Book Read Free

Rock Me

Page 6

by Raven K. Asher

  “What do you hate?” He then asks me.

  “I hate that Micah, Russell, and Marshal get so much attention. I hate feeling like the odd person out all of the time.” I admit. “I get tired of seeing these girls throw themselves at them constantly.”

  “That gets old pretty quickly,” Shiloh replies. “It’s fun for a while, but it sucks not having someone that you can have a deeper relationship with. Most of those girls throwing themselves at us aren’t capable of stringing two good sentences together.”

  “Of course…” I snort.

  After a moment, I sigh. “So, what made you decide to pursue me?”

  Shiloh shrugs. “I guess it all started that moment when I saw you watching me on stage. There was a light in your eyes that instantly drew me in. Of course, you were gorgeous too. The second I left the stage, I had my people find out everything that they could about you.”

  “That explains a lot.” I laugh. “I’m the reason you decided to change your tour dates, aren’t I?”

  He nods. “Yes, you are.”

  A few moments of silence pass before Shiloh speaks again. “You didn’t sleep with him last night, did you?”

  “No. I wouldn’t do that to you.” I reply. “We only shared a bed. I honestly don’t know where my pants ended up, but I have a terrible habit of pulling them off when I’m hot at night.”

  Shiloh nods once before sighing. “We should probably get back to the hotel. We’ve got a big night to prepare for.”

  “Don’t remind me.” I groan out dramatically.

  “Would you want to play with us again?” Shiloh asks.

  “I’d love to, but I really don’t want to push my guys too far. Things have been tense since our last show.” I explain.

  “I get it.” Shiloh breathes out before smiling. “Maybe next time, though.”

  “Definitely…” I reply.

  His grin grows as he stands up and then moves beside me. I scoot my chair back and then take his hand as he holds it out to me. I then let him pull me up to stand.

  My momentum causes me to stumble into his arms.

  Shiloh laughs for a brief moment before he leans closer to press his lips to mine.

  A few moments later, he pulls back before wrapping his arm around my waist. Without a word, we walk towards the exit and then outside to the limo that had driven us here.

  We slip inside the back and sit next to each other.

  As soon as the driver closes our door, Shiloh presses his lips to mine again before pushing me to lie back on the seat. His hands grasp my hips as our tongues tangle together intimately.

  Even as the car begins to move, we don’t part.

  All too soon, the car stops.

  Shiloh groans as he pulls back slightly. “I really don’t want to stop.”

  “Neither do I,” I reply breathlessly.

  “Do you want to go back to my room?” He questions.

  I nod my head while biting my lip.

  Moving quickly, Shiloh sits up and then helps me up before helping me fix my hair. Once we’re ready, we open the limo door and then slip out.

  The crowd gathered at the front of the hotel screams and shouts with excitement as Shiloh grabs my hand to lead me towards the entrance.

  He doesn’t give anyone an ounce of his attention as we move at a quick pace.

  Once we walk inside the hotel, Mitch appears with a disapproving look before rushing to keep up with us as we make our way to the elevators. I felt terrible that we had left him behind, but Shiloh had a few of his own guards to keep him safe and promised that they would protect me too.

  The doors to the elevator open, and Shiloh pulls me in before pushing a button to close the doors before Mitch had the chance to join us.

  As soon as the doors close, he lifts me into his arms before pushing my back against the nearest wall. He then presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and get lost in the moment.

  It ends quickly when the door opens and someone squeals.

  “Oh my god, it’s Shiloh…” A girl exclaims.

  Shiloh curses as he lowers me to my feet. A group of girls rush to get onto the elevator with us. They snap pictures with their phones as Shiloh and I stare into each other’s eyes.

  “Can we get a picture with you?” One of the girls questions suddenly.

  “Not right now,” Shiloh replies without taking his eyes off of me.

  One of the girls doesn’t take no for an answer and moves closer to us while raising her phone to take a picture of herself in front of us.

