my dad was in the truck. The doctor looks from me to the nurse and back at me again.

  "Well, a semi-truck hit your truck from the driver's side... it pushed your truck a few feet and then into a brick building. Unfortunately, Jessa, I'm sorry to say your dad didn't make it."

  Beep beep beep. The machine starts picking up faster and faster. Tears start pouring from my eyes, "No! no, no, no, no!" My throat is on fire again. Did I just hear the words that are coming out of his mouth? No, I must be dreaming.

  "I'm so sorry for your loss. We did everything we could to try and save your father. We will give you some time, but some of your family are here to see you. I'll send them in."

  I want to die. I can't believe both my parents are gone. All the mean things I said about my dad and thought were now flooding my head. Tears flood my eyes as I watch Kate, Sarah, and Ryan walk through the door. Sarah and Kate gasp and run to my side. Kate and I look at each other before Kate collapses onto my chest and begins to sob. I wince as everything in my body throbs, and I can barely move my arm but do my best to put it on to Kates' head. I sob with her. Sarah is standing behind her, crying also. After what seems like forever, Kate finally speaks.

  "What are we going to do?"

  I briefly look at Sarah and then back at Kate.

  "I don't know, but whatever happens, we will get through this." Kate nods.

  "You're not going to be alone," Sarah says in a quiet, but shaky voice. "You will continue living with me."

  "Are you sure?" I ask.

  "Of course! I would never abandon you guys. I made a promise to your dad even before all this got out of hand that I would take care of you if something were ever to happen. I love you girls like my daughters."

  "We appreciate that," I say although I feel so awkward. Kate must have felt worse, but I will deal with it at a later date.

  "Well, we should go and let you rest. Come on, guys, we will come back tomorrow."

  I nod. I watch them slowly walk out of the door; heads hung low. The atmosphere is so thick and heavy. I just want to close my eyes and try and forget everything that happened. As I do an image of my dad comes to mind. I quickly push it away and fall asleep.

  This Can’t Be Happening


  'The history of the declaration of independence.'

  I sigh, closing the book. I read the same line about twenty times, but I just can't concentrate. I have a big exam in the morning and need to study. My efforts are futile. I open my phone to look at Jessa’s messages again. I smile. I shut my phone off and head downstairs to grab a bite to eat.

  As I reach our living room, I hear the TV. My dad’s sitting reading the newspaper as my mom watches the news. I open up the fridge and look inside.

  "This is Maria Right with News Eight. I’m live on the scene of a horrific accident involving a semi-truck, and a Ford pick up truck. I'm told a man in his fifties driving the truck was struck in the driver side by the semi, pushing it into this brick building over here..."

  I hear my mom gasp. "Oh, that's awful." I reach for a can of soda and close the fridge. I sit down on the chair opposite my parents as I had nothing better to do.

  "I'm also told there was a teen girl in the truck with the driver. They are both being airlifted to the hospital as we speak. As for the truck driver, he is ok with minor injuries."

  I glance up at the TV and catch sight of the now mangled brown pickup truck. Wait a minute...

  "Pause that," I say. My mom pauses, and I get up from the chair. I stare long and hard at the truck because something looks familiar about it. I grab my phone and again read Jessa’s text from a couple of hours ago. I remember her dad has a brown pickup truck, and I decide to call her to ease the worry creeping up my spine.

  It rings and rings and rings.

  "Come on, pick up." I have this awful feeling in my gut.

  It goes to voicemail. I try it again but get the same thing. Now the worry is getting stronger.

  I pace back and forth. After calling her four times with no answer, I call Gia.

  "Hey, Spence. What's going on?"

  "Have you heard from Jessa lately?" I try to keep the panic from my voice.

  "No, why?"

  "Shit," I curse out loud, causing a dirty look from my father.

  "Spencer, what's wrong? You’re scaring me."

  "She won't answer her phone..." I hesitate to continue. Maybe I’m worrying for nothing, and now I am getting Gia upset. She doesn't need this right now.

  "Well, maybe she left her phone somewhere. Go to her house and check on her."

  "You're right. Good idea. I'll call you back." I quickly hang up the phone.

  "Dad, I need the car. I gotta go visit Jessa," I say, stumbling around the house for my jacket and shoes.

  "Is everything ok?" he asks with concern.

  I sigh. "I don't know, I mean, I hope so."

  "What is it, Son? You can tell us," My mom coos.

  "It's just that car crash on TV... Jessa’s father has a brown pick up truck, and now she's not answering her phone. I'm just worried about it all."

  My dad nods and gets up from the couch.

  "I'm sure it's not her, but I'll go with you. It's a school night."

