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Rock Me

Page 5

by Raven K. Asher

  It scared me, actually.

  Ever since I had picked up a guitar, I hadn’t had a single moment where I didn’t want to play. My guitar was everything to me. It was my outlet to express myself.

  Sighing again, I close my eyes and hug my guitar tightly in my hands.


  “Holy shit; are they all here for us?” Micah questions loudly as we pull up to the front of the hotel where we would be staying.

  I glance out of the window to see hundreds of people holding up signs for Shiloh and me.

  “I think they’re here for Chloe,” Russell replies.

  I groan while closing my eyes. “I really didn’t want this.”

  “Too late now, Sweetheart, you’re famous.” Russell laughs as he places his hands on my shoulders.

  “Looks like Shiloh is waiting for you, Chloe,” Mickie announces.

  Moving slowly, I stand up and then move towards the door. I wait until Micah, Marshal, and Russell join me. After a moment, Mitch appears on the other side of the door before he opens it.

  I exit the bus along with the guys and then move around the bus with Mitch by my side.

  The second that the crowd spots me, they cheer loudly.

  Shiloh smiles brightly as he walks down the path that the local police had constructed to keep the crowd at bay. His band follows behind closely.

  We meet in the middle. Shiloh lifts me into his arms and then spins me around before placing me back onto my feet.

  Everyone around us disappears as he presses his lips against mine.

  After a few moments, he leans back and then gazes into my eyes while stroking his knuckles across my cheek.

  Oddly enough, it didn’t feel right having him do that. It was something that only Russell and I shared. It made part of me suspicious about where he had gotten the idea because Russell and I had been caught many times doing this very thing.

  Then again, I was probably overthinking things; it wasn’t that unusual of a motion.

  Snapping out of my fog, I take a small step away from Shiloh and then turn to look back at Marshal, Micah, and Russell. None of them appeared to be very happy.

  Glancing around, I quickly notice why.

  Everyone was watching Shiloh and me. Every camera was pointed towards us too.

  Shiloh wraps his arms around my waist before smiling brightly as a woman with a camera begins snapping pictures.

  I lean towards him to whisper into his ear. “I think we should move inside with our bands.”

  He nods and then kisses my temple before pulling away reluctantly.

  Without a word, he moves towards his guys while I move back to mine.

  Marshal’s jaw ticks with anger as he stares daggers at Shiloh’s back. Sighing softly, I place my hand against his chest to draw his attention towards me.

  It takes a moment, but he relaxes slightly while looking down at me.

  The same lady from before begins taking pictures of us. I curse and then quickly pull my hand away from Marshal. God only knew how they would spin a photo like that.

  No doubt, it would bring drama that I didn’t need right now.

  Before any more damage could be done, Russell and Micah wrap their arms around me.

  The lady snaps a few more photos before walking away.

  “What the hell? Did she only take like two pictures of us together?” Micah grumbles.

  “I guess we should get used to it until Chloe decides to dump Shiloh to the curb,” Marshal replies before he begins walking towards the hotel entrance.

  Russell and Micah sigh before we follow after him.

  Once we’re inside, Shiloh moves towards me again.

  The guys walk away to give us some privacy.

  “Is everything alright?” Shiloh questions while motioning towards Marshal, who was standing near a set of elevator doors.

  “I honestly don’t know anymore, Shiloh.” I breathe out.

  Before Shiloh can say anything, Mickie joins us. He holds out a card, and I take it while looking at him in question.

  “It’s the room key. The room is on the third floor, number three forty-seven.” Mickie explains before looking at me with a raised brow. “Are you even going to come to the room or…?”

  Glancing towards Shiloh, I shrug. “I probably will.”

  “Okay, just remember tomorrow we have a full day ahead of us.” Mickie stresses.

  “I’ll make sure she gets the rest that she needs,” Shiloh replies.

  Mickie watches him for a moment before nodding. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow, Chloe. And don’t forget to keep Mitch close. Let him know when you’re going to sleep, though, so he can get some rest too.”

  With that, Mickie turns and then walks away.

  “So, do you want to hang out in my room for a little while?” Shiloh asks.

  “Yeah, sure…” I agree.

  Wrapping his arm around my waist Shiloh leads me to the elevator. We wait quietly for the doors to open, and when they do, we walk inside the empty compartment.

  As the doors close, Shiloh moves in front of me before pressing his lips to mine.

  We quickly get lost in the moment until the elevator doors open.

  Shiloh grabs my hand and then pulls me down the hallway and then to his door. We walk inside and then resume our kiss.

  Chapter 8

  “Shiloh, we need to stop.” I pant out as he trails his lips down my neck while his hands roam just under my shirt.

  We had been at this for at least an hour, and while I was enjoying myself, I wasn’t ready to take that next step with him. I still hardly knew him, and I really didn’t want to jump in over my head so soon.

  Groaning softly, Shiloh stops before pushing himself up to look down at me.

  “Do you really want to stop?” He presses.

  “Yes, I need to go before this goes too far,” I reply.

  He sighs and then rolls onto his back beside me. He then places his arm over his eyes while releasing a long-winded breath.