  “I said no pictures,” Shiloh growls as he grabs her phone from her hand.

  Within seconds the mood in the elevator changes and the girls push Shiloh away from me.

  He tries to fight against them to get back to me, but they keep him back. My heart pounds wildly in my chest when one of the girls turns her full attention towards me with a glare.

  “You need to get a clue. You don’t belong with any of these guys. You can’t even play that well.” She suddenly grabs a handful of my hair while scrunching her nose in disgust. “I don’t know why Shiloh would want someone as ugly as you when he can have any one of us.”

  Without warning, someone grabs my shirt and tears it exposing more skin than I would have liked as another girl begins to snap pictures while I try and fail to cover myself.

  Thankfully the elevator doors open, and Mitch and two others begin pulling the girls out but not before one of them punches me twice. My nose instantly begins to gush blood as my bottom lip throbs.

  I slide down the wall as my vision blurs.

  My hands shake as Shiloh moves into view. He wipes blood away from a cut under his eye before reaching for me.

  “Come on, Sweetheart, let’s get out of here.” He whispers softly.

  I nod and then let him lift my body into his arms.

  As he carries me out of the elevator, he stops and looks at the guards lining the girls up against the wall. “Call the police and charge each of them with assault. Take their phones and destroy them before they share the pictures that they took of Chloe.”

  He turns to walk away but stops to glance back. “Ban them from ever coming anywhere near any of our shows. I want them nowhere near Chloe or me ever again.”

  With that, Shiloh begins walking again.

  He moves past his room before stopping at another door. He kicks against it with his foot. Seconds later, the door opens, and Dante appears.

  “What the hell happened?” He asks as Shiloh pushes past him to carry me into the room.

  “We were attacked on the elevator by a group of girls,” Shiloh explains as Max and Lucas join us.

  “Lucas, I need you to find Mickie, Marshal, Micah, and Russell. They need to know what happened. Bring them here.” Shiloh instructs.

  Without a word, Lucas rushes out of the room to follow Shiloh’s orders.

  After a moment, Shiloh moves to place me on a small couch. I whimper and tighten my grasp around his neck as he tries to pull away.

  Thankfully he doesn’t fight me. Instead, he sits down and holds me on his lap.

  “Max, I need you to get your phone and take some pictures before we get cleaned up. The police are going to want to see what those animals did.” Shiloh sighs.

  “What do you need me to do, Shiloh?” Dante asks as he kneels in front of us.

  “I don’t know.” Shiloh breathes out. “I guess you should call Andy and let him know what’s happened.”

  Dante grunts in response and then stands before moving away from us.

  Sighing softly, Shiloh looks down at me. “I’m sorry, Chloe. I never thought that they’d do something like that.”

  Instead of answering him, I close my eyes tightly while tears stream down my cheeks.

  “Andy is on his way,” Dante announces after a few moments.

  He then gently covers me with a sheet before tenderly touching my forehead.

  “Good.” Shiloh breathes out.

o you want me to take the pictures now?” Max questions.

  “Chloe…?” Shiloh whispers.

  Before I can respond, the door opens. I open my eyes and watch as Micah, Marshal, Mickie, and Russell rush into the room.

  They stop as soon as they spot me.

  Russell only hesitates for a moment before he rushes forward and takes me from Shiloh’s embrace.

  His body shakes as I bury my face against his chest as I begin to sob.

  “What the hell happened?” Marshal bites out.

  “We were on the elevator, and a group of girls got on with us. It started out friendly enough, but they turned on us.” Shiloh explains.

  “Holy shit, Shiloh…you’re bleeding badly.” Lucas suddenly stresses.

  I turn my head and wipe my eyes as Shiloh lifts his shirt to reveal a long gash on his side.

  “One of the girls stabbed me with something sharp. It’s not deep, though.” He states.

  “We need to get both of you to the hospital to get checked out,” Mickie stresses before continuing. “Did you contact your manager?”

  “He’s on his way here now,” Dante answers him.