  I nod and head for the door.

  We turn the corner to where Jessa lives, and as we pull up, I see a cop car outside with its lights on. My heart sinks to my stomach. I glance at my dad, who looks back at me. The cop’s escorting Sarah out of the door. I look around—no pickup truck in sight. Panic
runs through me. Before my dad had a chance to stop, I push open the door, desperate to get out. He slams on his breaks, and I jump out of the car, nearly tripping myself in the process. I run up to Sarah as she looks at me and starts to cry harder. The cop grabs my shoulder and whirls me around.

  "Are you family?"

  "No, sir, I'm Jessa's boyfriend." Kate comes running up to me.

  "Spencer," she squeezes me tight and starts crying.

  "Kate, what happened?" My dad’s now standing beside me.

  "Something awful, this cop says my dad and Jessa were in a car accident and that we needed to come to the hospital immediately."

  "Omg..." I lost my breath and got chills. I let go of Kate, as the officer gestures for her to get in the cop car.

  "Wait, what hospital?"

  "St. Vincent's of Mercy." Is all Kate says as the door shuts in her face.

  I turn to my dad.

  "We have to go." He nods, and we jump in the car. We arrive at the hospital a half-hour later and are ushered to the emergency waiting area. I stay with Kate and Sarah in utter silence. I watch as the chaos unfolds everywhere. Doctors in long white coats are frantically running back and forth along with nurses in green and blue scrubs. The receptionist is answering phone call after phone call.

  Finally, after about an hour, a sullen doctor, who has bags under his eyes and looks physically drained, walks up to us. Sarah immediately stands up, clutching onto her purse.

  "Are you here for Roy and Jessa Miller?" She nods. I jump off the bench and walk closer.

  "We tried everything we could to save Mr. Miller. He lost too much blood, and his ribs punctured his lungs. I'm so sorry, ma'am, we lost him." I think I might throw up at the moment. Sarah falls to her knees and sobs. Ryan kneels beside her and wraps his arm around her.

  "What about my sister?"

  I snap my head back up to look at the doctor.

  "She is stable. She suffered a lot of injuries but is still alive. We will be closely monitoring her for the next 24 hours, but please be aware she has suffered head trauma and could slip into a coma that could last for weeks, even months."

  I don't know whether to be relieved that she isn't dead or panicked because there is still a possibility of memory loss and even coma. How would she graduate? And what's worse, she’s lost the only other parent she has left. My head starts to spin.

  "Can we see her?" Kate asks.

  "Yes, but only for a minute. She needs time to rest and allow her body to come out of this state on its own."

  Kate nods and follows the doctor down the hall as Sarah manages to regain herself to follow us. I grab Kate's hand as we enter the room, and all we hear is beeping. I feel Kate let go of my hand and watch her walk up to Jessa. She doesn't even look like the same girl. I’m frozen to my spot. She has two swollen black eyes, her head and hands are wrapped in white bandages, and her neck is covered in a brace.

  I feel strong hands rest on my shoulders; it’s my dad.

  "I think we should go home, Son. You need to rest. We will come back in the morning." I nod and look at Jessa one last time before turning to leave.

  Moving On

  Three months have passed—three long months. We held the funeral for Roy a couple of weeks after the accident, yet I don't remember much. I don't want to remember.

  Physically I’m feeling better, my last day of physical therapy ended a few days ago, but everything else is still numb. Kate finally stopped crying herself to sleep at night, but she blames herself for the accident. I told her a million times it isn't her fault, it was the stupid truck driver’s fault, but she won’t accept that. Guilt is hard to overcome.

  They later learned he fell asleep at the wheel. He sustained a few minor injuries and was fired from his job. Sarah wanted to sue him because firing him wasn't enough, but it was ultimately my decision since they were not married, but I decided not to. All I wanted was to forget anything ever happened. If I didn't, I would go crazy. I caught hell for it, but I didn't care it was my dad after all.

  Sarah made everyone go to therapy. Kate and I go once a week, but Sarah and Ryan no longer go. Kate and Ryan broke up, for what it's worth, and can barely look at each other. I’m still dating Spencer, and I’m not sure how. I put him through hell the first month. I didn’t want to be around anyone, nor did I want to be touched, but he didn’t care. He was there by my side to listen to me sob, which my therapist believes helped me get to where I am today. I would cry myself to sleep as he held me in his arms after pushing and punching him. He probably wasted his whole summer with me. But deep down, I was so grateful. I don't know what I would do without him. He’s my rock, my foundation when I thought I didn't have one. There is nothing I can do to repay his love.