  “You’re not upset with me, are you?” I whisper.

  Lowering his arm, Shiloh shakes his head. “No, I’m not upset.”

  “It’s just that I’ve only been with one guy, and I’m not the kind of girl who just jumps into bed with someone,” I explain.

  Shiloh raises his brow. “Is that why Marshal hates that you’re with me?”

  “I never slept with Marshal,” I reply before continuing. “I was in a relationship with Russell. We’ve slept together quite a bit over the last few years.”

  “When was the last time you were with him?” Shiloh questions curiously.

  I remain quiet for a few moments before answering. “I slept with him the night we got drunk on the bus together.”

  Shiloh snorts. “I never expected that.”

  “I was angry with Marshal, that’s why I did it,” I confess.

  “So, do I have to worry about you sleeping with Russell again?” Shiloh asks.

  “I ended things with Russell. It’s the only way to keep the peace in the band, plus I’m with you. I’m not a cheater.” I assure.

  “Good.” Shiloh breathes out before he moves to kiss me one more time.

  Once he pulls back, he sighs. “Can we meet for breakfast?”

  “Of course…” I reply.

  He grins and then waves for me to go. “You better leave before I change my mind about letting you go. I might just grab you and hold you in my bed all night long.”

  I laugh and then sit up before scooting the edge of the bed.

  After a moment, I stand and then smooth my hands over my clothes to straighten them out. Once I’m ready to go, I grab my shoes and then move towards the door.

  Stopping with my hand on the door handle, I look back at Shiloh. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Chloe.” He replies.

  With that, I open the door and then walk out into the hallway. Mitch stands up from the chair sitting next to the door and then follows me to the elevator.
r />   “Your room is on the next floor up,” Mitch announces as we walk into the compartment.

  I nod and then hit the number three button.

  The doors close and the elevator moves up one floor before opening again. We walk to the right and then stop in front of the door with the numbers three forty-seven tacked beside the door.

  I pull my card from my pocket and slide it in the slot on the door.

  The red light turns green while a beep sounds out before the door opens. I walk inside and then curse as Marshal, Micah, and Russell look at me from their spots on the only two beds in the room.

  Closing my eyes, I turn towards Mitch. “You can go. I’ll be in the room for the rest of the night.”

  He nods and then leaves as I shut the door.

  Turning my attention back towards the guys, I raise my brow. “I thought Mickie booked us a suite?”

  “He messed up,” Marshal replies.

  I curse again. “Do we at least have a bathtub?”

  Russell nods. “There’s one, but it’s small.”

  “I should have stayed with Shiloh,” I grumble as I walk further into the room. “He had a huge room and bed all to himself.”

  “Lucky bastard…” Micah replies from his spot sitting next to Marshal.

  “So, I take it I’m sharing the bed with you?” I ask Russell.

  A smile spreads across his lips. “We figured that you’d be more comfortable sharing with me for the night. Of course, we weren’t exactly sure that you’d come.”

  “Shiloh wasn’t exactly happy that I decided to leave him.” I breathe out.

  “Why didn’t you stay?” Marshal questions.

  “He wanted more than what I was willing to give. It was best to leave before I did something that I could end up regretting.” I answer while sitting down on the edge of the bed.

  After a moment of silence, I stand and then grab my bag leaning against the wall before placing it on the bed next to Russell. I open it and then dig through my clothes before I find my favorite pajamas and a tank top to sleep in.

  Without a word, I move into the bathroom and then close the door behind me.

  I strip out of my clothes and then pull my pajamas on before moving back into the room.

  Sighing roughly, I move my bag back onto the floor before sitting on the edge of the bed again. After a few moments, I move to sit beside Russell.

  Everyone focuses their attention on the tiny television sitting on the dresser in front of us.

  “I’m going to kick Mickie’s ass for this.” Micah breathes out.

  “No, kidding.” Marshal snorts.

  “I don’t think it’s such a bad thing.” Russell chimes in as he nudges his shoulder against mine.

  “Don’t even get any ideas, Russ,” I warn while pointing at him.

  He raises his hands in surrender while chuckling. “I’ll keep my hands to myself, I promise.”

  “Damn right, you will, or else I’ll kick your ass again,” Marshal replies.

  Silence fills the room again.

  I yawn suddenly and then move to lie down. Russell covers me with a blanket before stroking his knuckles across my cheek.

  “Goodnight, Sweetheart.” He whispers softly.

  I smile in response while closing my eyes. “Goodnight, Russ.”

  Within a few minutes, I begin to drift off.


  A loud, pounding noise snaps me out of my sleep. I groan but remain still as the pounding stops for a brief moment.

  “Holy shit, hold on a second,” Micah grumbles.

  The door swings open seconds later, bathing us all with bright light from the hallway.

  “What the hell?” Shiloh snaps abruptly.

  I open my eyes and then curse once I notice my position lying on top of Russell. Russell opens his eyes a second later before releasing a long string of curses.

  A cold breeze kisses my skin suddenly, and I glance down.

  “Oh my god…” I breathe out.