  “Call him and have him meet us at the hospital. For now, I’ll take charge of this situation. Whatever I say you guys need to do, okay. We don’t need this spinning out of control with the media.” Mickie replies.

  “Russell, we need to get her cleaned up.” Mickie then states.

  “No, let the people near the entrance see what’s happened. Let the media take pictures. Let them plaster pictures of those girls who attacked us all over the web. The true fans will take care of the rest.” Shiloh replies.

  “We should probably cancel the show tonight.” Marshal then replies.

  Shiloh nods. “I agree.”

  Mickie moves towards me. “Chloe, what do you want to do?”

  I didn’t know what to do. All I wanted was to stay in Russell’s arms, where I felt safe. I didn’t want to speak nor have pictures taken.

  But Shiloh had a point. If we let people see us now, then we wouldn’t have to explain things later on after the fact. Our true fans wouldn’t allow this to happen again.

  “I agree with Shiloh. Let them see what happened. Let them know why we’re canceling our shows. Let them know that there will be consequences to actions like this. We can’t just push this under the rug, or it will happen again.” I reply.

  Mickie nods. “Alright, then let’s not waste another second. I’ll call for two ambulances to take us to the hospital.”

  Without another word, Mickie pulls out his phone and begins walking towards the door. He stops and then waves for the rest of us to follow.

  Chapter 10

  The second that Russell carries me through the hotel entrance, the fans outside grow silent as they watch him carry me between the barricades.

  Some of the girls cover their mouths in shock.

  “Can someone tell us what happened?” A reporter suddenly asks while pushing their way through the crowd.

  Mickie steps forward. “Shiloh and Chloe were attacked in the elevator here at the hotel just a few minutes ago. They have sustained minor injuries but will be alright.”

  He pauses and glances back before speaking again. “I have spoken with Lucky Augusts’ manager, and we have both agreed to cancel tonight’s shows in light of this situation.”

  “Do the police have anyone in custody?” The reporter questions next.

  “They do,” Mickie replies simply before sirens cut through the air.

  “As soon as I get more information, I’ll make another public statement. For now, Chloe, Cyclone Lies, Shiloh, and Lucky August are asking for their fans’ support. Thank you.” Mickie adds before moving beside us.

  “Let’s get you onto the ambulance.” He then stresses.

  I nod and then hold onto Russell tightly as he carries me towards the ambulance as it stops. Two paramedics rush out to greet us with a stretcher.

  Seconds later, a second one arrives. Two more paramedics rush out and then into the building where Shiloh was waiting.

  He hadn’t been able to walk much farther. His wound hadn’t stopped bleeding, and he was in a lot of pain. It had taken Marshal and Dante to keep him from walking any further.

  Russell reluctantly places me down on the stretcher.

  The paramedics ask questions, and Mickie answers them the best that he can while I hold Russell’s hand tightly in mine.

  “Alright, we’ll get her inside the ambulance and look closer at her injuries.” One of the paramedics states before turning his attention towards Russell.

  “He’ll be riding with her.” Mickie sighs.

  There was no way anyone was going to separate him from me, and I didn’t want them to.

  Russell was the only one keeping me from falling completely apart.

  As the paramedics begin moving me towards the ambulance, the crowd starts cheering for me.

  “We love you, Chloe.” Someone shouts.

  “Stay strong, Chloe.” Another one shouts.

  My vision blurs as I smile slightly. It didn’t completely take away what the girls on the elevator had said to me, but it felt good that I had other girls who were more than willing to support me.

  Once we’re in the ambulance, Russell finally speaks. “I’m never letting you out of my sight again, Chloe. I can’t believe someone would do this to you.”

  “I’ll be fine, Russ.” I insist.

  “There’s so much blood.” He whispers.

  “She’s not bleeding anymore.” The paramedic states gently. “Once we get her cleaned up, it won’t look so bad, but you can probably expect some bruising.”