  Gia was there too, giving breaks to Spencer. She was now over her break up with Alex and very excited for the new year. Senior year is a few days away. No matter how hard I try, I just can't get excited. What is there to be excited about? Soon I’ll be graduating high school, and then what? I don't know what I want to do after graduation. I know my mom would have wanted me to go to college, but for what? Where is my life headed? I struggle with this question every day. The door suddenly creaks open, knocking me out of my depressive thoughts.

  "Jess, are you ready?" Sarah asks, peeking her head around the door.

  We are going to visit our father's grave and then school supply shopping. Visiting our father's tomb became a routine. He was buried right next to our mother. It brought me a little comfort to know they were together again.

  "Yes, I’m ready."

  I slowly get up from lying on my bed, grab my things, and head out the door.

  We sit in silence as we always do to the cemetery. Each one of us looks in the opposite direction out the window. We do the usual routine, place flowers on Roy’s grave, stare blankly in awkward silence, and leave.

  When we finally arrive home, Spencer is sitting on the porch step. I can't help but smile since he lights up my darkest of days. Spencer gets up and gives me a gentle hug. I know he feels if he hugs me too hard, I might break even though I’ve told him a thousand times that I'm okay. I love it when his strong arms embrace me. Each time it feels like the first. I’m so comfortable with him.

  "Hey," Spencer lightly says in my ear. It gives me goosebumps.

  "Hey, handsome. What are you doing here?" I reluctantly release him from the hug.

  "I just wanted to see you, make sure everything’s ok. You know, schools starting on Monday."

  I let out a chuckle.

  "Yes, I’m fine. Do you want to come in and get a drink?"

  "Sure." He grabs my hand, intricately placing our fingers together, and slowly walks into the house with me.

  "Spencer! How are you?" Sarah asks as she continues to pull stuff out of bags.

  "I'm good. How are you?"

  "Ugh." She shrugs. "Hanging in there, I guess."

  "That's good," he chirps.

  Conversations are so awkward. I want so badly to move on, and each time I see my therapist Jane, I’m reassured that it will get less awkward and better as time goes on. I sure hope that woman is right.

  "Where's Kate?" he asks.

  "Probably hibernating in her room as always," Sarah replies solemnly.

  "She's going to be a freshman this year. I am positive with my help she won't be hibernating for long!"

  "I hope so. Kate needs it, and so does my son. Make sure you keep an eye out for Ryan as well."

  "Oh, of course. No worries."

  "Come on, Spence," I say, picking up my things. "Let's go to my room."

  I plop on the bed as soon as we enter, and Spencer lays next to me.

  "So," he begins looking at me. His head propped on his hand, his other hand plays with a strand of my hair. "Tell me what's going on."

  He always makes me talk, even when I don't want to. It’s like he has this superpower over me. All he has to do is look me in the eyes, and I talk.

  "Nothing really... dreading sc
hool, you know same old same old."

  "Jess, you will be fine. This is what you need. You can get involved with activities and maybe make new friends and before you know it, the pain will be gone, and you will be happy again."

  I give him my, "please stop" look. He only smiles back.

  We lay in silence for a while until it’s time for him to leave, and walk to the door.

  "I love you, Jessa," he whispers in my ear and then gives me a tiny peck on the lips. I nuzzle my head into his neck while hugging him. "I love you too."

  Senior Year

  Today’s the day: Senior Year. Looking in the mirror for what seems like hours, I finish brushing my hair and throw on a light jacket. As I walk through the dining room, I’m greeted by a wonderful smell that instantly makes my stomach growl. Sarah made a huge breakfast of eggs and pancakes, which lines the counter. Kate sits at the table, her head down a fork in one hand, pushing the food around her plate.

  "Good morning," I mumble. Kate looks up and nods. This was not how I pictured the first day of senior year to go, but I’d say we are doing ok given the circumstances.

  "Are you ready for your first day of high school?"


  "Why not?"

  Kate shrugs.

  "I promise it will be fine. All of your old school friends will be with you, and I’ll be there too."

  She doesn’t say anything as Ryan walks into the kitchen, and Sarah lays a plate in front of me. He’s changed a lot over the summer: his dark hair is shaggy and falls in his eyes, and he’s a little taller now. Ryan’s sporting jeans and a red t-shirt that shows off his newly toned body.

  I didn't see him much over the summer with everything that happened, but it looks like he spent his summer working out. I glance at Kate, who seems to notice as well. I try not to laugh as Kate devours Ryan’s new manly body, her eyes agog and a blush rising from her neck and settling in her cheeks.

  "Morning." He utters, as he grabs a pancake and slaps it on his plate. Kate looks away deeper at her plate like it’s going to bite her at any minute.


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