  My pajama pants were missing, and the blanket was kicked entirely off of the bed, exposing a half-naked Russell and me with only a pair of lacey panties and my tank top.

  Moving off of Russell, I turn my attention towards Shiloh. “This is not what it looks like.”

  “Do you really think that I’m that stupid?” He bites out.

  “Dude, nothing happened. We didn’t have any choice but to share the beds. She went to sleep fully clothed.” Marshal replies as he stands up to face Shiloh.

  When I fail to locate my pants, I stand and then move in front of Shiloh before grabbing his hand. I then pull him through the room and into the bathroom.

  I shut and then lock the door behind us before flipping on the light.

  Turning around, I face Shiloh. “I didn’t do anything with Russell. I regretted coming back to the room as soon as I walked in, but it was too late to return to yours.”

  “You should have come back anyway,” Shiloh replies as he places his hands on my bare hips.

  Without warning, he lifts me onto the edge of the sink before pressing his lips to mine. His hands roam over my thighs while pushing his body between my legs.

  I gasp as his fingers suddenly trail over my panties.

  “You’re my girl.” He whispers fiercely while leaning back to look into my eyes.

  I nod and then wrap my hand around the back of his head to pull his lips back down to mine.

  Our tongues tangle together as his hands grip my hips possessively.

  After a few minutes, Shiloh pulls back. “I’ll try to fix this, so you have your own bed. If I can’t, then you’re going to spend the night with me, okay.”

  “Okay…” I give in.

  “Good girl, now get dressed and meet me downstairs so I can take you out for breakfast. I made a special reservation just for the two of us. No one will be there to distract us.” Shiloh states while cupping my chin in his hand.

  I nod and then gaze up at him as he watches me closely.

  A few moments pass before he leans close to kiss me. He then steps back and then leaves the bathroom without another word.

  I stay sitting on the edge of the sink while looking into the room absently.

  The door to the room shuts, and I quickly jump down before moving into the room as the guys watch me curiously.

  “What was all of that?” Marshal asks as I dig through my clothes.

  “We’re having breakfast together,” I reply simply.

  “So, he says jump, and you do?” Marshal bites out.

  Instead of saying a word, I grab a pair of jeans and slip them on before grabbing a shirt. I slip it over my tank top and then move on to fixing my hair. Once it’s in a ponytail, I grab a pair of shoes and slip them on.

  As I move towards the door, Marshal steps in front of it.

  “Move…” I demand.

  “I don’t like what this guy is doing to you,” Marshal states while crossing his arms over his chest.

  “And what exactly is he doing to me, Marshal?” I question while placing my hand on my hip.

  “I don’t know, but you haven’t been yourself since he showed up,” Marshal replies. “You’re moving way too fast with him too.”

  “Whatever…” I huff out before pushing him to move away from the door.

  Once he’s out of my way, I exit the room.

  As the door closes behind me, I stop and close my eyes while taking a deep breath.

  Marshal wasn’t exactly wrong. I hadn’t been myself since meeting Shiloh. I had let him command me in ways that I had never let anyone.

  It was so easy to let Shiloh have control, though.

  Glancing back at the door, I half expect Marshal to come after me, but he doesn’t.

  He never came after me when I needed him to.

  There had been so many times that if he had just come after me, I would have given him every part of me. I would have given him my heart.

  Sighing softly, I move away from the door.

I had to move forward and be with someone who actually would come after me.

  Chapter 9

  “How did you manage to get this place just for us?” I question Shiloh as he leads me into an empty restaurant. “This had to have cost a fortune.”

  “It wasn’t that hard, and it didn’t cost that much,” Shiloh replies. “It was worth it.”

  I smile and then follow him to a small table that was sitting in the middle of the room with two candles burning brightly.

  “You do realize that this is just breakfast, right?” I laugh.

  Shiloh grins and then leads me to one of the chairs. “I wanted to make it the best that I could.”

  I sit, and he helps me push the chair in before moving around the table to sit down in his seat. Seconds later, a man dressed in white places two plates stacked high with pancakes down in front of us.

  Laughing lightly, I motion towards the stack. “I will never be able to eat all of this.”

  “Just eat what you want,” Shiloh replies. “What you don’t eat, I will.”

  I laugh again and then grab a fork before taking my first bite. The fluffy pancake fills my mouth with a sweet taste that I never experienced before.

  “Oh my god, this is good,” I state around a mouthful. “This has to be the best pancakes that I’ve ever tasted.”

  Shiloh grins before taking a bite.

  He groans. “You weren’t kidding.”

  “This was so worth the price to have this place all to ourselves,” Shiloh adds before filling his mouth again.

  A comfortable silence surrounds us as we eat our pancakes.

  Before long, I stop and then sit back while sighing happily. “That was perfect. I don’t think I’ve had that good of a breakfast in years. We typically never eat breakfast since we sleep in.”

  “We do the same,” Shiloh replies. “It only gets worse the more popular that you get.”

  “What’s the one thing you hate the most?” I question curiously.

  “Honestly…?” Shiloh replies.

  I nod in response.

  “I hate all of the traveling. I would love to be able to stay put in one place for longer than a week.” He answers.


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