  “Is her nose broken?” Russell questions.

  The paramedic leans forward and gently touches my nose. “No, it doesn’t seem like it, but we’ll know more once we get to the hospital and take some x-rays.”

  “Are you her boyfriend?” The paramedic then asks Russell.

  “No, her boyfriend was attacked too. He’s probably in the other ambulance by now.” Russell answers. “I’m her best friend.”

  “Do you have anyone that we need to contact?” The paramedic questions next.

  I shake my head and then groan. The movement left my head aching.

  “Our manager will contact anyone who needs to be contacted.” Russell states.

  The paramedic nods and then fastens some straps over my body right before the ambulance lurches forward.

  He motions towards Russell. “I need you to buckle yourself in.”

  Russell grunts in response and then quickly follows orders before placing his hand in mine again.

  All of a sudden, a ringing noise fills my ears while darkness begins to creep in around the sides of my vision.

  “Chloe…?” Russell whispers as he stares down at me with concern.

  My voice gets lost as I try to respond.

  “Stay with us, Chloe. Don’t close your eyes; we need you to stay awake.” The paramedic stresses.

  No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep my eyes from fluttering. After a few moments, I lose the battle and close my eyes.

  Seconds later, everything fades away.


  “Sir, you can’t be in here. You need to stay in your own room.” Someone states sternly. “You need to lie down, or you’ll pull out your stitches.”

  “Then move my bed into here because I’m not leaving,” Shiloh argues.

  “Just sit down, Shiloh…” Russell demands.

  After a moment, the room becomes quiet.

  “Has she woken up yet?” Shiloh questions softly.

  “No, but they think she’ll wake up anytime,” Russell replies. “She went into shock, and I guess she had a concussion.”

  “Shit…” Shiloh breathes out.

  Another moment of silence passes before Shiloh speaks again. “I’m sorry, Russell. I never intended for this to happen. I tried my hardest to keep her safe.”

  “Obviously…” Russell s
norts. “You’re lucky that you didn’t get hurt any worse than you did. You look like you got in a fight with a wicked cat.”

  Shiloh chuckles lightly. “I did get in a fight with a wicked cat.”

  His laughter dies down as he becomes serious. “Have you heard anything about what’s happening with those girls?”

  “The last I heard was that their pictures and names had been shared all over social media by the fans outside of the hotel. It’s going to be a long time before they’ll able to show their faces again.” Russell answers.

  “Good.” Shiloh sighs.

  Trying my hardest, I manage to open my eyes slightly. In seconds Russell and Shiloh appear in front of me. They smile down at me while relief washes over their faces.

  “There you are, Sweetheart.” Russell breathes out before his knuckles brush against my cheek.

  “I’ll get the others.” Shiloh states suddenly.

  “No, you stay with her. I’ll get the doctor and the guys.” Russell replies before looking at me while squeezing my hand. “I’ll be right back, okay.”

  I close my eyes for a moment before nodding.

  Moments later, Russell reluctantly releases my hand before walking out of view.

  Turning my head, I watch Shiloh as he stares at me.

  “Are you alright?” I ask.

  He nods. “I will be.”

  “Shiloh…” I then whisper.

  “Yeah, Chloe…?” He replies.

  “Will you lay with me for a little while?” I ask.

  He nods and then stands before moving around the bed. I scoot over for him, and he lies down beside me. Once he’s comfortable, I roll onto my side and snuggle against his body.

  “I’m sorry, Chloe,” Shiloh whispers while wrapping his arm around me.

  “You didn’t mean for this to happen, Shiloh,” I reply.

  “But I shouldn’t have let it happen. I shouldn’t have lost my temper and grabbed that girl’s phone.” Shiloh argues.

  “At least we didn’t get hurt any more than we did.” I then stress.

  Shiloh grunts in response. “We shouldn’t have gotten hurt at all.”

  Instead of arguing with him any longer, I remain quiet while closing my eyes. I sigh softly and place my hand on his chest.


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